Daklap Elementalist|Man Crushin Thighs Warrior
XOXO so scared to 1v1 lol they think they’re so good jumping on people 1 v 5 xD
Then when you duel them the other person wont let you max out your stacks to make it fair lol (i mean if you have max stacks so should I)
Yes , because u r O so scary.
p.s. Dear |buns|,
best fight I’ve had all week that i lose, love it. More plz.
Yes Lil , I buy u makeover kit for DAT face. Yw
You gonna make it a Song of the Day?
I think someone must be counting mesmer clones. It’s okay, buddy, it can be REALLY hard to tell which ones are real people, can’t. it
Edit: can’t. it got edited to cankitten
(edited by Flerch.4817)
Can’t I be a super funny hot chick guy? Why does it have to be or??? QQ
I guess this means you’re a hot chick…so…uhh…whatcha doin later?
Perma stealth is bad, mkay?
Does anyone actually fight anymore?
Sick of this “run away I don’t have 4 team mates to fight 1 person” meta
unfortunately nope.. there are a lot of really bad/inexperienced players on yaks bend and guilds liek Os and XOXO on NSP don’t generally solo/small group roam – just big zergs. kinda boring really. hopefully action picks up in bronze league
We really do love our zergs; it’s what we’re known for.
Gab, just stop man…. STOPPPPPPP
No let GabGar keep going. He is just making a fool of himself in front of everyone. Even some YBs are embarrassed of him lol.
It is funny I said you were one of the commanders I respect from DB, and all you do is demonstrate how much I’m right about the back-hole-hurting issue
Anyhow, this week is ending, get over it, plan for the reset tonight.
Again good luck to all you guys DB and NSP, was a blast figthing you.
See you around.
Sorry, I do not follow your logic. I have nothing against YB winning . You guys have many good WvW guilds. Especially [One] guild, they sure know how to fight. They have all the respect they deserve because they can back up their bragging rights and put up good fights. They don’t go on the forum brag about ppts then loses GvG and being a hypocrite. No offense to MEX, but if GabGar is going to go around forums and be bragging at least back up your words.
GabGar, hopefully the quote below will benefit you.
When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
You are misinformed We won 1 GvG of the 2 GvGs we had agaisnt DB guilds, besides we never boast about our PVT skills
, those were our second and third GvG, we are still at training. We backup our words with results in the field, wining points for the server, period.
You are just back hurt because you were commanding monday, and you lost all DB stuff in eternal, period.
Again have a good week end, and get over it, good luck in your next match David.
This guy has a lot of periods.
Dear Yaks Bend zerg,
Please make sure you can actually take 10 people before you try to crash a GvG with 20 Kthanks bye.
Good fight MEX seems the bark was worse than your bite :P
This made me smile, thank you.
Even carebears hate that song
[One]s reset night, good stuff ^^
Worst music selection ever.
Shouldn’t you be busy pressing 2?
I put a paperweight on my desktop’s 2, I think it does better than I do anyway.
[One]s reset night, good stuff ^^
Worst music selection ever.
FOREVER STUCK IN QUEUE. /Cries hysterically.
Queue? What’s that?
Also, your title is awesome, bravo.
Yes as always…. May there always be two zergs in NSP BL.
Well, somebody has to fight for our BL. It’s rather nice of other servers to do it for us, wouldn’t you say?
Fort Aspenwood are not fun to fight at all
Fort Aspenwood is not fun to fight at all
It’s after 8:45 am Buffy. You have no excuse this time.
Fort Aspenwood refers to a collection of people, so the plural form of the verb is correct.
Unless of course you thought he was referring to the actual physical server. If he was beating up on machinery, it would be singular.
This is sort of a US English vs. UK English thing. American’s tend to want an S on the end whereas the English look towards what the word actually refers to when making a judgement.
Edit: BTW, the grammar rule for this is:
“Collective nouns such as team and staff may be either singular or plural depending on their use in the sentence.”
The grammar edition of PvF is fun!
I’m confused. Isn’t a 32 player group a blob?
Nope. I’m only here to laugh at the BP and NSP whiners. Seeing them QQ all over this thread makes my day.
Your whining about us whining!
“Your” should be replaced with “You’re”.
I’m here to laugh at bad spelling and grammar.
