Showing Posts For Evaara.6410:

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


that wont work without healing classes and major form of healing in the game.

Two counters to this:

1st – Depends on the numbers. Damage on self can be adjusted after all. It can even be designed that HP costs are a percentage of the CURRENT health of the Necro. So, if designed this way, using Orders at full HP would take out a large chunk of health but using it when already at low health will only cause negligible self-harm.

2nd – It’s not like Orders are spammable nor would a Necro probably fill his skill bar with Orders only. There is a reason why Orders function as persisting auras, there’s the initial HP cost but the auras will still linger on for a quite a bit, with this mechanic Order skills can be put on a substantially high recharge/cooldown, letting the Necro recuperate and preventing suicidal Order spamming.

Ah… Also, this is why Vampiric Shroud is VERY focused on Healing. I made it so that it would offset the HP costs of Order skills.

Anyway, I made Orders cost HP because I wanted choosing when and which Order skill to activate a more weighty decision. In fact, I actually want the HP costs to remain as flat damage costs instead of percentage based because that would prevent a Necro from potentially activating ALL 5 equipped Orders at the same time. Just imagine a full party buffed with Order of Invigoration, Order of the Vampire, Order of Apostasy, Order of Madness, and Order of Undeath at the same time; as long as the auras persist they’d become an unstoppable juggernaut of a team!

This is potentially very bad for WvW or even PvP because unlike boon applications from other classes, even if the boons are stripped or corrupted from the Necro’s teammates, the persistent auras from Orders would just re-apply the boons immediately on them rendering any boon strip useless for that duration. With flat HP costs Orders can’t be activated all at the same time, not unless you dedicate another party member, an Elementalist for example, to heal the Necro while he casts all five equipped skills. If the team can pull off this level of coordination as well as commit to sacrificing, most probably, all the Ele’s water attunement cooldowns just for the sake of the Necro’s Order costs then this could even be a new form of high risk/high reward strategy that isn’t without cost and requires considerable effort to pull off.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


I like the idea.
Especially the focus Main hand. Although a true vampire would have 2 bloodseeker focus skin

Oooh! Shiny! o_o Must have it!

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


I like it. I’m not into the whole focus main hand but I love the utilities and Vampiric shroud. Id love to see what you come up with traits? maybe off hand pistol or scepter that applies vampire aoe field that siphons from enemies and heals allies or a teleport shot. love what you did here.

Thanks for the insight! I’m not sure how Pistol fits into the Necromancer theme but in regards to the off-hand Scepter I actually thought about it as well. However, I realized Necro barely has any Main Hand Power based auto-attack skills aside from Life Blast in DS so I wanted to give it another tool it can use since I can only really consider Staff as a utility weapon.

So… I decided on Focus. Errr… I admit I was mainly imagining what it would look like if my Necro held Shadow Focus or Artifact of the Sunless on each hand and I thought it looked cool so I stuck with that.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Looks like fun, Vampiric gaze and transfusion interaction seems a bit shady. Orders look like fun. The focus 3 bleeding seems a bit unpractical, poison might be an alternative or a strong condi related (focus) trait. Also why the focus as weapon (seriously that’s the second mainhaand focus spec out of 3 that I’ve seen). I would think sword or pistol would be a better thing it’s not that each weapon is specialisation exclusive.

Whoops. I honestly forgot about the Transfusion interaction. Thanks for reminding me!

Hmmm… Transfusion… Instant Rally I guess? Haha… Jk. Maybe I can change it then… Also, the Poison on Focus 3 seems awesome, changed it as well.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Though I like the idea of a support Necromancer with Orders, I don’t like the idea of making an elite spec heavily related to vampirism, as we already have Blood Magic.

I just like Vampires. :P

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


F1/Death Shroud > Vampiric Shroud

(Visual Effects: Instead of a dark cloud, the Necro is instead surrounded by a mist of blood while sprouting bat like wings.)

Life Blast > Life Drain – basically Life Siphon (Dagger 2) as an auto-attack Shroud 1 skill. Life Blast traits are proc’d every second the skill is channeled. Heals HP while in VS (Vampiric Shroud) but does not generate Life Force.

