Showing Posts For Freigan.2476:
I’d be happy if we had some basic text based emotes that didn’t necessarily correspond to an animation even. It’s that or make custom emotes better than /me “does”.
More townclothes and Sitting I think by now must be well known by the dev team.
I’d like a /Lay since Sleep forces your character to snore and makes RP-ing injury look ridiculous.
Since the animations are in their already would a /limp command not be possible to implement that made the character use the crippled animation until cancelled.
I’d also be appreciative of a /still command that made you stand still and not do the idle animations.
Also if /kneel is used you shouldn’t bend down every time, if you are targeting someone you should still look at them as you do hen stood up.
If you read back that is exactly what has been suggested in the OP. I’d be really interested to know how feasible the Anet dev team think this would be, technically the tech exists in game with the “do you want to go to…” box when you are in overflow already so I assume it’s a case of simply working out what “underpopulated” is as a number of players in a zone.
I like the idea of Number 3, least intrusive and allows the biggest freedom of choice.
I dunno, I could be mis-reading what he’s said but isn’t he saying that he wants them as a sort of vanity item? So you don’t actually move any faster than if you ran but you just look kind of cooler? I could live with that to be honest, be kind of fun riding around on a big Dolyak or a Drake or some such just for the look of things.
This for me was my big disappointment in the event. Stuff happens with things like lag and broken NPC’s etc and I’d suspect lessons will be learnt on those fronts so I’m not crying over the fact that maybe bits of gameplay weren’t perfect, no evolving MMO I’ve ever played is perfect let alone one where the paint is still drying from release.
However I think one thing that is and should be avoidable is the fact that if you happened to miss the few hours some content was up for then you never ever got to see it. I may be naive in thinking this but whilst big one off events to kick off a scenario are great having every aspect of a big huge event happen almost exclusively in one place (lion’s arch in the main) and that once that event is done there were no recursive events that gave at least a flavour of the kick off event is a massive mistake and yet one so easily avoided.
Why not simply have level appropriate content in many zones? Why couldn’t we have Karka incursions in lots of places? Why only one huge invasion at LA that once over you had no chance of feeling “involved” with? If you missed the first event for whatever reason you were simply consuming content and not getting involved in the story which from the outside seemed fairly epic.
I mean there must have been so much effort into planning, designing and creating all that stuff that packaging it up into chunks that can only be consumed by the lucky few who were on at the right times? It seems a total waste. Could there not have be “organised” boat trips to Southsun that “signed up” to and then all left at the same time (On the hour\half hour?) like queuing for battlegrounds? You hit the instance of the island with a butt load of people and everyone gets to roll through the story side of the content together and then we go back to the usual world/overflow servers for the on going stuff?
What I was left feeling was that I was in a queue for tickets to see my favourite band but only got tickets to see 15 minutes of their set because I wasn’t in the queue first.
I wonder, following on from adding blind to head or body shot, the last ability could be something like a reverse death blosom where the thief flies backward firing off a sweep of bullets (and/or a swing with a dagger/sword) that would damage all enemies in front of the thief and slow them. Something that would mean you’d have to be slightly more cautious in how you approach a pistol Thief as a melee class or a way to back off from a group of mobs should things get too spicy.
Personally (and I may be wildly off base again) I’d love to have Headshot or Bodyshot do a bit more to improve survivability so maybe some kind of knock back\down as well? Something that makes it worth the high int cost rather than just an interrupt, at this stage for me I find that I’d rather dodge something than attempt to interrupt though obviously I know that doesn’t apply to things like heals etc.
Either that or Headshot should be a blind utility and we get a better last ability (or improve the skill so that it makes a better combo field than currently.
Rather than create a whole new topic I thought I might as well ask the question here since some knowledgeable folks have replied previously.
I play mostly PvE and a bit of WvWvW (no normal PvP ) and I love using the dual pistols in PvE and have done since about level 5 (alternate weapon is shortbow for support).
With the auto-attack is this hitting solely with the main hand pistol and then the off hand only used with unload or the other abilities?
I’m a fairly casual player so have only hit 60 recently but after finding I was able to mow through most mobs I’m finding a big slow down on how quickly I can finish off a mob and group fights are now next to impossible. I’ve specced up in Acrobatics to get hard to catch and then split the rest between Trickery and Shadow arts as I wanted the caltrops on dodge ability and will probably go up Shadow Arts for more stealth.
Am I barking up completely the wrong tree here? should I be speccing into Deadly Arts for the extra power? Is critical strikes worth it for the 100% crit in stealth chance for the stealthed 1 ability?
Is P/P ever viable for WvWvW given the zerg nature of most combat? I seem to spend most time firing my shortbow into crowds of attackers not knowing if I’m really helping or not rather than knowingly killing targets.
To try and answer both questions. Why would you not want it permanently? Perhaps you want to do a guild event of some kind and everyone wants to dress up in all pink uniforms for the screenshots? What if you have a particular set of armour you’d like a specific colour for but it’s not a colour you’ll use in general (say a specific metal colour for trim).
On buying dyes from trading, well you’ve pretty much identified my point. I bet that black dye went for a couple of gold maybe? If I wanted to use black on just a single colour mask, one I may not even keep forever, then I have to pay 2g just to get it. If you set a 75 gem price for all dyes (or even just the rarest dyes since the normal and fine ones are dead cheap) then it’s standard and generally within reach. Plus at about that price you’ve got 4-5 uses before you’ve spent as much as a dye might cost so it’s not a long term alternative, it’s simply quick temporary access.
Just an idea I was thinking off really. Obviously most of the time you want to own a dye you will use again and again but what about being able to purchase a specific dye colour that would be a “one use only” type deal? So if you are desperate for black dye you could pay the premium and use gems to buy it but you’d only get one use out of it per “dye patch” on your armour.
If you made it something lowish like 75 gems or something then it’s a small sink of cash (real or otherwise) for a quick athestic boost without taking away the want to have that colour available all the time.
Just a thought.
This, a thousand times. If you are going to get your voice actors to put on (sometimes well, sometimes not) British accents then you must, MUST use the English pronunciation of the words. As the OP says, it’s Quay pronounced Key. There’s another one in the Sylvari story mode opening conversation as well that I can’t remember exactly what it was. Just as well there is no Aluminium based gear in the game!
World: Piken Square
Guild: Base Jumpers Inc [BJI]
Permission: Officer
As other have reported have the guild bank option but reports as not being in a guild when talking to to NPC. Then I un-represent myself and then was not able to re-represent afterwards. Logged off and on to no effect.