Showing Posts For FriQenstein.5218:

Extremely unbalanced profession

in WvW

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


Thieves aren’t all bad. It’s the kittenty mechanics of the game that ANet refuses to fix, but there are a few of those so what are ya gonna do?
Not like ANet gives a kitten anyway. They just add fluff to the game every time they turn around. You can have a million different ridiculous looking backpacks, but no proper rendering or combat mechanics.

My thief is fun at times, but mostly I get bored with him really quick… especially in WvW. This game is nothing but 1 big AOE fest anyway, so what difference does it make in the long run? It’s just Zerg with massive AoEs, rinse, repeat, logoff & go to sleep.

Disappointed & Quitting GW2 | post yours

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


The game is all of what… 2 months old? And you are already bored and expect it to have all sorts of infinite variety of everything because you get saturated too quickly because you are probably accustomed to playing some other game that has been out for a decade and has had nothing but fluff added to it since the beginning?
Just sayin… give it a little time. You honestly cannot expect it to be overwhelming with that much variety this soon after release.

Stealth, Still targeted.

in Thief

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


Logic… you have none.
Thief cannot deny they are enjoying their little stealth ‘glitch’ and continue to complain about all sorts of other things they call ‘game breaking’… ya. Great logic.

Stealth, Still targeted.

in Thief

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


This is a funny post.
Until the thief stealth bug actually gets fixed properly, you have nothing to complain about. Period.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


what utility can you link me it?

It’s called ‘GameAdvisor’. You should be able to get it directly from ANET site or a link here on GW2 site… right now I cannot remember the link but I’ll see if I can find it and re-post.

Better Support - Diagnostic Utility

in Suggestions

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


So, Tech Support has this utility which they always want the end-user to use which will ‘test’ their system and gather ‘pertinent’ information to help the TS team kitten the issues.

However, this diagnostic utility doesn’t seem to function properly if you have anything between your PC and your outside connection (i.e. routers, etc.)

So essentially this means the only thing they are actually testing is the connection?
More to the point, if the game actually is able to function via the router, then why wouldn’t their diagnostic utility?
Yes one could argue that the router could cause ‘issues’ or ‘erroneous’ data for the utility program, but I don’t think it would.

Furthermore, these days I think you would be hard pressed to find a home using their PC for gaming without a router in place. It’s just so common place now that it is astonishing that one would be asked to remove said router each time a game starts to flake out.

SUGGESTION: Write better diagnostic tools that don’t require the end user to reconfigure their home setup just to give you information that you most likely already know.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


Oh, and I forgot… the support team want you to disconnect anything between your PC and your Inet connection and run their Utility program.
While I understand this may be needed for their ‘base line’ support to gather information, I don’t like opening up my PC to the outside world not even in the slightest way like this.
Which essentially tells me that their ‘diagnostic utility’ only tests the connection… woopteedoo. I know my connection is fine as it is currently working with many other programs, none of which ever have problems.

So basically I was just told that w/out me doing this for them, they can’t do anything for me… because the GW2.log file I sent them apparently doesn’t have enough information in it.

Random disconnects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


I too have started to have this same issue today… however yesterday, I was in game for quite a long time with no issues whatsoever… then came the little ‘hot patch’ they tossed at us.

Immediately after that patch, guild members that were online physically were shown to be offline in the guild window AND when trying to send a /tell to them it would say they were offline.
Today however, I’m being disconnected every 1-2 minutes. It is to the point now that I’m not even bothering to log in until I get something constructive back from the support group.

10/19 - Dragonbrand, Fort Aspenwood, Tarnished Coast

in WvW

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


If you get annoyed by what someone says on a topic that is your problem. I didn’t point out any one person or call names or anything like that.
Take a chill pill and quite getting excited over black and white text.

