Showing Posts For Guinness.2704:

[MEAN] on Darkhaven — Hardcore WvW/GvG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


MEAN is still recruiting and we want you! Join the pack and wreck face with us!

[MEAN] on Darkhaven — Hardcore WvW/GvG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


So I joined MEAN less than two weeks ago after managing a guild for a year and a half. So far, this guild has been amazing. We’ve had some awesome fights. Tryden and Ghost are amazing drivers and there is an awesome crew supporting them in our fights.

If you’re wanting to get into the GvG scene and don’t want to bandwagon onto a guild that has it all already, then this is the guild to join. We’re getting better but definitely need a few more classes for some added variety.

Join MEAN for some awesome fights, a totally awesome community, and best of all, Tryden’s pep talks!

MoD recruiting Crystal Desert WvW players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is a havoc-oriented WvW guild on Crystal Desert recruiting mainly for NA prime time. We operate on a 10-15 man skill group running havoc and working to pull pressure off of our side of the map.

Our guild run times are:
Friday: 9pm EST – 12am EST
Saturday: 9pm EST – 12am EST
Sunday: 9pm EST – 11pm EST
Wednesday: 9pm EST -11pm EST

We attempt to keep it somewhat laid back by only having four guild run each week. On our off nights or on Wednesdays sometimes, we’ll work on sPvP to really better ourselves individually.

We do require guild builds and TS3 while we’re running in WvW. We have to be able to coordinate and our builds have to be able to work together too. Though we run havoc, we’re not here to roam and just kill people. Our focus is to help out Crystal Desert.

Best of all, we enjoy having fun. After hours we love to roam in our zerker builds or just go hang out in the Kitten Training Academy.

If you have questions, post them here or hit me up in game!

Our website:

[MoD] wants you for WvW on Crystal Desert!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


MoD is still recruiting members who want to better Crystal Desert!

What we need:
Elementalist 2-3
Guardian 2-3
Necromancer 1-2
Warrior 1-2

We accept all other classes as well because each class plays a specific role in a skill group.

[MoD] wants you for WvW on Crystal Desert!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


Hi all!

The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is a havoc oriented guild and we succeed only by being able to coordinate with the larger group on the map. We are a guild that is dedicated to bettering our server. If we have to pull off of a keep in order to postpone the enemy forces while the Commander caps it, we’ll do that. If we have to take a suicide run to an enemy garrison to get an all call and get them off of our homeland, we’ll do that. If we have to Leroy Jenkins into a giant zerg just for some laughs and to see who can survive the longest, we’ll do that! We are here to make Crystal Desert better, to make ourselves better, and to have fun while doing it.

However, with that being said, we need some additional core players to fill our group. We are designed to run with 10-15 people and we understand that people have lives outside of the game and that everyone cannot make it for every guild run.

We require Teamspeak. Without coordination, we would fail.
We require guild builds in order to promote synergy in the group. We have builds that work well together in order to keep everyone up and going.
We require that if members are on during scheduled guild runs (Fri/Sat/Sun/Wed) that they be on TS and in WvW with us.

What we need:
We accept all classes, but below are some of the specifics that we need.
Elementalist: 2-3
Guardian: 2-3
Necromancer: 1-2

Hit me up here, on our website, or in game if you are interested in joining the family!!

Discussion for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Guinness.2704


I have actually been on FA, ET, and now CD, so I have seen it problems with varying levels of population. My biggest pet peave is how the smaller servers who don’t have as much coverage other than NA prime (Like ET) just get demolished solely due to not being able to get their stuff back.

I like Kraag Deadsoul’s idea of the point system. I feel like some servers who just take everything uncontested should not be rewarded. Where is the skill in that? Why should they get the points for a paper tower that no one was defending and required no effort other than to build a couple of rams and sit there. They should get the points after upgrading the objectives successfully based on Kraag’s description above. Also, with the idea of only getting points based on how well you defend/upgrade/assault in each 15:00 minute segment. You would see a lot more strategy involved rather than just running from tower to tower to try and cap. It would require strategy and leadership from the Commander as opposed to someone who dished out some gold to get a shield posted above his head (Not saying all Commanders are bad).

And I do agree that the ladders/hooks/ropes would make it harder on the defenders. Obviously if they did this, it would require people to keep scouting out for their towers and keeping siege up and ready should a group get close enough to the wall. The problem with defending is that there is only ever a fair few people who do it and then they get taken for granted and are expected to do it all the time while everyone else runs and zergs and takes everything. I run a havoc guild, and we always take our turn upgrading and defending on Reset nights. On our other nights, we upgrade/defend as we are needed but are continually on the assault as well. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same idea of WvW as the next guy and the conflicting interests just causes the “I’m online, I can do what I want” mentality.

Good ideas though! I have posted this on my server’s forums already. I encourage everyone to get this out there. If we create a thread that is 10/15/20 pages long, Anet is going to have to respond eventually. Like I said earlier… I already know that someone from Anet is watching. ;P

(edited by Guinness.2704)

Discussion for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Guinness.2704


Oh, I did say PvE scrubs. lol It’s how it comes out every time I mention them. Just how I see the PvEers I suppose.

But, why just assume that Anet is going to not do anything major because that is all they have ever done? EotM was something that I’m pretty sure was thought up over night and spit out the next morning. WvW ranks should have been there from the very beginning. Should not have been implemented a few months later. Why should we be forced to live with it when PvE gets to cry that they want more and they get it? Like Lord Kuru said, there has been a giant lack of updates/change in WvW.

And on a side note, I named this thread CDI Discussion for a “New” WvW and it was changed. So that shows that there is someone somewhere looking at the WvW forums.

Discussion for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Guinness.2704


5) Get rid of the giant zerg mentality. Make it to where people are going to have to defend their things if they want any chance of winning that week. Sure PPT is nice and all, but this promote karma farming and just blobbing to take as much as possible. Make it to where the longer a camp/tower/keep/castle has been held is how points are added on. Maybe a camp that was just capped moments before the tick gives zero points but a camp that has been held for over an hour gives maybe 30 points. It rewards the servers who take pride in holding and defending their stuff! Plus, it really promotes dividing forces and holding enemy strongholds for as long as possible rather than just coming in and “getting it for the tick.”

6) Camps need better upgrades. Camps can be capped so quickly that it is ridiculous. Even fully upgraded camps can be taken by a group of ten before swords even pop. Camps need defenses other than a few guards. How about a small wall wooden wall upgrade that can be dpsed down in a timely manner but is going to offer some resistance to any size group that is wanting to take a camp. Make it to where a camp has a third and fourth tier and can hold 500 supply. Sure, people have to pay in order to upgrade it and it would take time for an upgrade like that, but it goes back to the previous point of getting more points based on how long something is held rather than everything being equal despite how long it has been held.

7) Get rid of Outnumbered. What were you thinking when making that? lol It’s a pity buff.

8) Merge the bottom servers into the larger servers and cut back your max amount of servers. You do NOT have as many people playing this game as you have accounts that have been bought. You need to just get rid of a few servers until you can get a much higher consistent player base.

There are plenty more ideas and suggestions out there. WvW needs a big change! This was THE reason why I bought and play Guild Wars 2 and I do not want it to be the reason why I quit Guild Wars 2 as well. We WvWers want a changing world too just like the PvE world is changing. We are a part of Tyria as well! We’re not asking to be a part of the Living Story. NO. We don’t want that. We just want the attention we deserve.

Post your ideas and suggestions in an educated manner below! I’m looking forward to seeing the other ideas from everyone! I know there will be better ones than what are posted above!

Discussion for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Guinness.2704


1) Why is WvW so low on the forums? The Living World is third. Why is WvW below Game and Lore Discussion?! It’s a huge part of the game. Why does it not have more precedence?

2) Map Changes – What are we in? A War! Landscaping changes in a war. Do you think that the Civil War was fought on the same 4 fields for 4 years? NO. I’m not saying change the maps every other week, but I feel that changing the maps once a year would be a bare minimum. Change the landscape. Change how the towers/camps/keeps/castles positioned and situated.

3) Get rid of Edge of the Mists – This has just become the solution to the Queensdale train being changed. No one is learning their class by just zerging with 50+ people and capping everything and gaining xp. It’s newb mode. It has no WvW oriented tactics and is just a giant karma/xp train.

4) Where is some new siege?? So you are telling me that the people of Tyria have not come out with any new ideas in almost two years of war? Oh please…. Here are some siege ideas:

Ladders – Why can ladders not be built to scale walls? One person at a time funnels up and it takes maybe 3 seconds per person. That would be 30s for ten people to get up a wall. Plus, introducing ladders would really bring back the idea of defense. It would require people to have to actively defend their towers and keeps rather than just keeping eyes out for white swords. Ladders would also be a great solution to small havoc squads. Not everyone’s systems can handle some of these giant zergs and not everyone enjoys zerg farming.