Dark Path > Dark Flightleap finisher – unfurl your wings fully and jump into the sky then land at target location. Upon landing, enemies around you (small AOE) take a little damage, are Crippled, and you heal a little HP. If an enemy is killed/downed by this skill its cooldown is refreshed.

Doom > Dark Aurastun break – drains all LF and removes Shroud state. Inflict Fear on nearby enemies for 3/4 second every second for X seconds depending on the amount of LF used. e.g. – 100% LF prior to using Dark Aura means 5 seconds pulsing Fear around you.

Life Transfer > Vampiric Gaze – siphon life from up to 5 targets in a large cone in front of you. Inflict Confusion on all targets affected as long as they remain within the AOE cone as the skill is channeled.

Tainted Shackles > Dark Bond – Bind (visual cue similar to that of Tainted Shackles) yourself to an enemy. Absorb all damage taken from all sources for 3 seconds. All accumulated damage are redirected to that target at the end of the duration unless they break the bind (600 range) in which case the accumulated damage is dealt to the Necro normally.

Note: You might notice Vampiric Shroud has no LF generating skills. I wanted VS to be easily depleted so the Necro can’t abuse Shroud swapping to heal himself over and over again.

Sorry for the long post. Had this idea on the back of my mind for a while now ever since WoodenPotatoes mentioned the concept in one of his videos. Was finally able to write it down. Just wanted to share.

Original comment from this thread.

Edit: Changed Vampiric Gaze to be a channeled skill instead. Thanks for all the feedback guys! I initially just wanted to share the idea but now I’m totally happy that you guys liked the concept. Woot! jumps

(edited by Evaara.6410)

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


New skills are Orders, or short lasting auras which basically sacrifice large amounts of the Necro’s HP, put Conditions on the Necro, and generate LF every time they’re used. Orders buff allies around them via a myriad of ways with stuff like Life Steal, Healing, Regeneration, Condition transfer, flat damage buffs, Fury, Might, etc. you name it. Basically, imagine blood invigorating/cleansing buffs or making party members (or minions) temporary “vampires”.

Order Skills:

Order of InvigorationHeal skill – Damage and inflict Weakness on self. Generate LF. Heal yourself and allies around you and grant them Vigor and Regeneration.

Order of PainUtility – Damage and inflict Bleeding on self. Generate LF. Allies inflict Bleeding and Torment whenever they use a damaging skill against an enemy.

Order of the VampireUtility – Damage and inflict Vulnerability on self. Generate LF. Grants Might to allies and make their attacks siphon life.

Order of ApostasyUtility – Damage and inflict Poison on self. Generate LF. Allies transfer Conditions on them to enemies they attack.

Order of MadnessUtility – Damage and inflict Confusion on self. Generate LF. Grant Fury to allies and increase their Power and Condition damage by X amount.

Order of UndeathElite – Damage and inflict Torment on self. Generate lots of LF. Bind (visual cue similar to that of Tainted Shackles) nearby allies. Affected allies transfer ALL damage they take to you for 4 seconds as long they are within your aura’s radius. The Necro also heals for X% of the transferred damage. (The Necro gets damaged and healed by the skill at the same time. So the skill isn’t a suicidal skill but it will still damage you and will work VERY well with the Shroud 5 skill, Dark Bond. Also, the healing is obviously reduced if the Necro is suffering from Poison so there’s a lot of counterplay for this probably gamebreaking skill.)

Note: Aside from the elite, the Conditions inflicted on self are based on the theme of the Order skill. However, for Order of Undeath, Torment is applied to sort-of limit the Necro’s movement when absorbing the damage from his allies while the Necro is following them around.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

New Necromancer Elite Specialization concept

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Necromancer → Hemomancer

A support oriented elite specialization. Can be used on a Minion Master build when paired with Death Magic, become a field medic when paired with Blood Magic, or become an S&M Dominatrix (Corruption skills and Condition transfer focused builds) when paired with Curses. New Weapon would be Main Hand Focus.

