Players Awaiting Help [merged]

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: LadyZeon.9813



got email asking me to verify my login details etc. still don’t work. Look into this again please.

(edited by LadyZeon.9813)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vorid.4217


My friend is still waiting for help on this ticket. Thank you.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nojak.7024


Ticket Number: 120907-001586

Issue: Unable to register account and serial on website.

My friend is unable to register his serial/account.

He purchased a retail box copy of the game and has followed the instructions on the site.

I even tried doing it for him on my computer, but just keep getting “NetworkError: 400 Bad Request – errors in Firebug.

We’ve both tried different browsers, we’re in different locations, and on different machines.

Can you please look at his ticket? The only response he’s seen is an unrelated canned response.

(edited by nojak.7024)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fyrefoxx.4693


Ive finally been able to change my password and get it to work but my account is now banned until it can be settled that im the only one trying to log in lol

I have updated my ticket but i thought i would post on here to to help speed things up (maybe?) :P

My ticket number is: [Incident: 120906-003554]

Thanks again for the fast responses though, i know that others had been waiting alot longer than i have and i appreciate it.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Necromanti.4198


Ticket #: 120905-001153

I just want access to old account back.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Riptidemage.1370


Still haven’t heard anything about my ticket, even after updating it to try and stream-line it a little. I figure posting here can’t hurt.
Ticket #: 120902-013802
I know you guys are overwhelmed with tickets right now, but thanks!

Serial key issue: 120902-013802

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Sayans.9608


my tikets are 120907-007232 and 120906-005814

account haked all info are in tikets serial code and others
need help pls

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Maxii.6214


i have now got a diffrent messege when logging in. “we have detected your account may have been accsesed by an authorized individual for your secruity, further access to the account has been suspended untill this matter can be resolved. to restore acesses to this account please contact customer support” i cant wait another 10 days seriously comone …. my tickets are 120905-005329 120904-004945

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lombarok.6538



Still banned but instead of 72h, still perma and that since 31.08.12 – yeah right 9 days and counting.

Atm i played 6 days and being banned for 9 days, customerservice is something else.

Maybe there is some GM in the support that is willingly to look at my ticket which is approved and could let me play again.

So Long Lombarok

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Darkkforcee.3581


Had to hop on my friends account cause mines hacked and email was changed and still havnt gotten help besides your team sending me to the account recovery page THAT HASNT WORKED! even tho i had already tried it. and had asked for them to change the email and password to a new secure one i listen in the ticket info please help me resolve this after 2 days of waiting…. 120907-003514 <== ticket id.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NeveRunAway.2197


Ticket: 120831-004568
GM Andi told me on the 3.9., that i will be unbanned in the next 48 hours. But I didn’t got unbanned….so please unban me.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Agrel.3809


my friend got hacked few days ago , someone changed his email address as username for GW2 account he cannot even access to his account management his ticket number is 120908-003547 Thank u so much.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: SenorPez.1568


Thanks for taking down the 72 Hour promise you can’t keep. It really clarifies what kind of a business you’re running.

Guild Wars 2: Join the MMO Revolution!
Get banned for no reason at all!
Endure customer service that’s both slow and unhelpful!

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Borishnikov.7368


My email was changed 7 days ago, and I’ve only received STUPID random response from support..

after a WEEK can you fix my hacked account?

REFERENCE#: 120902-016533
Game Name: lertuga.1760

(edited by Borishnikov.7368)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: amberalys.5723


Got a response last night about a possible solution but did not work.
Still getting the
“The email address you entered was not found error”
Please follow up.

Ticket: 120905-008138
Game Name: arvinmoses.5164

(edited by Moderator)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ariex.6379


Still hacked after 7 days. Also probably banned by now also.

[Incident: 120905-001631]

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kasuya.1925



I’m here with my friend’s account, because mine was hacked 1 week ago. I sent a ticket and i was waiting like 5 days to get an answer, i got the answer but it was an answer without any kind of logic, because i explained that i have been hacked and they changed my e-mail address and everything and they said “click here and change your password”, so, 5 days waiting and getting an answer saying “change your password clicking here”.Then, i answered them explaining my situation better with all kinds of information that you would need, and I’m still waiting. Do I need to wait another week to get an answer?

