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[Merged]Stun warrior meta

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


guys really i can’t undersand this. everyone is complaining abut stun build but i think that the heavy condition build with shaman amulet and healing signet is much much much stronger and troller.

Sometimes i feel really sad for people that i roflstom and facerolltrololstom with this build

Please make ranged warriors viable in WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


come on warrior ranged abilities are fine.

The way of the warrior is only one: melee.

switch to ranger in case;)

cleric or soldier gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


Huh soldier gear on warrior? Roll a guard bro

i tried with a guardian but guardians are slow, low damage in the rate of damage\survivability.

warrior gives me much more damag if i want while keeping a decent survivability.

And I love being a soldier class not a pseudo priest with a heavy armour. When the hell have you seen a soldier using a staff…come on

(edited by Galvornlach.7539)

cleric or soldier gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


I want to ask to you fellas warriors this thing:

In a shout build (eith regen signet or heling surge as heals) what type of gear between soldier or cleric will give you the best survivability in a Zerg/guild run wvwvw situation?

my idea of sustain/cc/damage build

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


Hi all!

I ant you to give a look this this build, it’s my actual build and i think that is really really viable in spvp and tpvp.

The goal is to achieve high CC with the hammer and the double mace(shield for more survivability tough) and while enemy is stunned you can regenerate quite well your health.


-HEALING SIGNET+CLERIC AMULET: health regen combine with adrenal health and hight heling power is quite hight, expeciallywhen your enemy is disabled

-HIGH CCs: mace + hamme and hammer’s reduction trait is quite self explanatory

-TRIPLE STANCE: they provide you a lot of good points: immunity to condi and higr adrenaline regen, some panic button for heavy bursts, and stability there’s something more valuable than stability? lso this build uses 2 traits to implement stance’s effects: +25% duration and VIGOR upon using a stance, so this build provides a lot of vigor.

-CONDITION SEMI-IMMUNITY: 30 point in discipline for -3sec burst CD combine with Cleasing ire and mace and hammer bursts that are our best bursts make a lot of usage of them, if you want that this build works you have to use burst skills every time out f CD.

-NICE CRITICAL DAMAGE BURST: 30% critical damage combined with Ususpecting foe makes your CC chains combos pretty damaging, also with the Cleric’s jewel. hammer can crit for 3-4k

That’s all boys, I’m still playing a lot this build for more implements but I think it’s a well around build with high sustain and also damage. The only thing that i’m not quite sure is what runes to put on armor. So discuss, i need your imputs. Ah I’m also testing this with soldiers’ amulet.

TY all. Tya Ferrodimorte.

Warriors never stop

Worth to invest in to cleric's gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


the question so it’s this. Usually if you’re running a shout/banner build you have on soldier’s gear.

Will cleric’s gear add more overall survivability than soldier’s?

Worth to invest in to cleric's gear?

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


With the recent nice buffs on Healing signet and all heals I’m wondering if it will be worth it runnung a full cleric warrior in www with 30 point in tactics.

Healing signet can heal for around 500 hp per tick and i think it’s a lot, also with adrenal health is around 300, so it’s a lot.

With a shout build associated with soldier runes you can have shouts healing for 2000 and removing a condi.

On the other hand you can have prermanent regen with banner trait, which is another 300-400 regen tick to add to heal sig and adrenal health.

Your thoughts?

Sword: new primary weapon set?

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


In all builds i have done pre patch sword usually had a secondary role as a supporter set with shield or warhorn. As primary set priority was to axe(mace/shield), GS or hammer.

With the 25 patch I’m asking myself if the sword can fullfil the role of primary weapon set.

with the new traits the sinergies with sword are nice, for example:
I put 30 point into ARMS, taking:

-deep cuts: 50% on bleeds
-swordmaster: 10% crit chance sword
-Opportunist: gain 10 secs of fury when immobilize a target

After I took 10 points in the tactics tre and took leg specialist, so the sinergy with a SWORD/SWORD set is nice and also with soldier’s amulet my crit chance is really strong:

I have PERMANENT fury up all time with the sinergy between leg specialist and sword skill also with internals cds and so on.
Using soldiers amulet i had some RIP critting for 4k and FINAL TRUST for near8k.

now I ask to you what do you think on this build, where the core is Sword/sword and the sinergy is with leg specialist and opportunist. So mandatory is 30 arms and 10 tactics

Would you go for powr or condition damage on this build? where do you will put the remanent points around trees?