Focus Skills:

Shadow StrikeAuto-attack, piercing, projectile finisher – Damage target/s and generate LF for each target hit.

Vampiric TouchMelee skill – Deal single target high damage. Generate large amount of LF.

Tainted Chakramsspin to win, whirl finisher – Spin and throw 5 chakrams to spiral outwards damaging and inflicting Poison and Cripple on nearby enemies.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

I'll just drop this here...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Anyway, that’s that. Sorry for all the exclamation points. I’m just passionate about the profession and aside from writing I also love reading all the stuff people suggest. In fact, a lot of the ideas here were inspired by the suggestions of those people. Forgive me if my humor sounds optimistic or childish. I just wanted to deviate from the usual depressing and disappointed tones most Necromancer rants have when it comes to balance.

Welp… Here’s to Necromancers and their woes of balance! I hope we get our happy days soon! Necros need more love!

I'll just drop this here...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


And finally, PvE support. IMO the rework to Blood Magic has done an excellent job of giving us a niche support area. Vampiric Presence is awesome! Even though all the little numbers initially look insignificant, all of those actually add up together! And remember, it’s not just the Necro doing those little numbers when they’re in a party. Insert Oprah voice here: Necro gets little numbers, Ele gets little numbers, everyone gets the little numbers! All of which translates into actually big numbers! Also, Transfusion is just awesome in PuGs. I’m far from a dedicated speedrunner but feel like it can actually be used as an “OH KITTEN!” button if several party members gets downed. Aside from that, Necros already have Protection, Blindness, Vulnerability, and maybe some Chill from Wells, just make Well of Power pulse Stability and that would make Well-o-mancers a good party members! Also, why not let Spectral Wall and Corrosive Poison Cloud block projectiles? Both are thematically in-line (walls block stuff and corrosive poison clouds… corrode? lelz…) I mean they’re such a popular requests after all.

I'll just drop this here...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


When it comes to mobility, I actually like it that we’re not as dashy teleporty as the other classes. However, we should have the ability to stick to enemies EVEN BEFORE THE REAPER COMES.

Here are some suggestions:

Spectral skills – grant us Stability or at least makes us ignore (not remove, so the CD increase of Chill still works on us for example) movement impairing conditions.

Dark Path – after the initial teleport a shadow trails behind the affected enemy for a few seconds. When walking on this shadow the Necro will have Swiftness (and maybe ignore movement impairing conditions? lol…) and the shadow would effectively mark the affected unit showing their location even without revealing them if for example they are in stealth. (imagine Nocturne’s Q02.mp4 or Spectre’s Q from LoL and Dota 2 respectively)_

On top of that the ability’s name actually now makes sense, since after using it we create a DARK PATH! Ha!

Dark Pact or dagger 3 – becomes a ground targeted ability. The farther it is cast the longer the cast time. The closer it’s cast the shorter the cast time. If it doesn’t hit anything the CD becomes significantly shorter albeit it inflicts bleeding on the Necro using it.

Spectral Grasp – instead of just pulling an enemy, the enemy and the Necro teleport or pull themselves towards each other (See it’s even intimate! Crucial to an S&M theme!) to a midway point, (imagine Chaos’ Knight’s W or Nautilus’ Q from Dota 2 and LoL respectively) and after that Chill the enemy like it does now. It might not seem like a required change but displacing both the enemy’s and our positions could mean lots during a heated skirmish, be it for better or worse depending on positioning and skill.

The mobility (or immobility! ) changes won’t be OP at all (I think… lelz…) and it definitely adds more utility to our class. On top of that it doesn’t ruin the flavor of the theme at all.

I'll just drop this here...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


For blocking stuff and more defensive capabilities why not make Spectral skills stagger the damage taken by Necros when they’re currently active. Basically, we take the same amount of damage but bursts won’t work on us.

