Showing Posts For FlashbackJon.9627:

Why Skin Wardrobe should be a high-priority

in Suggestions

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


I concur on all points.

I would absolutely buy appearances if I could bank them. I don’t have room in my bank for skins, and right now it’s remarkably difficult to keep a skin I like when I acquire another I like better. I either have to get rid of the previous skin or find another item with equivalent stats, and that’s painful.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Improvements for Collectors

in Suggestions

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


This suggestion is utterly fantastic.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Asura ears are broken!

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Long story short: its presence or absence is intentional.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

(edited by FlashbackJon.9627)

Asura Warrior Justification :p

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Chalk me up as another one for “I don’t think justification is needed, but if it were, yours is cool.”

Physical strength, while important for all martial combat, is not the primary concern so much as the application of that strength: the mastery of physics (leverage, forces, momentum, acceleration, velocity, …).

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Can't find the Lore in GW2

in Lore

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


A friend of mine said that he’d never thought an open world concept could be so immersion breaking.
“Why am I beating up these guys, taking their helmets and pushing these buttons? I don’t know but the little heart on the side of my display says to. I never talked to anyone about why these are bad people, or why their helmets are so desperately needed, but the heart says kill them and take the helmets so off I go.”

In effect, your friend has intentionally immersed himself in the role of the mercenary.

“I’m not interested in your reasons, peasant, only your objectives and your gold.”

EDIT: It’s a valid point that you don’t have to talk to a dude first, but my god, that’s one of the best QoL improvements GW2 made over the genre formula, so I wouldn’t lose it for the world…

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

(edited by FlashbackJon.9627)

Reasons you like your Asura

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Best looking Asura I’ve seen. Wish I could copy your creation screen data and add my own subtle tweaks.

I wish I could…

  • Change stuff post-creation (I’m sure that’ll be here eventually)
  • Share character appearance info with a short code, a la Mass Effect
Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Where do the Asura Live?

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


The Asura used to live underground. Which means that for most of the development of their technology and culture, cramped living conditions that don’t leave any room for privacy.

This is a really good point. While the Asura’s technology makes some pretty spectacular things commonplace, I think we can safely assume that altering an underground space is “non-trivial”… especially in terms of the evolution/development of the species.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

So Asuran Math

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


I acknowledge your amendment but maintain that the required math is best described as “rudimentary” regardless of the level of acumen displayed by fellow players in map chat.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

How are Asura buildings created?

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


I don’t know what the answer is, but yes, yes it should be.
Woooooooooo geology!

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Wrong Cultural T2 weapon Models?

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


It’s the same for each other race, T1 and T2 can be obtained as a loot. Only T3 looks unique.

But beyond that, the Asura and Sylvari share a Asuran-styled T1 and a Sylvari-styled T2.

Not so much an issue, though, for the reason you stated.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

So Asuran Math

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


There is that Asuran karma heart that involves doing simple math in base-10, but presumably that’s just for us idiot humans to feel good about ourselves. (Read: gameplay decision, unrelated to lore.)

I find it hard to believe an Asuran computer needs us to verify the area of a rectangle…

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Reasons you like your Asura

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


The animation, good lord, the animations. The quick start, quick stop, quick turn, and landing “tumble” animations. Everything with a hammer or greatsword.

The dialog. Like others have mentioned, I’m sad that once I join an Order I get all nice and heroic. But every part of the Asuran storyline was gold until then.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Asura Skin Color/Colour

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


The lighting in most games will “bleach” a character, washing out details in their skin tone. This is doubly so for any game with light bloom or glare or any other fancy light effects.

As such, you get the best detail (visible from a distance, of course: the only way other players see you) with a darker skin tone. And given the nature of asuran skin choices, the higher contrast your pattern, the better (usually).

That said, I picked a dark reddish-brown (I also wanted color, not grayscale) with a light blue-ish pattern (the blue is unnoticeable on the red skin, though).

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Asura Only Guild [merged threads]

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


We all happen to have a character that’s an Asura.
That’s not exactly much of a flavor for a guild when you have enough free character slots to have one of every race.

Typically “racial” guilds are not just for people who have the race in question, but are interesting in actively pursuing a guild that also fits that theme. I would venture to say these people are – more often than not – roleplayers. (Hence the Tarnished Coast suggestion.)

In other games, limiting one’s membership was problematic, because you only got one guild. Here, though? No problem.

Now having outed myself, I humbly suggest: Asuran Research Coalition [ARC].

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Probably the cutest Asura NPC

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Awwww, I thought you meant Batanga.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Things I should know about before choosing an Order?

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


I had this question too, and my rudimentary searching has told me that your assumptions are correct:
1) Mentor and storyline, obviously.
2) Appearance of Order weapons & appearance of Order armor

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Hair and Helms

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Unfortunately, that’s a pretty common thing in virtually all games that have hair and helmets. I look forward to the day when the character modeling engine is robust enough to dynamically calculate the results of “helmet-hair.”

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Asura Engineer Devices - Graphic Redesign needed?

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Okay, that’s just silly.

Asura technology is superior to Charr technology, so why would they use “inferior” devices when any reasonably intelligent Asura could and would make something better?

I believe the implication is that Engineers specifically use that technology, for whatever reasons. After all, there is no empirical “list of technologies by bestness” — although I’m sure every Asura would tell you if there was, they’d be in the first through tenth spots.

In the real world, some people work on bleeding edge technologies, but you’ll find no shortage of people who build and work on old or antiquated technology (vintage cars? ham radios? steampunk trends?), either to improve it, to overcome the challenge of old tech, or simply to enjoy the experience (whether that’s thematic or aesthetic or both).

As far as I can tell, if you want to play an Asura using Asura tech, you play an Elementalist.

I was sort of saddened.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Golems, floating body parts?

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


Doesn’t even have to be a large magnet, frankly.

Considering what we use electromagnetic fields for right now, much less the “arcane” equivalent in GW, the Norn’s organic muscles really have nothing on that.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

Elite Skill Golems

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


You’re thinking too literally. In all cases, debuffs can be described as interference with the golem’s systems. Bugs, glitches, power shorts, just plain percussive maintenance.

Considering that they run on magic, a force that is casually summoned out of nothing by even generic NPCs, it’s pretty easy to explain.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”

One problem with Asura... Tiny weapons!

in Asura

Posted by: FlashbackJon.9627


I’m guessing that stowed weapons scale based on torso size for all races (in the range of 95% certainty here) and the Asura torso is much smaller compared to their total body size.

e.g. if the asura head was the same size compared to the torso as the human head compared to the human torso, it would look correct.

Long story short, I imagine that to fix this, they’ll have to build in exceptions to an existing universal rule, which is never fun, as a developer. On the bright side, it opens the door to a lot of other options (and bugs, hooray!). As always, there’s a cost/benefit analysis to be done there.

Higgsi Bosaan, Asura Warrior of the Order of Whispers [Crystal Desert]
“I am only detectable by the aftermath of my annihilation.”