Showing Posts For Fish of doom.4137:

Game client struggles to update

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

well i can tell you what worked for me.

i downloaded “hotspot shield” (simple googling will find it), then i launched the updater. waited for it to finish. closed it. disabled hotspot shield. relaunch then everything worked.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

my thing in games is challenge. i love challenge and i feel this games lacks a lot of it. which is the reason i stopped playing about 6 months ago.

i think this game is missing a hard mode, which can really help players to “progress” further even if they get to level 80.

in most cases i found that in this game to get a challenge i need to hinder myself and fight a higher level content, but when i reach level 80 i really cant do it anymore. all i have left is dungeons. i do understand however, that many people don’t like challenge and love the fact that they can walk around casually killing stuff.

my thoughts on how to do cater both crowds was as follows:

when a character reaches a goal (finish personal story or getting to 80 for instance) it should have option to like a tick box (which can be turned on or off at any time) in which point when its on the character is in hard mode.

this character after zoning will be scaled down even more so than now. this alone can be tweaked how down will it is scaled. that way i can still play with my friends which are not on “hard mode” and i still have challenge since i am really below even their level.

in addition, since events in this game are scaled, more players – stronger enemies, it is possible to count each hard mode character in the event as two characters (for instance can be more in a more harder zone).

even if a hard mode character is tagged along with regular one, because the “hard mode” guy increases challenge of the event we may even see events that actually fails from time to time. and its not that bad that sometimes a random dude that tags along will have something a bit more challenging.

both of the above alone can looks like really doable without much effort regarding to development size. and i don’t think non-hard mode characters will be hurt by this too much.

after implementing the above building upon it is easy. Dailies for hard mode character killing a champion now is a lot harder, doing a meta event, stuff that are actually hard to do.

i don’t know how rewards should be implemented with these characters maybe more? maybe similar? i am not sure, tweaking with rewards can really destroy economy if not done right. maybe for hardmode dailies more Laurals? dunno really.

after i seen in this thread the Journal idea, which marks things that a charcter has done, which is a great idea. and i think hard-mode characters should have like “red mark” or something which says that they finish that event in hard-mode, or something, or killed that champion.

i think it is easy to build upon the above idea more, because it will really turn the entire game to an “end-game”. maybe even reset map completion? exclude waypoints.

all i want from this game is a challenge. and beside dungeons and SAB (which is the most awesome thing in this game) there is nothing.

any refining or thought to my idea are welcome.

I'm disappointed with the end game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

the lack of challenge i the open world is the reason for most problens IMO peaple dont efficiently use their characters let alone group together… when the content is easy, and the only need for success is auto attacking of course the gme will feel hollow. creting a hard mode server is a must, with better reward of course

[Complaint] After 7 hours I give up ...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

there are so few REALLY challenging things in this game. and at last something that NOT everyone can do.
i haven’t finished it successfully myself. yet i don’t think it should become easier.

the halloween event will repeat next year (was like this in GW1 don’t think it would be different here).

i accept challenge, and also i accept there are things that are beyond my reach. for me time sinking achievements are beyond my reach, you don’t see me come and complain about the fact that i don’t have enough time to play the game to achieve a legendary in this current lifetime.
learn to accept other ppl who really think that challenging achievement is something that is worth their time (like me) where time sinking achievements don’t worth their time.

not everyone should be able to wear this achievement, only those who truly made the effort to achieve it.

Explorer dungeons are way too hard!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

Have been following the dungeon discussions for awhile now. I have tried a few of the lower level dungeons while at level that was required for them. Or perhaps a few levels hire. It was a really rough go and even had to stop doing them because I couldn’t afford to keep paying to have my gear repaired.

So I tried the other day to find a group for CM at level 57. Had no luck and the only real response was that you really need to wait till you are level 80 to do dungeons. I guess I just really don’t understand the scaling system in any way. So think I’m just going to give up and perhaps at 80 they will be a bit more doable.

Only thing I’m sharing here is my experience. It isn’t as much a complaint or a disagreement with the OP. Just sharing what my personal experience has been.

And I suppose for the record I should state I’m a casual unskilled and not very knowledgeable player. I figured I just put that right out there since that is where these discussions usually end up. The “suck less” response or “you don’t know how to play a video game” reply.

But love everything outside of dungeons that I’ve seen. Everything else has been a lot of fun to play with.

you dont need to be level 8- to have succeed in dungeons. i have no characters which are level 80 and i have succeeded AC exp 4 times on path 3 (the burrows path on lovers chamber).

in order to succeed all you need is to understand the encounter. learn the abilities of your party members. request changes from them and think together about a solution.

i succesfully did the above dungeons with 2 guardians,ranger,engineer,warrior.
also succeded with 2 guardians, ele,2 mesmers. also with a 1theif,guardian, 2 warriors, 1 necro.

for every party the “solution” for the same problem was different. after retries we succeeded.

when you pu thought before the hard encounter itself. take the time to explain everyone how and what they should do. maybe even switch skills if needed, this planning procsses usually saves time, and deaths and n the end money.

there is no need for lvl 80. did all the above when only two each time were 80. and one of those 80 really had no clue what to do and took skills which didnt fit the encounter. after explanation and understanding and the guy switch his skills up and learned when to use them to the party’s advantage.
and of course we won. lvl 80 is not needed.

