Showing Posts For Gandhi.3410:


in PvP

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Get a bottle of whatever your fav drink is Prefer at least 30%+ proof >=)

Goal: Yolo queue for 2 hours Without passing out, ending up in the hospital, or dying. AND YOU WIN! =D

That’s aprox 8-10 games not that you’ll remember set a timer! For the sake of balance time waiting in queue counts.

How to play:

For every slot on your team not filled take a shot.

For every rage quit on your team take a shot.

If you Rage quit yourself take a shot.

Every time you die to a hard counter take a shot.

Every time you die 3v1 take a shot.

Every time someone complains about your build take a shot.

Every time you lose a point take a shot.

Every time a boss is stolen from your native side take a shot.

If your Lord dies take 3 shots.

When Sky hammer is controlled by the enemy team take a shot.

At the end of the game, for every player on your team 10 ranks lower take a shot for every consecutive 10 ranks =D (eg. r50 playing with r 20’s = 3 shots)

^ I made sPvP more fun #Esports =D

Feel free to add more rules.

Too many rules tend to make the playing experience kind of unsatisfactory.

The players involved would have to constantly look up in the rules book… which in this case will be extremely hard the further the match progresses, due to the fact that it may be hard to read and/ or understand a language while playing.

So I will try to shorten the rules in your game without changing the main goal or the fast pace of the game:

1. Whenever a match starts… take a shot!

2. Whenever you take a shot… take a shot!

Hope I was helpful…

Sensotix goes Solo Q (HD Gameplay Guides)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Haha I would recommend the following drug: “time” ( a lot of it)
oh and stay away from this drug: “real life” (very dangerous for your skills)
no just kidding actually you just have to practise a bit

Thanks a lot for the comment tho

So, reading between the lines I think we can agree on this:
Fear No Beer!
Thx, I feel so much better now!

Sensotix goes Solo Q (HD Gameplay Guides)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Really excellent vid again. I´m really interested in the thief, but after watching your gameplay I really don´t think i can handle the speed (… it takes too long for my brain to communicate with my fingers… ^^).

hmmm… which drugs can you recommend in order to play the thief properly? ^^


Sensotix goes Solo Q (HD Gameplay Guides)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


i will maybe do that in the videos in the future but it will be hard for me since i got little time beside university but i promise i will try my best!

Ventari and I are trying to get a good gameplay today and then i will do my best to make it slow motion at times so maybe the video will be uploaded tomorrow and not today depending on how much time i need

Thanks a lot!

No vid today? Do I actually have to play myself this evening? That won´t be nearly as much fun.
Thx for all the information and the vids you are providing. Watching them is really worthwhile.

Grüße vom Bodensee…

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Just for roaming. The really big fights in wvw are really not mine.
It´s nothing to get excited about but playing with pistol and focus and not necessarilly having to shatter is refreshing.

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Thx skcamow, I will definitely take a look into your build.

Sadly I must admit that shattering might be possibly too much to handle due to my coordination deficiency.

I have come up with this:

I don´t know if this has been tried before… if not then I will probably call it the “Funsatisfactory solo WvW build”.

Definitely is not the most efficient build, but sure is heck of a lot of fun to play with! Tons of mobility and combos to try and do.

During the testrunning I switched to knights-gear with soldier runes (for more toughness) and switched the weapons to berserkers (with sigil of energy somewhere on both sets) and found the results equally “funsatisfying”.

Guys… if you don´t fancy shattering too much, and you also don´t mind being a chicken and hiding behind your warden… this is really fun!
Constantly dropping your curtain, your nullfield, and seeing what combos can be achieved while managing to get out of nearly every sticky situation really got me off. ^^

If anybody is interested I might add a video in a couple of weeks, when i have more time on my hands. I will make sure to include an honest amount of really poor gameplay by myself (want to see pros? go elsewhere!!!).

A shoutout to the whole mesmer-community! Your ideas and sharing have made me stick to this game! You rock!

Cheers, gandhi

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Thank you very much for replying Kelthien.
I agree with you that the focus trait makes it a lot more fun.
When playing condition-heavier with the focus it truly seems like complete rubbish to ignore the staff (… kind of obvious ^^).