My reference english number is: #120904-005254
And the spanish one is: #120904-005112

I did both of them because i was not sure if the spanish one was done in the right way.

I hope you will answer me today, thanks.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: passion.5481


Hacked account since 5th September


Hacked Account since 5th September
120905-008912 (prioritized)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Hustak.3021



I’m banned since 09/04 for i don’t know why, i think i was hacked or something because there was some logins from CANADA and US in my account and i’m from BRAZIL.

My tickets: 120907-004271

I’ve received a reply yesterday with some instructions about changing e-mail, password and e-mail
authentication, I’ve tried everything with no success and i’m very disappointed about the support.
Guild Wars 2 is a great game but don’t have any customer support number where we can call and the support
tickets takes too long to be answered.

I never did anything like exploiting or used bugs to get advantage, the only thing i saw was the logins from
strange locations like US and CANADA.

Still banned and waiting for a response.


Hans Uhalde.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NeveRunAway.2197


Ticket: 120831-004568
still banned after GM told me on 3.9. that i will be unbanned in the next 48 hours…pls unban me

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Redwing.4619


Ticket # 120904-009425

Error message has been changing. I’ve obviously been hacked and as a result banned. Been waiting for 5 days now. Only got a useless, what appears to be auto generated response about changing my password as a fix. It wasn’t a fix.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: fishinbarrel.2531


I’m posting this on behalf of a friend whom has been hacked and is having trouble recovering his account. He’s looking for any available help his ticket id is 120908-003496

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: snakedf.4763


i have download the game in my holiday in new york city for test my new pc and see the game,but dont have play, i have only block my name character.
now in my home italy this is written:
“your Guild Wars account has been terminated for engaging in or assisting with gold or tiem sales for real-world money, which is a breach of the User Agreement and Rules of Conduct. This action is permanent.”
I dont have change gold or item for money… Is incredible error!!!
I have open ticket 7 days ago but the service not responde me…

is incredble i have buy for this game and I have not been able to play…
i have lost 2-3week and the support dont response me for this simple problem…

Ticket number 120904-007318
Pls help me

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Reia.1348


Hacked account since 4th of september 120904-007814 and 120904-005101
It is not my account.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: david.5317


It’s been seven days, no response. =(

ref. # 120901-030262

obnixilis.9632 #120901-030262

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: marcusbash.8642


Posting on behalf of my hacked friend who has been waiting PAST the 72 hour time period to get his account back. The email was changed, you know the story.
120908-001475 Ticket~
Azron.7123 Name~

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Morningstar.3587



Just waiting on my turn.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Lombarok.6538


120831-006017 <- 9 1/2 days instead of 72 hours. maybe some out there is qualified.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ariex.6379


[Incident: 120905-001631] Stillllllllllllll

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ernest.4168


The bad thing about this thread is that people whose email addresses have been changed (like mine was) have no voice at all. So if they post a request for help, and days pass, they don’t have any alternatives other than to dispute the charge for the game.

Arena Net should figure out a way other than the ticket system to let people vent/ask for help.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bane.8269


Ive been hacked last night and not been able to login due a suspention.
Got a ticket open: 120908-005907
I already recovered my account and changed the password multiple times.
Please fix it.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: twodollar.5193


I am not a real smart guy but i have a question my friend was hacked and the guy changed the email so how can she log in here and post anything when it says her account does not exist now? Horrible customer service. She has been waiting for 5 days now.
Here is her id and ticket number
Ticket Number—#120906-000774

Don’t run you will just die tired. :)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: amberalys.5723


Past 72 hours. Please update.
Ticket: 120905-008138
Game Name: arvinmoses.5164

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bullets.3795


My friend got his account hacked awhile ago now ref number 120906-004479 They changed his email address so hes not able to post on his own behalf.
Saw this sticky so posting in here for heaven.4985 .
Un sure if the bot on the account has been banned or is still using the account.
He recived the automated responce from lance but ofc as he doesnt have an email linked with the account any more it doesnt rly help him.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Legado.6925


