Masters of Combat [Duel]
Welcome to tier 3 Maguuma! I am glad you guys think different from how CD does. They were playing for 2nd place and wanted to stay in tier 3. For the most part, their strategy had put a lot of pressure on DB last week. Now that nobody is at threat of going down, this should be a nice 3-way match. Good Luck!
Dragonbrand, thank you for the fights tonight, your defense of your BL Bay was awesome, i am taking a lot of screenshots to learn more about defense, you are better at it than Maguuma, and they are very good at it.
[RET] I am having a blast playing with you guys, this week is by far the best WvW experience i ever had and i am glad i moved to FA and your guild. And you have the crazy scottish, noone can better that!
My only complaint is about Oceanic Dragonbrand camping EB JP even when we are pressuring your keep, it’s just stupid and classless in my view, specially with the monthly requirement of 30 JPs.
Next week will be a blast, and i will be here fighting as hard as i can for the glory of my new home! Let’s have a good, clean and bloody fight!
I thought you just needed to discover the 30 JP, and not complete it. I didn’t even bother to try for the monthly since I don’t spend enough time in the PVE world.
Btw, get your scottish guy to say “you can take our lands… but you can’t take our freedom!”… We have a Rusian in our guild and we have fun with him too
That doesn’t make much sense then seeing how this week is pretty much over.
Az isn’t talking about tactics. He’s talking about fun. DB is fun to fight. He wants to have fun
Why is DB fun to fight? Is FA not fun to fight? I find both FA/CD servers equally fun. I dont see a difference on who we are fighting.
My guild and I(Dragonbrand), figured coming into this match-up that CD would be crushing us, having won the prior week. To this end we(and a lot of other Dragonbrand fighters) went into CD bl at reset, seized that Hills keep, and kept it for three days. Had we realized the extent of the power-shift due to IoJ>FA transfers we might have rethought our strategy and tried to take and hold a foothold in FA bl. We never expected it to work so well, and if it served as some sort of catalyst to start a collapse of the CD wvw scene I am sorry.
To my fellow Dragonbrand fighters we now have a choice. Fight hard, focus CD exclusively and we might stay in Tier 3 next week. Or we can relax, take second place with the margin we have, and fall to Tier 4.
If we stay in Tier 3 we will be fighting FA and Maguuma. In that match-up I think we will take third, but it will be a good hard fight from all sides. If we fall to Tier 4 we will fight Kaineng and YB. And Kaineng will smash us, but we’ll still take second place easily over YB. I know, many of you will disagree with that assessment. But you’re wrong. Kaineng can field queues in all four maps, they can keep queues in 1-2 maps 24/7. DB can’t come close to those numbers.
This is particularly important because it will be the last three days before paid server transfers go active. I think it will be better for Dragonbrand morale and keep people’s spirits higher to stay in Tier 3 and fight a rough, but solid match-up against FA and MAG, rather than be steamrolled by Kaineng.
So get in WvW, and pressure CD until the end of this match-up.
I wouldn’t say it’s a collapse. The bandwagoning is expected. It’s just that CD’s offer isn’t as enticing as some of the other servers. I actually think facing Kaineng is still better, as it’s easy to deflect blame towards Kaineng zerging than anything else. And when Kaineng rises to T3 the week after, someone will have to come down. If DB is confident that they’re ahead of maguuma, definitely try to stick to T3.
The answer is simple. We just play like how we normally play, the DB way. We do our best and wherever it takes us it takes us. In the end we can say that we tried our best and stand proud of it.
Can’t wait on Friday, DB is gonna be so depress
Why would we be? We have guilds still joining us, nobody is leaving. This is a good indicator that people are happy here. We don’t care if we drop to tier 4 or if we remain in tier 3. We are happy to put up a good fight wherever it be.
(edited by Furey.6734)
4 days left to paid transfers and its going to get really tough to get onto a high pop server with Friday and the weekend coming up. Not to mention all the people who will be migrating last minute.
CD only lost KH. I think people are just assuming CD is bleeding guilds because they aren’t showing up as much as they did the previous week when CD was winning. CD is here to stay and will probably be very competitive once FA is out of the tier.
Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to make announcements for other guilds. However, from what I know, you are bleeding. Don’t confuse it with performance though. CD is still performing well and I think they would have retained first if they had performed like the reset night every night.
(edited by Furey.6734)
Watch out! Based on what I know from fighting against DB last week (hello I’m with Yak), when Maguuma moves up in your tire I think they will beat you. We are getting our kitten kicked pretty bad right now… (>_<)
Both CD and FA are pretty tough and shouldn’t be underestimated. It’s going to be an interesting match.
You sound like one of us last Friday. Now look at this score… This is as of now. DB never beat us like this. We had good matches with DB, but with Maguuma…
Considering that CD is on a decline and already starting to bleed guilds, I don’t think they will fair so well next week. The match will either go to Mag or FA.
Also, in tier 4 it will go to either DB or Kaineg. YB you are probably in for another tough week.