Your punctuation should be inside the quotation marks. :P
Do you really think Devon is gonna WvW on our server with a character bearing his name? None of us know him, none of us have seen him, if he’s been in any fights alongside us he’s probably been killed 10x over by megablobs. Your wet dreams of unleashing your petty spiteful angst against a WvW dev sadly, will go unfulfilled. Kind of like most of the WvW pop in this match.
…Is it you?
(edited for ridiculous profanity filters)
Yes, you caught on to my clever ruse! I’m also a seven foot ex basketball pro, hindu, guru, drag queen, alien.
So Dootmaster X is really Devon which is an alias for Dennis Rodman?
+1 for all the win in this reply.
Dear SBI,
We got what we wanted in your hills. Thank you. Map completion done in only 14+ months!-Timada
Were you the guys who stood by while the three of us EBay took down the gate yesterday? Someone from NSP had messaged me after that saying thanks for the map completion.
No. 4 of us broke in right before I posted. We were pushed out, but I Shadow Refuged and ran to it
Dear SBI,
We got what we wanted in your hills. Thank you. Map completion done in only 14+ months!
I don’t understand all these suggestions that people turn off emotes. How else are you supposed to know who to head hunt for the rest of the night?
I’d love to fight XOXO one on one; the problem is that every time I see you guys it’s a 3-5 man group with a couple of random pugs along for the ride, and every time someone declares a fight club somewhere by the time I notice it’s too late.
I will say this though: I was very amused last night when you all jumped my warrior, I dove off the bridge, and then got into a vicious one on one fight with an NSP Guard underneath said bridge while a whole bunch of pubbers got rolled above. To that Guard; good show sir, but i think I would have gotten you had I started at above 12k health :P
Just pick one out and give them a /bow @. Keep doing this until they bow back and duel on. If its a dangerous place, we’ll probably try joining/inviting you to talk and move to the closest windmill or other safe place.
This is true. Love dueling all of you guys. Beware though!! They have been rolling about 80-90% conditions lately so bring those condi cleanses! Especially for those pesky perplexity thieves.
XOXO doesn’t have any perplex thieves.
Dueled one monday at windmill so you most certainly do.
Sadly, this is true.
Edit: It’s not me
I’d love to fight XOXO one on one; the problem is that every time I see you guys it’s a 3-5 man group with a couple of random pugs along for the ride, and every time someone declares a fight club somewhere by the time I notice it’s too late.
I will say this though: I was very amused last night when you all jumped my warrior, I dove off the bridge, and then got into a vicious one on one fight with an NSP Guard underneath said bridge while a whole bunch of pubbers got rolled above. To that Guard; good show sir, but i think I would have gotten you had I started at above 12k health :P
Just pick one out and give them a /bow @. Keep doing this until they bow back and duel on. If its a dangerous place, we’ll probably try joining/inviting you to talk and move to the closest windmill or other safe place.
XOXO – You run small 5man-ish havok/snipe squads. SBI doesn’t have many of those. Our organized groups are larger, and our smaller groups are likely pugs gathered by temporary nearness, or to yaksit or scout. So either way you’re screwed. It’s either a large organized group or a small group with little coordination.
Props to the NSP and EB who stick around and fight. I am trying out a roaming build, because I realize I have a better chance at fights if I roam than go with the large group. Also, flipping camps/ruins at oceanic times is dat achieve grindin.
I understand that is your usual playstyle. What I don’t understand is why in a match like this (where the population disparity is so ridiculous and the score is irrelevant) is how your players do not get bored standing in towers/camps/keeps/stone mist. What’s the point? “Oh my god! I just stopped two players from taking a tower with 20 other players! Thank god, our PPT almost went below 500!”
How is it fun for you guys to upgrade every single thing and then bring 20 people to stop a force of 5 trying to take ONE camp/tower/keep? At least with other servers they allow a wxp train to occur but apparently SBI hasn’t caught on to the fact that you get MORE wxp if you don’t wipe them with 10:1 people on their first or second objective.
It might just help your server if you got some practice actually playing at smaller scale fights.
We are practicing defense and holding objectives.
Letting you take all your towers back just so we can PvD them down again isn’t all that helpful.
Maybe you’d also like some condescending advice on how your server should play?Practicing is good. Although, practicing against zero opponents doesn’t seem to do much.
And please, enlighten me with condescending advice.
