Showing Posts For HAWTERTHAN.7523:

GW2 Tickets for Review (7 days & older)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Dear Gaile Gray, ticket 544279 was submitted five days ago.
I’ve yet to have my ticket resolved or have an agent reply on this matter.

Thank for your time.


Dungeon modes again?

in PvP

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Do we need to run the dungeon with each toon? Or can I run it with one toon, and all of my toons can progress? I will cry if I need to level up my lvl 11 necro that I PvP the most with to 80 for the Arah track.

Dungeon story mode unlock will be account wide.


Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Just thought of another question, sorry for them all.

Will the wardrobe also have skins for back pieces in it as well? I ask because it would be cool to use my Mad King Day backpack (book with laughing skull on it) on other characters of mine.

They do mention the spinal backpacks several upgrade levels becoming wardrobe items if you have an upgraded backpack, so I guess you get both the green and orange book.


Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Hello. Will we still able to dye the set town clothes?

What happens if I have many of one set, such as wintersday outfit?

Thank you and good luck.


Dolyak Express Feb 10, 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Will we ever see cross race/species couples, both hetero and homo? It could bring a few new race choices for us players down the line.


None of the races can breed with each other. They’re all independent species.

Well they’re free to try, but there won’t be any results. I’m pretty sure there’s one or two instances of NPCs falling for someone not of their own race, so romance is not ruled out.


Asura Necro -t3

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Sure thing.

One thing to note about t3 chest is that it has shoulders built in, so don’t get a fancy skin for those. They won’t display.

On males the shoulders are the t3 shoulders and on females you get a pair of invisible ones.

If you have the karkaland tentacle backpack, that one’s pretty good for necros too, if a bit ‘given’.



Depressed crafting weapons? Wait for armor.

in Crafting

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Still, since you advertise a really quick lupi kill, would you say asc is needed/important for current pve, or could I ‘make do’ with food/wrench and sigils of night?

It was never needed but it helps, weapons especially since they are the biggest gap factor (more than 6% for non condition builds). Full armour will just give about 3% additional damage reduction (depends on the profession) with base 916 toughness. Ascended to exotics are almost like exotics to rares divided by two. So you could say someone with full exotics is like half exotics, half rares before november 2012.

Anyone can use food and sigils, you’re still statistically worse than the guy who was pressing 1 during temple events.

Welp that blows. I guess I’ll make a weapon or two eventually, but I’m not really going to bother with armor, for now.


Depressed crafting weapons? Wait for armor.

in Crafting

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Afaik, full ascended trinkets only made you 0.5% more efficient in a full zerk build. So with weapon and armor, we might approach a 5% (or less) higher efficiency with full ascended?

Ascended trinkets give more than 0.5%, especially with berserker’s gear. Comparing full exotic to full ascended, the different in stats is about 6% but your weapon damage and armour is also increased by similar percentage. Ergo, it’s more than 6%.

Oh neato. I just play pve and wear full zerk asc trinkets just because they were easy to get. But what I heard was wrong. Thanks for telling me!

Still, since you advertise a really quick lupi kill, would you say asc is needed/important for current pve, or could I ‘make do’ with food/wrench and sigils of night?


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Depressed crafting weapons? Wait for armor.

in Crafting

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


So wait, I need to put down hundreds of gold for 10% more stats?
Which would result in a 10% stat increase across the board?

Umm… like, can’t I just pop a food/wrench item and get pretty much the same effect, for a few silvers?

Afaik, full ascended trinkets only made you 0.5% more efficient in a full zerk build. So with weapon and armor, we might approach a 5% (plus minus one percent) higher efficiency with full ascended?


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

TA F/U path is being removed

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Not concerning myself about the story, TA F/U was too easy, too exploity. It can rot for all I care. The big fight with fyonna is trivial even when done legit. The last boss, even in it’s current glitched form is a joke and can be done with some zerks and reflects.

Having them dump the entire path isn’t going to ruffle my feathers any day, as long they put in something fun and worthwhile like AC path 2. I know most people barely ran that path anyway. In a way they could probably keep it around somehow and let the few who bother able to do it, because most would probably not care all that much.

>Because of that presence, the possibilities are narrowed, and Fyonna will not be able to make it to the tree in time.

Nawww, I was going to write a fanfic and everything! Oh well, Scarlet and Fyonna being best friends would’ve been cute. I really hope Fyonna is around somehow anyway.

Best of luck anet, I’m pretty well hyped about this OwO, don’t let me down!!!111~~~~~~~~


TA F/U path is being removed

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Well it’s easy figuring it out from the hints we’ve gotten. Obviously the path isn’t going to be removed because there’s not enough space.