It’s amazing so many people are dismissing Kain as a contender so easily. So many bitter people in here.
What are your map queues like during NA and Oceanic primetimes? If you guys are able to run 50+ zergs on 2-3 maps during NA primetime then you should be fine in the higher tiers.
Great server, great people. I think all recent new guilds that transfered over can concur that they were warmly welcomed. I don’t think we lost any major guilds since the exodus to SOS, and that has been a long time.
We could use more coverage on our NA and European prime time to reach 24/7. In time I believe we will be a tier 3 and higher server. All guilds are treated equally and fairly with respect.
Please point out that we were calling foul/crying/whining about FA taking over CD to the point of saying FA was beating us while we’re down.
Fixed it for you.
Thanks, that what going to be my post too.
I’m not surprised about the 0 points thing while we slept. I’d be upset too if a rag tag group of ~15-20 people were able to hold DBBL Bay against a larger than us FA and DB zergs who were not engaging each other.
TBH, most fun I’ve had for a while. I think there were three our four portal bombs right after each other on the lords room.
Time out – nightcapping complaints are T4 and lower. T3 and T2 are 2v1 conspiracies and I think T1 is hack conspiracies. I see you tried to camoflauge it a little by throwing in a 2v1 conspiracy, but I still caught your nightcapping complaint. Next time lead with 2v1 and then end with nightcapping. It’ll disguise it a little more.
So whats with FA and CD focusing hard on us. Both of their BL are untouched but it seems everyone is in ours and trying to wipe us from EB also. So whats the saying for that if not 2v1? I guess your Europeans really dont like us!
You guys are really good at defending! I think FA just has more fun attacking you guys (plus you are the bigger threat for sure) also IMHO in EB , FA is just used to being in the Red area out of habit LOL – DB has always been dominant during these hours when NNK came out to wreck face (and our fortified keeps) so I guess it could be considered a defensive measure? Think of it as an opportunity to test your morale I guess .. you guys are doing great
Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately, CD sees us as the bigger threat too for remaining in T3. Our morale is fine, we have guilds still transfering in and not guilds starting to transfer out like what is happening to CD right now. It would have just been nice to see how DB handles itself when it doesn’t have 2 servers focusing on us because of different agendas.
Please point out that we were calling foul/crying/whining about FA taking over CD to the point of saying FA was beating us while we’re down.
Fixed it for you.
Thanks, that what going to be my post too.
I’m not surprised about the 0 points thing while we slept. I’d be upset too if a rag tag group of ~15-20 people were able to hold DBBL Bay against a larger than us FA and DB zergs who were not engaging each other.
TBH, most fun I’ve had for a while. I think there were three our four portal bombs right after each other on the lords room.
Time out – nightcapping complaints are T4 and lower. T3 and T2 are 2v1 conspiracies and I think T1 is hack conspiracies. I see you tried to camoflauge it a little by throwing in a 2v1 conspiracy, but I still caught your nightcapping complaint. Next time lead with 2v1 and then end with nightcapping. It’ll disguise it a little more.
So whats with FA and CD focusing hard on us. Both of their BL are untouched but it seems everyone is in ours and trying to wipe us from EB also. So whats the saying for that if not 2v1? I guess your Europeans really dont like us!
Well, KH did transfer to TC, lol.
Even if they did, they will not be as strong as before. There are some people I know that won’t transfer.
So meh, we’ll be fine.
How big was KH? Don’t recall seeing them much in WvW. Either way, less than a week to jump ship. You guys are heading to another round of another beating next week in T3, then probably drop down to T4. Wonder how that will work for you guys at the close of xfers.
For DB, I predict we will grab 2nd place this week and drop to tier 4. We will probably do well next week and won’t suffer any xfers before the deadline. Works out well for us.
Hard to tell. Mag is fighting 2 servers that can’t put up a fight right now.
No they’re fighting 1 server that has been decimated by transfers and another that they have gone way past in terms of population.
IMHO Mag has a T2/upper T3 population this week (based on prior experience). Whether that will change we’ll see.
What sort of queues are you getting in NA/European/Oceanic?
That guy isn’t from Maguuma. I haven’t hopped borderlands much, but I haven’t seen a queue since reset night. I know Eternal has had one, and some of the borderlands have one when there’s something important, but it’s not frequent.
To be fair, you can’t expect us to populate WvW when (nearly) all territory is our territory. What would we do? Spend all our time kneeling in front of Flame Ram or something?
Just saying that during NA prime FA seems to have 3.5-4 maps queued. They also appear to have a stronger European presence than on DB. At least 1.5 maps.
No bad impression taken from it. We are starting to get a little annoyed at CD tactics. Is is like they are just playing for 2nd and will do anything to take us down. When FA was assaulting our buggy hills which cant get supplies from Astral still, CD was blockading our reinforcements on the NW gate side. Right now DB is 3 pts under from being able to stay in tier 3 and CD heading down to tier 4. We understand that FA thinks we are the bigger threat, but please don’t over focus on us if you want us to remain in tier 3
Oh come on now, you have been maintaining a strong presence in CD BL since the 2nd day of this match up.
