(edited by Super Wilson.7408)
I just installed Bandicam today (9/4/13) and made a video with two engy friends and threw some music on it.. .its not edited at all .. just some stuff that happend today and I wanted to post it. Please feel free to critique me or flame me or ask me questions or tell me your favorite cookies. I will continue to update this thread as more interesting things happen to me on my warrior. Thanks guys
Channel Trailer
30 second trailer to make you want more!
11/11/13 1v1’s with Maguma roamers.
Response to upcoming Nerfs; 11/6/13
Wilson gets cloned… just a silly short video.
September 4th
Second Video
September 21rst… Zerg Diving in zerker gear.
October 6th… Fun with OPP
October 11th…Crazy 2 v The world fight.
Build used in the Videos
edited to add new links
(edited by Super Wilson.7408)
It comes down to personal preference. Which one has a playstyle you like more. My suggestion is to buy a set of Rare armor for each and give each a try for a while. If you decide you hate one set or the other, use a Master (or Black Lion) Salvage Kit on the armor you don’t want. You should average an Ecto about 90% of the time which can really help recoup your losses (if you bought the sets via buy orders, you can even MAKE a bit of money this way sometimes). Then you can start working on an exotic set for whichever build you end up liking.
And I’d actually disagree with the previous two posters about which is best where.
Condi Necros have a few major advantages in zergs. Epidemic is ungodly powerful in a zerg fight if you pick the right target. The Staff is probably our strongest zerg weapon and it’s strongest on condi Necros. And since condi specs are unlikely to be focused in a zerg fight if they position correctly, they will be able to toss out their damage in the manner which they prefer: more carefully and deliberately, building their damage. It’s true that you run into condition caps and AoE condi clears more easily in zergs, but it is profoundly unlikely that everyone on the enemy team will constantly be capped for every condition and having more condi-spec’ed characters makes it easier to overwhelm the enemy zerg’s condi removal.
Power Necros can still be useful in zergs but they have way less at-range AoE damage than Condi Necros. They can still use the staff deftly, but their damage will be somewhat stunted compared to their true heights. Conversely, I generally find my necro’s Power build letting her tear through enemy roamers in 1v1 and even some 1v2 situations (it’s very difficult for Necros of any stripe to fight more than 2 opponents at a time, and even fighting 2 is extremely dangerous if they’re any good), whereas my Condi build has a rougher time dealing with targets who can disengage well.
I disagree, but rather than saying so directly (which would imply that we might simply have our own opinions about this) I will be snarky and passive-aggressive so as to give myself the presumption of correctness. Thank me later
Do you see what I did there? In all seriousness, it’s profoundly unfair to reply as you did. It places the argument’s cadence against me, making it difficult for me to argue back regardless of who’s correct. And see, I’m making my counter-point in a direct fashion, leaving you free to defend your point without having to make awkward conversational contortions.
Now, would you like to do the same so that I can make my case against your counter-points properly?
(edited by Blaine Tog.8304)
Anyone else wonder where the heck a female guardian’s ‘protection’ comes from when she wears a set like THIS?! What is her skin made of, I wonder?!
Score is still that close? Geez this is a tight one…
Have I already mentioned I love the new face of Borliss? It’s impressive how far you guys have come in so short a time. I thought about doing a cheeky little comic strip on it. =3
(edited by KStudios.2850)
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