Showing Posts For GregorClegane.6237:

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237



I dont post too much on the forums but just wanted to say a few things.

Big shout out to all my fellow [KAIN] guildmates. Especially Darxio, Fenris, Neth, Archon, I Am Karma, Joe Grizz, Boshy and all the others. Playing with all of you definitely makes this game a lot more enjoyable.

Also, just want to give props to some guilds on our server such as Ispy, War and NUKE, its great to have such kick kitten allies to fight with. Especially the ones who stuck with our server back in the days when we were outnumbered like 20 to 1.

I also want to give props to the Ferguson server. You guys may not be up to par numbers wise as Devona or have as many hardcore type guilds. But I feel like you all fight with a lot of honor and are a great group to compete against.

As for Devona, I will admit I really do not like how the majority of you conduct yourselves. From your actions, you show that you will use any dirty trick or tactic in the book to gain an advantage. With that being said the [PRO] guild are by far the best I’ve ever fought against. I take great pleasure in running your members down as they attempt to flee to the safety of your walls

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

ALFA Daskro's tPvP montage - Feedback please!

in Warrior

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237


Cool stuff, cant wait till I get to lvl 80

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

PSA: Transfering to Kaineng FAQ

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237


There was a queue to enter WvWvW last night on Kaineng, I think thats the first time i have seen that.

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237


Kaineng will control all Borlis controlled lands in a matter of time.

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

PSA: Transfering to Kaineng FAQ

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237


We did good last night, lets make a big push tonight !

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

Kaineng Server World vs World: An Attitude Change Is Necessary (Long)

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237


I agree with the OP and by the way later at night we really got organized and held the Garrison, Arah, and almost took Dreambers bay and Etheron point.

We are only going to get better,

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew