Showing Posts For FreeLampie.5349:

Ideal gear - weapons for a AH-shout guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


PVE Guardian, which makes sense regarding AH- Shout
Full Trooper Runes
Switch 1 Shout for Wall Of Reflection and make sure Master Of Consecrations is active.
Weapons I only ever use are: Mace/Shield and then Staff/Hammer (Hammer I use writ of persistence for Perma Protection.

I have used this build pretty much since Beta/Closed and its never failed me, Lupi etc never an issue. The Heals are incredible.


[Suggestion] Legendary Free Skinning

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


I don’t think it should just be about the grind of getting a legendary as a plus point once you have it.. It should be apart from other weapons, the skins are nice but so are ascended skins and they are easier to get. Ascended Weapons & Legendary Weapons are too close in my opinion. Legendary Weapons should be even more unique than I feel they currently are. I like the idea about free transmutation it makes it even more worth it about showing it off!


Guesting is Coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Your missing what they are saying.

In the current way that the routing is done, it isn’t possible to guest on to another region because they are on two separate data centers. Look how long its taken them to develop guesting in the first place, the game has only been out since August. I think guesting in other Regions if Arena Net are stating that the routing would be complex and reading in between the lines saying that it would interrupt game time is a BAD idea. , if you have players that are on a NA server go join them.

Heck, for all the comments that are acting like you know better than Industry Professionals, where all the Network Admins, game developers and so on not commenting & why aren’t any of you working for Arena Net?

I honestly don’t understand the condrum, got friend on US server go play with them=Server Transfer
Got friends on the Eu Server go play with them=Server Transfer
Got friend on both? =Tough go and become a Server Guru and solve it for Arena Net I’m sure they will buy you your legendary for you.


Ascended ring

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


If we are trolling, for the word unique.. Why drop twice again at all?
If truly “Unique” there can be no other


Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Wish the flames were blue but close…



Healing Power or Vit? Or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Yeah I have Sigil of Life on my Sword, which as you say gives me 250 Stack.
Hmm, going to staff I think is a possibility.


Healing Power or Vit? Or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Thanks Razzy, your build I think is the one that I have too. As I said with Sigil of Endurance I can keep it up by swapping weapons and usually heal myself right up, I also use Renewed Focus when I’m already really in trouble. I think if you only went with Healing Power and had no Vitality then I think you’d be in trouble, but balancing all three I think is the way to go. I think having Armor with Toughness and Healing Power with Set Bonus of Vitality on it with Cleric Accessories with Vitality upgrades on it.

I’m looking at swapping to a Staff, I like Empower and the heal it gives is pretty good too.


Healing Power or Vit? Or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Lets get it straight here, it’s not that I have no Vitality, I have still have a decent amount around the 1.3k mark with healing power at the 1.4k mark so it’s not like I’m sacrificing vitality at all, what I’m doing is trying to Balance the two with a high toughness. It seems to work, and I’ve hit the cursed shore and yes I may take more damage from conditions but because maybe I don’t have such a high vitality and have good healing power that as soon as I roll or use virtue of resolve I have health back.

I do understand the point with damage so will look at that, so may change some gear/stats around so that I can get a higher precision, it’s not that I do no damage but not as much as a DPS class obivously.
That’s what I’m asking basically if its possible too balance the two so that you have all 3 toughness/vitality/healing power


Healing Power or Vit? Or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Why is it bad? When I’m healed by my healing trait on roll I’m healing for loads and my virtue of resolve heals me a lot too, is this not affected by healing power?


Healing Power or Vit? Or both?

in Guardian

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Yo first post on here as was interested on what people thought about this.

At present I’m using Sword/Shield & Mace/Focus. I’ve got around 2.3k toughness and 1.3k Vit and 1.4k healing power. Most of my gear is Healing Power & Toughness with set bonus in Vit aNd toughness bonus. I have cleric accessories with Vit and toughness upgrades. I’m 30 in valour, honour and 10 in the bottom one.

All in all I can take most things, champions aren’t really a struggle, legendary I find also alright as long as they don’t have a 1 hit kill skill obviously. The healing roll is a life saver and have put the 50% endurance on weapons so I can keep rolling.

So after explaining all this is do you think it sounds effective, I do very little Damage but didn’t think it was too important, but wondering wether I should scrap healing power all together and just focus on Vit because I may survive more or shoulkittenep all 3?



Guild Emblem?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


Just did what you said and I can see it now Thanks. Hopefully they will fix this bug


Guild Emblem?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FreeLampie.5349


I have designed our Guild Emblem & on Banners it shows up fine. But on the Homepage of the guild I cannot see our emblem, there is just an empty space where there should be one? Everyone else can see & just not me.

My char name is Zelhar. Any help much appreciated
