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Hunt for Wings of Dwayna

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


I can tell you its not the Gift of Nature. Tried that already. Any other ideas?

Hunt for Wings of Dwayna

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Hey guys, now that we’ve finally found Final Rest, I’d like to start the next item hunt for the Longbow, Wings of Dwayna. There is a PvP version called “PvP Dwayna’s Longbow” but we know its not called that in PvE. Anyhow, before I get off topic, I really hope that we can get as much help with this item hunt as we did with Final Rest; especially from the ANET staff.

In the image, you will notice that it does have an effect. Feathers seem to casually fall from the bow (or possibly around you?). I’m unsure.

The biggest theory that I’ve heard so far is that this item is a Mystic Forge recipe that has yet to be discovered. Smaller theories are that it comes from the Dwayna temple and the Dwayna path of Arah (I think path four?).

Thanks for any contributions given in this thread.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Okay, so lets say you’re right about this. In 3 days, when I come back on Monday, if the price of Ectos and T6 mats havent dropped yet, which is what you’re attributing all this “new money” to, then you’re wrong. Simple as that.

Also, I couldn’t give two jacks about Arah tokens. This is ANets fault. They have not made dungeons worth doing. Spending an hour and a half shouldn’t yield 40s in the Arah dungeon. It should be a hell of a lot more. Spending an hour and a half shouldn’t yield 3 blues, 2 greens in the Arah dungeon. Spending an hour and a half shouldn’t give 1.8k karma in the Arah dungeon. See what I’m getting at yet? It’s their fault that they haven’t made the rewards significant enough to make people want to play the dungeon. I can get just as much Karma and even more NEW GOLD from doing my AC paths. Explain why a level 35 dungeon is introducing more NEW GOLD than a level 80 dungeon that takes 3-4x just as long.

As for your holy grail farming spots. It’s just like if you were to tell me you were a girl playing a video game. It is still bull until you provide proof.

Sigh, so first, Ecto/T6 mats are inflating because of the new recipes for ascended gear. Have you seen those? Books/Quivers requiring Ecto and 250 T6 mat of stats of your choice. Thanks to Anet’s brilliant idea to add vertical progression, they have caused a market surge in the only piece of guaranteed infusion. On top of that, the next tier of infusion is 250e, that certainly doesn’t help Ecto prices if you have horrible RNG luck. Understand the market at little bit – first step to making profit with profit.

I don’t know what kind of group you’re running dungeons with, but I suggest you find a more reliable one if you want to make profits running Arah and I wouldn’t necessarily run it for profit. However when we do Arah, it’s about ~1.5g per path in around 40 mins to an hour, depending upon what path, not taking karma/tokens into account. You run Arah for the skin, not the cash. As numerous people have stated in this thread, it’s a game, play it. No where does it say that the goal is for money, thus dungeons should scale linearly in the same. Would it make sense? Sure. Does the fact that Arah skins are rather obscure, thus making the time an effort to run if for them worth it? Yes.

Oh and your last sentence made me laugh, considering I somehow ended up with more women than men in my gaming circle.

Edit for your edit (kitten). If they didn’t intend for it, why are you complaining that they fixed it?

Thanks to Anet’s brilliant idea to add vertical progression,
- Blaming Anet. Thought it wasn’t their fault?

However when we do Arah, it’s about ~1.5g per path in around 40 mins to an hour, depending upon what path, not taking karma/tokens into account.
- Would love to know where this Arah is. All I see is bugged event chains. Also, bull. You don’t make that much per run unless you’re wearing MF gear.

You run Arah for the skin, not the cash.
- This shouldn’t be the case. You should get a fair amount of money/karma for spending your time in the dungeon.

No where does it say that the goal is for money
- You’re right. It doesn’t but um, what is it I need for legendaries again?

Your arguments are not really on point. So I’m done here. Good day.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Obvious troll is obvious.

(Going to double post here)

So what you’re saying is that ANet should hotfix absolutely everything that can bring in money. I was grinding 4g per hour with the Arah farm playing the game. But people playing the Trading Post can make 100g+ sitting in LA. Yup, that’s fair.

Also, name those 4-5 spots where you farm. If you don’t, people will call bull on you. Like I am right now.

How is repeatedly farming the first boss of a dungeon intended? Especially when you can reach that first boss without pulling any trash at all. Compounded by the fact that this path was heavily abused before for farming shards. Lastly, on top of all this, they actually made dungeon bosses worthwhile to defeat and immediately they’re being abused.

None of this seems like ArenaNet’s fault. That solely falls on abusive players.

To your comments, I just said that I know of several 3-5g/hr spots, which I’m sure Robert and crew are aware of. My favorite probably being one they use themselves with how obscure it is.

