Showing Posts For Feuer Liebt Mich.8524:
You released a candelabra staff in the Wintersday update and it isn’t a menorah. I am a sad Jew. All it would have needed is two more candles. It kind of feels like Wintersday is just Christmas; why even have a generic name?
Yes Charr. (Makes no sense, needs 6 cups or no cups at all.)
No Asura. (About kittening time we had Asura female armour that wasn’t literally the exact same male version… I mean I get it, people like fantasizing about playing a gender neutral race, but enough is enough.)
It makes no sense on Asura either. Male and female asura are the same shape. The boob plates would be totally empty and serve no purpose other than damaging the wearer’s sternum when struck.
The boobplate goes against Charr and Asura cultural norms. If it’s available to them it can’t be the default.
(edited by Feuer Liebt Mich.8524)
I really hate to be that person, but I just don’t like any of the names. None of them really do justice to the flavor of the group. I love the group, and I was super hyped about getting to vote for a name for them, but then I saw the names and I just can’t.
Official Map Changes Feedback Thread (Spring Quarterly Update)
in PvP
Posted by: Feuer Liebt Mich.8524
I feel like all the changes to PvP maps have been to make them more generic, like the perfect end point is just a white plain with three capture points on it. I loved the disappearing floor in Skyhammer. I liked being able to distract the enemy team by attacking the lord in Foefire. I want the maps to be unique, and I want other mechanics to compete with vanilla conquest mechanics. Otherwise we might as well only have one conquest map. How does making all the maps the same make them “more competitive”? Do competitive players hate having to learn different things?
(edited by Feuer Liebt Mich.8524)
When the game is maximized, the “restore down” button (two overlapping boxes) needs to be available at all times. I hate having to hit the Windows button or log out of my character just to check an IM when I’ve been playing maximized.
That’s how I did it. Even better, there’s a trait somewhere that causes all crits to add a bleed. Use that with swords, and you’re a blender.
That’s the point! Other professions use builds to limit themselves to roles, and then fulfill those roles in all ranges, while the Elementalist limits itself to a range and fulfills all roles in that range! It’s a challenging, new way to look at a game you’ve already mastered. (Or the first way that will cause that reaction when you try a different profession.) Here’s a fun challenge: play in an all-Ele party, and have each member pick a different range. Suddenly you’re a ball team!
You get fire and water first because they are the DPS and healing attunements, which are by far the easiest to master.
Guild Wars 3 will probably have sliders for everything. :P
My main is a tall, skinny-ish female human. She has almost no bust, and her height is about equal to that of short norn women. I am pleased.
Edit: Also, heavy armor isn’t skimpy in this game. Just like IRL. I feel ANet has decided to please everyone, and has almost succeeded. Now, if only character gender wasn’t quite as binary…
(edited by Feuer Liebt Mich.8524)
My friends at ISU and I have all named our Charr characters into the same warband, specifically Rage. I, for example, am Blargle Ragequit. Some of my friends are more serious about it, with proper surnames like Rageblade.
“Everything changed when the Flame Legion attacked.” :P
Oh, and my gear is mostly Condition Damage +x% and Precision +x.
I do Sword/Horn with a focus on conditions, especially bleed and cripple. My main trait lines are Tactics and Arms. With it, I have zero problem in smaller skirmishes. Plus, I can take on 3 or 4 of the fleshier classes at once by myself most of the time.
Actually, does it bother anyone else that a dragon is a big deal in Canthan lore 250 years prior?