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7 dailies... no ring?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


The RNG for ascended items is totally bullkitten.

I didn’t mind them putting in new items with higher stats, i didn’t mind them putting in required items to progress, i didn’t mind them making us do this specific type of content to get these items.

I DO mind the RNG on these rings (and even on the Vials). It’s just a stupid way of slowing us down.

You told us this was about fun & player skill. We didn’t need to grind the same & same thing over and over again to get the item with the stats we wanted.

Guess what, it’s even that and worse. I’m not lucky enough to get any Ascended ring to progress further and even if I would be lucky… what’s the chance that with my luck it will be the stats I require for that item.

If you followed your Manifesto then we would have been able to purchase the rings with the mist fragments we receive all the time. At least it would be fair to everyone putting effort in it. And you would also have increased the rewards for higher difficulties, now it’s a shame really you get 6 fragments instead of 5. The other “better” loot is only luck dependant.

I’m a heavy supporter on all your discisions AreaNet but why the hell do you keep throwing that RNG in our face for needed items. Who ever thought this was a good idea?

Anyone with acrophobia playing jp fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


By the way, i think the asura one of fractals will eventually have tiles that dissapear (the partially yellow transparant ones). This type of tiles have been doing that before in other jumping puzzles in the open world (who don’t have such a height factor).

I’m not that afraid of heights but doing the asuran one at lvl 10 and the one with the hammer and the giant (i did it so so bad the last time, kept falling…) got me sweatty hands… i was really stressed with the height. Curious effect

Are all of them like that? - Swampland -

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


1) decide with your team who will go where, you could go 2,2,1 with 2 ppl on the furthest one to help out and the other to only run

2) swap your utility skills and weapon to things that give speed, block attacks, stealth, teleport or other useful mechanics… (like condition removal for the criple) learn your class and it’s possiblities

3) you shouldn’t really need to kill a single mob

4) not needed but it helps: let the class with most speed and easy skills for this dungeon take the most far one (generally a mesmer with teleport or elementalist)

5) call for ready when everyone is in a safe spot near the wasp they have to take

6) let someone count down who doesn’t need to retrieve a wasp, then take it out all at the same time and run to the deposit place

7) while running to the deposit place look at the ground and avoid traps, jumping all the time is a big help here and can make you do it almost with your eyes closed

8) closed walls and other vines can very often be jumped over, learn how you can do this by trying it out first before any timers are triggered

9) if you are the first one at the deposit, wait to place your wasp untill you know from what side the last person is comming, it migt save him a few seconds if the closest one to him isn’t filled up yet… as long as you put it in there eventually within the time

I really don’t understand how much people are failing at this. Clearly shows that the previous game content and dungeons weren’t challenging enough at all to require a basic understanding of the deeper class mechanics. I even see people at lvl 11 fractals being carried through the whole thing by their team up untill there where it really shows if there’s 1 person in your group failing at kiting & dodging some attacks at bosses. Step up your game, it’s really rewarding if you get better at it and you have a nice good team that explains you what you should do.

Swamp is the best fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


The swamp fractal is the only fractal that already requires some basic team coordination at lvl 1 or the basic understanding of your class and it’s possibility’s (speedbuffs, aegis, mystforms, portals, stability, stealth, dodges … everyone has at least something useful). That’s why so many people fail at it. Because they are either bad at their class or they fail in group coordination through the team chat with pugs.

That’s reall it. People who fail at Swamp should not get their hopes up of completing the other fractals at higher levels when some really become nasty with added mechanics that will require you to actually understand your class and coordinate. They are doomed to fail if they don’t learn in the progress (and people who skip it and reset fractals for that reason … it’s really silly and shows they won’t be able to improve). Doesn’t matter what team combo you have.

Swamp is simply a check if you understand the game & class mechanics and if you have team coordination. That’s all. There are no trash mobs at all. That’s why some people find it very hard, while others find it the most easy (mainy they mean the “fastest”) of them all.

Hats off to the creator of the Swamp for making a dungeon that gets both “fast & easy” and “ kitten hard & impossible” reactions just because of that. And no it’s not because of the class setup within your team that you are struggeling.

