Showing Posts For Guardian of hell.4957:

Fps Low

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

My rig is a
a8-5600k apu
asus gtx 750 ti oc
8gb or ram
ssd 250gb

I experience about 20 fps in lions arch and anywhere where the is people but when i trun to a building it instantly spikes to 60 fps , is due to my cpu bottleknecking my gpu? .

Low performance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

I have an amd a8 5600k at stock speeds with a gtx 550 ti with 8 g of ram . Ican barely run at 1400 by 900 at high with 25 fps. What upgrades would I need in the future to run at 1080p with high with 40 fps?

Champion loot bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

same Anet please fix this it

Engineer hammer

in Engineer

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

Always wanted a hammer for engineer but couldn’t think of what the skills could be .
Was playing league of legends and took inspiration from a champion named jayce,
how about a hammer with a few skills but then the last skill is transform weapon , which transforms the hammer into a cannon allowing ranged based attacks and you can switch between each one it would take up 2 slots .

look up jayce league of legends and youll see.

Crashes every minute

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

could a dev or someone help me please . i cannot play gw2 without it crashing every minute

Crashes every minute

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

Gw2 keeps crashing every minute and repair does nothing, i have tryed deleting local dat but nothing works, respond asap


Low fps ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

bump another opinion

Low fps ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

My system is as follows
Amd A8 5600k 3.4 ghz
gtx 550 ti
8 gb ram
1440 by 4900
i bought this thinking eventually when i get my 1080p monitor i get could play med to high but at this res im averaging 30 to 40 on med to high . if this is right what part of the system, would need upgrading to meet my demands?

pc help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

alright had a little boost I now have a maximum of £300

pc help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

I know a bit about computers so the new fx-6100 needs to be put in a socket AM3+
which my motherboard is compatible and i have a good enough power supply

pc help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

It is definitely a advancement as currently im on a old amd cpu which i got ages ago , not sure what it is?. Also my graphics card is a nVidia Quadro FX580 FX 580 which i got for 20 quid.

pc help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

anyone gonna offer some advice?

pc help

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

was gonna buy a a few new parts for pc my budget is about £ 200 or £250 and wondering if could run these game on 1080p med/high at stable framerate: far cry 3, guild wars 2 ,bf3,and maybe planetside 2(i know its a stretch)
. my comp has 8 gb of ram

Amd fx 6 core-black edition 6100 (around £ 90 i can get it)

sapphire radeon 7750 (im not sure on this , so suggestions)

Spvp Deathmatch new mode

in PvP

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

i agree as i said spvp need balancing alot but i think they to hire some people dedicated to spvp as it is getting overshadowed by pve i think

Spvp Deathmatch new mode

in PvP

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

The one thing i wanted since the start of this game in spvp was deathmatches , where it would be fun instead of conquest which gets boring after a short peroid of time . There should be 2 modes : deathmatch (normal respawning ) and then for tournaments death match (no respawns) eliminate all players .This would bring more depth to pvp, of course im aware that currently spvp is unbalanced and bunker builds and zerk builds are dominant which need fixing , which would be required for this to happen

Soo……. yeah…..

New legendaries

in Suggestions

Posted by: Guardian of hell.4957

Guardian of hell.4957

my suggestions for new legendaries after the devs sort out existing ones.

Earthed (Greatsword)= a sword made from rocks and pure energy, (sheathed= just a handle) (Drawn= Earth below you cracks and jumps up and forms the blade while pure energy circles it keeping it place . Like the fractal weapons abit

Chaos Blade (sword)= two blades Chained to your hands, (sheathed=glowing swords) (Drawn= the chains come alive wrapping around you hands. (inspired by kratos god of war.