  • Staggering means inflicted damage is divided into several instances so instead of bursts, all direct damage (not condition damage) done to Necros during Spectral state would become DoT instead. This increases our survivability but if we take overwhelming or too many sources of damage we die nonetheless, we just don’t die immediately. This mechanic would be unique to us and while it mitigates the instant “necro can’t block or be invul so he dead” circumstances it doesn’t break our class and make it OP.

e.g. # 1 – Mesmer shatter bursts us for 20k+ damage while we’re in Spectral Armor, instead of 20k+ damage in 1 second we get 4 ticks of 5k damage each over the course of 4 seconds. We still die later (since no damage was prevented at all) but we can at least retaliate or possibly heal ourselves before the whole amount is delivered to our poor Necro bodies.

e.g. # 2 – A Theif, a Guardian, and a Mesmer walk into a Necro. They all do 10k damage each for a total of 30k. The Necro was in Spectral Walk so instead of getting 30k damage upfront he takes 7.5k damage every second for 4 seconds. Necro was actually spectral walking for quite a distance already so he hits Spectral Recall and teleports to safety. Three more seconds pass and the Necro is now in a downed state, however, the Thief, the Guardian, and the Mesmer don’t know where the kitten Necro is so Necro happily Rallies himself only to turn around and face an angry Engi. The End.

In regards to the theme for Spectral skills, we’re supposed to have become “ghost like entities” for Grenth’s sake! We shouldn’t even be tangible! Just imagine the staggering damage as our wispyness during “ghost form” being disturbed or something… lelz. In fact, staggering damage as a concept would mean Necros could literally forestall death even for at least a few seconds!

I'll just drop this here...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Master of Corruption – lets conditions ON the Necro LAST LONGER, add secondary on-self conditions when using Corruption skills as it currently is doing, and Master of Corruption should swap places with a weaker version of Lingering Curse so that it becomes a GM trait. Here’s the upside: MoC also gives various boons to the Necro whenever he/she gets inflicted with conditions. (we’re MASTERS OF CORRUPTIONS for Grenth’s sake!)

e.g. – Bleeding gives Regeneration, Poison gives Protection, Burning gives Might, Confusion gives Fury, Daze gives Stability (since we can’t protect ourselves without skills) etc. all at the same duration and/or stack as the condition inflicted on the Necro.

And regarding Corruption skills, CDs should be returned to what they previously were. Imagine! We’ll finally become the S&M dominatrix (or sadist masochists) ArenaNet wanted us to be!

Corrupter’s Fervor – would also apply max stacks of Corrupter’s Defense upon entering DS so if we want to “hold on” to our conditions we won’t actually die from it. When leaving DS CF returns to as it is right now.

Imagine, Master of Corruption as a GM trait would be a great combo with Corrupter’s Fervor and Necros would actually LIKE getting more conditions. And since condis last longer we could actually have the time to transfer them back to our enemies. The boons accompanying the conditions we get also offset the fact that condis last longer on us.

I'll just drop this here...

in Necromancer

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Hello! The following content is actually a comment I posted in response to this thread in Reddit which was a backlink to another thread in this forum. I really wanted some insight/criticism/feedback regarding these suggestions especially in regards to the damage staggering concept in Spectral abilities. I hope I don’t look like I’m being conceited for reposting this as a standalone thread but despite getting several upvotes the concept never actually received any feedback or reaction. I’m not claiming to be someone who has awesome skills in balancing, I’m just someone who’s easily inspired and is quite fond of theory crafting.

Welp… On with the show! :P

Here are my weird suggestions… Some of them are actually inspired by some of the comments I read in this thread. I’ve divided the post into several sections since apparently I can’t fit them all into one post.

Now hear me out, the start of this post might sound like a debilitating mechanic but this is a serious suggestion. If you want to make sure that I’m not giving a troll answer just skip to some of the other stuff I wrote to see the more positive notes.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

I don't need a refund nor a character slot.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Umm. The refund is not an auto-refund. Its up to you if you want it

and just to point it out in your post

we will automatically refund what you paid for the core game should you decide to pre-purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our website or in-game store any time through July 31, 2015.

That’s the thing. The OP wants to pre-purchase HoT so that they can participate in more beta events. But the OP obviously feels they’ve gotten $10 worth of enjoyment out of it and don’t mind not getting refunded that money.