And no I didn’t say we’d be ahead of anybody. I simply stated what you know is true. Whether or not you want to admit it or not. You can call anyone butthurt for whatever reason you choose to do so just like we can point out the obvious fact that #s make the match.
Arrogant? No not really. But I call it like I see it, and if you guys are really that ‘good’ then you wouldn’t be getting all bent out of shape over someone pointing out things that are evident in the server issues.

But aside from all of that, you still went right by the other points in the post… like matching up servers depending on their current WvW population. Then you’d really see what everyone else has been talking about non-stop.

And really, if you are going to claim we are butthurt because you are just sooo good, then drop to a low pop server and have at it. You have to admit it would be more of a challenge for you no?

10/19: Kain/Ferg/Devona

in WvW

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


… And I hope others learn from my examples when outnumbered that you must have courage in the face of danger.

Riiiight… but it sure helps when you have that little blue thing above your head because any ‘normal’ character who jumped down into that ensemble would be dead in 1.5 seconds without the benefit of taking out a siege weapon.

Any fairly even match ups?

in WvW

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


@ OP:
Nope. Not even remotely close… at least not during my play time. For the past 3 or 4 days now the WvW has been a non-stop #s battle. It might just be my time of day, but I sat down and put in 4+ hours each day and the #s only got worse as time went on.
I’m not certain if this is the way it was intended, but as many have pointed out, it is just a bit ridiculous most times and doesn’t equate to fun in my opinion.

It’s pretty kitten sad that a majority of guilds who claim to be ‘PvP Elites’ or ‘Experts’ or ‘Best Guild’ jump servers simple so they can have the #s on their side.

I’m not going to transfer to another server because that would only make the problem worse and steamrolling isn’t fun either.
If the #s balance isn’t at least adjusted in some fashion, I’ll just not bother with the PvP aspect in this game at all.

Too many games in the past several years have always boasted how they have the next best idea for making PvP fun, balanced and ‘throw in other cliche here’, but this is just another case of ‘oops!… didn’t see that coming.’

Stuck in loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


Still no ‘support’ from the support.
Diagnostic file sent in, no reply, no suggestions, no recommendations… nothing.

With the number of people whom have been affected by this since last Tuesday, one would think there would be something done by now.
At least the support could have put forth some sort of message if not a genuine fix for the problem.

Stuck in loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


So I submitted a support request on this annoyance. Their reply was to run their diagnostic tool that I had to download… which by the way when you launch the program, it gives you an option to select which product you are trying to run diagnostics on, only GW1 is listed not GW2…? Seriously?

Secondly, once that is done, I’m told I have to update my support ticket with the text file created from the diagnostic. Click on the link and low and behold it does NOT allow me to log in. Keeps telling me that either my account info is incorrect or my account has been banned. Obviously NEITHER is the case because I can still log in so I know my account info and it hasn’t been banned.

This GW2 launch seems to be worse than all those previous MMOs that failed within 2-3 months. I’m kind of tired of companies like this providing such crap service, but at least they only force you to pay once instead of all the other products whomkittenyou on a monthly basis only to ignore problems for twice the money.

I think I will be uninstalling this product and not bothering with it again if A) they don’t allow you to enjoy it because you cannot get past a loading screen and B) their idea of ‘support’ is a laughing joke.

Stuck in loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


So after 2 hours of attempting and waiting and attempting again, finally was able to get in right away only to be put into the stupid overflow queue.
Then 3 minutes later I get the option to leave overflow and go to the populated side… BIG mistake. Now stuck, YET AGAIN, at thekittenloading screen.

Seriously, if you aren’t going to allow your customers to use the product… seems this happened after a recent patch? How about a rollback? How about you get busy doing something about the issue?

Stuck in loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: FriQenstein.5218


I log in, select my character then join the server. I see the loading screen with the little circle in the lower right corner doing its thing but I can’t seem to get off of this loading screen.
I can hear the NPCs in the town talking like they would if I were near them regularly.
This is quite annoying as it is happening CONSTANTLY!

It is to the point now where I cannot even get into the game to enjoy it because I’m always stuck on the darn loading screen.