I understand that is your usual playstyle. What I don’t understand is why in a match like this (where we are in league play, so PPT is obviously super relevant all match every match) is how your players do not get bored being wiped by 10x their number. What’s the point? “Oh my god! I just stopped two players from getting to their tower, so there will only be 10 in there doing nothing! Thank god, they almost had super defense for a tower we weren’t going to attack!”
How is it fun for you guys to try killing a group of 15 in a camp when you only have 5? At least other servers beg and plead for transfers so they can amass a huge zerg and press 1111 to roflstomp everyone in the way of their PPT. Or, failing that, tank to a league they know they can contend for the win. l2zerg. 11111111111111111111111.
Dear SBI,
I understand you want to show off your huge population and the fact that you 5:1 our player base all the time, but are you really that insistent on wiping people just trying to get some wxp? Seriously, I think it’s safe to say that you guys have won this match. I mean, your score is lol times EB and NSP.
You guys can’t even fight us outside of your towers and cannons and run at every even odds fight I’ve found. I hope you’re happy standing in empty borderlands for the rest of this match up because no one wants to even go into wvw because you’re so worried about PPT.
We’re working on defense and communication to improve this week.
Doing open field fights may be fun, but engaging in 2v2’s and 5v5’s is not a priority this week.
XOXO is very good in small man skirmishes, we’ve seen that this week. Understand that many people on SBI are not built for sPvP type engagements. The same applies to all servers. If XOXO is looking to fight even numbers in small engagements, good luck on finding willing and worthy opposition.
If you’re looking for even fights, sPvP is that way —-——>Lies. I looked to the right, and all I saw was cat butt.
No lies. That actually was sPvP. That’s what it looks like.
Yea, I was hoping to get you guys in trouble for being dumbkittens and embarrassing your guild in front of a good portion of the gw2 population. It was worth a shot
Bads will be bads
Helo Pal
Don’t take it personal though ^^
12/10 ez mode
I’m going to try to avoid stereotyping a entire server by the action of a few bad apples. I will simply call out XOXO for being immature and unsportsmanlike in every single encounter this week. You /joined us once just to complain about us ‘bringing 10 people’ (they were randoms) to a control point. You spam emotes and corpse jump constantly. You act like you want a duel, then gank whoever bites with your guild ( a big difference from randoms showing up). You run from even fights and only attack empty BLs. I’m not even mad at this point, just disappointed that there are still people who act like this in WvW.
You embarrass your entire server.
We have always been known for running from even fights. Yes.
NSP logic:
CD is taking our BL’s, lets go IOJ!!
Also great fights at bay to CD, can’t hold out against those numbers for ever though but hey, 3rd times a charm
I don’t think its logic at all. I think its the fact most of us despise Ioj. Ioj has always fed on Nsp when we are underfire from another server. Not just this match. But all the time.
I know when I load up wvw. I don’t even look at the map. I go right to Ioj.
oh fair enough, explains why when we hit CD we gotta pull back to deal/react to NSP a lot, also explains why CD lead is only getting bigger, THE FIGHT FOR 2ND PLACE IS ON!
I used to like you guys on GoM :’(
Although if I remember right I think DH was our common enemy. (been a while)My personal affection for Ioj is way before the GOM mass xfer exodus. So you can continue to like us/me. It matters!
Where’s the obs songs of the day?
We had a lot of fun last night on IoJ BL for our Drunken WvW event. Would have been nice to take a keep but a bunch of drunken CD’ers vs. large guild groups of IoJ with a lot of defensive siege is a losing proposition. You guys don’t give up your keeps easily, well done.
Also, I know claiming the enemy server only fights with 4:1 odds makes you feel better about losing on the scoreboard, but it’s a really really old excuse. There was no NSP on IoJ BL last night, but 50-70 CD still fought 40-50 IoJ for almost 2+ hours, and most of our wipes happened while assaulting heavily fortified keeps. That’s not ‘Mindless Zerg’ server behavior, we would have moved on to a softer BL.
True enough, and hats off to all of CD for the fights. I didnt mean it in reference to your guild groups. I for one am glad CD doesn’t give up easily on things guild group wise, it makes for fun nights! (My 4:1 odds post was for the SEA time slot guys, not you NA hard hitters
And as I’ve said above, Mend has no delusions of IoJ coming anywhere near winning the Leagues, so ppt=useless to us, we are out for fights. As are many other people. For all we care NSP could come in second and us third and we’d be happy because fights have been amazing.
