Showing Posts For GhandiBot.6257:

Torment and Confusion

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


So, I’m sitting on the kittenter, trying to drop a log and was bored. There’s an easy fix to all of these condition complaints. I think is derives from the spammability of confusion and torment since they are easily applicable and do a lot of damage (burns don’t last long and bleeds need a ton of stacks). Why not make confusion and torment’s application only active, but significantly increase that active damage, and completely remove the passive damage. So torment doesn’t do any damage when you’re not moving, and confusion doesn’t do any damage if you’re not using skills, but if their active damage is increased.

This does a couple of things:
More counter play to condition spamming.
Condition specs require a higher skill cap (let’s face it they’re easier to play than power).
I’d assume that this would be an easy fix for ANet.

Conditions Need to be Reworked

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Why must I invest a minimum of 3 stat lines in an amulet in order to play power effectively and only 2 stat lines to play condi effectively? Power you generally need Power, Precision, and some Ferocity. Condi you need Condition Damage with either Toughness or Vitality. What the kitten? Not to mention there’s more aoe condi pressure whereas power consists more of single target. I’m so sick and tired of fighting conditions in this kitten kittening joke of a pvp game. Like, atleast if I’m fighting someone who isn’t running a condi build I can kite and dodge, but God forbid that if a condi mother kittener lands a burst on me and I used my sources to cleanse I can’t kite or dodge since the conditions already applied will do dot damage. Not to mention that condition specs are more defensive. What a joke. Hire me as a dev and I’ll save this game Kappa.

(edited by GhandiBot.6257)

Warrior sustain

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Yeah. Let’s nerf one of the worst classes in the meta right now. If you guys were to put in as much time learning how to play than you do kittening on forums, you’d be better. God this community is stupid.

Edit: Spellbreaker gets pooped on by heavy condi pressure and boon strips.

Learn to play, Spellbreaker is balanced.

(edited by GhandiBot.6257)

Zero reason to take spellbreaker

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Only thing I can think of is the aoe boon strips and reveals for pvp. Other than that, a vanilla power warrior who goes into Strength, Defence and Discipline with Might Makes Right is better. Puts out a lot more pressure than Spellbreaker.

Warrior does not suck if you're good at it ;)

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


1v3, 1 kill, then decap? Warrior OP nerf please. Lolololol. I need the nerfing boys. Get on my level.

You over nerfed warrior

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Literally one sigil counters warrior, Sigil of Anulment. Easily strips resistance, might stacks and/or stability (pretty much the only 3 boons that have active up times on warrior).
-Shield Bash: The initial casting time of this skill has been increased, moving the skill from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds total. Too slow, short enough range as it is, it was fine.
-Arc Divider: The casting time of this skill has been increased by 0.25 seconds. The animation is way too obvious.
-Headbutt: The casting time of this skill has been increased from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds. Distance traveled has been increased from 300 to 400. Headbutt was fine as it was.
-Healing Signet: The passive healing from this skill has been reduced by 10% in PvP only. Healing Signet was fine, it’s Adrenal Health that’s really good (please don’t kittening nerf that too).
-Endure Pain: In PvP only, the cooldown of this skill has been decreased from 60 seconds to 30 seconds, and the active up-time has been decreased from 4 seconds to 2 seconds. Easily the worst damage invulnerable in the game now since you’re not immune to conditions, and again since Sigil of Anulment can easily strip your resistance.
-Bloody Roar: Taunt duration has been reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds in PvP only. Why? Who was running this?
-Eternal Champion: This trait no longer grants pulsing stability but instead applies 3 stacks for 8 seconds when activating Berserk. WHYYYY!?!?!? WARRIORS ONLY HAVE 3 ACTIVE BOONS AND ONE SIGIL STRIPS 2. . What’s the point of running this trait anymore? Balanced Stance is better.

It’s better to run vanilla warrior now. What joke of a balance. RIP Warriors because of one sigil…

In conclusion, kitten this game, forever never reinstalling.

Current State of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Thought I’d come back and check this new patch out after being hiatus for several months of playing Smite. I was hoping for good changes, but… Game is still in a terrible state. Still too much AoE clutter, the CC is insane, boon application is insane, boon stripping is insane (who the hell thought it’d be a good idea to implement a sigil that removes 2 boons every 18 seconds on weapon swap? Warriors only get like max 2 boons lol). Everyone playing PvP in this game is getting cuckhold by ANet, hoping for good changes, but nothing happens.

