You speculate when you arrive at a number like “50” percent just as people do when they claim 90 percent roamers are thives are “all roamers are condition builds.”
One reason for there seeming to be those chosen builds as far as gear goes is because many will get their builds off metabattle rather then relying on developing their own builds.
I have 5 different thieves as example , all geared differently and all playing differently and all being more then just a little viable in WvW. Were it not for that wide open nature, I would find no need to do this and I woul dbe more then a little bored with the game.
I also play a wide variety of other classes with some 20 odd toons in total and all of them are specced with different gear depending on what I see as their function. WvW allows for this because there diverse roles. Certainly there are sets that the majority would use, but this in great part is shaped by the role a given profession is to play. As exmple if I am going to primarily use my warrior to roam with the zerg, I am going to gear and trait him up differently then if he is going to roam solo.
Added to that while certain runes , sigils and gear types can suit any class, there are a number that a class would never use. A profession with no or little access to interrupts will not gear up with on interrupt sigils. A profession with no access to Burn is not slapping on runes that add to burning duration. Logic dictates that if RUNE X can be used by any class for any Role moreso then a Rune Y , then there will be more of Rune X for that reason and not necessarily because it OP.
There are few gear sets, runes or sigils that I consider as being OP. Those few that did exist such as old perplexity runes were fixed. None of them in my opinion warrant removal and the day they start removing gear in order to mollify the PvP types is the day WvW as I know it and like it for dies.
As to those that deem any build that they do not approve of or that they have just lost to as “cancer” they are a pompous lot overly full of themselves. They have this need to set themselves as seperate from and above everyone else. They want to be defined as “skilled Players” so that every time they are bested, it not due to skill but due to a "cancer build’. There are certainly skills or traits that might need tweaking as they do too much, but this exists across the spectrum of gameplay in each profession and build type and little of it is gear related.
I never said that was a fact what i writed, i made it clear it was my opinion…also, i believe your build should be your weapon set+traits, shouldnt have all this focus on gear and stuff. I trully believe that if in WvW we had a more standart stats, it would be way more easier to balance this game mode, there are really good reasons why a few Amulets, runes and sigils got removed from sPvP.
I cant see how this would harm the game mode in anyway, I believe just like sPvP, this game mode must be completely separed from PvE…when we achieve that, and only when we do that, we can start thinking about trully balancing WvW.