Showing Posts For Gideon Ravenor.5603:
The proposed changes look excellent including the ‘controversial’ change. Can’t wait.
Night capping is definitely a problem that needs to be solved. Modifying the tick depending on how many people are online would certainly help, although it would not fix all the problems. The benefit of changing the scoring system in this way is that it seems like a very easy thing to do and would not require a great deal of work on the behalf of Anet to implement.
I agree I think this skill needs a bigger nerf. I would like to see a damage reduction in addition to the proposed changes.
ty Cas
Alloy, some interesting points about the details which I omitted to keep the post short.
> There would have to be some indication as to which timezone was currently active and which server you would therefore be logging into
> Players would need to receive a warning that a server was reaching the end of the period and closing ‘Piken is closing in 10 mins you will be redirected to Blackgate’ (as an example)
> You would always have to redirect players to spawn, saving their previous location is too complex and confusing. So when you start on Piken the next day you start at spawn.
> Transfers would still work in the same way as before but I would manage each time zone separately. So if a guild member was on the same EU server as me but on a different NA server he would simply change his NA server with a transfer, the EU server would be unaffected
I think you are wrong. The current system is killing server loyalty because nothing players do at primetime contributes anything to a servers points and ranking. If everything you and the majority of players do for a server is worth nothing loyalty evaporates quickly. This has happened on the servers I am on and around.
On Blackgate we have hundreds of players logging in from Asia and Australia, I’m an EU player that plays often during those times and we rarely have any issues with lag above what players in the US have.
1) Split the day into time periods, one for each major primetime: EU, NA, OCX, SEA
2) Have a separate server list for each time period, each list has its own ranking. Time periods do not affect one another in any way.
3) Servers are only online during their respective time period. So for example Blackgate is only online during NA prime, Piken Square is only online during EU prime etc…
4) Each player chooses 1 server for each time period. They will log into their respective server depending on which time of the day it is.
Example: I log in during EU prime I will play on Piken Square until EU prime ends, at this point Piken saves the map status, the score stops ticking and the server shuts down. At the same time NA starts so I get kicked from Piken and moved onto Blackgate which remains online until the end of NA prime. Now Blackgate shuts down and OCX starts moving me to my selected OCX server and so on. The next day at the beginning of EU prime Piken starts up again, loads the status from the end of last night and I play from where I left off.
1) It is always primetime whenever I log in to wvw, off peak no longer exists
2) Primetime is all that matters PPT counts and hundreds of people fight for every point
3) The game is no longer a war of coverage, it is a war of skill, tactics and strategy
4) I am more closely matched against a force of equal strength during the time I play
Every time I log in my general options have been reset.
General improvements:
> Remove auto-upgrades and go back to the old upgrade system
> Reduce the toughness of upgraded walls and doors
Improving the new borderland (without a complete redesign):
> Remove the mechanics from Lords
> Reduce the number of guards and increase their re-spawn time
> Either remove or change the dinosaur event:
(Suggestion) Conquest just like PvP, first to 500 points. The laser also repairs damage on friendly structures (counterplay)
Improving the new borderland (with a complete redesign):
> Reduce the size & the complexity
- Open field, gentle terrain, easy to navigate. (same for keeps etc)
> Make sure towers are in treb range of keeps and vise versa (tactical play)
> Remove all gimmicks
> (Suggestion) Remove all npc’s: Guards, mobs, do we even need Lords why not just a capture circle like in PvP
Network Error Code: 1083:5:7:1609:101 [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Gideon Ravenor.5603
same here
/15 char
I see your problem here kBoom and I can understand your frustration. It’s clear that something should be done so that guilds do not get unintentionally fragmented during transfer.
However, the goal of this population change was to spread players more equally across the servers and I think that it has succeeded (to some degree) in this regard. Even though as you clearly point out there are associated problems.
I don’t understand the problem here. Having 11 serves full means 11 servers have roughly equal population. So the servers rank is based upon skill and organisation rather then just numbers.
‘On the morning of Thursday, October 22nd, WvW will be terminating without completing or updating Glicko ratings as normal. This will be the end of the classic (“Alpine”) Borderlands maps for the foreseeable future.’
So nothing we do this week matters?
So if your server can maintain 300+ and enemies struggle to compete, it means your server is seriously over stacked at that time zone. So is it fair for your server to outnumber others during that time but not fair if other time zones your server suffer from lack of players? This posts comes out as, can we modified the game because it doesn’t benefit me.
I’m not sure fair is the word to use rather I would say it is not enjoyable to fight an enemy that is weaker then yourself neither for us or them.
For me the most enjoyable experience is fighting an enemy of equal strength to yourself. I think we all strive to find a state where every timezone experiences such a situation. The current scoring system is flawed to some degree in this aspect and I am hoping that this thread paves the way for a solution.
I would move server.
