Showing Posts For GreyJackal.7319:
Talking of mesmers, we [TBE] just had multiple encounters with a very slippery Asuran in [Yarr] in the AR borderlands. He and, latterly partnered with a human female thief (also in Yarr) were exceptional. Gave our full group quite the run around.
I had to log as it’s 4am over here in the UK but you certainly taught me a thing or two.
Nicely done
(I was the ranger in blue and white saltire colours)
In light of recent shenanigans – thank you for keeping the dialog going.
D’oh. Just logged for the night (UK) and drank all my banked karma. Oops
Just imagine starting the game as a new player next year, where you’ll forever be down 10k points while 20k points was the norm. Since the rewards are linear, that means that over time the problem will only get worse and only day 1 players will ever be able to obtain newly added achievement rewards.
Normally, it wouldn’t matter, but since a large bulk of points, the majority of points, come from temporary content, obtaining achievements rewards will become nearly impossible. Some players will be years behind.
Years behind what, exactly?
Anyone who starts today is several thousand points “behind” you or I. Or several hundred WvW kills “behind”. Or has less gold than us (possibly not in my case) Just like any other game.
I had two months off recently due to workload, so I only caught the very end of the Zephyr Sanctum and completely missed whatever was the one before that, so I’m shy of those LS achievements. I could not give a monkey’s.
Given the purely cosmetic nature of any reward post-Exotic, I really do fail to see the problem.
I’ve been away from the game a while thanks to work, and remember some great fun with FC and KA a few months ago. Was nice to match up with FC again this weekend.
I’ve seen some nice to-and-fro’ing between the three with evenly matched gangs of 3 or 4 groups, particularly on Saturday at the camp south of Hills in our (DR) Borderlands. Similar to the above post about a DR necro, there’s a right hard kitten in the AR ranks as well that took an astonishing amount of time to return to his roots.
If you see a bald ranger in red, white and blue (I still have no idea why I play on an NA server), duck :p
edit – d’oh. I was referring to the Union Flag, not the Stars’n’Stripes. I’m British :p
(edited by GreyJackal.7319)
D’oh – missed a page on which several people mentioned it. Apologies
My one and only wish for a character API interface is to discern which dungeon paths one has completed
I’ll knock something up myself if need be, but if someone’s already planning something more extensive, please consider adding that (assuming that data is exposed if/when one becomes available).
(edited by GreyJackal.7319)
Although I understand the reason behind it, I suggest you slightly revise this once per account policy. GW2 is no doubt designed to be a long term product, with paid for expansions extending the lifetime of an account for many years. Whilst getting hacked twice in a relatively short period of time is unlikely, if is possible that it may happen more than once over long periods of time, particularly if there is a spike in player activity. Such an occurrence would make the accounts very attractive to hackers, much like they were at launch.
For this reason I seriously urge you to consider changing the policy to a once per term policy, such as once per year or 18 months. If not horror stories could emerge down the line and damage the public view of ArenaNet.
Given that it’s already been stated that edge cases will be looked at, consider for a moment what would happen if they said they’d sort out accounts every month…
Then realise that stating that is, as soon as it’s broadcast, a cast-iron guarantee.
Then you should appreciate that advertising any fixed length of time is just inviting trouble.
If your account gets compromised once a year, then I’m sure you’ll be sorted out, just no one can actually put that in writing, otherwise the bad guys will take advantage.
This way, we know that if the situation is genuine, it’ll get looked at.
Nice one ANet, it was a while coming, but I appreciate that a non-db delving way to achieve it isn’t often the easiest thing to implement.
Is that likely to be a case of months rather than weeks?
I’d love to see an API that exposes WvWvW data (particularly objective ownership). I’ve been playing about with Android to put together an app that updates and notifies based on ownership changes (as well as scores and whatnot), but without an API, it’s kind of useless.
Started for me this morning (US Eastern) around about 8am and is continuing now (3pm EST)
No GW1 account
Playing on Devona’s Rest
Boston, MA, USA
Started happening to me this morning. Very very frustrating.
Boston, MA, US, playing on Devona’s Rest
Attached Networkdiag.txt (with my IP address obfuscated)
(edited by GreyJackal.7319)