If we did anything it pales in comparison to that :-/
In all fairness, we have your hills, FA has our hills, why don’t you guys take FA’s?
Fort Aspenwood’s Recent History: An Objective Point of View
The Bad Blood between Crystal Desert and Fort Aspenwood/Isle of Janthir:
The bad blood between the two servers started in the early weeks of the tier 3 matchup when Isle of Janthir came into tier 3. After 1-2 weeks of fighting, a specific guild from CD (which I will not name here), began accusing FA of double teaming them. When IoJ fell to second place, this same guild decided they wanted payback on FA and routinely attacked the borderland—their forum warriors berating the server publicly.
Last week, IoJ and FA were both on the cusp of falling down a tier due to Dragonbrand’s stalwart success in tier 4. FA and IoJ fought desperately to take second place to secure their continued existence in tier 3. The fights were good, and mutual respect on the forums kept it civil.
Fearing defeat, a number of FA guilds got together and decided to do a Thursday night ‘push’. They collected on a community teamspeak server (mostly abandoned for months) to finally get some cross-guild organization on the server.
That same night, before the offensive began, we received word that many IoJ guilds were jumping over to Kaineng—but some of our rivals decided to come join FA. Our Thursday night push became a celebration and retribution on CD for their past forum trolls. Since most of the guilds on IoJ that were transferring to FA were going to be oceanic, we decided to show our new oceanic partners what their North American presence could do.
The Isle of Janthir transfers—again—were met with the same derision as to be expected from the same forum warriors that accused FA of double teaming in the first place, leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouth about the overall server attitude at CD (although many others from CD were very friendly, it did little to offset the loud voices of these forum warriors)
The Fort Aspenwood Community Reform:
So now there’s a very active community teamspeak server which has just started up again. The WvW community in FA started literally last week. Up until that point, it had just been several different guilds working different timezones completely independently. The IoJ transferred guilds moved over to the community teamspeak channel and immediately started to help build this brand new community.
Fort Aspenwood is no longer the same server it was last week. The influx of new guilds/players is coming to join us because we’re not an ‘old guy’ server. There are no bullies on the block, or clear community leaders. This is, in all respects, a brand new server. New names and faces show up in teamchat every day—and it gives everyone an opportunity to be a part of something different. Something fresh.
The Future:
Fort Aspenwood has great coverage across most of the timezones. In fact, it’s gotten to the point where queues are a regular thing (This is a new thing for us). I am not trying to argue that Fort Aspenwood has become ‘elite’, and I definitely don’t want to count our eggs before they hatch, but I firmly believe that the way things are headed—Fort Aspenwood is on their way to tier 2. We had some great fights with CD/IoJ and I foresee many more for Dragonbrand. I hope this squabble isn’t leaving a bad impression on DB—as you guys definitely belong in this tier.
In 2 weeks, I foresee this tier stabilizing, and the fights will get far better.
No bad impression taken from it. We are starting to get a little annoyed at CD tactics. It is like they are just playing for 2nd and will do anything to take us down. I think they still have a chance at first, but that window of opportunity is closing. When FA was assaulting our buggy hills which cant get supplies from Astral still, CD was blockading our reinforcements on the NW gate side. Right now DB is 3 pts under from being able to stay in tier 3 and CD heading down to tier 4. We understand that FA thinks we are the bigger threat, but please don’t over focus on us if you want us to remain in tier 3
(edited by Furey.6734)
Hard to tell. Mag is fighting 2 servers that can’t put up a fight right now.
No they’re fighting 1 server that has been decimated by transfers and another that they have gone way past in terms of population.
IMHO Mag has a T2/upper T3 population this week (based on prior experience). Whether that will change we’ll see.
What sort of queues are you getting in NA/European/Oceanic?
Just out of curiousity and being new to the tier, why the bad blood between CD and FA/IoJ?
I encountered a few FA hackers last night who flipped a tower, tried to flip a keep and another tower. And that left a certain bad taste in my mind. But 99% of FA seem like honorable opponents, and I haven’t seen anything particularly bad from CD yet.
Most of the bad blood on the CD side is probably because of the recent FA/IOJ merger.
Imagine you get to a new tier, fight with the same opponents for a month, and when you are really starting to dominate, and will soon move up, your two opponents merge onto one server, and then another server come into the mix. It’s slightly annoying.
Edit: lol at all the FOJs doomsaying trying to call a CD collapse. Sorry, we’re a tight-knit server.
Hello?!?! You never heard of Crystal Dragonbrand? :P
It would be Crystalbrand, or Dragon Desert… both sound kinda weird.
How about Crystal Dragon?
Just out of curiousity and being new to the tier, why the bad blood between CD and FA/IoJ?
I encountered a few FA hackers last night who flipped a tower, tried to flip a keep and another tower. And that left a certain bad taste in my mind. But 99% of FA seem like honorable opponents, and I haven’t seen anything particularly bad from CD yet.
Most of the bad blood on the CD side is probably because of the recent FA/IOJ merger.
Imagine you get to a new tier, fight with the same opponents for a month, and when you are really starting to dominate, and will soon move up, your two opponents merge onto one server, and then another server come into the mix. It’s slightly annoying.
Edit: lol at all the FOJs doomsaying trying to call a CD collapse. Sorry, we’re a tight-knit server.
Hello?!?! You never heard of Crystal Dragonbrand? :P
Our of curiosity. Is most of IOJ xfers done or are they still moving over to FA? Right now FA is big enough to handle both CD/DB. Hopefully that will balance out with the guilds xfering over to DB. I estimated we had about 1.5k+ trying to transfer to us from reset day. Either way, the match is not yet over. We still have the weekdays to see how things turn out. This match can still be taken by any server.
If I were to hazard a guess the group that did it likely did it out of retribution. I’m just saying, since in your post you clearly showed that points is your goal, you should reconcile that with the rest of your server. (That is, if you actually want it to happen.)
I wasn’t commanding. I did suggest to retry the assault on the west keep, but people were kitten that CD came all the way to practically help defend FA from losing the keep so they wanted to do the same to you guys. Like I said the outcome turned bad for both servers. Hopefully something that was learned from it?
IRSyKo.5843Stop crying about exploits and alliances,
It’s not happening
Uh huh. And if I say that to myself 3484 times, I might start believing it! =)
I doubt CD/FA has alliance but CD was being stupid on FA BL tonight. Instead of going for the east keep on their side they decided to stop our assault on the west keep. Therefore, we retaliated by taking their tower and their camp and left them with nothing also foiling their push on hills. Too bad it happened this way, we both could have had cozy keeps by now. Of course the real winner is FA on their BL tonight who ended up booting both of us off the map.
Or, you could ask whoever from your side who were sitting on Hills in our BL to help you go get some FoJ blood, claim T3 victory while you’re at it, and save the pointless rant.
Not sure what us having a keep in CD BL has to do with FA BL. I know FA had a keep there too. Either way, trying to kick us off an enemy borderland might not be as ingenious as you think. People still want to play WvW so guess where they went instead.
Good game to all for this weeks matchup. I am glad that both YB and EB did not give up and that they still gave us alot of fights throughout the week. I wish EB good luck next week… we are counting on you guys to stomp Kaineng.
Hey DB in Eternal, see Ehmry? See all of those towers and camps you could camp? Now look at Yaks. See anything we own? Yeah, I know, we have no one on right now, so why not go take some of EB’s kitten? It has to be more fun than spawn camping Yaks, right?
So k mate…dont let DB PvDoor night crew get you wound up. They’re enjoying the fun to see their colors on the maps. Fun will end soon enough when they run up into a server that can field a night crew like them. As we’ve already seen on daily matchups during NA primetime, when its balanced teams DB tends to be defending/losing more than gaining. It’s only when they can field those 3-4:1 odds on late night they make headway.
The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I personally will never understand why in a game people fight for second place. When 3rd helps 1st to take down 2nd. 3rd and 2nd should Always team up to beat down #1 as far as possible then fight it out. 2nd place is the #2 loser. Every time I see Ehmry attack Yaks, while DB has easily takeable objectives.. it boggles my mind. You take more of #1 than us, then not only are you gaining on 1st, but second as well. Not complaining.. I like barreling into you guys and being killed by a few well placed strikes.. it is a game, but I don’t understand why you guys are not playing to win rather than place?
Here’s why…if you’re vsing a server you cant beat one on one…like our current matchup. Neither YB or EB can take DBs night crew, its more than both ours combined. Now if we teamed up to gank DB, then one server will have to concede 1st place to the other…otherwise soon as we start fighting each other for first, DB steps in and rolls over us both. So either we realize our servers limitations and hold to that…or we concede to the other. Im sure nobody on either server is willing to concede 1st place.
By your own logic.. you already conceded first place. Now you are just fighting for first loser (second). By double teaming the number 1 team in their off hours, and beating them back, you narrow the distance between 1st , 2nd and 3rd. Then, once you see a chance to actually overtake them, you begin to maneuver to be the one to do so. Right now, Ehmry is fighting to be the 2nd place team that loses by only 30k, by attacking YB so much during the day instead of against a dominant night time server, aka the team that is kicking your stuffings out.
No sarcasm here. By all means, feel free to double team us. I prefer for us to move up to the next tier by overcoming such a challenge. That way we will know that we definitely belong in the next tier rather than barely making it and getting hammered down fast.
pokes Ebay
Did we break you guys.
I didn’t mean to spot your 6 Alpha 1 Omega golem rush. I didn’t meant to destroy it before it got to the door. Well ok I did meant to destroy it but still. I stopped commanding in your borderlands and the zerg there has no commander and they are taking your stuff.
Haha I knew it! You guys would post it here! Couldn’t you tell how obvious it was?