Posting on behalf of a friend whos account was hacked: [Incident: 120905-008423]. Email address was changed and can no longer access his account. The alotted time of 72 hours has passed since creating the ticket and still the issue has not been resolved. Hacker has changed login email so the “Account Recovery” solution is of no use, and has since moved the character to a french server. Please look into as soon as possible.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Garvanator.1437


My friends account was hacked. They changed the email address. He asked me to bump this thread

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Garvanator.1437


His ticket # is 120907-002605

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ding.6371


Ticket #120905-005242

I’m posting this for my friend as he has had his E-mail address changed without any verification and cannot log into his account. Been over 72 hours still no response.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Exorno.5861


Still awaiting help on ticket #120826-004269. Two weeks since ticket was first placed.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Iordgonz.1352


I would like some help as well been hack since the third of this month. my email has been change which prevents me from taking any form of action other than simply to report the incident. i also posted on Grey’s thread.

here are my tickets:
Incident: 120904-008725 – main ticket
Incident: 120906-010903 – in reference to Incident:120904-008725 – under a place holder of a Hacked account.
Incident: 120905-001803 – in reference to Incident:120904-008725 – with a Heading Status Check on Hacked account, under a place holder of Ask a Question.

i would appreciate any form of help. though i would like to stress that Password Reset does not apply in my case.

thank you,

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: augustwestguildwars.5124


Haven’t been able to access my account since the 3rd. my email address isnt being accepted and the link that was sent to me didn’t work. i replied to Lance but have had no followup. im posting on another account. sure would like to play gw2

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tzimisce.1930


Been 5 days and problem not solved… It says my account been disabled because someone tried to log onto my account… It say to contact you to re activate it.. but I cant get any response from ticket can you help.. please….


Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tzimisce.1930


My account been accessed by unauthorized persons… Need to contact support so I can play once again… Been 5 days.. please help me for god sake

Tickets :


Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Pantasm.2107


I’m writing this on behalf of a friend who’s account has been hacked and is still waiting for help. Please help get his account back, his account name is Samboy.8349 and his ticket id: [Incident: 120906-011275]

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: PostEdIII.5847


120905-001061 is my ticket support number.

Was hacked either sunday (Sep2) or monday(Sep3) and have known of my ban since tuesday. I logged on and was notified that I had been perma-banned for gold selling even thought I personally had not done it. I’m sure I was hacked if this occurred.

It’s been more than 72 hours since I submitted my ticket for the issue, but I’m sure you all are very busy. Looking forward to playing! Thanks for the help!

(edited by PostEdIII.5847)

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lokedar.8397


Support number 120906-009691

Have been waiting for longer than 72 hours and was informed to post a reply in this thread.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: kaedes.4608


My wifes account email was changed and we are unable to log into her account anymore.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: NeveRunAway.2197


Ticket: 120831-004568
still banned after GM told me on 3.9. that i will be unbanned in the next 48 hours…pls unban me

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jaggerroy.6451


Ticket: 120902-006631
After i got my hacked account back, im still banned because the hacker did something against the User License Agreement. I’ve been waiting now 7 days.

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fyrefoxx.4693


Im still waiting on my account to get fixed but one of my friends tells me that when he moused over my name it said: Level 2 Engineer, Divinity’s Reach (Arborstone [RP])… one of my other friends said it doesnt say anything for them but im now worried.. how would a hacker be able to access my account when i wasnt even able to? and with no email asking me if i agree to them logging in at another computer?

Im hoping he is wrong and its just a glitch on his side.. ticket number is: [Incident: 120906-003554]

god i hope he is wrong lol i use my laptop for anything remotely dodgy and keep everything on my pc up to date :p

Ok i confirmed with another friend that someone else has used my account but he says its on Albordone [FR] not RP.. whatever server, its still a bummer =’( i guess i should also note i had not made an engineer.. only a thief and elementalist.

(edited by Fyrefoxx.4693)