Explorer dungeons are way too hard!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

i have yet to understand why make the only challenge this game offers easier.
i love challenge, this is what keeps me going. the ENTIRE game is easy. the dungeons are the ONLY challenge i have, and yet some people wish to take it away. i love the fact that it is difficult. it should be difficult. only those that are capable should succeed. it requires effort and planning to succeed. knowing other’s skills and work together can really make every encounter a lot easier.
in the end every single PVE challenge has it’s “solution” it’s a matter of finding it. with every party composition the solution exists.

i think that if this specific dungeon is too hard for you try the other dungeons. which are less challenging. play with friends practice with guildies, study each other’s capabilities and then achieve success.

walking around with full Arah set is not for everyone. that’s the beauty of it, when u see someone walking around with it you know he made the extra effort of both time and good planning and teamwork.

please don’t take the only challenge the game offers from those who cares about it.

personal story - The Ghost Rite -- stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

thanks it solved the problem

personal story - The Ghost Rite -- stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

i am stuck on this personal story. it says “read the letter from Gixx” i have recieved a letter before taking the loot from the previous mission. deleted that message and only then the quest appeared. so now i have no letter to read… and my personal story got stuck.

should be an option to re-request a letter if that letter is crucial to continueing the story.

i cannot continue my personal story… very frustrating.

Update on error code 7:11:3:189:101 Please

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

same issues for me. opened a ticket. this error is annoying for 14 days now

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

I have switched an ISP i get the exact same problem at the exact same time which means its not ISP. neither it is connectivity on my end because today morning everything worked great…

this problem takes too long to fix.. it is getting frustrating. i cant play this on most hours of the day.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

exactly at 2:00pm (+2 GMT) the game began to lag for me. i noticed it happened at the exact same time the other day. what is happening at that time?

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

same issues like everyon, i did notice that during the lag( when skills are delaued for 10+ sec) i can chat with guild mates and whispers and party chat. they work jus fine with no lag at all, map chat and say chat do suffer from the same lag. i am trying today to switch ISP but i think it wont solve the problem,
the lags apears to be only on peak times. yesterday morning game worked great. i have this problem for 2 weeks now and it is getting worse. the game is has become completly unplayable. since 3 days ago

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

errors are still going on for me. In the morning though the game worked perfectly with no lags at all. right now the game is unplayable at all and kicks me out after 2-3 minutes
and skill delays are at about 2-5 seconds (until it get stuck and kicks me out).

non of the suggested solutions worked.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom, a cursory google indicates (but does not prove) that netvision probably traffic shapes, even if they don’t admit to it publicly. Indeed, according to some pages they perform deep pack inspection as well as traffic shaping.

The game did work for me during head-start and before recent patches (about a week ago lags have began) even during peak-times. other games work well too even right now. the in-game chat also works fine. so i am not sure it’s an ISP.
i will switch ISP in next few days, to test but i am really not sure this is the problem.

error code 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

i am having the same problem, however i wanted to ask – does any of oyu tried the in-game chat during the lag. it seems that the in-game chat (parties and guild chat and whispers) are working fine DURING the lag itself. i can let my friends know when i am having a lag – and they answer. the chat itself has no lags at all.

Country: Israel
ISP: Netvision
5MB package cable
dunno about shaping.
the problem is more noticable during pick times. (12:00 pm – 8:00 pm) however, other games works just fine during peak times. and of course the in-game chat is working fine until i get kicked.

Massive Lag/Disconnects/Error Code=7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

same problem here. it is important to note that the in-game char is working fine however th game itself is lagging, the skills has huge delays and after a while a total disconnect from the server.

the game is completely unplayable.

startcarft 2 is working fine, even the in-game chat has no lags at all so the connection to the servers does work.

btw the server is Gunnar’s hold, however it happens on overflow too. the zone was kessex but it happened also on lion’s arch and on Brisban wildlands (on brisband it was less severe but skill delays were still there)

(edited by Fish of doom.4137)

[Solved] Can't stay connected longer than 10 secs. Various error codes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fish of doom.4137

Fish of doom.4137

i have plenty of connctivity isuues as well. it seems i can log in but after the map is loaded i can use like 4 skills and then the game just get stuck (lag wise) i can move the map freely but cannot interact with anything and skills stops working.
also sometimes map is not loaded and gets stuck on loading, it all seems like connectivity isuues