Showing Posts For Faith.1485:
please feel free to contact me in game about this. I am happy to say I have gotten a few people contact me so far, but unfortunate time zone differences were an issue.
I have a level 80 of everything currently except Engineer and Mesmer and I am looking for a serious Guild to run dungeons with daily and fractals as well. I am tired of trying to LFG for Arah and Fractals every day, just to have people join that have no idea what they are doing and end up wasting at least an hour of my life.
I am currently 200 or so AP away from 5k, and have my dungeon master achievement, and know all dungeons very well, even Arah. I am currently level 41 personal in fractals, and know them all very well too.
My server is Yak’s Bend, but i understand that really doesn’t matter very much for Guilds? perhaps someone can enlighten me on that, but i don’t care what server the Guild is in, i just want a stable community to run dungeons with daily/regularly.
thank you for you time, and look forward to any/all responses this gets.
P.S. Please feel free to mail me in game (using the user name found marking the post) if you don’t feel comfortable posting websites or information that is for me on this public site. =)
they said next release, but i saw nothing in the release notes fixing Wurm’s in TT to make BOTH crittable. as far as Teq, you can do it to him, but he is beatable with a good map right now. Please fill us in, was it fixed?
my main concern is that not every player will know to move out and back in, and meanwhile, several players will still sit to the sides and range. If the turrets had a longer range it would show the people that are afraid of the poison that they can go where they need to be. That poison can stack 3 to 4 on top of each other, and kill you within 1 to 2 seconds. With proper turret control and presence, you can pre shoot and make sure that doesn’t happen (that poison doesn’t stack on the zerg crit spot, but, this isn’t possible sometimes because the spot moves out of range). I’m not saying its not doable, im saying that if the turrets have an option to cleanse poison, it should be able to hit all areas, within reason and proximity to the enemy(tequatl) to cleanse it.
please notice i’m not saying that this isn’t an approachable encounter as it is, but, with all the variables we have to deal with, this will take a decent load off of the people that come to give 100% (i.e. the issues with unskilled players, afk’ers, ranged nail clippers ect.) Even with this change, it still wont become a “mindless” encounter again, as you will still need to be mindful of everything around you, and have decent players on the turrets to make sure the right things are happening.
thanks for the reply as well =)
I was just thinking today, as we lost Tequatl partly due to North failing to protect battery bc they thought they had to back at 35 seconds left, but also because of what ill discuss now, which is that the turrets range can’t hit half of the poison that hits the people on the crit spot at this point. I can dodge the waves, and his claws, but i can’t dodge a poison circle that stays stationary on the spot i have to be on to do meaningful damage. I believe giving the cleanse and buff skills on the turrets a longer range will alleviate a lot of the issues maps are having right now with the burn phases. Discuss this here, i would like others feedback on this, and please god, a red post in Reply for once.
Is it September 2013 again? Everyone seems to think Tequatl is too hard again and needs a nerf. I beg to differ.
Here’s how to beat Tequatl.
First of all, you need manpower. If the map is empty then the fight is going to be unwinnable, full stop. Once you have a good pool of people, organize 30m-1hr before the fight begins.
Defense is a must. Those turrets are key to victory; if one of the batteries falls, then you will lose precious seconds and Tequatl’s scales will pile up.
The turrets are also responsible for cleansing the vanguard and buffing their offensive power with the elixir bombs.
The typical defense points for the turrets are:
North Turrets: Boat wreckage north of it, hills east of the megalaser, and a group close to the turrets to repair damages and kill claws as fast as possible.
South Turrets: Boat wreckage south of battery, hills north of battery, and a group to kill claws as fast as possible. Between the two, I FIND THIS TO BE THE HARDER OF THE DEFENSES. The spawns are more relentless it seems.
The Zerg:
You cannot mindlessly pile on the nearest spot on Tequatl anymore. Introduced in the last patch is a weak point in which you can critically hit Tequatl. This means that PVT gear is now mostly for survivability where as Berserker and Assassin’s is in for doing the big domages during burn phases. In this latest experience, this one gets kind of hectic because now you actually have to get in under Tequatl to hit the critical point. This is also a nexus of where claws can drop poison clouds, so perhaps a new team needs to be assigned to run around the field and shatter claws so they pose less of a hazard to the Zerg.