You see, fyonna is Scarlets lover and inspiration for the twisted clockwork robots. How else would you explain the buglike appearance of them? Hmm? Maybe Scarlet and Fyonna worked out a deal where Scarlet helps Fyonna with coming up on top against Leurent and Vevina, and Fyonna lovingly provides her turf of Twilight Arbor for her love interest~?

Both Fyonna and Scarlet have an interest in rather strange things, and while Scarlet acts on a bigger scale, I feel they’d easily feel familiar with eachother.


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Is it too hard? Respect the awesome work

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Whoa whoa, you want to punish people who don’t make the cookie cutter ant sized characters even more than the game already does? No thank you sir!

Uhhh SAB normalizes your characters size. I did it just fine with a max size charr and max size Asura (Almost tall as a norn in SAB!), so size difference is no problem.

Anyway, I had great fun in the box. Thanks for making it. I usually don’t log on to the forums, but since you seemed a bit down I figured I’d put in a post about how satisfied I am with it.

The only unfortunate thing is that I play with high latency, which made the lilypads and jumping rocks a bit problematic in TB. But in the end it didn’t really put a dent in my progress and I managed just fine. The rapids weren’t an issue at all.

Again, thanks for making this content.


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Fedora as a skin for all head armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Yes, I’d love to be able to have my toon look as classy and dashing I do in real life. It’d be doubly amazing if it was a light or medium armor piece rather than town clothing.


Will greatsaws come back next halloween?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


I suspect they will come back yes, its a great looking model and highly doubt it wont be used again, might be in a different way though, they might even make it better.

Yeah! Maybe they’ll make it so it’s on fire or something. That’d be cool.

But anyway, thanks for answering.


Will greatsaws come back next halloween?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


As the title says, would like to know.


So Rox... [merged]

in Charr

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


I love how Rox looks. She’s probably a character we might see more of! I hope that it will just be Rox that looks like that, horns and all, so we have Rox being 100% unique looking and memorable.

My personal theory is that we’re getting some new cool characters for new dungeons, or similar instances. Sure, we already have destinys edge, but eh, I’d rather see some new characters for new dungeons/instances! I’m still hoping Tassi makes her spooky return for some future non halloween content. Maybe something related to dhuum? Oh who knows. But yeah, give her a chance before you judge, she might look a bit weird, but all the new NPCs have been quite nicely written/VA’d, so I have no doubt everyone will be pleased once FaF moves onto the razing. The only gripe I have is that she uses seeker coat instead of maybe t1-2 cultural. But that’s more personal taste than anything.

I’m excited and happy about this, and hey, if I’m happy, I usually don’t make noise, but I thought I’d share my thoughts on Rox.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Profession: Mesmer

Furnace Reward Light Coat has an issue with the left sleeve as pictured in my image.



Make titles more visible

in Suggestions

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


I don’t understand, do you want more titles or do you want them to be more visible? Both?
Guh, I say that more titles should be ok but not more visibility; a lot of titles are long and they will take a large portion of the screen if always showed.

I want to see more titles and more visibility, of course without massive UI clutter!


Make titles more visible

in Suggestions

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


And add some more fun titles


Legendary Kill Finishers

in Suggestions

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Yeah, anything to make legendaries even more worth the huge effort they take is welcome. I wouldn’t like if they were too over the top however.


Increase base runspeed please

in Suggestions

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Play engineer, they get permaswiftness early on thanks to their ‘speedy kits’ trait.


[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Race: Asura
Gender: Female
Class: Warrior

Max height, weight asura warrior.

Bought [Dredge Breastplate of the Forge]. There’s one little spike that seems stuck there. It’s a little bit annoying.



(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Here’s my female charr guardian.

I like the older look. It fits well with the class. I haven’t really thought up a good backstory, but it shouldn’t be too hard.



(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Asura Tier 3 light female had recently the shoulder piece added.

However, the shoulder mesh collapses into itself, as well as other weird things.

Attached is a image of this issue:



Log chat to text files

in Suggestions

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


It’d be convenient and be useful for reference.

Especially if you rp.


Tier 3 light cultural armor changes

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


It’s nice to have the shoulders. But there are some slight issues with them.

Attached is an image.



What dyes do you use on your T3 armor?

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


They are from the shadow set. I think they’re named Shadow Shoes. They’re a few silver on the TP.


What dyes do you use on your T3 armor?

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Well I only use T3 chest. but I use grape leaf, illumination and black.

My character is a necro, so it fits, I guess.



