Showing Posts For Gwenryth.9450:
Great news, thank you very much Jon <3
I’d like to see any costs for Guild Hall related things scaled by members. It’s the only possibility to keep it fair to all guild sizes.
This should have happened also to guild upgrades since the beginning…
Preferred the idea of megaservers for WvW. I’ll use examples and say 20 servers on EU and 20 on NA. Paired the most populated server with the lowest populated server in their respective regions (NA/EU) as a team. Then paired teams of EU and NA teams into a pool consisting of 4 servers. 2 awards can be given out. First award is for regional such as NA & EU gets a rewards for winning. Then team awards for your cross Atlantic partners.
Rank #10 EU with #11 EU Rank (team 1)
Rank #1 NA with #20 NA Rank (team 1)
Rank #9 EU with #12 EU Rank (team 2)
Rank #2 NA with #19 NA Rank (team 2)
Rank #8 EU with #13 EU Rank (team 3)
Rank #3 NA with #18 NA Rank (team 3)
Rank #7 EU with #14 EU Rank (team 4)
Rank #4 NA with #17 NA Rank (team 4)
Rank #6 EU with #15 EU Rank (team 5)
Rank #5 NA with #16 NA Rank (team 5)
Rank #5 EU with #16 EU Rank (team 6)
Rank #6 NA with #15 NA Rank (team 6)
Rank #4 EU with #17 EU Rank (team 7)
Rank #7 NA with #14 NA Rank (team 7)
Rank #3 EU with #18 EU Rank (team
Rank #8 NA with #13 NA Rank (team
Rank #2 EU with #19 EU Rank (team 9)
Rank #9 NA with #12 NA Rank (team 9)
Rank #1 EU with #20 EU Rank (team 10)
Rank #10 NA with #11 NA Rank (team 10)Yes, the pairing would not benefit overstacked servers and may alter the balance of power to middle tiers. It would also make servers cheer for their cross Atlantic pairings. Any swiss pairing is purely bad as it guarantees a few particular server(s) almost always getting a victory and not because of skill.
I like this idea, but it doesn’t solve problem for servers with high PvE and low WvW population. Drakkar Lake is unofficial German RP server, think we are a high pop server, but in WvW we are only few people (no waiting in line except reset on Friday evening for ~3 hours).
Perhaps Anet is collecting data about “WvW only” population, so this could be considered. Pick out 4 weeks for a sample average (of course without telling us).
Would be great to have all collected Tonics stored/saved and Endless Tonics unlocked like finishers.
Perhaps something likewise the finishers window, located in the hero panel like the wardrobe
Meanwhile there are lots of tonics, in addition with converted town clothing and Endless Tonics ( which would legitimate this wish
So then we wouldn’t longer be allowed to make our EotM-Guild-Raid with mixed levels? No thank you. It’s a lot of fun if everyone can take the toon he/she want’s, and I think we don’t like to split up to different maps.
I would prefer a EotM-PvE-tendig (Karmatrain) and EotM-CvC-tending (color-vs-color) map separation or commander badge color seperation (blue as usual, pink for karma train commanders). Really don’t like it that commanders get flamed because they fight the other zerg. If someone don’t want to fight he still can go to Queensdale… or switch to another EotM map with PvE commander.
Have the same problem since last patch. Yesterday I decided to try two things- 1. play “fullscreen in window” and 2. turn off Windows Aero. Seems to work for me, have yet to test it separatly…
also – why a reply from devs just on the german channel? shouldn’t it be a reply across all forums at the same time as a company release? or was the german dev jumping the gun and will get in trouble like the sab dev.
Ramon isn’t Dev, he’s German Community Manager
His post in few words for non German speakers (sorry for bad english, I’m no native speaker). Maybe later there will be an official english post.
He says A-Net is reading our feedback and they work on the Megaserver.
- Chatfilter is only a temporary solution.
- They consider feedback from large guilds and Server organisations, they don’t want to make organisation of big events impossible, but dont have a solution at this time.
- They are looking what can be done for RP community, some changes in algorithm were done especially in towns, but isn’t finish yet.
- Megaserver system wasn’t made to save Server costs, it only redistributes serverloads.
- They’ll rework schedules for world bosses, especially Karka Queen, Tequatl and Worm, for getting a better time frame for EU.
- They are watching the max. number of people on one map and will make adjustments if necessary.
- Devs are working active to improve the Megaserver, and watch our feedback, so keep on posting, especially EU feedback because of the different languages problems. Keep on posting, we are listening.
Please remove Megaserver.
We’ve chosen a Server at the beginning because we wanted to play there. We transfer to another Server, if we don’t like the one we’ve chosen. Most of us love their Server and the “family” we found there, but the Megaserverthingy destroys everything.
