Showing Posts For Ghost.9035:

Adding an override for the weapon 1 cast

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghost.9035


Hello, let me start by apologizing if this was already proposed and shot down for some reason. I have been away from the game for a long time.

So I notice that when having your weapon 1 ability selected for auto cast, there is a clever script to stopcast if you use any other ability. Oddly though, this isn’t present if you choose to not have your 1 ability on auto cast. I think A net should add an option in the menu so that if selected you will cancel your weapon 1 ability (and ONLY the weapon 1 ability) if you select another spell to cast and the current cast is less than 75% complete or something (however it is with the auto cast.)

Personally I hate how frustrating it is to be casting fireball and move to cast lava front or flame burst, then quickly try to cast fire ball again. But instead, it completes the current fireball, skips whatever you were trying to cast, and only casts the next fireball.

Another fix that might work with this is if they gave priority to all other moves that were queued over your weapon 1. That way, it cannot override them like it constantly does if you like playing without auto cast.

Stealth revealed debuff bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghost.9035


I was playing for a while in WvW today, and I ( I CANNOT SAY AND EYE (replace with I) KEPT, CENSOR FAIL) kept getting the revealed debuff without ever attacking. Often, if in combat and after leaving the shadow refuge circle, it would automatically reveal me and give me the debuff. Now, aside from the fact that I despise the revealed debuff, hate everything about it and how it slows a true stealth thieves combat down to a crawl because of all of the waiting you have to do, it does genuinely seem to have a bug in which it is being randomly applied in circumstances it should be. Like ANYTHING but attacking. BTW, why the hell does using an attack that isn’t a stealth attack (ASIDE FROM C&D) from stealth give you the revealed debuff? I hope you can see how absolutely stupid that is…

Anyway, do the quick fix and make stealth more than just a gimmick, and just remove the debuff!
Let’s be honest, that poor design choice will probably take a few years to gain the amount of pure hate it deserves… Anyway! Revealed bug, only happens in combat, randomly getting it while being attacked, or even occasionally while not being attacked.

(edited by Ghost.9035)

The skill queue is still not working well!!

in Thief

Posted by: Ghost.9035


I don’t really like to get all uppity, but seriously! How many times does someone have to yell that the skill queue is still not very good!!!! If I hit a button twice in a very rapid succession, it means I want to use the move ONCE. End of story… So far I have not seen grade A listening skills (and no I don;t mean all of the early hate thief got) I mean in general. Feedback is plentiful, and USEFUL! Please start using it. Not for thief, for everything. I have seen many posts that I have thought were such good ideas, yet no word, no patch (understandable) but no post even from some dev to say “hey, that’s a good idea, we SHOULD actually remove the combat bug.” Really guys, the best games are built off of feedback.
Thanks for your time, and PLEASE, I really want to start seeing some player – dev cooperation…

Some bad bugs and a few terrible design choices

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghost.9035


Okay, in no specific order:

The combat bug – THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED ASAP. Should have been fixed on day 1 imo… We have all been there, hit a mob, but didn’t kill him. As long as you are in the same postal code that he is, you will NEVER leave combat. Sometimes even after killing them I stay in combat indefinitely….

The gathering bug – Why on earth does it interrupt typing when I am gathering stuff? Stop it. Stahp it nao.

Agrro radius on risen disciple is still half a mile (have no idea how that could have happened, but it did none the less)

So many skillpoints are bugged, they go friendly for some reason after being activated

The following aren’t really bugs, but are design choices of such poor magnitude that they should be treated as bugs and changed/removed at the same speed…

Risen putrifiers.. the pull they have, I want everyone to think about what this is. They don’t use it in close combat, they run right up to ranged people, the ONLY time they use it is if you try to get away from them. So this skills ONLY purpose in the entire game is to literally annoy and get in the way of the player. It doesn’t make anything harder, it doesn’t increase the difficulty at all… So I can only assume that whomever put this in did not have the players best intentions in mind. Don’t remove it, change it so that they use it exclusively on players attacking them from range.

Why do all of the risen mobs in the final zones move so much faster then you do? And I have a 25% speed buff too. Again, I can only assume that this is put in to get in the players way, which is NOT something that makes a good game. They shouldn’t get out of the players way, obviously. But intentionally putting in some random impassible barrier (that would be mobs you can’t outrun if) is just purposely annoying the player. Also, this makes it difficult for stealth users, because often as soon as you cloak, they bolt off and you have no chance of catching them again before your short stealth runs out.

Nearly (NEARLY) everyone I have met has had issues with the mob layouts of the final area. This is the one place in which I have pretty much heard a unanimous “make it easier” deal. The mobs have 10 second respawns, are way too close together, and again move too fast. I don’t personally have a real opinion about this. I deal with it, but everyone I have talked to has had issues with it just being aggravating.

Finally, something that all of the hardcore “never make anything easier ever” people will get super mad at me for saying, but NPC CC should NEVER EVER EVER stack. I have been in more 30 second roots then I care to say, 30 second cripples make me want to murder babies, and thanks to 30 second fears and stuns, my family has gone down from 6 to 2. From players, this is fine, but think about what an NPC CC actually is. That is the game literally saying “for the next 5 seconds, kitten off. Don’t play, get out.” Now I understand the artificial difficulty increase from allowing NPCs to use CC, and I am okay with them using it. I am even okay with some intense 5-10 second CCs being used by bosses in which your sole goal is to kill it. But regular mobs having 5 second snares everywhere? Stacking them up to 30? Look A net, 1 rule of thumb that should be applied to EVERY THING but the bosses. IF A PLAYER CANNOT DO IT, NEITHER CAN THE MOB. I never want to see another 10 second fear again. It is just the game saying stop playing me for about 10 seconds, and in this game is pretty synonymous with a 1 shot, which also should never exist.