Btw before haters come in, Yes [Mend] uses siege, Yes it gives us an advantage, We do know how to use it effectively to wipe you, so please get over it. (To everyone not the person I am replying too)
Reported your whole guild for using siege. How dare you?
Dear Taquito,
I have downloaded Smite. Please teach me the ways of the gods, much as you have taught me the ways of the thief.
Thank you,
Well , with all the nonsense going on , ive been just doing my thing. Guild is a mess, server is a mess, who knows whats going to happen.
My friends of GOM , if you wanted to do a sleepover at hills , why not just ask ?
For the people out there who have turned on the Nsp ppt machine. TY it is noticeable.
for those of you out there still fighting, i give you a fun.
It’s only a mess because you never clean up after the hookers you always bring to your slumber parties.
Also, I would like to point out that Vioh and I are 1-1 in duels. He won with offhand pistol crap and I won the d/d +s/d showdown. Ty.
Edit: Vioh, I’m pretty sure Mugi does have an ascended weapon.
(edited by Flerch.4817)
Flerch not to be negative, but when you pop Bp at 20% health, i kinda of doubt your “stealthless” build
you should call it minimal steath
That was after I switched back to my regular build lol. I went up against your 15 group the first few times by north camp with the only possible stealth being thief steal (admittedly, I think I did use stealth from steal once during those).
Edit: Exactly what Vioh said.
Dear [RH],
I guess you’ve figured out you aren’t the cream of the crop on GoM by now, but I figured I’d reiterate it. L2p. Being able to throw siege on someone dead doesn’t mean you’re good.
But, I give you an A for effort for throwing siege after it takes 15 of you to wipe 5 people. Best of luck in your future endeavors. And just remember, I have more siege than you for every time I see you guys dead.
that was me
you run meta builds you get spammed laughed at or seige on the corpse, get used to it. on another note i have 750 ballistas, i won’t be running out of seige any time soon.
All these people talking about meta builds… I’ve been running the same thing for a year now and just because someone else made something similar and made it a public guide it’s “meta”.
Like someone else said, when a build works and it becomes public knowledge it gets copied into a “meta”. With the maturity of the game just about anything worth running is pretty darn meta.
I’m going to assume you’re from RH since that’s who Vioh was complaining about and who chased us across the map (which was kind of funny I’ll admit), if this is the case I feel the need to point out the irony of your group having 1 or 2 condition warriors, which are quite meta as well.Good day
He’s talking about the stealthless build I was running for most of them. It’s super OP
This probably wont go over well , but i will say it. For every Nsp person that pops into a map saying “you realize if you continue to get points , we will get put into silver” (not aimed at anyone in particular as it happened about 6 times today pvdooring Ar). YES I GET IT.
I realize fully the situation we are in. I am probably in the minority when i say this but. I want to play in silver league. As it stands now , the lower tiers have nothing to offer more then lots of pvdoor. Sure there are a strong server or 2 that will give fights. but the thought of running around in Ar on a Saturday morning with 3 people flipping the map saddens me.
So yes i will pvdoor and do whatever. I dont want to sink into the basement and fight nothing for 7 weeks.
You are probably saying, THEN XFER OFF kitten!!.. well i happen to like Nsp. I like fighting people. NOT PVE. So i will ride this storm into where ever it takes the server.
If we get stuck in the bronze league , ill try it out. if its what i think it will be. Then i will look into other options. Like xfer to a server in silver that is getting pounded.
I am speaking for just me. as i have no idea what my guild wants to do. I haven’t really mentioned it yet aside from a few people.
I am sorry to any and all who hate the way I think. I am sorry for wanting the hard path. I also am sorry in advance if we make the silver league. Knowing fully i will pvdoor all week to try and get there.
Edit – keep your trash lolfinisher and that extra blue I get from the Omgwvw chests.. I dont want or need that garbage
I want PvP.
I will now start the PvDoor for Obs Foundation. We take donations in the forms of pugs. Ty.
BatteleAxe, get to level 37 and we can have a lowbie duel to compliment our stealthless duels. My ranger too pro for your silly mez.
