Showing Posts For Exorno.5861:

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Thank you, GaileGray! Ticket #120826-004269 is resolved now, for reals this time.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Is ticket #120826-004269 being looked at? My friend has been unable to play since 2nd day of headstart, ticket was recently deleted and it appears Customer Support removed/changed his e-mail address/password without his consent or telling him what the new password was. Now he can no longer log into the NCSoft website.

We need to know what’s happening with this. It’s been 2 1/2 weeks without getting any actual help.

And I apologize, Gaile, if this comes off as an abrasive post, but you can imagine how stressful this is for the account holder. Tell us what’s going on with it!

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Can we get a status update on #120826-004269? Or, when can we expect one?

(edited by Exorno.5861)

Unresolved ticket

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Gaile, please respond to the Still Awaiting Assistance thread. Ticket 120826-004269 was closed without giving any help. You claimed the ticket as resolved.


He did not get any e-mail regarding anything NCSoft, Arenanet, Guild Wars, or Guild Wars 2 related.

(edited by Exorno.5861)

Still need assistance: [120910-005752], Hacked

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Be patient, there’s people still waiting for their ticket to be addressed from two weeks ago.

My friend has been unable to play since the 2nd day of head start.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


I support this thread.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Gaile, ticket #120826-004269 did not get “resolved” as you claim. It was simply deleted. What happened with it?

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Posting for friend:
Ticket #120826-004269 has been unresolved for going on two full weeks now. Got one response asking for account ownership verification, and have not gotten control of the account back, nor heard anything else from support.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


STILL waiting to hear back about #120826-004269. Is it being worked on? Is it being ignored? What’s going on, Gaile?

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


If you’re handling tickets by order recieved, why has ticket #120826-004269 still not been resolved? It’s become very frustrating for the person involved.

I do not know the answer to that, and I will find out. Does it involve access issues?

Yes. NCSoft account is blocked as well as all games associated with it. His Guild Wars 2 account is linked to Guild Wars 1, and does not want to put his Collector’s Edition at risk until the account block is resolved.

There is further information in the ticket.

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


The rate your going still isn’t enough. There’s no way to justify that. Anet doesn’t have NEARLY the amount of people working on the hacking/bans as they should, bottom line.

I would respectfully offer that you really don’t know the rate or the number of people involved. I’m not saying it’s perfect, and I’m not saying that people are not waiting longer than they and we want them to. But let’s not make a pointless and unfounded statement here.

[Incident: 120905-001631] Still not handled after a week now. Cool.

But the ticket is just three days old. Did you create more than one ticket? If so, could you please reference your first ticket number, and could you close the other tickets so you don’t slow the response time?

If you’re handling tickets by order recieved, why has ticket #120826-004269 still not been resolved? It’s become very frustrating for the person involved.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Still awaiting help on ticket #120826-004269. Two weeks since ticket was first placed.

Eye color in character creation.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exorno.5861


I actually have a picture of this. It’s REALLLLLY irritating, to the point that I don’t even want to play my main because of it.


Receiving Collector's Edition Items Without Collector's Edition

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exorno.5861


I’m not reading this right… did you or did you not order/use the collectors edition? Your two posts seem conflicting.

Sylvari Eye Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exorno.5861


I have this problem with my Asura Thief (male, white eyes, ALWAYS the left eye as you’re looking at him). I’ve gone through 20+ recreations trying to get a version that doesn’t mess up. My Asura Guardian had white eyes, and they didn’t do this, so I know it’s possible…