It’s already like 2 am our time and we built those golems to attack hills. We know your asian zerg is about to come and take the whole map.We’re about to sleep so we just put those golems out there instead of not using them
It was already spotted right after we left the garrison gate but I told my guys to just keep going and get this over with and rest. We’ve been wvwing for the past 7 hours ever since that fight for bay at our home borderlands against yaks.
oh yeah, we were the guild who went to your borderlands Friday, took your garrison, took NE,NW,SW towers and put that waypoint on your bay
with help from our friends from [CoS] of course.
Congrats but you should know how it is with both servers pushing on an enemy BL during reset. Very hard to defend with 2 server zergs. At least we got our Garrison and BL before you guys got yours on your BL. Btw, congrats to your server on finally taking your east keep back on your BL. How long has it been?
Either way, dont burn yourselves out. The match has a long way to go. Rest assured, YB will probably be focused on now since you guys are falling behind quite a bit. This will leave you guys time to catch up. Thats assuming you don’t turn our heads or keep wasting your prime time on things that don’t maximize your points.
(edited by Furey.6734)
Glancing at the current score evolution, we’ll likely be in this same matchup for a good 4 to 8 weeks. The only server that has the potential to shake things up is Kaineng.
Better learn to love eachother.
Not sure if Kaineng will make it up this far. We will see what happens when they matchup vs Maguma.
Don’t have to. Take a look at the income evolution chart. It’s pretty even across all timezones.
I honestly don’t think that you can take those charts too literally. The scores they publish seem to lag the actual timings and they simply aren’t updated enough to show the effect of the timezones.
I work erratic hours and simple observation tells me that DB is massively ahead during Asian peak hours and tends to lag behind in NA peak times. That’s not a criticism either just a statement of fact
I know its only a one day sample but did you even read my post about the NA prime time point gains in this thread? I swear YB is just like a recorder saying the same thing over and over and over again. We acknowledge that our NA prime time is not the best of this tier. However, I have posted the data showing that we do belong here. If not then you might as well say EB does not belong here also because the sample showed we gained slightly more points than them during the NA prime time period. Therefore, you need to get your facts straight before stating your opinions and claiming it as facts.
Now I wonder how long before we get another post reminding us that our Asian prime time is stronger than our NA prime time, and so what if it is?
Eh so I hate to be this guy after all but well here goes I did try to get into a Party to warn the people at the time but I don’t think it was heeded or passed on to the commander.
Dragonbrand just raided a tower, Cliffside to be exact about 5 minutes ago Majority seemed to be the guild TFK I think it was? Something similar.
Anyway very well done on the tower and all but I would ask you to please keep an eye on your thieves currently in that group we witnessed one of the just run through our gate still up and being seiged to attack our players in the tower a good distance out of any AoE range using an the Arrow cart behind the gate where she shouldn’t have even been able to get to with the gate and walls still up.
She then proceeded to run up the stairs and attack out commander next to the supply depot.
Is there anyone in Dragonbrand I can PM about this I have a list of what I remember of her appearance, it’s not much but well if it was a hack it might help keep your other players out of association with it and out of trouble.
Thank you for your time.
It is possible that the thief could have bugged inside the tower? I have heard of people getting pulled by the invaders inside a tower before past the gate or wall. The thing is that people would expect the person to exit the tower ethically, but would the invaders allow the person to walk out without attacking him/her? :P
I was at that tower assault and did not know anything about it till you mentioned it here. Either way, there is not much that can be done unless you have a screenshot. I dont think someone is going to get kicked out of a guild based on a verbal description and without physical proof.
It’s almost fun to see how DB and Yak won’t even attack each other.. did I miss something?
Seriously? Where were you when Yak lost their borderland?
(edited by Furey.6734)
Comedy is a cruel mistress.
Score update:
It can be.
On a serious note:
Here is the points gain of each of the servers from approx 7 pm to 12 am EST (NA prime time).
DB – +4960
YB – +7503
EB – +4629
with the following incomes at the end of the NA prime time.
DB – 215
YB -230
EB -250
Seems like DB is where we should be if we count NA prime time only.
Glad you are counting the important stuff.
DB – 71k
Yak – 62k
EB – who cares.. last somewhereAlso to add: EB did have under 150 pts income during parts of their NA prime time (I believe around 9pm EST) while DB had 200+. Let me guess thats our Asians too?
Seriously? you back up the guy that self-gloats, and trash talks other servers.
Cause you can’t tell the difference between a joke and serious time?Well good for you, cause I know someone in your situation, meet IonusX, IonusX meet Furey.
Not interested in meeting your friends. I have enough. Also, if you think his joke was funny, then maybe I was joking too? Couldn’t you tell?
I don’t care about what is Tier 4 coverage or not but I know one thing for certain. Yak and EBay guys don’t mesmer sweep at all. You guys sweep like a Tier 7 server. Again I ninjaed back a tower right under your noes right after the 5 minute lord buff was gone which eventually lead to the return of our garrison.
Skap “The Portal Ninja” – 3 Towers and 1 Hills Keep and counting
Yak – 0
EBay – 0 minus 3 GolemsI like the Scoreboard Idea :O
DB BL, 5 hrs ago the fight for Garrison!!!