Explosives – Engineers have bombs. There is gun powder. Dumping supply into a larger bomb to blow away at a wall or gate is perfectly viable! Yeah, the bomb would have to be built on sight and would need a decent amount of supply if it was going to take a good chunk away, but lets be more creative than just the catas and rams for the next 5 years.

Catapulting Asurans – Because why not?! LOL We can hurl rocks, surely we can hurl an Asuran across a wall? (This one is just more comical than anything)

Grappling Hooks – We have ballistas… Why can they not shoot a hook up onto a wall and people climb the rope?

I’m sure there are some other really good ideas…. Post them below!

Discussion for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Guinness.2704


First off, lets face it. WvW is getting dry for many people. Everyone has always enjoyed different aspects of WvW, and I and many others can respect that. However, what we cannot respect in any way, shape, or form is how Anet has essentially abandoned a part of the game that they advertised fairly heavily before launching the game. Why is WvW, and inadvertently the people who play, getting thrown to the side while PvE scrubs are allowed an ever-changing world? However, the real question remains:
Is WvW going to be exactly the same three, five, ten years from now?!

It has been two years and I have thoroughly enjoyed battling in WvW. I love the fights. I love the strategy involved. I love roaming. I love everything about it except for the fact that it is the same thing over and over and over and over again. Same treb spots. Same cata spots. “How do we get in to kill the siege on the walls of SMC? Oh, ram or cata super quick then get up on the walls and dps it down.” It’s always the same. Same old everything. There is all of this new content for PvE. Why can we not have the same for those of us who enjoy the war between other servers?

Below is a list that I feel would greatly benefit getting people back into WvW and would make it feel “New” again. I would greatly appreciate everyone else’s feedback on this as well. Comment on what you feel is best or suggest new things. Rather than just a lot of complaining (Which I see more often than not on the forums) lets create our own CDI rather than waiting for them with their false promises.

A window of neutrality in WvW for mapping.

in WvW

Posted by: Guinness.2704


The point of map completion is to do everything! Why should Anet just hand over Map Completion to PvE scrubs?! As TinkTinkPOOF.9201 said, LEARN IT. Join your server on Teamspeak, get a WvW build that will suit you, and go out and cap those needed objectives. You may even find that you….. (Dare I say it to a PvEer)… Like it! Ah Meh Gawd…

Quit complaining. That’s the reason why there isn’t enough attention given to WvW in the first place. Anet is too busy dealing with all the PvEers complaining about this and that with the stupid Living Story. Deal with it. Either join your server in the fight for WvW or just stick to farming the champ trains and dungeons. Either way, shut up and get off the forums.

Join [MoD] in the Fight for Eredon Terrace!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


If you are interested, mail Guiness.2704 in game and we will get you set up with the guild in time for WvW Season 2!

Join [MoD] in the Fight for Eredon Terrace!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is a havoc-based guild on Eredon Terrace. We fight hard to pull as much attention away from our main Commanders in order to allow them to complete their objectives. Yes, we wipe sometimes, but who doesn’t against 30 or 40 man zergs?! We are a tight-knit group of players and are getting stronger with each week. With the new free transfers coming up on March 18-27, we would love to see other players who love to kitten of zergs and run for their lives transfer and/or join Eredon Terrace and join up with MoD in our fight to strengthen the server!

All business aside though, MoD works hard to maintain a strong relationship between its guildies. We are by far one of the more helpful guilds that I have ever seen in the Guild Wars Community. (Not saying all aren’t helpful. There are others) We WvW kitten Friday and Saturday, but after that, we like to kick back and enter the PvX mode a bit just to keep the casual play style going for everyone. We do guild missions on Sundays and other than that, we do whatever guildies want to. If there aren’t requests, we hop into WvW and tick more people off and we are getting real good at it!

(edited by Guinness.2704)

The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is Recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Guinness.2704


The Mercenaries of Death [MoD] is a WvW oriented guild that likes to still kick back and relax in the PvX environment as well. We are a havoc-based guild on Eredon Terrace (NA) who work with the other Commanders to create multiple fronts on the map and break up the zergs that are so prevalent in WvW nowadays. We do guild missions on Sundays and during the week we do whatever our guildies want to! With the pre-season transfer prices being implemented, [MoD] is an excellent guild to get embedded in for a fun Season 2 of WvW! If you’re interested, mail Guinness.2704 in game, and we will get you set up!

Oh… and the best part about MoD other than our strong ties of helping out all of our guildies? No level, profession, or application requirement!!! Just ask and we will make you one of us.