If you read all of my post, there’s a difference being making money and making money. Arah is introducing NEW money into the economy. Playing the trading post/selling precursors is using OLD money, that is already in the economy. NEW money hurts the economy when introduced at an alarming rate, which is what was happening with Arah P3.

Let me put it into a simple analogy since you overlooked it last time:

Arah P3 – the government printing new money at an alarming rate causing inflation. BAD.

Trading Post and lucky Precursor drops – OLD money trading hands. It was not freshly printed without backing, not causing inflation.

Okay, so lets say you’re right about this. In 3 days, when I come back on Monday, if the price of Ectos and T6 mats havent dropped yet, which is what you’re attributing all this “new money” to, then you’re wrong. Simple as that.

Also, I couldn’t give two jacks about Arah tokens. This is ANets fault. They have not made dungeons worth doing. Spending an hour and a half shouldn’t yield 40s in the Arah dungeon. It should be a hell of a lot more. Spending an hour and a half shouldn’t yield 3 blues, 2 greens in the Arah dungeon. Spending an hour and a half shouldn’t give 1.8k karma in the Arah dungeon. See what I’m getting at yet? It’s their fault that they haven’t made the rewards significant enough to make people want to play the dungeon. I can get just as much Karma and even more NEW GOLD from doing my AC paths. Explain why a level 35 dungeon is introducing more NEW GOLD than a level 80 dungeon that takes 3-4x just as long.

As for your holy grail farming spots. It’s just like if you were to tell me you were a girl playing a video game. It is still bull until you provide proof.

EDIT: Also, no one ever said that farming the first two bosses of the dungeon was intended. I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend for people to sell gold in the game. I’m pretty sure they didn’t intend for bots to get into the game. I’m pretty sure they haven’t intended to bug the path to Arah/Balthazar/ect. Either way, it happens. And GW2 is slowly pushing their player base to go and buy gold from a Chinese website.

(edited by Excisidium.1723)

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


What do you do in this game? I am genuinely curious.

Certainly not “farm” the same place for hours everyday…are you selling gold or something? Otherwise i don’t know why people is so mad…

There is something called…enjoying the game and playing it normally, not everything has to be about “what gives more profit?…let’s do that!”.

I am certainly not mad, I am just curious as to what they do. They can’t be going for a legendary or progressing into fractals. Upgrading ascended items and obtaining a legendary is rather expensive for some people. Everyone enjoys playing the game differently but the fact that he stated they’re keeping their promise to no grind is flat out wrong.

Edit: If you also read my other comments, I personally don’t mind some grind. What I DO mind is that Anet are quick on their feet to fix farming/grind spots people like to use but there are still bugs known from launch that are still around.

Ill touch on this. The whole no grind was in reference to getting max stat gear. It was not aimed at the entire game.

Getting BiS/Max Stat Gear is ridiculously easy. If you put your resources into crafting, you can easily craft it, or you can do dungeons and then convert the tokens. If none of those sound appealing, you can use your (hopefully) saved up karma to buy it from vendors in Orr.

There are so many methods that it’s disgusting and they’re all cheap. I’ve crafted those 3-6g items for about 40s spent, and that’s just because I wanted to upgrade my last few items.

Yup which is why every time i see someone on a rant about the “grind” and how they said there would not be a grind i just facepalm. They actually delivered on the no grind promise.

Okay, post your in game name here. I will send you 10g if you can go around the GW2 world and do every single event 5 times and get all of your clovers and obsidian shards. I think 5 is a fair enough number to say anything afterwards in grinding. Maybe you just like certain events a lot and feel like you want to do that one over a few times. You have a month.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Robert, good on you for taking the heat and responding to this question, which you didn’t have to do at all. It is a little upsetting about how much heat and exploits go down in Arah because people can’t manage to actually play the game there; not sure if its skill or laziness issues…

This thread is absolutely hilarious and that is why I think they haven’t closed it.

I can easily think of 4-5 spots where I can farm 3-5g an hour SOLO, depending upon how well magic find is working for me and honestly, I wouldn’t want to do the farm here even for that extra bit. It’s no fun at all.

To the people who brought up the precursor farm from the Karka event, that was gold already in the economy, not NEW gold being introduced at an alarming rate, like this exploit was.

Obvious troll is obvious.

(Going to double post here)

So what you’re saying is that ANet should hotfix absolutely everything that can bring in money. I was grinding 4g per hour with the Arah farm playing the game. But people playing the Trading Post can make 100g+ sitting in LA. Yup, that’s fair.