DB – 80+ failed garrison attempts.
Yaks – 10+ failed garrison attempts.
EBay – Counting badges.
Glad you are counting the important stuff.
DB – 71k
Yak – 62k
EB – who cares.. last somewhere
Also to add: EB did have under 150 pts income during parts of their NA prime time (I believe around 9pm EST) while DB had 200+. Let me guess thats our Asians too?
DB is a poster child for the worst thing that can happen under the current system:
DB oceanic presence is probably Tier 2 in size, but they are in Tier 4, which means they run over the map in no time and spend a lot of the fight either waiting in queues to get into the 1-2 maps with a real fight still happening or else they go twiddle their thumbs in one of the empty maps.
DB daytime presence is probably Tier 5 if not Tier 6, but they are in Tier 4, which means they get squashed pretty handily across most maps for most of their prime time.
So you have two groups, neither really operating within their appropriate tier. I don’t see how that server is much fun to play on, for most hours of the day.
I disagree. I think DB NA prime is Tier 4. Maybe not the top of tier 4 but we are there. Without complaining, our NA crew is being focused by both of the other servers else we would be shooting up the tier alot faster. This is fine and I encourage it since I think DB should stay in tier 4 a while before moving up allowing our NA prime player base to build up and get stronger. Either way, we are here to stay in the tier this time.
Not sure about the other servers but it is good that DB casually fights onWvW else we would burn out. What you see of DB now is what you will get if not better in the future. If the other servers can also stay in the tier, I am guessing we will be fighting each other for the next couple of matches.
So I saw a few complaints about our NA prime time underperforming by a couple of people who didn’t even tag what server they are from. We dont have the numbers to be in both Ebay and YB BL with massive forces, and can only pick one. Please tell me which server you are from so I can bring our zergs into your Borderlands and show you what we are made of. I am pretty sure your server will appreciate it.
Love how DB NA crew think its ok for them to under perform and let thier zergs cap when everyone is sleeping.
Too funny
Actually, I think the NA crew performed well and have improved since our last match. It is just that out of the three servers we still have the smallest NA WvW population but that will fix over time.
DB-505 EB-70 YB115
DB-19,940 EB-16,024 YB-15,258Looks like our Taiwanese guilds are going to be holding us in the fight. We had a few NA guilds transfer in these past couple weeks but they seem to have brought a few bad habits from their previous servers. If they work out their kinks we should be sticking around this tier for a while
I just want to add that of the new guilds, I worked with WE guild last night and they did well. I think our NA crew did not do too badly. Last night when I logged out we were about 2k behind from 1st.
(edited by Furey.6734)
Good fight to all on Yak BL tonight. To the Yaks that attempted to take hills with golems, was that 5 Omegas we saw?
Furey, that guy’s comment was as sarcastic as it can be. He is the one who created a spoof guild of GOAT. Instead of Shadow of Agony, they called it Agony of Shadow, and they also created a fake “Plok” called Plok the Originale to run around giving people bad instructions. Last matchup they exploited into hills using the fake GOAT tag and got themselves on someone’s fraps (not sure if they had communicated and arranged it) to give GOAT a bad name.
That guy is the kind of guy that ruins this game for all of us. All in all an appalling behavior. I hope Anet bans him and his cohorts asap.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully by next match up, everyone will have forgotten, put this all behind and moved on.
Don’t worry, Plok. Next time you’re in trouble we have your back.
You can count on us!
Same goes to KREW and all the other new guilds that recently joined. Your battles are now our battles. You will experience that the DB community takes care of each other. The DB server will have your back.
Thanks, it took how many of you nearly a minute to down me?
Good on your bunkering, bad on getting yourself into that situation. Next, whats with the statue army behind you? That looked completely weird unless they had their eyes focused on something else meaning you strayed too far from your friends.
Yes we are losing this week to the overwhelming numbers of DB, and yes some guilds left us (to DB no less…) but look at Darkhaven’s fighting spirit. This is after hours upon hours of DB owning all maps.
Big thanks to our commanders during this hard week: Flint Iron Fist, Hirasaki, Swiftcrusader, Piccolo Sama, Acium, Final, Vol the Tank, Hayup and 2 other commanders that were on yesterday (forgot their name but they rocked).*
There is spirit left in DH members, never forget that and be proud of our server!
~Sev, DarkHaven
*if I forgot any commander, then the mistake is all mine and I apologize.
Most likely taken by your golem convoy which we saw earlier. I was the commander leading the small zerg that intercepted them heading out near Longview. Unfortunately, we were not able to take them all down since the golems ran into the tower and waypoint out. I really wanted that Omega! Either way, I figured you guys would recap your BL after things cooled down and most everyone left.
Btw, nice zerg vs zerg water fight in the lake!
Wow, what’s this? on inner walls of DB BL Hills? Shame it had to die… Wonder how that sneaky little bugger got into a fully upgraded Hills.
Judging from the Guild Tag, I’d have to say he transferred to DH so DB could get an incriminating Screen Shot.
