Showing Posts For FrankieBonez.8361:

Mass confusion event... our fault or Anets

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


So you want those hands from SAB pointing where to go? The in-game mail is pretty evident on where you need to go. The achievements have decent enough descriptions to clue you in to what you need to do for them.

I suppose that’s why there were 100+ people standing around Lornar’s pass for two hours asking “What do we do?” to the Commander’s clarion call of “I don’t know.”

Play it and figure it out. My goodness gamers these days are spoiled. Several servers finished the Marionette event through trial and error. Tequatl took a little while to figure out, but it’s been done – same will happen with the Wurms.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

1/3/14: DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


[EA] still having fun the passed few weeks. Even after the wagon burned down for the second time the Ambush is still standing.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

1/3/14: DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


[EA] had fun on BPBL tonight. Good fights tonight from BP and Ebay.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


DB takes the prize for the worst zerging trash server of them all. Good job, and well deserved.

the 60 man rolls the 40 man
the 40 man rolls the 20 man
the 20 man rolls the 10 man
the 10 man rolls the 5 man
the 5 man+ rolls the solo roamer

welcome to WvW?

DB is more the 40+ man chase the 5 man all the way across the map type of server often times failing to kill any of them. It is extremely rare to find any smaller sized roaming groups on DB. [SYN] is about all I’ve seen. [EA] a bit larger, but at least they don’t run with 20+ and pugs.

You should put a 5man together. I’ve been killed plenty of times by preform 5mans while soloing on my necro and I never complain about that on the forums, because I know they aren’t zerging trash. They are out there with 5 people and most of their fights are against zergs, not killing solo roamers.

There is a huge difference between a 5v1 and a 40v5.

Had good fights with [AD] & friends I think it was on Monday on IoJBL, yall kept poking my group (about 10ish iirc) while we were hitting IoJ’s zergball. Tough dealing with you both but we did. Was fun though!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[Build] Necromancer WvW DeathWells

in Necromancer

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Thanks for the tips guys, will continue tweaking taking everything posted here into consideration.

I like the stats spread on the build you posted Glaucs.

@Zikory : Runes of the Pack was a cheap way to boost Power/Prec – will consider getting my hands on Scholar Runes and see how that works. Also, I’ve found Necros to have a lot of innate surviviblity – DS and Plague – so toughness isn’t such a high priority, I’d be more than willing to sacrifice toughness and work on my dodging, timing and positioning but I see where you’re coming from coming from T1, the zergs are slightly smaller on DB.

If keeping with the semi-high Crit Chance, should I drop Death Perception for Foot In Grave for stability in DS? Thoughts on this trait?

Keep em coming guys, learning a lot!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

[Build] Necromancer WvW DeathWells

in Necromancer

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Updated build after much advice from guildies and others. Still need a bit of input fine-tuning and optimizing build. Much appreciated!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[Build] Necromancer WvW DeathWells

in Necromancer

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Chill of Death is a very interesting trait now so that’s something to try out. I’m not sure why you’re taking Dhuumfire as you don’t have any condition damage. It seems like Axe Training would help your damage more if you want DS burst.

Noted, may drop Dhuumfire and either pick up Axe Training or put those 10 points to grab Chill of Darkness in the Curses line while also boosting my precision a bit more.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[Build] Necromancer WvW DeathWells

in Necromancer

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Hey peoples, I put together a WvW Necromancer Build and need some input.

This is the build myself and other necros use in my group. This build is ideal for organised raids in WvW – Utilizing Deathshroud traited with Death Perception for added Crit Chance. So far this build has been working well for me and my playstyle but i’m always open to suggestions and improvements. What I’ve found so far:

- High damage utilizing Wells through Deathshroud
- Not overly tanky – know when to dodge and use positioning is a must for this build
- Great for running with a group (10-15+)
- Not ideal for Solo roaming at all.

Build Video With Gameplay
The Build – Soldier Variant

You can also use Knight’s or Berserker’s slotted with Melandru Runes for the gear. For the weapons, Knight’s, Berserker or Assassin’s work as well.

Calling on more experienced Necros to put in their 2 coppers. Would love some input on ways to improve this build. Thanks in advance!!

