Showing Posts For GuiAzzi.8653:

Tequatl Terror Squad 2: Join Now! (NA)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


Invite me please!

Best dungeon yet!

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


Took me 4 hours but i liked it

Help on stats. Precision or Vitality? :s

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


So i was going for a set of condition damage, precision and power but then i realized that it may be better to have a set with vitality instead of precision as it would do better in PvE. Now i’m confused and i don’t want to waste a lot of time and get the wrong armor :p
So what’s the best? I mean what would be better for a player that plays pve mostly?

(edited by GuiAzzi.8653)

Little help? :3

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653

GuiAzzi.8653 scroll down to satchel recipe. its not worth doing

Oh… wow… thxx a lot! How the hell did i miss this part of wiki? -.-

Little help? :3

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


So i want to understand how to create/drop this item: Not the item that the recipe teaches, but the recipe itself.
I checked it in the trading post and there’s only 1 available for 19 gold. Do i need to put its ingredients on the mystic forge?
And can i simply discovery it in the tailoring station with the ingredients? i’m confused

Winter Wonderland Jumping Puzzle Debacle

in Wintersday

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


WHAT? I completed it on my FIRST TRY. You can only be joking...

(And Clocktower was AWESOME) :3

Condition Damage or Critical Damage?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


Yea thanks guys i’m almost sure that i will go for condition damage

Condition Damage or Critical Damage?

in Elementalist

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


So, i just leveled my first toon up to level 80 and now i’m going for a full exotic set. But i’m not sure of what build i want. I mostly do PvE but i like PvP as well. I was thinking of building a Power, Precision and Condition Damage set, but then i though that it would be wiser to make it with Critical Damage as it would have a better dps against mobs. I would like to hear what u guys think it’s the best because this is my first character and i could be wrong about how stats work in this game :3

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuiAzzi.8653


17 and this is by far one of the greatest MMO’s i have played