Congrats on your new ranger! When we lowbie duel, I promise I will afk so you can have a fair fight.
Also: Obs +1 for your rant. Even though this game is long past worth giving a crap about scoring, I still hate seeing people tank a match intentionally. It’s just sad.
Lol, I’ve had her for a while, I just get bored of leveling. Especially on ranger. Ty for fair fight. I might get you down to 75% health!
I managed to get my ranger up to level 12 before I deleted him. I know I didn’t really give it a proper chance to develop with traits and all that, but even the basic mechanics of the class were so frustrating to use. Good luck with yours!
RIP Free Badges Here, Level 12 Charr Ranger.
I’m keeping mine just for the name Bow T Licious. Free Bow Jobs got banned
This probably wont go over well , but i will say it. For every Nsp person that pops into a map saying “you realize if you continue to get points , we will get put into silver” (not aimed at anyone in particular as it happened about 6 times today pvdooring Ar). YES I GET IT.
I realize fully the situation we are in. I am probably in the minority when i say this but. I want to play in silver league. As it stands now , the lower tiers have nothing to offer more then lots of pvdoor. Sure there are a strong server or 2 that will give fights. but the thought of running around in Ar on a Saturday morning with 3 people flipping the map saddens me.
So yes i will pvdoor and do whatever. I dont want to sink into the basement and fight nothing for 7 weeks.
You are probably saying, THEN XFER OFF kitten!!.. well i happen to like Nsp. I like fighting people. NOT PVE. So i will ride this storm into where ever it takes the server.
If we get stuck in the bronze league , ill try it out. if its what i think it will be. Then i will look into other options. Like xfer to a server in silver that is getting pounded.
I am speaking for just me. as i have no idea what my guild wants to do. I haven’t really mentioned it yet aside from a few people.
I am sorry to any and all who hate the way I think. I am sorry for wanting the hard path. I also am sorry in advance if we make the silver league. Knowing fully i will pvdoor all week to try and get there.
Edit – keep your trash lolfinisher and that extra blue I get from the Omgwvw chests.. I dont want or need that garbage
I want PvP.
I will now start the PvDoor for Obs Foundation. We take donations in the forms of pugs. Ty.
BatteleAxe, get to level 37 and we can have a lowbie duel to compliment our stealthless duels. My ranger too pro for your silly mez.
Congrats on your new ranger! When we lowbie duel, I promise I will afk so you can have a fair fight.
Also: Obs +1 for your rant. Even though this game is long past worth giving a crap about scoring, I still hate seeing people tank a match intentionally. It’s just sad.
Lol, I’ve had her for a while, I just get bored of leveling. Especially on ranger. Ty for fair fight. I might get you down to 75% health!
Clothing optional. For both cases of my previous post (but especially the duels )
This probably wont go over well , but i will say it. For every Nsp person that pops into a map saying “you realize if you continue to get points , we will get put into silver” (not aimed at anyone in particular as it happened about 6 times today pvdooring Ar). YES I GET IT.
I realize fully the situation we are in. I am probably in the minority when i say this but. I want to play in silver league. As it stands now , the lower tiers have nothing to offer more then lots of pvdoor. Sure there are a strong server or 2 that will give fights. but the thought of running around in Ar on a Saturday morning with 3 people flipping the map saddens me.
So yes i will pvdoor and do whatever. I dont want to sink into the basement and fight nothing for 7 weeks.
You are probably saying, THEN XFER OFF kitten!!.. well i happen to like Nsp. I like fighting people. NOT PVE. So i will ride this storm into where ever it takes the server.
If we get stuck in the bronze league , ill try it out. if its what i think it will be. Then i will look into other options. Like xfer to a server in silver that is getting pounded.
I am speaking for just me. as i have no idea what my guild wants to do. I haven’t really mentioned it yet aside from a few people.
I am sorry to any and all who hate the way I think. I am sorry for wanting the hard path. I also am sorry in advance if we make the silver league. Knowing fully i will pvdoor all week to try and get there.
Edit – keep your trash lolfinisher and that extra blue I get from the Omgwvw chests.. I dont want or need that garbage
I want PvP.
I will now start the PvDoor for Obs Foundation. We take donations in the forms of pugs. Ty.
BatteleAxe, get to level 37 and we can have a lowbie duel to compliment our stealthless duels. My ranger too pro for your silly mez.
