Showing Posts For Godzilla.2847:
I much prefer death-match style PvP as the only time conquest requires and/or rewards you for any amount of skill is when you’re on a pre-made, dedicated team fighting another pre-made dedicated team.
Since the majority of this games players can’t make that ideal situation happen all we have is one lopsided battle after another, where your individual ability to play your class barely matters. It’s boring and pointless to bother getting any good at your class.
I’d much prefer a 8 vs 8 large scale battle. 1 vs 1 is boring unless they can make it complex somehow. NPC aid, capture points, bases to destroy, etc…
Eh, for me the larger the scale of the battle the more boring it is. Either you’re hopelessly out-numbered and will die no matter what, or your opponent is hopelessly out-numbered and you win no matter what. No effort or skill required.
The little 1v1 confrontations I could force in SPvP or WvW are the only skillful, competitive PvP I’ve really experienced in this game.
A lot of people are sick of conquest, as threads would indicate, and would enjoy death-matches. The problem is, obviously, that Arenanet has it’s heart set on e-sport conquest and doesn’t want to balance 2 forms of PvP, as they’re already having difficulty with the one.
So, here’s how you have competitive 1v1 PvP without any real need to balance the classes; all you have to do is let statistics balance your Glory rewards.
It’s simple; let’s pretend Mesmer versus Ranger is a mismatch 1v1. Arenanet can keep track of statistics and note that Rangers collectively have a 20% win-rate and an 80% loss rate against Mesmers. So, if you queue up as a Ranger you gain an extra 80% of the base glory prize for beating a mesmer and only lose 20% of the base for losing the match. Oh yea, my proposed system costs glory if you lose.
It’s competitive and it’s fair without any need for excessive class re-balancing. Talented Rangers who really know their class can clean up on FOTM Mesmers, and talented Mesmers need more wins to progress because their class is overpowered and easier to win with.
All you have to do is let the statistics balance progression for you; couldn’t be simpler. Then we have our fun competitive PvP and arena-net can focus their efforts on actual class mechanics towards conquest.
This probably isn’t too likely to happen but I’m interested to see if anyone likes the idea.
The classes with the most problems are always the most problematic to fix. Changes are coming in slowly because fixing Ranger issues without creating more problems is tricky and time-consuming, not because Rangers are being ignored. Easy changes are always the ones that get made first, REGARDLESS of which class or weapon set or build needed it most.
Arenanet just needs to be way more careful with how they characterize upcoming changes in their announcements. They may forget that 99.9% of their players come from WoW, and, for some stupid reason, expect WoW level turnaround. What Arenanet considers an amiable group of changes isn’t the same as what a community of spoiled MMO gamers expects.
You have no idea if this is true or not. You are welcome to speculate that the changes rangers require are difficult and resource intensive, but there is and has never been any indication that what you say is true.
Additionally, you have no idea how many players come from WoW nor what they expect. So before you generalize and make blanket statements about who we are, what we want, and that we are spoiled, you should probably take a hard look at yourself and realize that your assumptions are nothing more then a reflection of your personal feeling.
Next time, I suggest presenting them as such to avoid presenting yourself as such an ignorant, entitled, self-proclaimed spokesman for both the community and Anet.
Thanks and have a nice day.
What I’m saying isn’t speculation; Rangers are in bad shape for competitive play and that fact alone inherently makes balancing them difficult. Something BIG has to change to tip the scale for Rangers and that will absolutely, 100% take a lot of time and planning. Not speculation; simple empirical fact.
Most of this games player-base coming from WoW is also apparent just by observing their attitudes towards updates. The speed at which people are expecting balance changes clearly indicates their expectations are determined by the level of turnaround WoW can push out. That’s the only MMO with the resources to pull off what people are demanding here.
This community is completely transparent and significant balance issues are ALWAYS complicated to fix.
The classes with the most problems are always the most problematic to fix. Changes are coming in slowly because fixing Ranger issues without creating more problems is tricky and time-consuming, not because Rangers are being ignored. Easy changes are always the ones that get made first, REGARDLESS of which class or weapon set or build needed it most.
Arenanet just needs to be way more careful with how they characterize upcoming changes in their announcements. They may forget that 99.9% of their players come from WoW, and, for some stupid reason, expect WoW level turnaround. What Arenanet considers an amiable group of changes isn’t the same as what a community of spoiled MMO gamers expects.
1v1, 2v2 and 3v3 can absolutely be challenging and competitive. I can’t think of an single class that’s impossible to beat 1v1, and the opportunity to fight 1v1 more frequently than just getting randomly ganked in WvW will give you tons of opportunities to flush out weaknesses in popular builds.
The current game PvP is built around isn’t very good to casual players, and only really requires skill when the 5% that can REALLY participate face each other. 95% of structured PvP now is just unorganized teams flailing at each-other and getting crushed by the few teams that can make a system like this work. That’s NOT good competitive PvP.
Competitive PvP you can solo-queue for is why I’m anxiously awaiting the SC2 expansion, but I’d love is JUST ONE MMORPG could get it right.
The combat in this game is a lot of fun to and it’s a shame that the ridiculous co-op requirements for competitive play make it pointless for most of the people who want to do it.
PvP with control points and layers upon layers of objectives are for 5 player teams that eat, sleep and breath in unison 24/7. Most of us aren’t like that, though. I can’t coordinate my life with 4 other people to the point of being competitively viable; it’s not an option for me or the vast majority of people who play this game.
Now the solution is simple; competitive 1v1, 2v2 or 3v3 death-match style PvP. No awkward levels of communication or symbiosis required when the only objective is to kill the other team; a PuG full of talented players can easily compete with some hive-mind of unemployed robots. Hell, I like my odds of at least competing even if my team-mates are nothing more than distraction and fodder.
It’s FUN and since the rewards for progression are purely cosmetic I don’t even care if it’s all that balanced, so ANET can focus on it’s e-sport team dreams without worrying about 1v1 balance.
(edited by Godzilla.2847)