Also, name those 4-5 spots where you farm. If you don’t, people will call bull on you. Like I am right now.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


It should take however much time you devote to the game. If you are WILLING to grind to get the legendary in a week, it should be doable. It shouldn’t be deemed an abusive and exploitable way of making money/karma. Saying it has nothing to do with the Arah farm is pretty ignorant. This whole thread is based around that. The T6 mat prices are DOABLE if you have a decent farm. Those of us who didn’t get an early lead on the TP and aren’t in the circle to make the upcoming money on the TP, will never get enough money for it. Making 4g an hour was the best income Ive had in this game so far. ANET wants us to make money strictly from our drops and then they go nerf the drop rates to oblivion. Look. 5g an hour. For the past 3 days, my buddies and I ran the Arah farm for 5-6 hours. That is STILL not enough money to even get all of the Icy Runestones. So you tell me how making 2g per hour from events is a reasonable alternative.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Yes, you can just “play the game.” And then your legendary takes half of a year. Sleepy, you’re not pointing out anything really useful. Fact is, ANET is pushing their player base to purchasing gold from those Chinese websites.

So you killed another good farm possibility

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


This is the biggest upset I have had with ANET in the past 7 years of playing their games. I have no hope for getting my legendary now. What ever happened to no grinding in the game? First you take away Plinx. That literally killed Cursed Shore. Then to put life back into dungeons so we aren’t speed clearing them you make bosses drop these special bags and loot. You want people to do your dungeons? Make. It. Worth. The. Time. We shouldn’t have to spend an hour and a half in Arah for 6 blues, 3 greens, 20-60 tokens, and 1800 karma. Did you see how many people did the Lost Shores event once we knew that spending 2 hours in the event chain for 4-5 exotics was the reward? People wanted to do that event. Right now there is no motivation to do anything except sit in LA and stare at the screen.

The most money this farm brought in per hour was 4g for my group. That’s not that much when mats are 30s a piece and we need 250-500 of Powerful Bloods/Ectos/Dust/Icy Runestones. If it all comes down to how much money is being earned per hour, you better get rid of the trading post as well. You’re slowly pushing the best profit in this game towards buying off of one of those Chinese gold selling websites. Fix it.

To those who say you haven’t grinded at all, quit sucking up to ANET. Be honest and tell the truth. ANET, you have done a great job with this game. But the things you have promised us are falling apart. There is still a massive amount of grind.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Been happening to me at the worst of times for the past week. Literally just now completed Jormag, luckily I got in to deal enough damage right at the end after being kicked four times. This problem really needs to be fixed. It happens anywhere that there is a large number of people, as many have said above. So basically, any of the Orr events have a very large chance of being unplayable because of this bug. A month ago you said you might have a fix for it. We’ve seen no progress. Please, give us an update.

Audio Bug STILL exists and is even worse now!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Post your experience here. I want Anet to see this.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


Giving this a bump so people can see it.

What. The. Hell?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Excisidium.1723


This is my first time even being on these forums since the beta days. So if there is a topic about this already, forgive me.

I have been experiencing this bug whenever I get into a large Meta Event (Killing Dragon Champions was where I first experienced it), basically, after about two or three minutes into the fight, my sound goes haywire and I start getting this ear-blowing, alarm sound (best way to describe it) that gets extremely loud and then goes quiet, and repeats, until I restart the game. That wasn’t really that big a deal for me because I would just turn sound off in the game and play my own music anyhow. Not until recently when I started assaulting the God Temples would this happen and actually cause the game to completely freeze. No way to close out of it but Ctrl + Alt + Delete. The only reason I am here right now talking about this is because it broke the last straw when I was in the middle of assault a temple about 25% health left of on Risen Priest of Balthazar and it froze the game. I logged back in quickitteno try and get some damage output so I could get some kind of reward for the work I was putting in and I couldn’t do anything.

The last thing I want to talk about is this whole “not drawing enemies” thing. I know some people are experiencing this as I have asked while in large groups. Basically, you get enough people together and the game doesn’t want to draw enemies anymore. So if you have no AoE skills to spam, you’re playing the guessing game at where enemies are and swinging a sword at nothing until you see some damage pop up, and by that time, you can’t do enough damage to even tag your enemy and pray for a drop. I know it’s not my computer being slow as I have a steady 30-35 FPS during a buttload of AoE particle effects on my screen and a solid 50-60 when there’s nothing happening on screen.

These two problems are literally making the events unplayable in Orr. If you’re having either of these problems, please post something so I know I’m not alone. If anyone has any solutions, I would be extremely happy to hear them.

(You can stop reading here if you don’t care about my past with Guild Wars. If you question it, know that I have been with Guild Wars for 7 years now. I love Arena Net and this is the first problem I have had with them in those 7 years of playing their games. If you have any questions of me, feel free to ask.)