In my sperimental build “the dual wielder” this is what i tried so far:
10/30/0/10/20, its much more for damage but i need suggestions for more survivability,
With dual wielding on strenght and warrior’s sprint and vigorous focus on discipline.
amulet is soldier wich gives me some nice survivability and my crit chance and damage is still nice.
ofc this is a spvp build.

My idea for reworking Rampage.

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


I Always liked the idea of a warrior that is a berserker, full of rage, unrelently, releckness, fast, fearless and fearsome, physical, a forntline machine .

So my idea of making nice rampage skill is this:

effect: gain stability for 9 seconds, gain one full stack of adrenaline every 3 seconds for 9 seconds(so a full 3 bars for the duration) and reduce the cooldown on burst skills to 3 secs.

duration: 9 secs

posteffects: you are exausted, -50% endurance regen for 10 seconds(more? less?)

The effect is that you are able to do more burst skills chained so for example 3 eviscerate, one every 3 secs, with less adrenaline every time. Some will argue: OPOPOPOPOP? you can chain crits of 9k every 3 seconds! That’s NO beacuse maybe the first crit is 9k but the others, every 3 secs so, are only on one bar of adranline so we all know that the evis with one bar of adrenile can’t crit for a lot. Also IF they crit and they land.

Of course with this skill you can use for example 3 earthshakers, 3 skullbrakers or 3 of other burst skill(which are not useful the others).

maybe the only problem will ve with a chained kill shot…..mmm

what do you think about this idea? For sure it’s only a suggestion, numbers can be adjusted.

The current state of the warrior

in PvP

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


I find unacceptable that in a game where balance is the keyword warrior is( since the release. 9 months.) in a so bad place to compete. Also in a game wherte tournamente and real competitive playing is coming out warrior really finds no place.

Main problem is the lack of sustance in battle. Quite depressing if you think of the warrior natureof what he should be: tough, relently, fast, fearless, strong, unsakable in battle, never on his knees until the last breath.

Here in my opinion what can be done:
-Reduce overall warrior damage: yes if we want to buff it defensively, pve players will whine a lot but i think this is necessary for balance. also pve will benefit because you won’t see anymore cof farming parties and more classes can fill the dps role.

-better access to boons: warrior have no access to protection and reliable regen. if this is not possible i suggest to do instead the next point:

-improve warrior’s healing: we have the largest health pool with the lowest magnitude capability of heals. We don’t have protection or realiable regen to soack damage. We agree all that armor and high toughness can reduce damage but no enough to have nice sustain. All our heals need a tweak.

-better passive condition removal : this is a pain. We are obliged or to trait for warhorn OR to use a specific gear: soldier runes + at least 2 shouts, so 2 utilities slot are burnt only for conddi removal. Nowadays i think that soldier runes+2 shouts is a must BUT against engies is really really not enough.

-we need more ways to spend our adrenaline: most of the times warrior aren’t using adrenaline. putting some sort of condiremoval every adren bar spend can bi a nice way to FIX two problems. ALSO F SKILLS must be improved. Greatsword in particular is really bad.

A nice suggestion that i read in this forums was the idea to:

-put a F2 skill : tied to the off hand weapon or a second burst skill to a twohanded. this can be a real nice improvment, because F2 skills can bring also defensive utilities, as in case of a F2 shield skill.

-better secondary effects: t’s related to the fact that warrior only role now is damage: all weap skill do a lot of damage. suggestion: reduce direct damage but put better secondary effects, like more conditions or evade.

-need some more gap closers: warrior are a melee combatant. Related to the fact that our gap closers skills are affected by movement imparments i suggest to give warr better gap closers skills. for example RUSH is really bad.

In conclusion warrior(but also necros!) need a serious revamp to compete in pvp. now at the moment warrior are really a NO treath in spvp games. We are the first targeted.

Latest buff where all nice but Destruction of the empowered where as i said a lot warrior DON’T NEED MORE DAMAGE but better defence and sustain.

