Showing Posts For GenRoku.5627:
Does anyone know if this bug effects FoTM?
It applies to pretty much everyother daily resetted thing so im guessing it applies to FoTM too
Apparently it also blocks the progress on the pvp reward track after 2 tiers (doing customs).
Its a really infurating bug i hope we get some sort of compensation for the days lost.
EDIT: wording and clarification
Hi guys im Gen, im 22.
Atm i am only level 21 and leveling, i started playing 4 days ago or so and im looking for a guild to guide me on what to do and what not to do.
i would rather be on a smaller guild than one of those 400 people guild. i like to know my guildmates as best as i can.
i enjoy PVE and PVP
If the guild uses voice chat its better for me
Character: Gen Roku
Mesmer probably going Shatter but who knows
EDIT: apparently i cant pm people for 2 weeks. so if you do pm me i wont be able to answer :P
(edited by GenRoku.5627)