Then again when wanting to play the pistol in wvw (at least when going solo) you probably will need a focus or a torch in the other offhand for an easier getaway…

Maybe i´ll just stash the condition idea and try for a different set of armor and try to stick with the weapons (… with a different setup of stats).

cheers, gandhi

(edited by Gandhi.3410)

Searching for wvw template

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Hi guys!
First of all many thanks to all of you for constantly sharing your wisdom with me via this forum.

Maybe you could pool together your ideas on one of my problems:
I am searching for a viable build in wvw that should involve the focus and trying to be not too shatter-heavy.
This is what I have come up with:

I try to use the nullfield together with the pistols phantasm and try to add some mor confusion with the sceptre. Somehow I can´t really get a bang out of the sword and focus…
…any ideas?

Your thoughts would be highly appreciated.

Cheers, gandhi

Arenas outside Heart of the Mist

in PvP

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


I guess GW2 attracts just as many different kinds of people as all of the other decent mmorpgs. Which is actually a good thing. All kinds of players seem to have fun in at least some aspects of the game.

Dear developers, you obviously did a very good job on many things… cheers!

Dear Sickaan, I´ve played the game you adress in your post for a couple of years.
The things you mention that you miss in GW2, are much of the things that had me turning my back to wow in the first place.

I agree with you on one thing… these games have to evolve continously. All the different kinds of players have to be constantly fed with some kind of improvements that make them happy.

The arenas in wow were mor of a burden than a satisfying gameplay.
I had to do them to acquire decent gear. The maps and the way the Arenas had to be played were completely unsatisfying for me and many others. (I felt the maps themselves were also extremely poorly designed.)

Yes, I would even call 90% of the matches I was involved in highly boring.

On the other hand, I finally found a game where I can pvp without having to grind.
I have found a game which reduces the experience of grinding to a minimum.
Hay, all I have to do is create a character and then I can start to be competetive!

I understand that there is a fair base of players that think pvp isn´t rewarding enough the way it is handled at the moment.
But please also understand that there are many pvp´ers and players with not too much time on their hands, that found a game where they can fit into.

So speaking for “my” little minority: please don´t make these proposed changes!


Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Same issue here.
Constant disconnects during primetime, live in Germany and am supplied by Deutsche Telekom.
Due to time constraints I am only interested in hotjoin pvp atm…
so I can´t really offer any knowledge on how lags may only be of problems while in certain zones.

I remember Issues many months back of similar nature… the solution was to switch to a north American server. There the gameplay was as desired.
Nowadays this sadly isn´t possible anymore, at least not without investing gems/money…

Would a free transfer to a different server be too much to ask for while these problems exist?


Ranger vs.

in Ranger

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Thank you, garethh for the information.
Just by posting, you made other written posts, that you have written earlier, easily attainable.
And this really helped a lot! So after doing some reading,my main conclusion is: you do prefer shortbow
over longbow… why exactly?
And you do probably prefer axe and whatever to whatever… for exactly which reasons?

And last but not least…:

obviously when doing random spvp, a whole lot of my enemies tend to be rogues.
Which build would you run to counter exactly this one class?
(Necros are a major problem for me also…^^)

I know that I am pretty new, I know that my questions probably have been answered somewhere else already…
but I am having a really hard time trying to search for decent information in these forums.

So to spare your time…. even posting a link would help.

Thank you for reading!


Ranger vs.

in Ranger

Posted by: Gandhi.3410


Hi there.
1) I am pretty new to this game and especially to this class.
2) I know I am a sub par player.

Please allow me to ask you guys for some advice.

If I had been asked to create such a list, the warrior would be on the bottom of my ranger food chain. This is a class I manage to beat most of the time (or at least occasionally ).

Against all other classes I hardly manage to be a worthy foe.
Reading through this thread and through the lines, you guys obviously do decent against most thieves… how?
Playing my ranger the only way I seem to have a chance, is when skilled all the way down the marksmanship tree and taking the “signets now apply to you as well” trait, as well as the stone signet…

If someone could share their insights on builds/playstyle and/or equipment, I´d be really grateful .
(searching through the forums didn´t really help me…)

P.S. Please excuse my english, I rarely get the chance to practise often.