Warrior's pvp status: need balance to compete

in PvP

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


The status of the warrior on spvp and tpvp is really really low at the moment. Look at all tirs liest or general feeling by the community: Warrior is in the lower of lowest tier.
It quite painful to be the first target in all fights, and you know you are gonna lose, no matter the build you are running.

Warrior in the other two area is good, maybe too god. in pve damage is insane and mobs are too idiot to avoid damage. In www our strenght is only because it’s rare that some player will target you directly so warr survives quite well on unfocused AoE. team play of warr is quite strong but when caught alone…well you know how it ends mosty of times

I love my warrior but i play all classes in spvp and i can feel and compare how warrior is fair subpar than the other OP classes. Yes because on warrior’s eyes you can see how ,in comparison, other classes are so overpowered. Other professions are in truth correclty balanced(mesmers, eles, rangesr, engies, guards) between them.

in my opinion we don’t need a general prof nerf but a quick and consistent buff/revamp on the warrior.

I find unacceptable that in a game where balance is the keyword warrior is( since the release. 9 months.) in a so bad place to compete. Also in a game wherte tournamente and real competitive playing is coming out warrior really finds no place.

Main problem is the lack of sustance in battle. Quite depressing if you think of the warrior natureof what he should be: tough, relently, fast, fearless, strong, unsakable in battle, never on his knees until the last breath.

Here in my opinion what can be done:
-Reduce overall warrior damage: yes if we want to buff it defensively, pve players will whine a lot but i think this is necessary for balance. also pve will benefit because you won’t see anymore cof farming parties and more classes can fill the dps role.

-better access to boons: warrior have no access to protection and reliable regen. if this is not possible i suggest to do instead the next point:

-improve warrior’s healing: we have the largest health pool with the lowest magnitude capability of heals. We don’t have protection or realiable regen to soack damage. We agree all that armor and high toughness can reduce damage but no enough to have nice sustain. All our heals need a tweak.

-better passive condition removal : this is a pain. We are obliged or to trait for warhorn OR to use a specific gear: soldier runes + at least 2 shouts, so 2 utilities slot are burnt only for conddi removal. Nowadays i think that soldier runes+2 shouts is a must BUT against engies is really really not enough.

-we need more ways to spend our adrenaline: most of the times warrior aren’t using adrenaline. putting some sort of condiremoval every adren bar spend can bi a nice way to FIX two problems. ALSO F SKILLS must be improved. Greatsword in particular is really bad.

A nice suggestion that i read in this forums was the idea to:

-put a F2 skill : tied to the off hand weapon or a second burst skill to a twohanded. this can be a real nice improvment, because F2 skills can bring also defensive utilities, as in case of a F2 shield skill.

-better secondary effects: t’s related to the fact that warrior only role now is damage: all weap skill do a lot of damage. suggestion: reduce direct damage but put better secondary effects, like more conditions or evade.

-need some more gap closers: warrior are a melee combatant. Related to the fact that our gap closers skills are affected by movement imparments i suggest to give warr better gap closers skills. for example RUSH is really bad.

In conclusion warrior(but also necros!) need a serious revamp to compete in pvp. now at the moment warrior are really a NO treath in spvp games. We are the first targeted.

Latest buff where all nice but Destruction of the empowered where as i said a lot warrior DON’T NEED MORE DAMAGE but better defence and sustain.

Fellow warriors I hope that this will come to the ears of Anet developers. WE will rise in the battefield.

warriors never give up.

Tya Ferrodimorte
forgive my english mistakes, TY all for you attention nd feel free to give more feeback altrough i know that a lot of suggestions are done every day done in warr subforum. We need to be our voice heard.

Warrior needs drastic changes.

in PvP

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


My ideas of what need the warrior class.:
-rework on weapon skill to provide less damage but better secondary effects
-improve general healing.
-our acces to savingbutt boons is inexistent. No protection. No reliable source of regen and retal. Vigor is meh. This make us the worst bunkers.
-passive condition removals: its not possible to have to force eqipment to get nice condi remov. Where in particolar movement impairments drastycally cuts off our mobility and ability to deal meele damage.

I think that is not possible in a game where balance is the KEYWORD warrior since release (9 months!!!) are still today in this situation.

