Showing Posts For GreenBook.1692:

cliffside bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


I’m posting here because I don’t wanna make a new thread, but I believe this fractal is still having issues.

I just did this about a half hour ago. The fanatics that normally do not spawn until much later in the fight spawned the very first time the hammer was dropped. That might not seem like to big a deal, except they didn’t de-spawn when the seal was hit, and promptly wiped out my entire party during the few seconds of daze that happens while the archdiviner picks the hammer back up. We were completely helpless while they killed us. We tried killing them all before hitting the seal, but they just kept respawning until we did so.

So after about 3 wipes from that happening we pulled the archdiviner into the side room away from the spawns and simply picked a chanter off, rushed the seal, and ran back out the main room. Somehow in the process of doing this the seal lost it’s fix from the recent patch and we were able to deal damage to it just like before. Not only that, but regular attacks worked on it, not just aoe.

I’m sorry I don’t have any screenshots and I’m not 100% sure what went wrong; it was on level 13 if that helps.

MASSIVE Ranger trap BUG

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


I can confirm as well. My flame trap is only supposed to have a 12 second recharge, but it has 30. All the other traps are the same way with a 30 second cooldown.

Story Mode now drops Badges of Honor?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


Mr. Sparkles drops them, I have no clue why. Maybe because he’s an alpha golem?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 9/25

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


Did 2 runs in TA today just after 5pm pacific time, 1st run was route 2 (forward-up) got 60 tokens. Second run (Route 1 ‘up’, with same group) I got 45, rest of the group all got 60. Those were the only 2 dungeons I did, whereas some of the others had already ran route 1 earlier in the day and still got full credit. I did however start a dungeon hours earlier, but we never went past the first group of enemies because the person who created the instance decided to go afk. Sorry I didn’t time them, wasn’t aware you wanted that info.

(edited by GreenBook.1692)

Dungeon Reward Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


I just had a similar occurrence in Twilight Arbor. I got full silver & experiance rewards, but only 45 Deadly Blooms. We took the long route and no one in my group had ever done that path before. Some people got 60, some got 45.

We then ran the shortest path, and yet again I got 45, but the silver and experiance was halved.

Stopping Right Click to click on NPC's, Characters, Random items

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


/agree. I was just about to make a topic about this, it’s been my biggest pet peeve for a while now. My target is constantly being changed because right click also targets when I adjust the camera or try to mouse turn. Most often it switches me to an ally in combat, cancelling my auto attack. For those of us who use the mouse to turn, it would be really helpful if there was a check-box somewhere to disable right click targeting.

Pink hair bug ? Or is this supposed to happen ?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


All sylvari have a glow effect that happens at night. There was an option to change the color of the glow in character creation.

Black gear not being black

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


On the sylvari tier 1 armor (and I assume the others as well) it’s the shaders causing colors to look distorted. In the spoiler are 3 images where all I changed is the shader level in the options & you can see the difference. The hero panel shows the armor as it should be though, so hopefully they can fix this. The colors I’m using is Dark Olive and Apricot if it matters.

Arah Story Mode dungeon bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GreenBook.1692


Your supposed to protect Zojja as she charges up the big canon on the roof, but I’m fairly certain it’s still bugged. I’ve done story mode 3 times now & the second time after the progress bar filled it disappeared, but the objective didn’t progress to the next stage where you fight 3 eyes. So we just sat there fighting endless spawns for a half hour.