Edit: After much advice and some minor tweaking, here is the updated build:

Updated Build

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

12/13/13 DB/BP/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


No, this match up is boring. The only reason its remotely even is the PvDoor fest that resets everything. Dragonbrands NA spends all day getting used as a doormat by Ebay and Borlis, losing all their stuff, while Dragonbrands Oceanic karma trains in the wee hours of the morning.

Since Ebay and Borlis have about the same NA presence, neither server can match the 600 PPT DB pulls in the early hours. In essence, this match is boiling down to how long Borlis and Ehmry stay a sleep, and how fast Borlis and Ehmry can PvDoor dragonbrand when they wake up.

Its boring.

Here we go again folks!!!

It’s boring because of what now? Things out of your control while you’re not playing and/or asleep? PPT? Don’t mind the good fights all around (except for EU of course, everyone PvDoors DB during that time as you said) and the fairly close matchup that’s still anyone’s ballgame.

It’s boring because you can’t karma train when you’re playing? Trying to understand where you’re coming from here. I play during NA prime and the target rich environment keeps me entertained quite nicely.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


" . . . we’ve added a new arena space to the Obsidian Sanctum where opposing groups of players can meet up for combat. The Borderlands Bloodlust buff will no longer apply in the Obsidian Sanctum."

Well kitten, they do listen. The arena looks pretty good. Good start I think, nice platform to build upon.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

Rock The Nightmare!!!!

in The Nightmare Within

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Such a fun contest!! Anet, do more of these please!

My entry, Enjoy!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

11/8 DB/NSP/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


I dunno, i think it may be a combination of English not being GabGar’s first language, being 12yo, having a misguided aggression towards the current version of DB, and possibly being a textbook example of someone with a superiority complex.

He’s barking at the “unloyal guilds” who, by the way GabGar, are no longer on this server – they can’t hear you – nor can what you say here affect them in their matchups. Calling commanders bad even after he clearly can’t match them on the field, hallucinating seeing and beating up David Sage on Monday, complimenting us then immediately changing face to insults in the same sentence, complaining about our SEA presence when he PvDoors just the same against a “dying server in ruins” and brags about it incessantly — yeah . . . textbook example.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

11/8 DB/NSP/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


And for all Dragonbrand, you should be ashamed you are losing in this way after you were a great server. Bark all you want, your server is in ruins, period.

Lol, why are you still talking kitten to the guilds/people that DID stay on DB – were you not noticed enough while you were on DB that you have to make so much noise now after jumping ship cause kitten got rough?

Who were you on Dragonbrand again?

Because Im looking that you all guys transfer to YB

Pro tip: Don’t go into politics.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

11/8 DB/NSP/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


And for all Dragonbrand, you should be ashamed you are losing in this way after you were a great server. Bark all you want, your server is in ruins, period.

Lol, why are you still talking kitten to the guilds/people that DID stay on DB – were you not noticed enough while you were on DB, that you have to make so much noise after jumping ship cause kitten got rough?

Who were you on Dragonbrand again?

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

Silver League Week 3: DB-EB-CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Good fights this week CD and EB, we may have more overnight coverage but as someone who plays during NA Prime to early Oceanic I have to say, y’all are tough!

Wish you guys the best in your upcoming matches! Good luck out there, fight hard!

p.s To the [EA] on CD – we were looking for you guys all week in the open field – I so wanted to see an [EA] vs [EA] clash of gold and red. I’m sure we both purposefully picked off eachother’s members when we saw them Maybe next time . . .

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


1 – WvW Incentives/Rewards for Defense
2 – Population Balance
3 – Guild impact in WvW
4 – Commander Tools

Y’all that have account bound WxP on your lists need to stop being lazy. lol.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

I can't be the only one

in Warrior

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


How I feel when trying half the builds on here after using my own homebrew. This is why I like doing my own thang with builds.

Enjoy! XD

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


The forums are a mess right now vov

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


This is why I like doing my own thang with builds. Matchup recap included.

Enjoy! XD

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

9/27/13 Maguuma/Ehmry Bay/Dragonbrand

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


kitten. I think I burnt myself out.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

Cavalier and hammer.

in Warrior

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


This is the build I use in WvW to great effect. The damage is decent with nice survivability and mobility. Using Knights gear, Knights Weapons (GS + HAMMER) and Zerker/Cavalier Jewels.