I want to play with my Drakkar-family, and don’t want to be forced to a map, where 5 different languages are spoken and German speaking peoples are called kittens (kittens=bad guys from 2nd worldwar).
Maybe the system works for NA Servers, where most fellows speak English, but in EU it’s really bad.
My English isn’t good enough to bring up all my disappointment, but I think everything what bothers me was posted earlier in this thread.
Please give us back our Homeworlds!
I came back the next day and used the key halves I got from Red BL on the JP in Blue BL and it worked. Got the achieve too.
Dunno if its just Blue BL that works or if you have to wait a day after getting the keys.
Went straight to the chest today (again on green BL) and got the achievement. Seems some keys have to be carried around one day
I’ve been able to open the chest on Green Borderland, but didn’t get the achievement. Maybe achievement is broken…
Still had both keyhalfs after open the chest, next step I’ll try to get new keys tomorrow…
Edit: Did it with another Character, same result… chest open, no achievement, keyhalfs still in my inventory.
Would be nice if this gets fixed and everyone with keys in inventory get the achievement. Took me a lot of time to do this jumping puzzle
This jumping puzzle also doesn’t count towards monthly…
(edited by Gwenryth.9450)
Battle for Lion's Arch Open Issues and Tips
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Gwenryth.9450
In Tune
- This achievement is also a tricky one, I would recommend you disable your auto attack so that you are precisely controlling when you hit the holograms. Necros, Rangers, Mesmers; watch your minions, pets, clones, and phantasms, their damage counts against you if you are not attuned. Engineers, your turrets fall under that category as well. For all professions, I would recommend crafting your build based solely on damage your character does and not use any summons or sources of outside damage. Again, attention is critical, always be aware of your current attunement and the attunement of the hologram you are fighting.
Bigger, But Not Faster
- This achievement also requires vigilant attention. Watch for the large red Extraction telegraph rings as a warning. Keep your dodges saved for this skill only. A good time to dodge is when you see the Knight jump up into the air; dodge sooner/later than that and you will miss the window and get hit by the Extraction attack.
Is it also my pet’s fault that I can’t get the “bigger, but not faster” achievement? I wasn’t pulled once by the Knight the whole fight, I was there from beginning to end and didn’t get it.
They never tag me with a large group, they just target solo roamers to help citizens. Figures.
Yeah, instead they should work the other way round… More than 10 people grouped? Zsssssssss…..
Would be great! But it would be even greater, if people who saved many citizens (500? 1000?) would fulfill a hidden dead and get the selfless potion as reward
1. Ranger
2. Ele
3. Necro
You people are terrible. Two pages and not one thought spared for the poor Skritt of Lion’s Arch and the fate that might await them. And they’ve only just recovered from the horrors of Wintersday.
Rats are people too
Save the Skritt of Lion’s Arch!
But Rats are leaving a sinking ship, so don’t worry
Zomorros award you with…. DEATH!
Haha, my first thought was- so… Zommoros “the root of all evil”… now they’ll come and destroy LA to free him
The “late starter” function doesn’t work correct.
I think it should be removed because it isn’t necessary any longer, each sprinter has to wait anyway ’til 0:00 to get the daily achievement…
Sometimes I’m entering at 5+ minutes and it makes me a late starter.
I guess one is a late starter if he/she enters with a specific time distance after the last sprinter…
So fast sprinters are punished with getting no reward for getting in little late, and still have to wait 2+ minutes ‘til counter expired to get the daily achievement. Additional you have to move while waiting or you’ll be removed from Sanctum sprint…
Some of us are able to finish the sprint even when we get in late! And with multiple “light travels” one can catch up many positions…
Today in the morning when I entered Southsun Survival for the Daily, I found myself in chains- as usual before the game starts.
But some of the other players weren’t chained, had already picked up most supplys and weapons and they were fighting, so I guess there must be some sort of bug.
It seems there are more bugs, today I saw a Ranger pet fighting a Karka…
(edited by Gwenryth.9450)
I’ve sent a bug report few days ago, the “sleeping” Jotuns in the Norn starter area (Wayfarer Foothills) are also standing…
Maybe the ground is too cold to lay down
The three sparkling areas in front of you are portals, you have to try, which one lets you pass to the next room
Please fix the problem, Drakkar Lake had also the battery timer bug… Results: whole Frontzerg dead, Event failed… 120 people prepared and waiting 1-2 hours for nothing
I’ve the same problem since the “August 6th Update”. First time I saw this bright shining was while doing the daily Minigame (Santum Sprint).
While fighting enemies it’s really bad, I can’t even see the red circles on the ground… Tried to change graphics settings with no results.