Showing Posts For GothicAngel.8637:
Right so ever since the spoon collection has come out all i ever get from tequatl is a spoon whenever i do it i get a spoon and some rares im tired of this the spoon rate for the major bosses such as tequatl needs to be nerfed its rediculous that i cant even bring myself to go do tequatl anymore because i know all im getting out of it is a spoon
Is this really happening again? Honestly, this is the price of the expansion. It’s been like this for an easy month now. I’m happy to pay fifty dollars for this expansion, since i’ve played the game just a couple months after launch and it has brought ME much happiness. If you’ve been playing this game since launch, and haven’t paid anything else besides the initial fee to buy the game, I don’t see why fifty dollars is that hard. Every three years you pay fifty dollars for an expansion. That’s less then a dollar fifty per month to play.
i completely agree with u this is just ridiculous people need to get over it its the price of the game and we get way more then what wow player pay for so its like really but you know tis the nature of humanity to complain about everything because nothings ever good enough for us
I still don’t see why people are getting so upset over this game i have played this game for a very long time like since launch and ive put way more then just $50 into this game on top of that people need to understand its not the core game their paying for if people had actually payed attention to how hot was announced the first time instead of going off in a rant this wouldent be happening Heart of thorns itself is kitten dollar expansion no you are not re-buying the original game that is only for the new players coming in, which a few months ago the core game for the deluxe was only 15 dollars or 10 for the game itself i mean really the games been out for three years quite some time and what u expected the expansion to cost 30 dollars look at what your getting their expanding the game giving you a new realm guild halls gliders new siege a new wvw map a new pvp mode a new class, professions for long standing players like me who love the game but have a hard time continuing to play and challenging content like a new world boss and this is just the begining their still alot more i mean really this might not look like alot too some people but for people like me and theirs alot of us this is worth more then 50 i mean i spent 100 to get the deluxe because the content and the gems were just such a good deal but you know if you dont like the fact that the game is buy to play with no subscriptions you can always go pay for world of warcraft and buy their expansions which i mean warlords of draenor is 50 dollars and you have to pay for a subscription which in wow u gotta pay 30 dollars every 2 months so lets evaluate the prices again shall we =)
Feathered wings back piece idea for gliders
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GothicAngel.8637
Hello Guild Wars 2 Community and Game devs i had this amazing idea that i dunno if you guys might fall through with but i think this would be an amazing idea and i just couldn’t keep it to myself i was thinking with the gliders you might be able to make it possible for those who have the angelic wing back pieces to be able to glide with them giving off some kind of awesome feather effect that would overshadow the gliders your giving us in the upcoming HOT expansion i don’t know if it would be possible but i am sure the community those of us who love the wings would love to see something like this ^^
Honestly, This Event sucks, i had high hopes for this and all the rewards except one and that is the title suck and the idea to remove vigil keep as a central hub until lions arch is truly fixed again was a really bad idea in many ways vigil keep was actually better then la and they came up with this amazing idea to slap everything into fort marriner inside la which i might mention has a giant hole in the ground and looks terrible not one of this games best moments especially with the release in china