(edited by Ethos.4987)

Swamp Fractal = The final straw.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


The swamp fractal is IMO the easiest and shortest one, even for pugs, but then again I play dungeons on my elementalist. I take the wisp furthest away, and so long as I have two other competent people who know what stability and/or condition cleanse is, then it’s np.

Of course, that’s about a 50/50 chance. I am finding out that most people have no idea what their abilities do. I hate the Underground fractal the most, because trying to coordinate with 3 randoms to kite and position the boss, while interrupting the heals immediately from range, while another random guy hits the switches is a nightmare

You mean the dredge endboss. I had a nightmare group yesterday at lvl 11. Two people from our group barely understood english and didn’t listen to team instructions. Hey failed on every aspect of the boss mechanics and totally made our party break up because it was impossible to finish with those 2 doing the wrong actions all the time. I didn’t understand how they ever reached to lvl 11 playing so bad.

The swamp is really easy and if you are stuck on that one or frustarted by the amount of team coordination required then I guess fractals arent for you. They sure won’t be for everyone at higher levels. But it helps a lot to learn from others to improve your own game, if you are open to that.

LVL 30 Fractal done

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


Friend of me is on lvl 11, hasn’t got a signle vial of essence (so he can’t make backpiece) and hasn’t got the ascended ring there.

I understand complains about this but at least you are already on lvl 30 and have between 15 and 25 on every person already. If you gonna proceed to 40 there will be new complains if you don’t have stuff there? And if they put stuff at 50 but it’s actually really impossible to get there… there would also be complains.

I think you can safely say you have completed fractals… for now. And should grind out maybe easier levels untill you get the RNG luck to complete your stuff up to the current max of +30 agony resist. Not saying this is optimal or how I want to see it. Just stating how I believe it works now and how much content there really is for now in Fractals.

Yes there is endless more lvl’s, but I don’t think the rewards really increase above lvl 20. For now…

Swamp Fractal = The final straw.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


It’s incredible how bad some people are and then blame the game. I’m not an Elemetalist neither am I a Mesmer. I can do the far ones without issues. lvl 10+ even

1) all traps can be jumped over and are predictable in the nature of where they are placed… if you still fail to see them then jump all the time and avoid 95% of them with just the use of the space bar
2) you could dodge through traps too, or to save a few seconds when rolling forward or to avoid some mobs
3) most vines that close & those walls can be jumped over, just try it out before taking the wasps you just need to stay calm and use your head

It comes all down to personal skill (= use your class to it’s benefitis and know your class strenghts and possibilities while understanding the game mechanics) and to have decent team coordination.

I have seen 3 ele’s and a mesmer fail on the swamp at lvl 1 in recovering the wasps, for hours and hours and eventually gave up. It should have been so easy for them but still… I guess they will complain too.

Swamp is the easiest fractal in the game. And yes it’s tons of fun just like the 8 others.

(edited by Ethos.4987)

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


Then again, once everyone in the group uses +MF gear, noone is punished for only someone else his gain in loot.

So, in the end everyone complaining about MF gear should just get an exotic MF set and do their thing. It’s your choice if you decide not to do this.

The only valid complaint in this discussion is that it narrows down build diversity because you might not like the playstyle you have to switch to when you go for MF. But then again you can’t have all… can you?

Maybe we should all just swap for an exotic MF set for PvE, and then have a second exotic set with the stats to your liking for WvW (MF doesn’t matter in WvW afaik).

That’s what I planned to do since launch. I have a full exotic set with the stats I want for my build, a rare MF set (which i will salvage soon) and almost a complete exotic MF set.

