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Manifesto Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frrz.5086


Oh for crying out loud.

ANet can change the game’s direction as they see fit whether you like it or not. It’s their game. I am not telling people to stop suggesting or something, but clinging to an old design, really?

If the old design doesn’t match what majority of people like, what the current trend is or doesn’t promote the gameplay longetivity to the masses and doesn’t promote income – they will change it.

They are a company for god’s sake – they will want to earn as much as they can. They are not a charity to make people happy all the time.

Making their customers happy should be on their priority list. If the customers aren’t happy then they aren’t going to make ‘all the money they can.’

3335 Hours over the past 9 months.


So many hours. I’ve only got ~300 over 11 months. How do you find the time to play?

On a side note, some simple math calculates that to 9-10 hours a day.

(edited by Frrz.5086)

Manifesto Clarification

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frrz.5086


People posting on this particular forum represents the percentage of people’s views? Wow.
Also, number people disagreeing the manifesto is also wrong because you’re right, obviously. Okay.

Funny you’ve never heard of karma grind. I guess you were never in Orr in the early days.
Nor were you there when people exploited karma for gold.
Also, karma doesn’t give you access to a new dungeon, map etc.


I don’t know anyone who says farming for a legendary weapon isn’t a grind. I don’t know a whole lot of people who think getting tickets is a grind. I thoroughly accept you find it a grind….but that doesn’t make it a grind. It only makes it a grind to you.

Grind isn’t difficult. Grind is boring repetitive busy work to get to the fun stuff and/or get items.

Karma has been nerfed multiple times making the incentive to grind karma pointless, and/or those that managed to grind karma prior to the nerf got enough karma to “bank” the rest. It happened, it wasn’t some theory. Map chat constantly came up with “where’s the zerg?”. Where all those participants are now, or whether they grinded enough in time, I don’t know. It’s pretty obviously the majority of legendary owners did it, though.
In any case, there is no time sensitive content involving karma, nor is it a currency to access “fun stuff”.

It’s clear you don’t see how this is going to be the start of required tokens/tickets/currency to access “fun” events, ie. we will most likely get more living story the will make grind to get to the fun stuff in the future. What a shame.

All I can say is that if you think this is grind..the stuff we’re doing now, I suggest you never play any other MMO. Because by those standards, this isn’t grind (and those standards are pretty much what we have to go by).

Grind isn’t just doing the same thing repetitively for a reward. It’s doing the same thing repetitively for a reward long term. I was out just running around the world today, doing dailies and I got a bunch of tickets.

You’re of course entitled to your opinion that this is grind, but it’s just that. Your opinion. I don’t believe this is grind and I don’t believe most other people do either.

Just because one thing is comparatively more worse than another, it doesn’t nullify the less worse one. Is this concept hard to grasp, or something? I guess some people can’t see the bigger picture.
The original philosophy of not wanting to people to grind to get to the fun stuff held up well up until now.

I’m not sure what your level of reading comprehension skills are, so I’ll rephrase this again: Grinding is not hard. It is boring, repetitive work, and that time could be better spent in the fun stuff rather than getting to the fun stuff. To me, fun stuff now = gauntlet. Getting to the fun stuff = getting the tickets (hint: grind).
Funny how you’re insisting on comparing grind on other MMOs, instead of what GW2 has been over the last year.
They could have just as easily not add in a ticket requirement (multiple tickets if you include gambits), and it’d be just like how all their previous content is: no grind required to play them if you just want to dive into them!

Thank you for your definition of grind to include an ambiguous time frame, despite the definition of grinding not requiring time frame as a cut-off point of when something is a grind or not.

It’s great you got a bunch of tickets out in the open world, so did I while grinding, and then I used those tickets to access the fun stuff. I’m pretty sure I got more tickets than you from my grinding, too!

Going by your post, it’s clear the “majority” is ready to accept grind to get to the fun stuff again, like every other MMO.
Anet’s started on a good path here for people like you, and will probably gradually increase the grind amount for future content, so over time so you won’t notice that it’s the same as every other MMO. But you’re also easily distract by the other carrots so you won’t notice the grind anyway, so it’ll work better for you.

I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, because I’m not grinding. You may be, but I suggest that’s not anyone’s problem but yours. You seem to be the main voice on this issue.

And you know, if other people felt I was wrong, you can bet your bottom dollar there’d be a flood of people disagreeing with me. So far, it’s pretty much you.

I’ve got to agree with Blue. The game is a grind. You cannot argue that it is not a grind because you aren’t grinding as much as other MMOs. It doesn’t work like that. That’s like saying someone who has 100$ is rich because the other person has 1$. This isn’t true, 100$ is just a days work, not being rich.

Why no Aspect Arena?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frrz.5086


I’d say the main reason for it would probably be that since the Zephyr Sanctum is going to be an annual event, they wanted to save one of the events to use as part of that. That means either Sanctum Sprint or Aspect Arena (Southsun Survival has nothing to do with Zephyrites even if it was introduced during the ZS event), and I’d say AA probably “embodies” the Zephyrites a bit more than Sprint does.

The fact that AA is a team game could also factor in, as all the other games are single player. With the daily activity achievement some people are just going to enter the game, and then do nothing besides tapping a movement key or using auto-run to prevent kicking, just to get the daily achieve (I’ve already seen a couple topics with people saying they’ve done exactly that). In a solo / free-for-all type situation, that sort of thing doesn’t really hurt anyone (aside from giving someone an easy kill I guess). In a team game, it can mess up the whole team. So perhaps better to keep all the games single-player for that reason. Or perhaps they just wanted a “theme” to the rotation where it was all single-player games.

This gives a pretty good reasoning onto why they didn’t include aspect arena. However, I wouldn’t agree with it, I can understand it. It would be nice if Arenanet posted something on their choice of games. I never see them post on anything that has to do with content. I’ve only seen them post on arbitrary topics like the voice actor for the announcer in Queen’s Gauntlet… >.>

High Resolution Screenshots!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Frrz.5086


Yes, I wish this feature would be brought back too.
A lot of people are wondering why Anet removed it in the first place. They just did it without warning or reasoning.