Showing Posts For Guilmon.9478:
should be scrapped and remade while they still have time, its looking like a lackluster d/d without any escape/survivability with all the channeling, little condi/boons shouts that can be easily ignored and gigantic cooldowns between attunements if you overlord. I feel like if they took a more staff like route it would be better off :/
from the multiple problems, the elite has got to be the worst, needs serious attention… they are trying to take the support mentality too far… seriously, 25% skill reduction for team? stun break for team that requires friggin voice chat to be any useful and by useful i mean still bad
i feel like they should make them bigger/increased range or more damage and add stability, also have the water one heal MORE, at the moment just going back and forth into water heals more than the crappy bubble channel
the name, thats it
definetly 5, pretty dissapointed and considering not even playing heat of thorns as the revenant is barely keeping my interes as a main ele
you are all very delusional if you think an overload build wold be viable, it would be like walking up to someone and attempting to meteor shower at melee range, you will die literally in the blink of an eye without channeling fully even once
QQing incoming
Its downright embarrassing when i was watching the skills get revealed, it seems like the devs are forgetting why we have such a low survivability. When i heard tempest i expected storms, maelstroms etc hell even something close to meteor shower for once but instead we got things we already had plus to a much more diminishing results. The overloard mechanic is interesting but it did not feel grand or powerful, specially if you plan to have it be in the frontlines with no stability while channeling for 5 seconds.
The shouts are very underwhelming, specially the elite one that seems to keep on the tradition of keeping ele with some of the worst elites in the game if not the worst ones, the warhorn skills themselves are very ’’meh’’ but its pretty much what i expected from warhorn and shouts on ele.
I cannot even start to say what is wrong and what can be fixed with what i saw, literally everything is dumbed down from what we already had and the overload only conflicts with our attunement recharge and even if they were ranged i wouldnt say it would do it any good if they aren’t powerful enough. It seems like we took a step back with the tempest in terms of what an elementalist should do.
Literally everything we have now is better than what was promised to us, our close combat and utilities are way better than the shouts and the gameplay that was shown with the tempest had nothing new and exciting, shouts that give a few boons and some basic conditions is literally the blandest step you could take, even in the warhorn there is nothing remotely exciting besides a moving waterfield. I’m almost certain you cant replace cantrips as the ele is with those if you plan on running into melee without stability.
It was also mentioned a lot the ‘’If you are bringing us to the frontlines you better have a way to keep us alive’’ and we literally saw nothing of that, we barely can keep ourselves alive and you pushed us to be further of a boon/heal/support aoe squishy with long casting times…
Seriously, really nothing i can think of to fix it other than an overhaul and actualy give us something that feels like a tempest, starting with a replacement for that god awful 25% recharge for your buddies shout, which the chronomancer has an utility that does a better job. seriously, give us something like a an actual, high damaging thunderstorm or maelstrom or wave that takes up a good portion of the terrain, make overload actualy dangerous enough that people would have to atleast try to get away since you are trading casting time and being locked out of that attunement, either give stability or make it ranged if you want it being high casting time, or make it like meteor shower.
SIIIGH, will we never get kittenuable elite besides elemental glyph? hell even that sucks major kitten comparing to the elites of other classes
not like meteor