Showing Posts For Evellynn Capone.6584:
Next time change the Music. I love 1vs1 Gameplays..but i hate Players who run away with low life think they can attack again and die or run to the Group to scream they need help.
2. Combat system. Its very fluid, flexible, allows for different tactics and group strategies.
Commander needs a waterfield
Sorry skill lag
This is the Truht!!!
When u like Skill lags, DC’s, Launcher Crashes, weird Sever linkings and Unbalance Professions play WvW.
The i5 Skylake is cheaper as a i7
Here Compare about ur i7 Cpu vs i5 Skylake Cpu
Compare i5 Skylake vs i7 Skylake
My opinion was after downloading the Patch…Visit the Map – Felt Bored – Log off!
What was it you didnt like? How long did you spend in the map? Did you manage any of the missions other then the one to get there? What did you think of the story? What made it boring? Personally story was great. I enjoyed some of the events, I felt the story was a bit short. The area was nice. I like the idea of re-playable hearts. Did you manage any of the missions other then the one to get there?
Spend 1h on the Map and maybe 30min Story. Was fall asleep while play the Story. The Events , Missions and the Hearts was all the same (do this, do that…). The Mursaats was to easy to kill. In my opinion there is no content for long term motivation.
My opinion was after downloading the Patch…Visit the Map – Felt Bored – Log off!
What do you all do after the dailies?
T4 Fractals and a bit WvW or ALT+F4
possibly the graphics card is plugged into the wrong slot. take your mainboard manual and see where the pci express 16x slot is.
Swamp is a lot of fun…its a bit more moving and a bit timing will need it but anyway gl :P
Its not hard… a bit more moving will help a lot
Xera Kill 2 Mins ago !!!
They have to go into debt for yourself in which inserted the Desert Borderlands for Alpine borderlands. And They Patch it back for thinking ppl comes back “* facepalm *”.
This Reward Track for Gift of Battle wouldnt bring the ppl back to WvW.
A-net has now finally managed to drive away even more Players from the Game. It is now forced 5 – to spend 10 hours WvW If you still playing on a bad Server one has definitively lost. And the Edge of the mists, it is equally. Thanks a lot for this. Give us the Vendor back. I speak for Casual Players wo have no Time to Spend hours for this.
First of all we began the Fractal normal. Every Phase Change someone of this Guildgroup died and 3 ppl was after 10 secs down. Noone of us worte something what ppl can insult. I was running back to keep no reset the source. It was a quite Group without any Problems. The Mesmer was afk in the 2nd phase and I Wrote this in Group Chat. One ppl of this Guild startet vote Kick. And we didnt make any Mistake to give the ppl a Reason to Kick. Well then if noone wanna do that against this likely ppl I record every Fractal Run.
Well it happens again and i have enough about this…
One random Guy and Me joined a Group we did thie first two Fractal T4 Daylies all was ok before. But in Snowblind. I saw at begin of this last Fractal it was a Guild Group. We startet to kill the Elementary Source. Every phase change i was running back to the Fire before the Source reset. I have seen the Mesmer in the second phase was afk and wrote it the group . It has only been missing hurt a little before the third phase change has begun . After I wrote that was the random guy kicked and then I got kicked without any reason . I recorded the last 5 minutes . It is the question helps me when support further because yes publication of names is forbidden.
Hello everyone. I have a small problem in Silverwastes. I was yesterday for round about 6 houers in SW to finish The Archivement “The Be-All and The End-All (Kill all 4 Modrem Legends)”. The only problem is “THE DEMOLISHER”. He wouldnt spawn in 6 Houers and today im back in SW for 2 Houers again and no Spawn. Is the Demolisher rare like a Pre from Mystic Forge?
Yes since after Patch. Posted in German Bug Reports.