Video explaining everything:

In Action:
Frontline DPS – Decent Survivability – Perma Might/Fury – Long Hammer Stun

Hey there Frankie,
If you’re ever interested in increasing the potential of your build check out my WvW guide. Just from a quick glance at your build I notice that you are missing out on a potential extra 20-40% Critical damage.

You sound like a salesman and I don’t like salemen . . . but ok, I will check it out. You’re good.


Edit: Read the guide, lots of interesting stuff that i’d recommend everyone check out. Will be incorporating a lot of the info int here for my next test build which i’m currently field testing in WvW. Thanks again!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

Cavalier and hammer.

in Warrior

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


This is the build I use in WvW to great effect. The damage is decent with nice survivability and mobility. Using Knights gear, Knights Weapons (GS + HAMMER) and Zerker/Cavalier Jewels.


Video explaining everything:

In Action:
Frontline DPS – Decent Survivability – Perma Might/Fury – Long Hammer Stun

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

Incoming: WvW Leagues

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Emotions and speculation are running high right now in this thread, but i’ll stay calm and wait to see exactly how they implement this.

“North America will have four leagues, each league containing several worlds. The idea here is to look at recent WvW ratings and match up worlds in similar levels, with a gold league, a silver league, and so on.” source Joystiq

So rewards will be based on the winner of each league (bronze, silver, gold, etc), not the absolute #1 as we have now.

Wait a minute . . . did they just bring tiers back?

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


“We’d rather spend a good deal amount of time making it awesome than just push it out because the community wants it asap”

This Exactly – do you really want them to rush out GvG? Or do you want them to do it right? I actually would rather them fix and add things to WvW as a whole to make it better as it is already an existing feature that has been ignored since launch.

MMO community these days are so impatient . . . spoiled i say! Spoiled!.

That’s fair enough, I agree it’s better to wait and do something properly rather than rushing it.
And I can understand the general policy of not committing to release-dates or specific details until they’re 100% ready, because then people cry when it gets pushed back.

But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t at least say……… something……. anything, to let us know we aren’t just alone in the void, forgotten.

The fact that right now we’re doing it in the middle of WvW, where spectators and other guilds can interfere, taking up queue slots, etc, is worse than having a temporary blank map to fight. They could add a temporary solution till releasing the real thing

I still would rather them release a full featured . . . feature, than a temporary fix tbh – aka: done properly. Also, y’all have to realize that although the current GvG community is demanding this feature, Anet has to make it appealing and attractive to everyone playing the game, or those looking to get into GvGs in order for it to be “worth it” for them to implement.

As vocal as the current community is (both WvW and GvG), it is only a small percentage of the game. PvE > PvP to developers – this has been prevalent throughout the history of MMOs. Darkfall, Shadowbane and old school UO (which catered to the hardcore PvP) died out because there just wasn’t enough support. Sadly, the PvE and casual crowd drive games forward.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


But that doesn’t mean they couldn’t at least say……… something……. anything, to let us know we aren’t just alone in the void, forgotten.

Very true. At the very least – they did acknowledge the demand for it with the quoted post.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


“We’d rather spend a good deal amount of time making it awesome than just push it out because the community wants it asap”

This Exactly – do you really want them to rush out GvG? Or do you want them to do it right? I actually would rather them fix and add things to WvW as a whole to make it better as it is already an existing feature that has been ignored since launch.

MMO community these days are so impatient . . . spoiled i say! Spoiled!.

Think about how fast they’ve pushed out every other piece of content in the game. They built and launched the entire fractal system in TWO MONTHS.

All we want is a mostly flat, square map that can be passworded. That’s….it.

Judging by how long it’s going to take the Thaumanova Reactor fractal to be added, i’m willing to think that Fractals were in development for longer than two months. But it’s speculation – i don’t know for sure.

Regardless, I would rather see them do GvG right with proper rankings and features, perhaps multiple maps rather than just a flat plain (before ya’ll get bored of it ).