All I want is to log in and have fun during the brief window of free time I get in the evenings. This for me means good fights against an opposition with equal strength to the server which I am on at the time I am on (which happens to be prime). The tier our server is currently in has exactly this. However, the other servers in the tier have a strong nightcap against which we cannot compete. Hence we often get relegated and I sadIy find myself capping empty keeps as the servers in the tier below simply cannot compete (I’m talking 650+ ppt at prime). This is not fun for us or them and hence I am just trying to make the game more enjoyable for everyone by stirring a conversation on the subject in this thread.
Scaling the tick this way does the exact opposite, it gives those times more weight that have more people around and I don’t see how you come up with any different conclusion so I give a simple example.
All 3 servers filled all WvW maps and those are (for this example) 600 players so the tick is counted at 100%. At an other time there are only 60 players around so the the tick is counted only at 10%, this way it doesn’t matter this much even if it is something like 40 vs 10 vs 10.
This is exactly how it should be done. If all the maps are full the score ticks at 100%, if all the maps are empty the score ticks at 0. Inbetween the scaling should simply be linear so the forumla for modifying the tick is just:
Tick * (Current number of players / Max number of players)
Multiplying the tick by a prefactor based upon the number of active players would be a quick fix to the problem.
In that fashion the points would be most strongly determined during the most populous times whilst not completely neglecting the contribution of other players.
What you say is ofcourse true, as I said it is not entirely fair to marginalise players who play off peak. But I will just say that :
population at prime >> off peak population
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
I am currently on a server which is strong at prime. Often we can maintain a tick of 300+ and our enemies strugle to compete. However, we have no nightforce so despite dominating at prime we often find that we loose the matchup by 10’s of thousands of points.
This causes us to be religated to tiers which are simply dead in comparison and with noone to fight our players simply stop playing as a result of the boredom.
I am aware that many servers higher up the tier brakets have more international player base and hence more even coverage. It is obviously not fair to penalise players simply because they do not live in the same timezone as the majority. Having said this you must understand how frustrating it is to have ones efforts nulified by a night force against which you can offer no resistance.
Perhaps bringing back Points Per Kill (PPK) would be a step in the right direction.
Edit: Multiply the Point Per Tick (PPT) by a prefactor based upon the number of current players.
Second edit: Dividing the match into various separate timezones seems to be the most popular option.
(edited by Gideon Ravenor.5603)
I’m not sure I agree as F2P accounts will continue to be made both now and in the future.
Just to clarify I am only suggesting the initial creation of free accounts should be restricted only to mid pop servers – much in the same way as you are unable to transfer to full servers. What happens to the server status after would not affect accounts that have already been created.
Allow free to play accounts to only be created on servers classed as having medium population.
This would not affect their experience in PvE and I think it would boost the populations of servers in the lowest tiers. If the players then buy the game perhaps a free transfer could be offered.
Just a thought
The turtle banner gives 10 players 5 seconds of damage immunity on a 15 second cooldown, so a10 man group with 3 banners will be (near) permanently immune to damage.
This is just an example of how strong banners can be. In my opinion banners should be no stronger then any current set of weapons or utilities but should simply allow another option/playstyle that may be useful in specific roles (i.e. for the commander).
I would very much like the banners to be toned down significantly but I may be in the minority, comments are appreciated.
I must say I agree with this proposal. Burning should be strong but difficult to come by. Currently some specific professions recieve a little too much access to it.
I agree with op, burning is completely overpowered and is very much ruining pvp
Damage is definitely way too high after the patch, I’m very much hoping it gets toned down.
‘Damage is way to high’ – I have to agree.
It seems damage received a major buff whilst defence/sustain remained fairly similar or was, in some cases, reduced.
According the specialization changes the description for cleansing ire suggests it will no longer be on hit, I quote:
“Cleansing Ire: Gain 1 adrenaline whenever you are hit. Remove 1 condition per bar of adrenaline spent when activating a burst skill.”
They have been doing it everyday this week from around 11.00 am to 1.00pm. On Saturday we lost an entire T3 boarderland, it was very disheartening for many players on WhitesideRidge who spent time and effort upgrading these structures. The culprits in question run a thief and a mesmer and are using teleport hacks to bypass the walls/gates. A number of players, including myself, have witnessed the actions first hand and I believe some of the events have been recorded.
I think I speak for everyone when I say that we would greatly appreciate it if ArenaNet were to look into the issue.
Check out this video, if you say its S/D its very likely the ele you encountered was using a similar high burst build
It appears as though the lag is widespread on Blackgate server tonight.
Location: Norway
Time and date of incident: 05/03/2015, 20:00
Server: Blackgate
Description: Skill lag, rubber banding, huge lag spikes
(Hardcore wvw guild) No white swords has completely ruined WvW for us. There are no tactics anymore each side simply blobs into a massive karma train and runs around a paper map meeting little or no resistance.
Very few people are wiling to scout and to be fair I don’t blame them. Scouting is like telling people to not play the game it’s boring and unrewarding.
Even when there are scouts on the map there are never enough so defending has become almost impossible, there is no longer any point in upgrading or building defensive siege. As a defensive guide group assigned to home bl we spend most of our time chasing ghosts and recapping lost towers and keeps immediately after they were taken.