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So after grinding and farming really boring content for the past 2 months, I finally got my 4th warrior alt looking exactly the way I’ve envisioned him. I wanna show him off of course. Best place to do that? Dungeons. There’s fighting action where I can show off my knowledge of how to play the game right, and there’s also a few standing around parts where my fellow party members can check out my cool gear. And then there’s the 1g reward waiting for me too – so my time isn’t wasted! Yay for dungeons!
Except…I finish my run and there’s no more gold, just…scraps?
I was wondering why it took 30 minutes to finally find a pug to join. A quick google search reveals this thread.
I cannot believe this hasn’t got more of an outcry? Aren’t you guys angry? I mean, dungeons were one of the best parts of the game. Plus you kinda need them for Legendary or Spirit Shard weapon forging. (And please dont suggest PvP because that is ridiculously time gated).
I’m just flabbergasted that 1) aNet took this stance about one of the funnest parts of the game and 2) no one really seems that upset about it?
Patch update aaaaaaaaaaaaaand…
… still no fix.
False. That [alternate] weaponset is always Shortbow
Read that and knew everything else that would follow would be your (illogical) opinions and not facts.
Smh at “always Shortbow”. Your other weapon set can be Shortbow, s/d, s/p, d/p, p/d, or d/d. Again, do you even thief?
Respond with correct statements and maybe you’ll have a chance at making valid points. Cuz I read thru the rest of your arguments and they are as unfounded and errant as the first statement. Feel free to try again but I don’t debate with someone who won’t stick to facts and states their opinions as if they are facts.
Well, I effectively stopped playing my thief, which I spent long hours on to equip her with full ascended gear that fits P/D.
And I haven’t even switched to another class out of spite or just to drive home a message. That was the natural thing for me to do, in order to enjoy myself.
I actually quit playing for a while. Then I came back, tried playing with other builds, still not really anywhere near as fun, and getting killed by mesmers and rangers who I used to destroy…that just kinda put the nail in the coffin.
I started to play ranger again too. She could hold her own before, but now she’s just deadly. Still, not as fun as thief p/p used to be. So I just log in, get my daily log in reward, maybe play a few matches, log out. Prolly only a matter of time before the reality of it sets in and I never come back.
Wow you guys cannot be more wrong about p/p.
First of all, thieves have access to TWO weapon sets. Whatever you feel it is lacking, just make sure your other weapon set has it. That’s what ALL the other professions do (cept ele obviously, they just switch attunements). That argument in and of itself is enough to rest my case. But because this is a war of words, enter my bullet storm:
3 of the 5 available skills (Body shot, Head shot, black powder) are utility skills not designed to do practical damage.
Complaining about the damage the 3 utility skills do means you do not understand the purpose of p/p. It includes 3 utility skills because the set is meant to add utility – plus a fair amount of condi and/or direct DPS to your other weapon set. Look at engi Rifle skills. Rifle also adds more utility than direct DPS, but it is awesome because of all the utility it adds. And (at least before aNet screwed us on this update) p/p could actually be used almost exclusively without need to swap (unlike engi rifle). Blind all day and stack bleeds and poison, stealth, repeat. After the initial Basilik Venom burst, burst thieves could not touch me, and if they did, my condi would down them before they could run and hide. (unfortunately can’t do that anymore because of the current imbalance, but the fact that we used to be able to should tell you it is a perfectly capable set). Next you’re going to complain that Shields, Warhorns and Focus are garbage cuz they generally don’t do much damage.
Unload has absolutely no practical way to apply conditions
then you must’ve missed the fact that we are thieves and have venom utility skills available. Preeeeeetty sure there’s no exception to adding venom to Unload.
it’s worth noting that Vital Shot is under-tuned even if you factor in the damage from both sources. So the choice you have for P/P is:
a.) forget about maximizing Unload and go with a hybrid or condi setup. This choice gives you better “balance”, with decent utility and mobility, but ends up with poor damage all the way around – below average burst and sustain.
Even with no crit at all, Unload does 2k damage, that’s not too bad. The poor damage all around is only due to the nerf to the dps that bleed does on Skill #1. Like I said, before the recent nerfs, p/p was very strong, esp with condi. You could blind, Unload (with poison if you want) a couple times, stealth, Sneak Attack, Vital shot a few times, repeat. No need to even worry about running out of ini. By the second time you go thru this cycle you can walk away and let your bleeds do the rest. Of course I liked to throw in some Death Blossom too, but p/p by itself was still stupid easy and lots of fun.
b.) go berserker and try to maximize DPS from Unload. This has …the drawbacks of being a boring spam-fest and having exceptionally poor utility, mobility, and even worse sustained DPS than …most other sets in the game.
poor utility? then you’re doing it wrong. spamming Unload isn’t fun? To you. Talk to all the other p/p thieves who loved playing p/p thief all because Unload is fun to them. It’s like being a in a John Woo film. You complaining about Unload is like a Ranger complaining about Rapid Shot. Everyone be like ???
Lack of defenses. Thieves rely on stealth, evasion, high mobility and blinds to stay alive. P/P lacks access to stealth, evasion and mobility, and their blind access was nerfed a few patches ago.
Hmmmm so I guess immob and an interrupt and a smoke field are completely useless for things like disengage, delaying a stomp, interrupting a big burst. I mean seriously bruh, do you even thief p/p?
The only thing aNet screwed up is the removal of Ricochet, and a reduction to bleed dps. ‘oh well if you need a trait for a weapon set to work then it is broken.’ Wrong again. There are other weapons in this game that need certain traits to be viable. Take flamethrower for engi. Without Juggernaut it is a really bad choice to equip for more than a few seconds. There are much better options. But use Juggernaut, and all of a sudden Flamethrower is freakin awesome. That’s just one example. Needing certain traits to make a weapon truly viable is not unique to Thief p/p.
Now I rest my case.
p/p is not garbage at all. It has blind, combo field for blindness and stealth, interrupt, immob, and Unload which is a lot of fun.
The problem is the loss of Ricochet. Without Ricochet, p/p went from being a very strong all-around non-meta weapon set, to being only useful in certain situations. And the changes suggested above do not bring it back to the same usefulness as before, I hope no one at aNet is actually considering any of that. Just bring Ricochet back and p/p will be excellent again, thus leading to more build diversity for thieves.
I know that Hidden Thief + Mug is not working right, but stealth in general is not working right for me. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to stealth using multiple skills and utilities – and it fails as if I’m under the revealed debuff, but I’m not. Not even close. i’ve even had it fail at the beginning of a match on my first attempt to stealth (I usually start with Blinding Powder) when I haven’t even attacked anything yet!
Last match I got destroyed by another thief after Steal failed to stealth, so I wait a few seconds, tried blinding powder which ALSO failed AND failed to blind, so I tried to regen health with Hide in Shadows and that also failed to stealth. At least 6-7 or seconds passed with all of these failed stealths, and when I had to drop SR to escape, guess what? First 3 pulses failed. That’s like 14-15 seconds of failed stealth attempts.
There’s absolutely no reason it should take that long for me to finally be able to access a core mechanic of my profession.