Showing Posts For Exusia.4258:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exusia.4258


And i have another one, my Character Kala Kaladhar is stuck in PvE now, as i can’t talk to Scout Acan in any way.. hes marked, the gliding quest did work, but now i’am standing infront of him and can’t speak.

Tried to drop the Quest, relogged, left area etc. but nothing worked. This is Blocking my Story progress, so please fix this.. and i didn’t hear anything on that Armor bug with the revenant, if you see this bug as desgin, i demand my birthday scroll and the 60 tomes back so i can delete him and remake him with the archievments unlocking (Hopefully)

I really wonder for what we had all those random event Beta tests, when the actual Stoty Quests seem to be bugged out like Hell.. kinda sad.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exusia.4258


Already Postet that in the other Thread, but will do here too.
Skilling the specializations on my Revenant didn’t unlock the colletion achievements.. so i’am unable to get the Mistward Armor.

Can someone look this up pls, as i spend my birthday scroll and a lot of tomes i saved up for this day on that char.. and i don’t want to hit delete and do a new one. This may be related to other achievement dependent bugs like with the legendarys.

Unable to unlock Mistward armor collection

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exusia.4258


Same here, also used the birthday scroll and tomes to get to 80.
Also, i reproduced this on my secondary account for NA side, after the second patch was applied, and there it worked, so the scroll/tomes aren’t the issue.

Already opend a ticket about this.

S.O.S Stuck in PvP map.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exusia.4258


Same here, all Characters get pulled into the Match on skyhammer, already opend a ticked ingame.

Please get this kitten fixed, and anyway.. how can this error return again and again? Isn’t there something like QA testing?

Revenant Test Weekeend Questions

in Revenant

Posted by: Exusia.4258


Aaaand.. again only Humans can be created, why, why you keep doing that.
What must one do to get the option to create a Charr.. or Sylvari, or Asura? Would be nice to know what stops you from simply flip the “enable” switch on that, as i really looked forward to do a few “test” chars in therms of looks and armor, but again the “Human only” Club opend once more.