Showing Posts For Glow.4159:

Skill points are a mess, this is unacceptable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glow.4159


When newly created characters have SO MANY bugged skill point challenges that are unavailable that they cannot unlock all of their abilities, there’s something wrong.

How is this possibly being left unfixed for 2 weeks? I’m starting to lose my drive to play this game because of how ridden with glitches and bugs this all is. The whole “it’s only been a couple days – it’s only been a week – it’s only been 2 weeks – it’s only been a month” is only going to go so far before you start losing players.

I want to properly play my character with my advertised abilities. I want to properly 100% maps for the advertised rewards.

At least acknowledge the problem instead of ignoring it. I’ve seen little to nothing from any developer remotely touching on the subject, and it looks as if this STILL isn’t being addressed in tonight’s patch.

Get it together please.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


You’re linking a synthetic non gaming benchmark that utilizes all cores. As said previously, games don’t utilize all cores, and per core performance is much more important.

Here’s a much more detailed compilations of benchmarks showing Intel massive lead:

Note CPU bound games such as WoW and SC2 performing almost 100% higher on Ivy Bridge compared to the FX-8150.

You forget to mention WoW and SC2 are also known for being poorly optimized too.

Just because the MMO and RTS genre are almost entirely CPU bound doesn’t mean they’re poorly optimized.

You’re again linking synthetic benchmarks. In that entire spreadsheet you link 2 games. One of which is Crysis 2. Crysis 2 is almost purely GPU bound in the same way that BF3 is. In the other game however, you can clearly see that it’s beaten by a mile.

If you’d like to fool yourself into thinking AMD is currently viable, go ahead. But please don’t go ahead misinforming others with false information.

Despite me playing various mmos between wow, rift and aion, I’ve only had problems with this game. Yeah I’m misinforming people by telling them how bad this game is optimized. I guarantee none of the devs are running AMD cpus and are only fixing performance problems for Intel users to save time and money.

Now kindly show me a benchmark were Pentium Dualcores outperform FX 8000’s.

Here ya go:

Then go ahead and navigate to the rest of the gaming benchmark pages. Notice how the i3 is above the 8150 in almost every game?

There’s nothing wrong about being misinformed on certain subjects and learning something new. Problems only arise when you start stating said misinformation as unfounded fact.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


You’re linking a synthetic non gaming benchmark that utilizes all cores. As said previously, games don’t utilize all cores, and per core performance is much more important.

Here’s a much more detailed compilations of benchmarks showing Intel massive lead:

Note CPU bound games such as WoW and SC2 performing almost 100% higher on Ivy Bridge compared to the FX-8150.

You forget to mention WoW and SC2 are also known for being poorly optimized too.

Just because the MMO and RTS genre are almost entirely CPU bound doesn’t mean they’re poorly optimized.

You’re again linking synthetic benchmarks. In that entire spreadsheet you link 2 games. One of which is Crysis 2. Crysis 2 is almost purely GPU bound in the same way that BF3 is. In the other game however, you can clearly see that it’s beaten by a mile.

If you’d like to fool yourself into thinking AMD is currently viable, go ahead. But please don’t go ahead misinforming others with false information.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


You’re linking a synthetic non gaming benchmark that utilizes all cores. As said previously, games don’t utilize all cores, and per core performance is much more important.

Here’s a much more detailed compilations of benchmarks showing Intel massive lead:

Note CPU bound games such as WoW and SC2 performing almost 100% higher on Ivy Bridge compared to the FX-8150.

AMD CPUs and Guild Wars 2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


It’s no surprise. Per core performance on Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge is miles ahead of per core performance on AMD chips. Since games are usually only dual threaded, obviously Intel’s superior core performance is going to make i3 chips beat out anything offered by AMD.

Gentlemen, I require assistance!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


Well instead of going with i3 id go for An AMD platform (Fx6xxx or higher /Phenom II T1055 or higher) or keep the 4870 for a later upgrade and choose an i5 2500 or 3500 series… Believe me as it is the game doesnt even know what a gpu is _ so with mid settings having a good cpu will enable you to play w/o a problem…

The Ivy Bridge i3 line out performs absolutely any AMD processor in gaming (many times by a very large margin). Since most games are only dual threaded, and Intel’s per core performance is miles ahead of AMD, that leaves you with the very obvious choice of Intel.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


Everyone in this thread is running very old hardware, including Nova. You cannot expect to run modern games well on 5 year old processors and 4+ year old video cards.

If it meets or passes minimum requirements your claim is invalid.

No, it isn’t. Minimum requirements are there to show what it will take to get the game to actually start. In no way do minimum requirements relate to running the game optimally.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


Everyone in this thread is running very old hardware, including Nova. You cannot expect to run modern games well on 5 year old processors and 4+ year old video cards.

Gentlemen, I require assistance!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


- i3-3220 ($130)
- Random H77 -or- B75 mATX motherboard ($70~)
- 8GB DDR3 1333 RAM ($40~)
- AMD HD 6870 ($160~)

That’s pretty much the absolute best you can do with that budget and should run the game quite well at high-max settings.

If you go over your budget with those parts, instead get the i3-2120 and a H61 motherboard instead. Performance will be extremely close.

(edited by Glow.4159)

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


Have had terrible fps since launch.

Q6600 2.4Ghz
4mb Ram

In some places I may get 15fps when not moving with all settings set to low or off.
Moving the camera drops frame-rate to below 5fps (if it wasn’t already there).

Certain objects/graphical effects (not always obvious what it is) make fps tank to below 5. eg water spouts. Which seems to make some areas worse, like Asuran tutorial area 1-2fps (if it doesn’t crash)

If I play with Logitech G930 headset i get sound static artifacts that only go away with game restart. As well as worse performance, so I’m just using speakers at the moment.

Thing I have tried:-
-Clean install (using Driver Fusion) of graphics drivers, tried 3 latest release and 2 latest beta versions.
-Uninstall sound drivers and clean install
-Updating DirectX
-Defrag Hard Drive
- Repair of client. Reinstall of client.
-Disabling PhysX, uninstalling Physx
-Lowering resolution (made the game run worse)
-Changing card performance profiles. Letting game decide settings.
-Systematically going through each graphical setting and trying them at higher/lower values.
-Temps are ok. CPU usage sits at around 40% with one core occasionally spiking up 60%

Had some great performance for 2 of the stress tests where I got 50+fps on auto detect settings (mostly medium, some low or off) if nothing was going on, 30-40 running around fighting.
The other stress tests had low performance (note I didn’t change any drivers etc during the stress test period).

Hope Anet can sort out the problems, having a blast with parts of the game I can experience

Your rig is extremely outdated and not suited for modern gaming. Your performance likely isn’t going to get any better with future updates.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Glow.4159


Your 2500k @ 4.5Ghz was stronger than your new 3570k @ 4.2Ghz.

The difference between Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge is minimal, somewhere around 5-7%~ in most circumstances. The only time you will see a large leap in performance is when the actual architecture is changed. This happens every other generation, Ivy Bridge however was not one of them. It was simply a die shrink.