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[[Unofficial GvG Scene Thread]]

in In-game Events

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


“We’d rather spend a good deal amount of time making it awesome than just push it out because the community wants it asap”

This Exactly – do you really want them to rush out a kitten GvG feature to shut y’all up? Or do you want them to do it right? I actually would rather them fix and add content and substance to WvW as a whole to make it better as it is already an existing feature that has been ignored since launch.

MMO community these days are so impatient . . . spoiled i say! Spoiled!.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


I didn’t insert myself anywhere other than to comment that it was sort of silly to post every time your blob wiped them…

Did someone say….BLOB ?!?!?

Too bad I was largely inactive except for that night. Had fun anyway. I’ll see you later, or i’ll see you on another time Mag and BP!

<.< didnt i tell you to trim this down 10 minutes of blobs on blobs is boring

Guess what. I do what I want – hence the Rifle (lol) and the 10 mins of Blob vs Blob.

This is why i like you least

No feelings were hurt this day.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


I didn’t insert myself anywhere other than to comment that it was sort of silly to post every time your blob wiped them…

Did someone say….BLOB ?!?!?

Too bad I was largely inactive except for that night. Had fun anyway. I’ll see you later, or i’ll see you on another time Mag and BP!

<.< didnt i tell you to trim this down 10 minutes of blobs on blobs is boring

Guess what. I do what I want – hence the rifle, wandering off during fights, and the 10 mins of Blob vs Blob.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Wish I could’ve been on more this week

To commemorate us reaching 20 pages – here’s that “Battle at Bluebriar” between the “PPT Zerg” and the [Agg] [Ark] [PYRO] blob earlier in the week. Was a fun fight, props to all involved. Blob vs Blob. Special treat at the end! Enjoy!

If you missed it – Agg Matrix Vid

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


kittensake, I didn’t know there were rules in WvW, why didn’t anyone tell me these things!?! Here I thought it was red=dead, wipe or get wiped.

There are rules
Courtesy of AGG, transcribed by The Gut Grinder

3) We will only post excellently edited video’s showing that it goes our way.

At least i’m following one rule. XD

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Gosh maybe you should talk to your fellow server buddies. Maybe one night this week won’t be filled with DB complaining about mag guilds banding together to wipe your queues.

I don’t care enough.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


kittensake, I didn’t know there were rules in WvW, why didn’t anyone tell me these things!?! Here I thought it was red=dead, wipe or get wiped.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[VIDEO] GW2 Year One: A Look Back

in Community Creations

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Whether we realize it or not, A LOT of content and quality-of-life features were added to the game within the first year. More recently, Anet has committed to a 2 week content cycle bringing us something new almost every time.

I’ve played Guild Wars 2 since Beta and up to now, have enjoyed every second of it. Regardless of some of the minor flaws and missteps, the game is as good as it gets and with a little more time and polish under it’s belt – will be the bar other MMOs will hopefully follow. This is the first game since Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot where I feel vested in the game, made tons of new friends, and experienced a different breed of MMO. Although I do spend most of my time in WvW, I was still able to enjoy the PvE updates/content when I could.

I made a video commemorating the game’s 1 Year Anniversary taking a look back at the all the content updates since release.


Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

Happy Birthday Guild Wars 2!

in Community Creations

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Whether we realize it or not, A LOT of content and quality-of-life features were added to the game within the first year. More recently, Anet has committed to a 2 week content cycle bringing us something new almost every time.

I’ve played Guild Wars 2 since Beta and up to now, have enjoyed every second of it. Regardless of some of the minor flaws and missteps, the game is as good as it gets and with a little more time and polish under it’s belt – will be the bar other MMOs will hopefully follow. This is the first game since Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot where I feel vested in the game, made tons of new friends, and experienced a different breed of MMO. Although I do spend most of my time in WvW, I was still able to enjoy the PvE updates/content when I could.

I understand Anet wants to get the seasonal stuff out of the way so they have that under their belt and can tweak it year after year, but I would like to see more permanent content and changes to the world as a whole. Also, winning a WvW matchup should mean more than just bragging rights and a pat on the back, WvW should have more rewards and an effect on the server as a whole to encourage participation regardless of the match-up. The commander, guild and party system could use more tweaking as well.

Anyway, I made a video commemorating the game’s 1 Year Anniversary taking a look back at the all the content updates since release.


Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


I always got the impression DB was kind of like a “bro, no bro, dude… bro” atmosphere. Plz confirm.

I always thought DB was more like

“ok gaiz stack here every…” in the background “Mooooooom, no i need 10 more minutes we’re about to take the stonemist castle!!”

Nah bruh, DB nuffin like that, namean? We grown peoples here – It’s tough on the streets, man. Too many Urkels on yo team, that’s why ya Wins-low. Turn up man! What? Ain’t nobody talkin that mess. Twerk all day, hot water and hot dogs jumpin double dutch! We Dragonbrand, respect.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


I agree. The outbursts were really uncharacteristic of us tbh. Like you said, unless you know both sides of the story – (ex: were they uncalled for ?) – you only know what you know.

Forums are a separate game for me and only represent a small, albeit vocal, percentage of the actual server’s populace which is why I don’t peg a server/guild for one person’s comment. For me, at least, if people want to go off on the forums, so be it, i’ll read it and probably forget about it in 5 mins – it has no effect on me or the game I play – it only affects the forum game and the personas who participate.

Does [EAT] have an ego? I’d be lying if I said they didn’t – and most other guilds are too if they think they don’t. But we’ve taken our beatings and also handed them out and 99.9% of the time, we’re either quiet about it or give props where they are due – save for a highlight reel at the end of the week. Besides, PvF is boring – YouTube wars are the new meta.

Most guilds with a high-pop have an ego, whether they’d like to admit it or not. I totally agree with you about the forums. The way I talk ingame and on the forums are completely different. Nothing like a little trash talk before a fight

Lol. It’s wierd – i’m actually more trolly/obnoxious in-game/vent than I am on the forums. Throws people off. lol

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Ansorin, you are one of my favorite people on DB, and I have nothing but the utmost respect for you. That being said, perspective is everything, and until you have been on both sides of the coin you only see what you know. I like to think that xferring around has humbled me a bit. You will never see me bragging and chest thumping about wiping anyone anymore. I have wiped guilds WITH dragonbrand, and I have wiped dragonbrand guilds I have gone against. The amount of disrespect shown from the braggards in the ‘EAT conglomeration’ is absurd and I look forward to watching someone knock the collective down a peg or two. Yay, you wiped Agg. So have we! But we have also been bashed in the face by them countless times as well. No need tto get kitteny about it.

I agree. The outbursts were really uncharacteristic of us tbh. Like you said, unless you know both sides of the story – (ex: were they uncalled for ?) – you only know what you know.

Forums are a separate game for me and only represent a small, albeit vocal, percentage of the actual server’s populace which is why I don’t peg a server/guild for one person’s comment. For me, at least, if people want to go off on the forums, so be it, i’ll read it and probably forget about it in 5 mins – it has no effect on me or the game I play – it only affects the forum game and the personas who participate.

Does [EAT] have an ego? I’d be lying if I said they didn’t – and most other guilds are too if they think they don’t. But we’ve taken our beatings and also handed them out and 99.9% of the time, we’re either quiet about it or give props where they are due – save for a highlight reel at the end of the week. Besides, PvF is boring – YouTube wars are the new meta.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

(edited by FrankieBonez.8361)

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Wow…. EAT is so kitteny for a conglomeration guild comprised of 2 large guilds that form up a megaguild that they raid with 2 nights a week, because every other night of the week when they run ‘by themselves’ (who am I kidding, you NEVER see them rolling alone!) To roll the bl and compensate for their individual beatdowns…

No trolling, just calling it how I see it (from being on both sides)…

Borlis! We are doing it rong! We must form VOLTRON in order to beat these gaiz!! And then when we do, we must brag INCESSANTLY about doing so!

[EA] and [TG] aren’t large anymore lol. Lucky if we can pull 15 ppl respectively into WvW hence why [EAT] only fields ~25.

You have to find ways to adjust to the bigger servers where you can – not the other way around. We prepare for our matchups against the bigger servers, just because a smaller server is thrown into the mix for 1 week doesn’t mean we stop what we’re doing. We don’t expect it from the bigger servers when we get thrown in with them.