Evaara, what you could do is when the refund comes through is buy $10 worth of gems.

Or gamble that there won’t be any beta events in July and not pre-purchase until August 1.

Thanks for both suggestions! I might be going with the gems since I’m also considering my budget plan for this month. I might not have the extra money on August (you know how life is) and I might miss beta events like you said.

I don't need a refund nor a character slot.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


To people who suggested I just buy $10 worth of gems… Thanks for the suggestion! Guess I’ll do just that. Lol.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

I don't need a refund nor a character slot.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Umm. The refund is not an auto-refund. Its up to you if you want it

and just to point it out in your post

we will automatically refund what you paid for the core game should you decide to pre-purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our website or in-game store any time through July 31, 2015.

So basically I’ll be paying $40 instead (in essence) of $50 once I pre-purchase? Because yes, I will be buying before July 31. I’m kinda interested in the betas.

Welp… I guess I should just be happy with it. I just wanted to say what’s on my mind after all. I just wanted to express that I was grateful and that since I’m not one of the people affected by the whole pre-purchase fiasco I don’t think a refund should also apply to me or to anyone who might have the same exact situation (bought the game not knowing about HoT and had their money’s worth of fun but still within the refund period).

I don't need a refund nor a character slot.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


They’re only available for purchases between the initial HoT announcement and the release of the prepurchase, because that announcement stated, without any room for interpretation, that you had to, note, had to, not could; purchase the base game beforehand to play the expansion on its release. Heck that was even in the tag-line of the last sale they held, the one in which the game was purchased for you. Sorry but in what world is false advertising not a totally justifiable reason for a refund?

As I’ve said. I totally agree with the sentiments of those who bought the game thinking they needed the core game for HoT. THEY should have a refund. Not me though. I didn’t know about HoT back then. The people you mentioned ARE justified to have a refund, but I don’t think this applies to me. Please read my whole post again. I think I made it pretty clear that this were my sentiments on MY particular situation, not on those who actually do need the refund.

I don't need a refund nor a character slot.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


They’re only available for purchases between the initial HoT announcement and the release of the prepurchase, because that announcement stated, without any room for interpretation, that you would need to purchase the base game to play the expansion, heck that was even in the tag-line of the last sale they held, the one in which the game was purchased for you.

From the blog-post: "For all players who purchased the Guild Wars 2 core game from our website and registered it between January 23, 2015 and June 16, 2015 in anticipation of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, we will automatically refund what you paid for the core game should you decide to pre-purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns from our website or in-game store any time through July 31, 2015. "

Got the game January 25, 2015. Maybe I’m just being stupid but the way I understand it my account falls under this clause. I’ll be buying pre-purchase as I want to participate in beta stuff.

Welp… In any case. Thanks for the reply. Made me do a double-take to check if I had to hide mah head in a paper-bag from the embarrassment of making a misinformed post. So far I might still be able to show my face. Lol.

I don't need a refund nor a character slot.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Lemme get this straight. My friend bought me the game during the $10 sale back in January 25, 2015. According to the latest blog-post accounts bought during this period are included in the auto-refund once I buy pre-purchase and HoT comes through.

I DON’T WANT A REFUND (and if it’s my friend who’ll be refunded for buying me the game then I’d rather pay him the refund and tell him I don’t want ArenaNet to give back the $10 spent purchasing the game.)

You might think I’m crazy but I actually do have a very good reason for this.
I’m a new player of GW2. Had the game since January, had a blast, and basically enjoyed the game a lot. I’ll be buying the HoT expansion soon and honestly I can’t have it in my conscience to have the company who made the happy experience that is GW2 possible give their money back (to me or my friend) because of a problem that DID NOT AFFECT ME.

Look, I understand the plight of the veterans and of those who bought the game days or weeks prior to the pre-purchase announcement. I have no qualms against those sentiments. I sympathize for the vets and I honestly think that those who just bought the game thinking the expansion needed the core game should be refunded. But me? I didn’t know there was going to be an expansion. My friend bought me the game and it literally saved me from depression back then just because of how awesome it was. I didn’t know there was going to be an expansion, I didn’t know about Heart of Thorns. I played the game, had fun, and I honestly feel I got more than $10 worth of enjoyment from it.