Conspiracy theory? I just waypointed in from EB after getting my map completion and spotted him just running around… No one else from DB was around to ‘screen cap’ this. That would be one elaborate conspiracy there, one that anyone who knows me, knows that I’m definitely not capable of ‘orchestrating’.
there’s nothing elaborate about one guy transferring to Darkhaven and creating a Guild Tag of kitten . Also from reading the text, you guys seem to high-fiving yourselves over having at the minimum of 1000 people transferring to DB and wondering why DH and BP aren’t putting up a fight…
So yeah, I find the text convenient as well.
The text was not to demoralize/insult you. It was intended for the eyes of DB server only. Either way, if DH/BP doesn’t want to WvW, then take this week off as a break… everyone could use one once in a while.
It appears that DB will have a decent NA population now. Congratulations – may your ride up to tier 3 be proud and loud. Hopefully, one day, we’ll have a decent oceanic population that will compete with even your own. Until then, we’ll be around this tier since it appears that (without you anyway) we belong here.
I just hope that all the new people transfering to DB are here to stay even in tough times. It is possible that we will run into a brick wall in the higher tiers and I dont want to experience a mass exodus. I hope we dont ride up too fast as I prefer a healthy stable growth to the server in WvW.
It is with great sadness that I want to announce that Win Everyday(WE) is moving from Darkhaven to Dragonbrand. We’ve been with Darkhaven since the release of the game(three of our commanders are among the first ten on the server), we have helped build up the server since the DHU alliance tore the heart out of Darkhaven’s WvW forces, we helped again after Darkhaven reached tier4 and was destroyed. But the situation for Darkhaven’s organic WvW scene is worse than ever before. After the DHU fiasco Darkhaven had RE, GoF, SE, HoT, HVN and WE ready to step in and rebuild.
Now? GoF is gone, SE is gone, HoT has more or less retired from WvW, HVN has folded, RE is leaving.
This would not be crippling for Darkhaven, if it had another group of guilds waiting in the wings to save the server. But it does not. I’ve watched closely, putting hours into WvW every single day since release. Guilds like Omen, DRoW, SoS all had potential to really aid Darkhaven’s WvW scene, but none have reached critical mass, and each has somewhat withdrawn from WvW.
WE have tried the alliance game. We’ve tried the server-community website. We’ve offered a public mumble to everyone on Darkhaven. There has been little to no response. We’ve coordinated and communicated with anyone and everyone on the server who are willing. And the vast bulk of the server doesn’t care. Their version of WvW is simple. Enter WvW and ask, “Where is the karma train?” If there is no karma train, leave WvW. Defend? Not a chance.
And we’re done trying. It isn’t worth it anymore. Darkhaven is a PVE server at heart. BURN, DHE, TRA and others all have hundreds of members, and have little to no desire to do WvW.
To that small band of loyal fighters(those who respond to defensive calls, and leave the karma train) we’re sorry to abandon you. Silverback, Skap, Togochubb, Lokii, Flint; Omen, DR, PD, EXE, PaK members, and a few others I’m sure I’m forgetting. We’re sorry. You guys all deserve so much better.
WE like working with you guys, and hope you’ll consider coming along to Dragonbrand.
Welcome to DB!
I think I covered that when I noted that DH’s big guilds left – which has caused an imbalance that the geniuses in Anet’s wvw scheduling department have decided to overlook.
Also, I missed that part where you said something about ‘improving my servers morale’ … its not my job to blow smoke up people’s kittens to compensate for this match-up. I’m not going to say "we’re fine! Keep up the Good Work! We’ll get it all back!! " every single morning, because for this week, it won’t be true.
DH players will either wvw or pve, depending on what they enjoy. And I’m telling you now, 5 weeks of being Scheduled a Loss in wvw is going to do more harm to DH morale than any cheerleader can compensate for. And who knows how that’s going to affect GW2 as a whole.
I was a commander in DB BL last night during prime time reset and I noticed that it was considerably easier to manage since our first match. I can only assume a few possibilities:
1) Our numbers have increased
2) Our skill has increased
3) Your numbers have decreased
This has nothing to do with what the Asians/Oceanics do. This happened during prime time. Aside from that, I think people are just trying to be polite and you do not need to be offensive about it. In my opinion DH was a good NA server, but was not properly balanced. They are now experiencing reality, and I guarantee if DH went up a tier instead of DB to play Yak’s Bend and Maguuma it would have been alot worse. I am under the impression that tier 4 and higher is the turning point where servers start getting more Asian/Oceanic coverage.
It seems like people trolling now with the accusations. NNK is fierce and I have not seen them fight dishonourably.
I agree. NNK is a large guild on DB with a good reputation. Why would they ruin their reputation by cheating? Btw, I was there at the east keep and they broke the walls and then took down the inner gate.
Either way, if you saw something and have proof. Send it to Anet and stop complaining here because nothing will happen from this thread.
DB used to have a ridiculous night crew. I dunno what they’re about now though mind you.