Come on ANet work on it. Flame n frost or southsun pvescrubs events are done now think something fast on pvp warrior. Come on. I ask please

Every class has a good pvp build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


My ideas of what are weak points of warrior class.:
-rework on weapon skill to provide less damage but better secondary effects
-improve general healing.
-our acces to savingbutt boons is inexistent. No protection. No reliable source of regen and retal. Vigor is meh. This make us the worst bunkers.
-passive condition removals: its not possible to have to force eqipment to get nice condi remov. Where in particolar movement impairments drastycally cuts off our mobility and ability to deal meele damage.

(edited by Galvornlach.7539)

Every class has a good pvp build.

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


Warrior simply doesn’t.

Hi all
I like playing every class but misfortunately i fell in love with the warrior and i really love it.

Anyway i play every class i noticed a bad thing that explains how the warrior class need e SERIOUS rework on pvp side. Yes because in my opinion in www and pve warrior don’t need improvements. But the spvp (exp tpvp) is where we need real love.
I’ll explain my feelings. While trying every class i found that i could find not only a normal viable build that you say:“meh is fine” but also at least every class have some really really good build that work well also without hours and hours of practice or theorycrafting.

Indeed it was enough a fast google shearch to find most powerfuld builds for other classes, jump in spvp and say :“omfg this build is great”. Now the examples:

-GUARDIAN: the build 0/0/30/30/10 triple meditation is great. Nice survivab no condition worries and with GS also nice damage. Strong in 1v1 and bunkering.
-ELEMENTALIST: ok with some practice and right gearing the build 0/10/0/30/30 DD is awesome. Eles cying for rtl nerf. Come on, build is still great. Nice damage. Strong in 1v1 and bunkering, hight surviva and damage combined.
-THIEF: every build just works well and it nice with stealth you have nice survivability with high damage. Not to mention the DP stealth troll build.
-RANGER: BM build 0/0/30/10/30 is insane. I tried it for my first time i created a rang and i took out every player on 1v1. Awesome. Strong. Survivabily hight. Pet a damage machine. Regen? Lol.
-ENGI: turret builds bunker are great. Epic conditions and CC. Really strongs utilities.
-MESMER: another troll build. Shatter mesmer is great. If played smart you have Hight damage and surviv ad sometimes players that can’t recognize what the f was hitting them. Mesmers utilities? Best in the game.
-NECRO: need some love too. You have all my compassion my friends.

On warrior instead i played over 1k hours, tried every build, from most galssy to the tankiest banner regen or shout build, or even some more balanced with every weapon set. Shout build is the only that gives nice sustain but you have to force in to gearing and waste a lot of damage. Glassy cannon warr: Meh someone really play GS frenzy build???? Come on shame on you.

Anet give us an hand. This why warrior is funny and great to play but in a game where balance is the key word i find that after nine months it unaccebtable that warrior are still in this position. Latest tweaks where good but not enough(alt boon hate is a really meeeeeeeeh or better is unuseful).

See ya boys and keep going hard with playing warriors! I feel we will rise and make our voice hear on battlefield terryfing enemies!!
ps forgive my language mistakes.

Why the warrior has only one combo field?

in Warrior

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


Hey fellow warriors. I want to put you attention on the fact that, in my opinion, the warrior’s combo files abilities are really poor.

Combo fields in my opinion are really important for activating particular combos with allies but also to do YOUR own combos when alone. I think that this ability lacks a lot in the warr.

Look at other professions. Everyone have multiples way to not only generate a lot of combo fields( guardian-fire light, necro-dark and light, ranger-fire water, thief-smoke dark, mesmer ethereal, eles-fire water lightning) but also to activate plenty of combos on your own.

Warriors if i don’t miss anything have only the F1 of longbow that in my opinion is quite poor.

Your toughts??

Evasive Arcana question

in Elementalist

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


Hey fellow DD eles, I have a quest on evasive arcana.

I noticed that the damage that the spell does when you dodge(so you activate evasive arcana) is far less than the corrispondent normal spells (for example fire ring or churning earth).
Does this is working as intendend? It should be the same as normal skills?

From this so I have another question…So if damage is far less than what shoud be, in the end, evasive arcane’s dodge spell is good only when attuned to water where you clease conditions and get some heal?

Thanks for answers and forgive my bad engl. See ya mates:)

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Galvornlach.7539


Why ranger so hight? Any videos to see or special builds involved on it?