Looking for Zojja's Blue Dye (Also found in the art of the tier 3 heavy Asura fighter)

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


It’s because you went swimming.


A new Asura Portal in Rata Sum

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


It says polymock arena once you approach it, so yeah, maybe we’re getting closer to polymock in the game.


Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


My Asura is cute, right? Everyone seems to think she’s a bit creepy however. :/



Random Echoing Bang

in Audio

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


You can even hear it when GW2 isn’t focused and not making any other sounds.

Heard it several times standing around in LA.


Who is the hottest Asura female?

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Ludo, the purple white one:

Head – Feathered
Chest – Devout
Shoulders – Acolyte
Gloves – Feathered
Pants – Tactical (Fireheart rise karma vendors has these…)
Shoes – Temple (All the Orr temple karma merchants)

[&AgHBKwAA] – [&AgECKwAA] – [&AgHuDgAA] – [&AgEEEQAA] – [&AgHuKwAA] – [&AgHSEQAA]

Zudo, in orange:

Head – Nothing
Chest – Shadow
Shoulders – Shadow
Gloves – Shadow
Pants – Shadow
Shoes – Shadow

Shadow set is cheap on TP, or you could get the recipes yourself.

[&AgFwDwAA] – [&AgFvDwAA] – [&AgFtDwAA] – [&AgFsDwAA] – [&AgFuDwAA]

Both are light armor sets, so you’ll have to be on a light armor character to preview. The shadow set also has a cool skull helm: [&AgFxDwAA] it has some spiky shoulder armor built in too.


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Where to buy a sword for my thief?

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


There is a trading post where you can get your hands on weapons that are good, for very little money.


Dungeon Loot from chests? CoF vs. CoE

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


I get charged cores almost every time I go to coe, and the only MF I have is omnom and karka shell.


Who is the hottest Asura female?

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Teyo or Efut, a hard choice. But I’ll go with Efut.

Honorary mention to prof. Gorr.

Uploading a slightly higher quality image of Efut.



Charr Female (player) voice.

in Charr

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Wait, doesn’t she voice that one female Charr NPC in this game? I know the name, but I can’t think of it…

Detha Tremblebones. “Your plan is just stupid and won’t work!”, “Here it comes, ready cannons!”. (You read that in her voice too.)

A bit later in that video the actual charr player VA gives a few comments.

Personally I think it’s one of the best player voices in the game. While I wasn’t sure of it first, changing it now would be a disaster, I’m too accustomed to it.


[quaggan doodle] Helloooooooo.

in Community Creations

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


These forums are slow, but I love your quaggan. The colouring is spot on, even if I haven’t seen many pink quaggans.

Thanks for posting it.


Necro drawing

in Community Creations

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


And well it turned out so well I had to post it here, heh.


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Build for passing dps check in SE path 1?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Thank you both! Your advice is appreciated and will be used next time I try to tackle this path.

I’ll just get somewhat appropiate AC gear to complement since I’m drowning in AC tokens anyway.


Build for passing dps check in SE path 1?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Right, so I’ve been rolling around doing most dungeons with my moderately aimless full exo warrior and necro, it’s fun and not that hard, but I have huge problems with this one path. I think I’ll run into the other dps check in Arah iirc, but that’s not a problem if I nail this.

Anyway, it’s obvious I’m gonna need a party of warriors or other high dps classes, but how much money will I have to spend on outfitting myself? I don’t really want to spend 20g on a single path or two, but dungeon master title is worth it.

Edit: Currently my warrior is running a shout heal build/setup, which is completely useless for this path.

If there’s a way for another class to ‘carry’ the encounter, or make it considerably easier, I’m ready to 80 that one too. I got plenty of gold and time.


(edited by HAWTERTHAN.7523)

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Fimbul Nil, my Asura necro.

I’ve really really tried to play other races, but I keep picking Asura and Charr.



FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


I’ll have to say this is completely amazing and while it has a few kinks to work out, I can’t imagine playing without it! It’s a completely needed addition to the game. The vastness of some fields really shine with this turned on and I am ever so thankful that you actually did put it in! Wow! First we get amazing halloween events, content patches and then you fix the fov! You’re truly, TRULY my favourite developer right now. A thousand thanks and more! I even worked out how to sign on these forums, again, since my browser was having problems, but it’s fine now. But yes, I rarely want to post here, because what I want to have said has already been said for me, but this one time I want to express my thanks, not just for the FOV fix, but for everything, really.


Terrain Gone Crazy

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: HAWTERTHAN.7523


Are you forcing Ambient Occlusion in the nvidia control panel?