Guess we will find out. I could say we have a super duper huge night crew.. 10 players.. but until we have something to compare it to we won’t know. Similar to Yak… No clue what size they are running. Maybe Mag can help with intel on these numbers? :P
Hey Yak’s Bend….a clue for you. Worry a little less about keeping Maguuma down at night and worry more about Dragonbend’s early morning zerg wiping your whole map everyday. They have a strong early morning presence especially during weekdays.
Frustrated you basically helped DB get east keep in their BL earlier by taking SE tower and camp and attacking south gate. You could and should have been taking NW side of map IMO and just let Maguuma hold lower SE to divid DB’s zerg.
But play the game your way. Just seemed really dumb to me. Maybe you will get it when you wake up to all your upgrades and hard work wiped our during the late and early morning hours by DB’s large asian zerg.
I thought Yaks had a big night crew too?
I would like to personally apologize on behalf of the entire Dragonbrand server that we do not answer questions in the exact same manner that a Commander from borlis pass would do so.
We will try our hardest in the future to emulate your server community in every way possible within our means as humans on this planet.
To be genuine for a moment though,
Why don’t you stop spying on our server’s team chat?It’s starting to get disgraceful that you’d come spy on us, intentionally take something out of context, then come post it on the forums publicly to call us out on something that we actually didn’t even do in the first place.
Are you that arrogant?Is that how /you/ want to represent the “culture that you created in your server”? Because it’s certainly souring my opinion on you guys.
It’s like you’re digging a hole, and won’t stop. Your responses have convinced me that there’s some exploiting going on. Which Reminds me of a few days ago of DH chat saying: "How did they get in here!?! "
Maybe Anet should do some investigation and put this matter to rest. Because as it stands, I’m not confident that we’re in the middle of a legit match-up.
It’s like you’re so convinced that nobody plays fairly but you that you’ve forgotten how to focus on anything else..
I would encourage Anet to do all the investigation they’re capable of, because it wouldn’t effect me, anyone I know, or our wvw force or effectiveness at all.
And if it gets the handful of exploiters (That every server has) off of Dragonbrand, then maybe it’ll sooth your paranoia.
Totally agree with this statement and after this, BP would still be the server planting spy’s in our server to watch our map chat.
If BP is trying to take the high road i’m not seeing it.
Some things make me laugh. Like when someone mentions my paranoia and then goes on to be paranoid about ‘spys’.
BTW, I’m not paranoid, I’m a realist. I’ve seen enough botting, speed hacks, wall hacks, flying, etc to know it happens, more than we care to admit… but then to openly talk about it in chat, and then be mad at spies?? come on…
We are not being paranoid. You posted a screenshot. How many lvl 2’s that sit at the waypoint for a long period of time and still have the help tips show up on how to fight do you know? Its actually sad that BP needs that to win but hey whatever makes you guys feel better. I know DB does not use anything like that. We don’t need to and don’t want to because then we would have to rely on it if we move to the higher tiers.
I’m being told by fellow guild members that GoF has left DH now. If that’s true then that means RE is pretty much the only big guild left on DH. Not certain if that’s true though as they’ve always said they’d be on DH forever.
Anet has made a lot of mistakes with GW2 and most are forgivable but letting free transfers continue has to be their biggest. They’ve basically sanctioned the death of servers and the communities people have tried to build on them by keeping transfers free.
Fellyn, we actually agreed on something! Sorry to hear about DH falling, hopefully ANET will make changes as a New Years Resolution.
Screenshotted this just a few hours ago, figured it might be interesting that someone from Dragonbrand would openly ask if they should use an exploit to attack. The commander said no since “BP likes to screenshot”. Does that mean they’ve been doing it all this time on previous servers??
If anyone were to ask in Borlis Pass whether they should exploit past the outer walls of Garrison the answer would be something like:
A: No!
B: Are you insane?
Commander: We don’t ever exploit, ever, and if we catch you doing it you can sure as hell count on us reporting you.We never had anyone ask that kind of thing in team chat, but maybe it’s because we always talk about how it’s something unacceptable.
Now, for a commander to answer: No, they like to screenshot. OMG
Sorry, maybe you never exploited and maybe you never will, but that is a bad answer and it doesn’t sound like you’re telling him not to do it ever, but it sounds like you’re telling him not to do it now and not with this server cause you might get caught.
We have the power to create the culture we want in our own servers and if you let this kind of thing happen in yours, you’ll sooner or later lose the most decent amongst yourselves.
Does exploiting include having spies take screenshots on other server’s chats?
(edited by Furey.6734)
And on a very important side not, RE has not decided whether to move or not, but at the very least we are on DH for the time being. I do know one thing though, if something does not change within DH WvW, the future will look very bleak, compared to out peak in T4.
I hate to say this but it looks like DH will be stuck with Borlis and Dragon for the next couple of weeks. I dont see any of the lower tiers jumping up anytime soon. The only other thing is maybe one of the servers above drops down one. Unfortunately, it probably will not make any difference since most of the servers that have been falling like a rock (ET/HOD) are already below us.
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