I realize you were probably too distracted by commanding your 50 man zerg, but you should open those chests. They have shiny things in them!
Pretty sure I’m better at looting than you are.
Hahaha, I remember when you first posted this. I lol’d.
he has them for just about every situation. It’s like.. Oozo’s always watching….
Point proven
Oh , then i am sorry , Rich , you are creepy kitten.
my mistake lol.
He is creepy.
I realize you were probably too distracted by commanding your 50 man zerg, but you should open those chests. They have shiny things in them!
Does anybody like dueling surrounded by their guards as much as Nikkinella does?
wow, you and 2 other thieves tried to jack me. and I still dropped you. Of course im going to run back into the keep. who’s stupid enough to stand in a fight with 3 thieves?
If you’re going to talk crap, maybe you should try fighting me 1 on 1. Each time I dropped you, more and more people showed up afterwards to help you, and you STILL failed to down me even once. I guess I should be flattered that you need that many people to deal with just me. And you’re using the incredibly broken s/d thief spec and still can’t kill me. That speaks volumes alone on just how bad you are.
LOL he isn’t even in this picture. See the “Northern Shiverpeaks Veteran sits?” Yeah, that’s him. I’m the one sleeping. We’re all the way back by spawn. He fought you 1v1. Want a real 1v1? Go to open field away from your little bridge, trollboy.
Yes, my /sleep from 1500 range is pretty kitten dangerous. Very good. All I saw you do is try fearing off cliffs and run to your bridge, AoE, then run to the keep. Pro skillz, yo.
Just a little something something from roaming last night with a few guildies
Very well fought, especially with how low your fps count was.
Narsil talks out of his kitten a lot, apparently.
Apparently you aren’t up to date with the forums and also again ratings can change a ton based on the pairing system, so atm we still have 2 weeks before we even know which servers are gonna be placed and where, as for no growing in numbers? I see a ton of NSP recruitment in the recruitment section, don’t ask me why I am there. Also how can ratings change rapidly and server position? ET was saying how they were doing so much better since they had faced bigger servers, grown in population etc. They are facing lower ranked servers and we get the opposite, now FC even though we are losing our spot in this week matchup to DH, we are projected to shoot up to 22nd place in ratings, thnx to the rating system.
Narsil talks out of his kitten a lot, apparently.
I’d like you all to meet the best thief in game. (sarcasm)
http://imgur.com/a/CJsdu – read the pms
hallo i reset fight 5x with perm stealthing even though I already have spam blinds… finally win.. im so gud.. yepyep
He has no idea what anything in this game does because he hides in stealth 99% of the time. OMG I TOOK 10 Damage!!!! Stealth, OMG 1 BLEED TICK!!! Hide in shadows……real skills right there.
Guys, its really hard for perma stealth thieves to run from zergs, okay?
So much rambling
lol, anti ranger build
Is there a ranger ranger build? You know where they do more than death by a thousand cuts over the span of about 30minutes?
mesmer have a GS , it makes for great range killshots, by anti ranger i mean most rangers I run into wont do much to me, uptime retal and uptime reflect, can make for great combos, downside, my fat legs wont let me run 100 yards to catch up to them if they are tanky …
I think you’re missing their point that Rangers don’t generally do much to anyone.
Thank you, Dank. These people are funny, seriously replying to that post.
lol, anti ranger build
To be fair, it’s the only way they can die faster to get back to their zergling nonsense. Provided one is close, anyway.
huh…we havent been in a zerg all match up…
you guys are more of the zerglings in all actuality.
Well, duh. Didn’t you see? We PVDoor now!
Killed myself, because I DON’T battle with XOXO. IDGAF
yeah i’d rather jump off a cliff.
Precisely what happened..
To be fair, it’s the only way they can die faster to get back to their zergling nonsense. Provided one is close, anyway.
Tonight, in another episode of XOXO PVDoor (someone should probably buy me a commander tag, I’m really good at it):
ty for the excellent tips on proper treb placement. I can help my team take our towers back from DH now.
In return, please accept this thief instructional video on unarmed combat and use it to guide XOXO to many victories!
-El Taquito Bandito, Best Fireworks Thief NA
This has got to be the funniest and most fantastic thing I have seen so far in this game. Omg my mind has been blown.
I second this. Especially the pun part of it.
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