Dear ANet Dev: About Eviscerate & Decapitate

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


They still do not work with the quickness boon. Please make it work with quickness. =/

Season 6: 1v1 Arena Instead of Conquest

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Terrible idea and terrible thread. They can’t balance this game properly around 5v5 conquest, what makes you think they can do it for a 1v1 game mode? Some classes have clear advantages in 1v1s with their utilities, skills, and traits. It costs time and money to set this up. Mechanical skill in a 1v1 setting shouldn’t determine your ranking since many players lack mechanics, but make up their lack of mechanical skills by rotations and team play.

spvp is garbage

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Not to mention that there’s so much stability and protection, as well as projectile reflects now. The amount of aoe clutter makes it difficult to understand what’s happening, therefore not very viewer esports friendly. The elite specs are also defensive, that’s why they had to remove the bunker amulets, this problem didn’t exist pre-HoT. Overall, I’d give this expansion a 2/10 in regards to PvP. Hopefully the devs can do much better in the upcoming expansion.

Nerf DH For A New Reason

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Because 99% of players who play DH are absolute incompetent at PvP and need to be carried by DH. I mean, I just had a game where 3 DHs go beast, they get decapped and 1 Druid steals the beast that they were trying to kill, they don’t know how to cleave, etc. I would rather have rocks as teammates.

Best Condi Rev NA VS Top Tier Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Rev of Boa VS Mortal Wombat X/Toppy Kuma. Amazing duels. We duel about 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hours at a time. It’s either a blowout or insanely close such as these ones. We’re about 50/50 each when it comes to win losses.

Both bad condis

dont ever say top tier when playing condi builds

Tarcis >

Tarcis ran greatmace Destroyers in the last tournament he played in… So I guess he’s trash too right? ????

Best Condi Rev NA VS Top Tier Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Look at all these salty plebs. I’ll give you the exact build I was running, and let’s see you duel Boa and I. Guaranteed you won’t win. Lol.

Best Condi Rev NA VS Top Tier Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Rev of Boa VS Mortal Wombat X/Toppy Kuma. Amazing duels. We duel about 3-4 times a week for 1-2 hours at a time. It’s either a blowout or insanely close such as these ones. We’re about 50/50 each when it comes to win losses.

Holy moly.

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Here I am, a platinum (not saying I’m amazing) queuing with my friend who’s gold, and we get absolute trash on our team who are impossible to carry. I mean, I consistently hold 1v2s while guys on my team are downed in a 4v3, win all of my 1v1s, rotate properly, etc. I consistently get top 4 stats on my team, why should I have to suffer such a terrible fate of losing a lot of rating because the matchmaking/rating calculator is garbage?

Is there even any point to pvp in this game anymore? ESL dropped ANet, so I guess not. Unless you wanna have “fun”?

Upcoming Balance Changes

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Why hasn’t Quickness been fixed to work with Eviscerate/Decapitate yet? Please add this in the next update.

adrenal health regen way too much

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


It’s literally the only viable heal for warrior with Healing Signet…

New Scrapper PvP Meta Build

in Engineer

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


With vitality at 560, no toughness and no increase from your runes, will they not focus you before your heal is effective? I would consider smoke bomb potentially for anti-gank surviveability over the 120 second reset on the heal skill. I might consider mortar so you can drop another water field and a blind field.

Have you played Scrapper at all? Blocks and evades on a short CD, protection up, Bulwark Gyro and Adaptive Armor make up for the lack of toughness, not to mention traited Elixir S, you have so many utilities to easily survive. You have a stun break and a source of stability as well. Maybe you’re just bad at Scrapper.

New Scrapper PvP Meta Build

in Engineer

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Team support Scrapper build:

-40% more heal effectiveness to allies.
-Great sustain.
-Good damage.
-Healing Turret provides 2 water fields and the turret itself is a blast, this works well with the 40% heal effectiveness to allies as well as Soothing Detonation.
-Adaptive Armor instead of Final Salvo to make up for the lack of toughness, works well with protection and Bulwark Gyro.
-Elixir B for the boons as well as a source of stability for yourself and allies and a condi cleanse.
-Elixir Gun is pretty standard, it offers a condi cleanse for allies and yourself, as well as a AoE field which pulses and has a heal of 1,190 on impact. You also have 2 sources of elixirs which provide 2 stacks of might each.
-Stealth Gyro to stealth downed allies and rez them, great utility to peel allies and to disengage.