This is why I don’t need a refund nor a character slot once I do buy HoT. I had fun, I made friends, and frankly GW2 became my support at times when real life was really sucky for me. I don’t want ArenaNet to refund the cost for my account because I feel like the money was well spent and should go to the company that made the game.

These are just my own sentiments. As I’ve said, I’m not undermining the situation of the vets and the other recent core game purchasers. These are just my feelings for MY situation and I’m sharing this because I think there are others like me. People who just bought the game but actually feel like they got what they paid for and would like to support ArenaNet by buying HoT and not having their core game refunded. Or maybe I’m alone in this so… welp… kittens then.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evaara.6410


@ Evaara:

That were in my opinion already 3 cases too much, because they let people believe since then, that their “cases” might be also special enough for Anet, that they put some value into it to make their losses look for everyone else like something special, when in fact alot more people who played GW2 for sure have been died in the last 3 years and where nobody felt “the need” to tell that thousands of other people in a public forum with the sole intention to make the death of a person look special enough, worthy enough (god, just writing this disgusts myself right now) to give the person a memorial.

As I said, I have absolutely nothing against it, if ANet uses now the time of chance to make out of Guild Halls a Feature, which encases also the option to add to them a personal “Field of the Fallen” with customized own gravestones, where you can mourn as much and long as you like and feel still connected to that lost person “somehow”

Thats what I personally absolutely support and theres no reason to be against something like this, because then can have everyone have their memorials and nobody has a reason anymore to come here into the forums for attention seeking trying to make their “cases” look somehow special, why it would be nice, if Anet could give person X a kind of memorial, statue, whatever.

I think this should have made my last sentence clear enough.

Fair enough. Just be less tactless next time. You could have said have gotten straight to the point without having to be expressively irritated by the post.

Heck, you could have just said this: "Thats what I personally absolutely support and theres no reason to be against something like this, because then can have everyone have their memorials and nobody has a reason anymore to come here into the forums for attention seeking trying to make their “cases” look somehow special, why it would be nice, if Anet could give person X a kind of memorial, statue, whatever." in your initial post and be done with it.

Fact is people who have invested a lot of their time and their lives into something makes their “case” special, at least for them. That’s why they felt the “need” to tell ANet and it should be obvious that this wasn’t done for the sake of “seeking attention” (refer to my snail mail and emial reference). It’s like you missed my whole basketball and Hollywood reference and the fact that this family practically bonded within the game(s) for 10 years.

Also, there’s nothing wrong if ANet actually “cares”, actually I found it weird that you could be so antagonized by the fact that ANet did stuff for it’s playerbase.

Anyway, I probably won’t be posting here again. I’d rather not make this thread into a battleground between keyboard warriors.

Again, I’m sorry for the guild and the family’s loss. And please forgive me for being antagonized so much by Orpheal’s post, I meant no disrespect, in fact far from it. I hope you guys can find closure and happiness.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evaara.6410


If everyone who dies here on this planet as a GW2 gamer would receive a monument or gravestone whatever, the Field of the Fallen in our new Lions arch would be soon bigger, that the town itself …

Sorry, that I’m now the realistic mood destroyer here, and I can absolutely understand the feelings and the reason behind this request, but seriously, this is the first MMORPG ever Ive tseen, where so many people think, they should have or even go so far to say “deserve” (not in this case) to get some kind of attention through threads like this, so that they get a special place in the GAME (seriosuly, wtf for do you need this in a game) to mourn.

If that person that died there meant so much to you, then you mourn at his REAL grave and use this maybe also as an opportunity to come together as a guild to get to know each other in real better, if you haven’t done something like that yet as a “Gaming Family” when you play as you say for over 10 years together.

A digital gravestone/monument won’t make Doug come back to live.
The stuff Konig mentioned did go in my opinion already too far ..
GW2 is in first line a GAME and not a memorial for dead people.