We are hardly Voltron, maybe just the legs. DB’s actual Voltron is only activated when we fight the bigger servers.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


The white fairy of Maguuma would like to thank DB, EAT specifically for party at SM. Next time you should bring more than double our numbers. An hour of defending, no supplies, and the ’guumies prevailed #magswag

I hate to do it but gotta call you out on this. I’m from mag and EB was Q’d, it took us 30 minutes to convince Xushin to get the karma train pugs out so we could come save you. Then you took a picture after we pushed them off the map

In case you don’t understand that means you had equal number, but since you were all scattered and DB was in an organized group it just looks that way. There was also a steady stream of supply heading into SM.

Good fights EAT

Was watching /[EAT]’s livestream while waiting for queue – what you said is accurate – VOD is up if anyone wants to see themselves.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/23 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Borlis Pass

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Borlis Pass meet [EAT] , [EAT] meet Borlis Pass…

We hungry and want some Borlis Bags! Allow us to introduce ourselves!

Don’t worry, this match-up will get it’s own equally awesome highlight reel of it’s own. Come one, come all!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

WvW Hammer Warrior Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Most of the dedicated zergs ask the warriors to go full tank/cc and leave the damage to the backlines -they usually go with Eles and sometimes necros/engys-. Why bother with mediocre dps in the front with reduced survivability while you can get away with more dps oriented builds hanging safely behind the front tanky line?

That’s why unsuspecting foe just dilutes your role in zerging. It’s ok for a 5man since you can get away with the hammer>100b thing since you got your buddies around.

While this is true, me and one other warrior ran my Tank/DPS build and it worked out pretty well, of course our group was lacking backline DPS so we had to make up for it. But it’s really all situational, [EAT] switches builds throughout the night frequently depending on which enemy is running around and/or what we’re lacking.

Currently i’m testing out a new homebrew build to see if it fits in with the current meta. Will post my findings once I test it in more fights big and small.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[VIDEO] Dragonbrand WvW - [EA] + [TG]

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


New build video and WvW video will be up Wednesday. Hopefully we get some good fights in with Mag and Borlis Pass this week. Heavy roaming servers with good skill groups – should be a fun week if ppl ignore the PPT.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[VIDEO] Dragonbrand WvW - [EA] + [TG]

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


I look good in all the fights #neverdie

Me too! except i died twice that night i think. That retaliation is a silent killer.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

What is THE solo/small group roaming build?

in Warrior

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Lots of very good build posted here. Gere’s my 2 copper. I mainly do organized guild raids and small group roaming. My build is Tanky/DPS using Hammer/Greatsword.


In Action:
Frontline DPS – Decent Survivability – Perma Might/Fury – Long Hammer Stun

you could swap “Rending Strikes” with “Crackshot” on the fly and have a fun GS/Rifle Build as well.

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


My vid got buried amongst the drama…./sadface

scroll up pl0x

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

WvW Hammer Warrior Builds

in Warrior

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Updated with Tank/DPS build in action! Enjoy

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[VIDEO] Dragonbrand WvW - [EA] + [TG]

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


There were a lot of guilds we missed out on, or at least I wasn’t around to record for, [EP] being one of them. Still got 2 days left so who knows!

I know Synco of [TG] has VODs on his twitch channel (/xsynco) so you can go look back and see the shennanigans and also if we ran into [EP], [ME], [CERN] etc.

Good fights the passed two weeks tho, can’t complain. Mag groups always force us to step our game up, you guys are tough!

Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

8/16 Dragonbrand/Maguuma/Tarnished Coast

in Match-ups

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


Too much QQ in this thread. [EAT] has had some good fights the last 2 weeks with our match-ups against TC and Mag. Let’s get back to WvW shall we? In case y’all forgot – allow us to reintroduce ourselves.


Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!

[VIDEO] Dragonbrand WvW - [EA] + [TG]

in WvW

Posted by: FrankieBonez.8361


[EAT] of Dragonbrand has had some good fights the last 2 weeks with our match-ups against TC and Mag. Let’s get back to WvW shall we? In case y’all forgot – allow us to reintroduce ourselves.


Overlord Sorin | Sorin Rising | Ansorin
Elephant Ambush [EA] | Dragonbrand | GW2 YouTube!