And like they already said. They didn’t change a thing about MF, it has always been the case that MF increases the chances of obtaining good loot from mobs and bosses, even in Dungeons. The general rule is: if you have to kill it, MF works for it (and it works during the kill, not during the looting)

Changes to Dungeon loot

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ethos.4987


You know what, I’m not against their changes on anything but reading the recent outcry’s from MF (people who hate it, people who love it) and the other huge outcry from vertical character progression with gear (people who call it gear threadmill and people who need the carrot) I think they should do this to please the most:

- remove MF from the items and replace it with another stat (make it so that people can go to some special NPC to choose what stat they want, or else they will rage again that their MF items have chainged in something with bad stats for them)
- instead of vertical progression increasing dmg & def stats of items let the vertical progression be with an added stat to the gear that’s MF, so that everyone can upgrade their gear but not the power of it only the MF they will have equiping that

That way you solve multiple issues at the same time:
- you remove the selfish aspect that MF gear holds, you don’t kitten your team with it
- you won’t create a “LFG Dungeon need full MF gear” situation that group wide MF stats would bring
- you hold true to your idea’s of a “power plateau” while still making vertical progression possible through MF so people have incentive to play and can chase the carrot on the stick

However, I gess only 5 people will read my post before it fades into the topic and not a single dev will give thougths to this.

I’m sad I’m not even sure if they can change their course to this at this point.

So I believe they don’t need to remove MF from the game. Just change the way it’s added to the gear. Don’t give people give the feeling that they need to have MF, while punishing them at the same time (or the groups they go with) for doing so because they need to give up another stat. Use MF for vertical gear progression and make it possible for the players to gradually upgrade their MF as a carrot on a stick. It could be very interesting that way.

(edited by Ethos.4987)

Halloween Weapons & Mad Undercutting

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ethos.4987


If that’s the price then it must be that it’s not worth that much anymore because the drop rate must be high enough for lots of people to obtain the shield.

So if the drop rate is too low, people complain the stuff is too expensive on the TP. If the drop rate is too high, people complain that the prices drop on the TP.

Seriously. They should have made most of this halloween stuff account bound and also less rare in general so that:
1) people wouldn’t whine so much about the drop rates
2) the RNG wouln’t make people just rich or poor based on luck
3) the people who actually did the events right here and now, would have their stuff and have it on their account for ever…

Now it’s just if you have the gold (by RNG luck, exploiting or buying your way into it with real money) you can have everything from this Halloween event even if you weren’t here in the first place.

The TP is good, but not for event items. My opinion is that all these skins and all should be account bound, same goes for the “Pact” weapons. I think it’s lame you can buy all those weapons without even completing the game. The skin doesn’t mean a thing except for it’s “gold value” when you aproach stuff this way.

I just solo'ed MK, on my lvl 17 warrior. First?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ethos.4987


2 hours huh? No extra loot, no extra achievement, thousands of people either saying “lies!” or “who cares?”. Grats. Do you now feel less like a loser, like maybe the fact that you did this and then had to come post it, unlike the thousands of others who did and didnt post, somehow makes you cool and validates the fact that you play a game? Enjoy bragging at school and quickly lowering your voice as the cheerleaders/football team walks by.

Because being in a cheerleaders or football team is cooler or does mean a thing?

Jees who are you to judge the guy. I pitty your soar view on things really.

The clock tower teaches us much about life.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ethos.4987


It will also teach you that the most annoying thing in life is people standing in your way.

Like that big boned friend of the chick you want to take home for the night, and his sole purpose of spoiling your fun.

I just solo'ed MK, on my lvl 17 warrior. First?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ethos.4987


I solo’d him too, right when it opened. Why? Because my whole team entered too but were seamingly in another “instance” of the dungeon. There were lots of problems with joining in as a team right at the start.

True that the first platform is the hardest. You can fight him with ranged weapons from on the chains there so that you are not annoyed by the pumpkins (they don’t spawn on the chains). The 2nd platform you have to face him head on but it was more easy and the 3rd platform too. I had a blast, it was epic doing this solo. It’s fun though with full team since it goes much faster and is way more easy.

I’m a Guardian btw, lvl 80 in exotics.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Ethos.4987


Norn Warrior 35, Passive speed boost 5%

Took me +4 hours untill I got the hang of it. After that I did it a 2nd time and succeeded immediatly.

I like the tower how he is. Hard but doable and easy repeatable once you figure it out. You need to have the jumps in your finger reflexes.