However, Ive also nothing against it, if ANet adds in regard of Guild Halls some kind of feature that lets have the Guild Hall instance some kind of own “Field of the Fallen”, where you can create Gravestones.
As an implemented gameplay feature, there is nothing to be said against that.

But always coming here into the forums, pressing kittento the tear gland in hope, that Anet reacts on it and grants you your wish to give a dead prson some kind of special memorial – I don’t know, I personally absolutely don’t find that this is right and that this would be something that the dead person in question would find ok too that you literally “beg for him/her” for attention.

Now you can kill me for being the mood killer :P, but I think this opinion has the same right to be expressed, like everyone else one too, even if it doesn’t jump onto the support wagon too.
I support Gravestones as Guil Hall Feature! (just to be clear)

The reason why this is the "this is the first MMORPG ever Ive tseen, where so many people think, they should have or even go so far to say “deserve” (not in this case) to get some kind of attention through threads like this, so that they get a special place in the GAME" is because ANet actually cares and has a history of valuing the lives of their dedicated players. You can browse through this thread and you’ll see at least three instances of when this happened before.

Why can’t people mourn the way they want to? The OP only requested. It’s not like he held ANet hostage or something. You actually highlighted the fact that the diseased is part of a “Gaming Family” who spent 10 years or so in the game. If a basketball player can be commemorated and put in the hall of fame for being a legend after his death why can’t we do the same for GW2? How about Hollywood doing the same for their stars? Take this in context: Guild Wars has been a huge part in this family’s life. Is it so wrong to ask the people involved with the game for some sort of commemoration when it has already happened before? Don’t instruct people on how to mourn or celebrate their loved ones especially because despite saying that you “can absolutely understand the feelings and the reason behind this request” its obvious that you can’t empathize at all.

They never said “A digital gravestone/monument (would) make Doug come back to live.” They only asked if it was possible for them to implement a feature that would let them commemorate their family member in a future instanced environment. They didn’t even say make it part of the open world nor did they say “DO IT NOW!”

They’re not “coming here into the forums, pressing kittento the tear gland in hope, that Anet reacts on it and grants you your wish to give a dead prson some kind of special memorial” for the sake of attention. They just want to be able to celebrate their dead in their own PRIVATE INSTANCE IF POSSIBLE. Where else should they post their request? Send ANet snail mail? An email that may or may not only reach the automated response? Dude, the forums is the most practical place to send these kinds of requests.

You say “Now you can kill me for being the mood killer”? Well, you’re not a mood killer. You’re just insensitive and you wrote stuff you didn’t think through well enough before posting.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Orpheal, you have the right to an opinion about having a memorial in the game, but you don’t have a right to tell people how to grieve. If they want to mourn their loved ones in the game, let them. It doesn’t harm you in the least.

OP, I’m sorry for your loss. Hopefully the devs will be able to do something for you. I think this would be a nice feature to include for guildhalls.

agree 100%. it’s not like they are forcing ANet to comply with their request. OP even said “regardless of the answer”. Also, with this idea being provided ANet just got an opportunity to add an awesome feature to their game that can be used not only for the commemoration of the diseased but for other possible reasons as well.

it’s a win-win situation for all.

Exceptional request from a devastated guild

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Evaara.6410


When Roger ‘Oldroar’ Rall died, Anet named a server after him and even made a charr mention a passed away but well loved Tribune Rall Oldroar after him.

When Wynthyst died, Anet added a gravestone for her under the name Thyst in Ebonhawke.

It’s not unfathomable for ANet to add something for this.

And to tao and the others, sorry for your community’s loss.

I think there’s also another instance where GW2 commemorated one of their fallen players. Hiralyn was the name of her in-game character I think. She’s now an NPC with lotsa bunnies in Cragstead now.

This is why I have so much respect for the community and staff involved in GW2.

Sorry for the loss of your guild OP. Condolences to the affected family as well. I hope your request pushes through.

Also, thanks for the reply Ms. Gaile. It’s awesome that ANet really cares about its playerbase in a very human level.

(edited by Evaara.6410)

Warrior's New Weapon and Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Evaara.6410


Howabout double Focus? And they function as fist weapons?