Above all, there are 3 things I am really saying.
DON’T make the game blatantly and directly easier
DO make the game more fair
and if ANYTHING AT ALL is in this game that does not have a purpose beyond annoyance, it NEEDS TO BE REMOVED.

Thank you for putting up with my ranting and excessive use of the capslock.

BTW I do not care at all about how I am a noob and need to learn to play, there is nothing wrong with removing an unfair aspect in favor of fun, and should be done in every situation. Though I do agree, the game should be kept as hard as possible.

EDIT: I forgot about the stealth bug. Well at least I hope its a bug, because if it isn’t well it doesn’t even make sense… If you go stealth while someone is in the middle of a channeled attack or starting an attack, the rest of the attack completes successfully, homing in on you. This WOULDN’T be an issue with a long stealth. But that is not the case so it is an issue. Particularly when fighting those undead grubs who seem to not give akittenat all if your stealthed or not, they just take their massive wind up and shoot you with the poison ball.

(edited by Ghost.9035)

Skill queue needs work

in Thief

Posted by: Ghost.9035


Very true, but as I said before, using this on hearseeker makes you jump around like a loony. Using it with C&D will literally lose you the fight if you don’t have CDs to get away.

I don't understand the point of designing off hand light skills

in Thief

Posted by: Ghost.9035


One question though JonPeters, what about giving thief (for all 3 of their weapons) 5 abilities with no offhand? I hear thieves complaining all the time about lack of variety, so why not throw in 3 new weapon loadouts? Just a thought

Something absolutely amazing! Gj on this A net! I think...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Ghost.9035


This thread will contain spoilers! I think… So do NOT read on unless you have almost completed the story, or don’t care.

Okay, so I don’t know if this was a bug, or actually meant to happen. The reason why i say that is because relatively often combat sounds as well as some other sounds will drop out leaving music, ambiance, and the rest. This took place during the 2nd to last mission, (this is where you kill the big eye) and is something that i felt was very enjoyable and possibly one of the most emotion fetching pieces in any video game I had ever played, even if it was so brief. Immediately following the eyes death, whats his face starts cleansing the pool. It is at around this time that the people defending the entrance shout out that they have failed and people are getting through etc. After they shout this, 4 fleshreavers spawn, and you have to kill them. About halfway through killing them, a huge mob of undead spawn, and make a B-line straight for you. It was at this point that the sound of combat and voices slowly faded out as the guild wars main theme on the piano (I think) started playing. (ABOUT THE MOBS. They are very easy mobs, with very low health that don’t hit very hard. You can take down a lot of them, but they do actually take down your health in numbers) You see, I felt like this was that movie experience when a hopeless yet valiant person holds off hordes while the camera pans away and sound dies, leaving you to fill in the blanks that the character has perished on fighting impossible odds. I truly felt an attachment to my character as his health got lower and lower, feeling like this was the situation. It was so emotionally moving to me, and It wasn’t very much interrupted either when the hordes of soldiers rush in and save you. (never mind how an army of undead walked past a defensive wall of able bodied soldiers. since when they said they had failed and the undead were getting through, I had thought that they all died, which was part of why i felt that I was the final guard against the undead, which was such a marvelous feeling)

Anyway, I am rambling now. Thank you very much for the experience A net, whether it was a bug or not (the sound and the timing of the soldiers coming in since I almost died against the bajillion undead), it truly deserved to be there. I hope I got my point across.

The 1 thing that sucks about a thief

in Thief

Posted by: Ghost.9035



Let me explain. In PvP or PvE as a DxD critical damage thief (since I think it’s blasphemy to use that DB watch me spam 3 and win build, no I don’t want to hear about how abusing condition damage while constantly dodging with an AoE attack is legitimate.) the amount of waiting that you do is absurd. This is all due to the revealed debuff.
I understand why A net put the debuff into the game, but I think they need to have a better solution, because I cannot stand literally waiting until it disappears. I get it, they timed it so that if you use backstab, by the time you finish a full 1 combo, you can use C&D again and it will almost perfectly land you back into your 3 millisecond stealth. But that is only Ideal in a multiplayer PvE experience, when you are not being targeted. Very rarely in PvP can you do a full 1 combo without impeding your ability to C&D as soon as possible since your target will be moving around, and more importantly, retaliating. I often find myself simply dodge rolling, throwing daggers to keep them away, and running while I wait until I can use C&D again.
Why don’t they just make it so that attacking from stealth uncloaks you no matter what? The revealed debuff was put in place so that a player could not perma stealth while following someone hitting them with C&D constantly. And I understand the need to put this into the game… but the waiting! The waiting! I cant stand it! Nothing breaks a smooth fight like literally waiting for the ability to attack again.

Thanks for putting up with my ranting. I sincerely hope A net does something about this, because I personally find this unbearable whenever it happens.

Skill queue needs work

in Thief

Posted by: Ghost.9035


That skill queue! It is killing me A net! It definitely still needs a tweak… If I hit the button twice in rapid succession, it means I am in a panic and want the skill to go off once. With NO exception. If I hit it 3 times in rapid succession, it means I want the skill to go off twice. (generally) This realllllllllly needs to be tweaked, because it is really bothersome to hit C&D to try to get it off, only to have my thief use C&D, then use it again, dealing crap damage instead of the backstab and uncloaking me with the revealed debuff. This isn’t really a change I would see anyone opposing too… so lets hop to it!

Duelist gear bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ghost.9035


On the duelist chest piece, there are 2 red lines. One that runs down the center of the chest, and one that runs through the center of the left half dress thingy… man that thing is awkward…