How to play:

Stay in team fights/skirmishes, support your team especially the necro (if you have one). Blast your water fields as much as possible for you team with the Healing Turret water field/blast and combo it with Elixir Gun Acid Bomb.

Any questions message me in game @ Mortal Wombat X.


Why hasn't condi chrono been touched?

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Still the strongest 1v1 spec, terribly designed in terms of mechanics, being able to put out good pressure and damage while playing passive due to low CDs on defensive skills if really, really dumb. Any other competent dev team would’ve fixed this.

[NA] Looking for a WvW/PVX Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Message me on my main account: Nick.7621

I’m looking for a WvW roaming group (preferably on FA) as well as a PvX guild. I’ve played this game since launch and 97% of my time was in sPvP and a little WvW here and there. I main warrior.


So for the next balance patch...

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


u wanted balance every 2 weeks LOL that not enough to settle meta. i say every month.

Colin said every 2 weeks, as a consumer I expect every 2 weeks.

So for the next balance patch...

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Maybe tone down the rez power, protection duration, and blocks? Game is aids enough with all the AOE clutter and brainless builds. Not to mention a dev team that promised us a balance patch every 2 weeks, isn’t this considered false advertising? Look what’s happening to No Man’s Sky… Not saying ANet should get sued or anything, just keep your words kitten …

Delete this build...

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Perma dodge condi thief. It’s not OP or anything, it’s that I literally have to play against evade frames, not the player, but the evade frames. Oh, it also promotes lazy unskillful gameplay. PS, anyone who plays this is trash at thief.

WTS: We Saw Every Class Except...

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


In today’s WTS we saw every class with the exception of… warrior. How about you buff warrior a little or tweak rev some more so thieves and warriors can compete more. Revs have been the meta dps/roamer ever since HoT launched since it has superior utilities and traits to any other dps/roamer class. Not trying to bash ANet, but if any other dev team saw that a dps class is always played at top tier and always in the meta, they would tweak it and nerf it a little or buff other classes to compete against it. I’d personally love to see some buffs on power warrior since tons of warrior traits are physical damage oriented.

Decapitate/Eviscerate and Quickness

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Decapitate and Eviscerate are not affected by the quickness boon. Please fix =/

Great Axe Power Warrior PvP Build

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Yo, I made this a few weeks back, was testing it out changing a couple of things and there, and I have the finished product. Without further-a-do, here you go:

Alright, I’m gonna go through a couple of things here, and later on I’ll tell you how to burst with this.

Equiptment, Runes and Sigils:

-Greatsword: Leech and Hydro are pretty self-explanatory.

-Axe/Shield: Sigil of Rage because axe autos with quickness is amazing, and helps with burst. Blood is pretty self-explanatory.

-Rage Runes for added ferocity, and whenever you get fury you do 5% more damage, which works well with Fatal Frenzy which gives you 7 seconds of fury, 3 seconds of quickness and swiftness whenever you activate Primal Rage. The fury also gives you a pretty high crit chance so you do more damage.


-Warrior’s Sprint is pretty standard.
-Destruction of the Empowered is pretty kitten good in my opinion due to the excessive amount of boons everything has nowadays (thanks ANet).
-Heightened Focus is pretty kitten good as well due to the fact that the first part of your burst will bring your target’s health below 50%, giving you extra quickness to complete your burst and/or cleave.


-Standard, no need to explain.


-Savage Instinct since it’ll stun-break your Headbutt which will allow you to burst. Oh yeah, it’s also a stun break and condi cleanse.
-Blood Reaction because it works pretty well in making up for that lack of ferocity since Demolisher’s amulet has over 1k precision, thus more damage.
-Eternal Champion since you get might whenever you stun-break, as well as as having a pulsating stability so you don’t get stunned when you are bursting.


-Headbutt, Endure Pain and Zerk Stance are pretty standard.
-Signet of Might is your trump card (TRUMP 2016! Kappa), there are so many blocks in GW2 now, Dragon Hunter, Chrono, Engi, Rev and Warrior all have blocks. not anymore baby.

How to use:

I’d like to describe this as a guitar solo, if you can land every note (your skills) then it’s amazing, if you screw up a little, it’ll still sound good (it’ll still do a lot of damage). So here’s how you do the burst rotation, start off in axe shield: Signet of Might -> Headbutt -> Activate Berserk -> Decapitate -> Shield Bash -> Cyclone Axe -> Weapon Swap -> Whirlwind Attack -> Arc Divider (Arc Divider is within range after the Whirlwind Attack). They’re either dead, under 15% HP, or just kited you because you’re bad (so know the stun breaks and count the dodges).