Defense Phase:
At each quarter of Tequatl’s health bar, you will hit a defense phase called the Charge Phase. There are three batteries you need to defend during a charge phase, plus the Megalaser.
The East Battery spawns Claws and lots of krait hypnoss, usually veteran or elites, and is pretty straightforward: kill claws, kill risen.
The North Battery is lousy with Risen Grubs; their holes will appear and will need to be stomped ASAP or otherwise you will get overwhelmed with their AoE attacks. Woe betide you if a champ spawns; it must die immediately.
The West Battery will have a large number of risen plague bearers and abominations attacking the battery. Use hard CC and knockback to control the abominations until they explode; when they do, they will leave behind a toxic cloud you want to avoid. Deal with other risen as you normally would.
The Megalaser will come under a constant assault of risen, including champions. The biggest threat by far will be the two Champion Hypnoss that spawn near the north boats during the charge phase. Rangers are typically employed to deal with them using Entangle to immobilize it. Entangle no longer has the duration it once did, so two or more Rangers will have to work in tandem. Once the Hypnoss is called out, a moderately sized group of 10 or so heroes should be able to deal with it in summary fashion. Killing the Hypnoss is imperative; the size of the minion group they can summon is overwhelming and will almost certainly destroy the Megalaser.
The Burn:
At :25-20 seconds until Megalaser is fully charged. everyone should head back to the beach and prepare to level all of their might against that weak point mentioned earlier. The only thing required here is to make sure everyone is on the same page before the fight begins. The standard rules apply: res downed allies, dead allies teleport to the nearest Waypoint and swim back. With sufficient manpower, and following these loose guidelines, Tequatl is easy to down.
You do not need all ascended gear, you do not need consumables, you do not need to use any special buffoonery (although if it makes it easier, there’s no reason not to take it). I hope this guide helps someone out there. Good luck, Tyrians.
i totally agree its not TOO HARD, but people that get the turret spots DON’T KNOW how to cleanse and buff! that is what kills groups bc people cant stand in the middle to DPS, thus stand on outsides and lose out on a lot of needed DPS to kill him. That is key to victory in a pug map.
My experience with a few successful Teq runs since the buff has been that people are sure eager to complain about the new healthpool, and yet 90% of the main zerg still sits off to the side trying to autoattack him to death as if it was business as usual. Even when the commanders are pleading with players to use the double damage and crit spots, many refuse or ignore the calls. I see this at other world bosses as well, though it’s obviously less of an issue.
Could Teq’s healthpool be toned down a little? Is there poor communication regarding the changes and no visual indication of the crit spot? Could this be improved? Of course. However, I get the sense that people as a whole just want to maintain the status quo ezmode and have been unwilling to change their behavior and put in slightly more effort.
I know where I am suppose to go for the fight, trust me, but, it becomes very hard when the turrets have NO IDEA what to do other than spam 2. Cleanse needs to happen, and that is why people sit off to the side most fights because the turrets, that start a lot of hate in most maps bc everyone wants them and cry about who is at them, never use their other abilities correctly.
I do feel that this event is completable IF people are able to stand near the head for the crit and DD without constant and unrelenting poison damage not being cleansed properly.
I totally agree. i’m not in a guild big enough to organize a time every day to do teq, and when i get random people, especially that don’t cleanse on the turrets like they are suppose to, it’s not possible at all right now. people just like to gloat and call people bad bc it boosts their own egos. It’s not in a state that is approachable with the community as a whole right now, and it DOES need to be addressed.
gotta love the people that just say “read the patch notes” and put on their sunglasses like bad kitten…..seriously. your not cool dude, at all.
if you want this to be an organised guild event sort of fight, then make it so guilds can have their own map and can be bothered with “auto attackers” coming and taking up a spot and ruining it. honestly, just giving him more HP dosn’t make it “challenging content.” I personally didnt care if it was hard before, it was just part of daily routine, bring it back to what it was so i can get my asc chests!