The best uses for this is for skirmishes and team fights, you will absolutely eat people alive. You can take 1v1s if you know how to kite, Scrappers, DHs, Druids, and Revs you shouldn’t have a problem with, if can pull a win off against Reaper (depends on how much shroud they have). I would say the hardest match-up would be condi Chrono due to the insane amount of evades, blocks and invulns they have (which is stupid, thanks again ANet). Thieves can also be a little trouble due to their kiting ability, but you can counter them pretty easily with a trait swap (which I’ll explain below).

Now there are obviously other ways to play this and burst with it, but that rotation I mentioned above is the one that does the most damage. I could go on and on about all the other possible burst rotations but that’s up to you and to figure out and practice with.


If they only have physical damage on the other team and multiple thieves, swap Cleansing Ire for Last Stand and swap Eternal Champion for Bloody Roar (Bloody Roar is what will counter thieves pretty easily).

A good opener is to also throw Bladetrail then immediately weapon swap when the greatsword projectile is thrown, this will not cancel the projectile and it’ll still do damage, then you immediately throw Throw Axe, if these crit that’s above 3k damage.

If you got any questions message me at Senpai Wombat.

Scrapper, Guardian, Druid

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Does ANet not have any statistics on the amount of classes played in PvP? Maybe if they implemented this with a win/loss ratio on said classes this game would be more balanced, maybe they could take a page out of Overwatch. Most of my queues consist of at least 3 guardians, two engies, and two druids.

What a great game. A game where passives, invulns and blocks can carry terrible players up the ranks.


[NA] Looking for a WvW Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Yo, I’m looking for a WvW guild, (preferably on Fort Aspenwood, but I’m willing to change). I’ve played PvP for about 90% of my time on this game, and PvP state is pretty cancer (ever since HoT), so I’m hoping WvW is slightly better. I’m Eastern time and play most days.

Message me on Nick.7621

HoT Specs Make Builds Bunker, Not The Amulets

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Playing ranked and there are so many sustainable builds it’s absurd. Majority of HoT elite spec traitlines are defensive. There’s too much access to stability and protection. ANet is too dumb to realize this. Remember when bunker amulets were a problem pre-HoT? I didn’t. Pre-HoT there were bruiser builds due to celestial amulet, however it feels that 1v1s in post-HoT last longer.

(edited by GhandiBot.6257)

Guild Challenger Mayhem

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


AND THE PLOT THICKENS!!! this is better than my grandma’s favorite korean soap opera

Guild Challenger Mayhem

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


someone said the jonas brothers or something.


Guild Challenger Mayhem

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


easy fix.. just make it so you need 3 members of the original roster from season to compete.. just like in Pro Leagues

Guild Challenger Mayhem

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


oh i do stuff like this all the time. i told my last fiancee i wasn’t feeling getting married and didn’t care for our 2 children, and decided to go have a threesome with some hookers down the street. oh wait i didn’t tell her and she found out.. i have no idea why she’s mad

Guild Challenger Mayhem

in PvP

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


i think this is called a Hostile takeover

For the people that think warrior is weak

in Warrior

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Alright I’m gonna lay down some truth here. I only logged onto my alt smurf acc to answer this since my main account is banned on forums until January 14th. Listen up. For those who think they are good warriors, I know Interpret Interrupt and Interpretor, these guys have a high MMR as do I, and we all mained warrior. We had to change mains if we actually wanted to do decent in sPvP in this meta since warrior is absolute kitten tier in high tier/high MMR sPvP, even one of the best warriors Tarcis re-rolled since it’s crap in high tier. So stop acting like “warrior is good, I’m good at warrior” because quite frankly, your MMR is garbage and you’re playing against garbage players. I can 1v3 people around this account’s MMR on Marauer GS/AS Rampage warrior. So gtfo, you guys suck, the people you’re playing against suck.

-Mortal Wombat X

New Account Problems

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: GhandiBot.6257


Seriously? I gotta wait 4 days to gain access to certain skins!?!?!?!?!? WTF!? I dropped $80.00 on your game today (bought HoT and gems to start up) and I have to wait? Who came up with this? Is there a way to do it? Unlock my kitten right now, this really kittened me off. Either unlock my stuff because I spent a lot of money on your game, or refund me.