Showing Posts For Harkain.5189:

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Honestly, with a pvp system like this, there shouldnt have been any separation to begin with.

if there was no separation from the start there would have been 0 problems because ALL servers would have had 24-7 crews in shifts, hence no problem. The problem only comes due to anets poor handling of the issue.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


@genev Its not about making it not worth anything but frankly ranking pvedoors the same as prime time fighting is plain hillarious, if you can cap and hold easier due to limited ammount of players in off hours the points should be reduced as its obvious to anyone here that taking and holding things prime time is not only harder but things switch hands faster.

NA have their own server, europe have our own and we go by that, if people feel slighted about being a minority time zone user in a majority eviroment they can stop playing or ask anet to institue some moscov time zone but frankly asking us the majority to accept this ridicoules night caping compared to prime time fighting is gonna make this game lose more players than the free transferes is causing.

9/10 - Seafarer's Rest - Riverside - Blacktide: The Revengening

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


my biggest question to the servers and even more so the pvdoor guilds is what will you do if anet actually get their act together and limits offhour capping points ? since obviously you cant hold prime time.

sfr while a decent server is not an uber primetime server of mega guilds it does good because our pugs are actually pretty dam decent and works with the guilds there is since we have 0 ppl to rely on for offhour play so if the importance of prime time gets its actual due (you know actually fighting other players not pve) i think sfr is in great shape.

Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Great a fresh new bunch of “imaginary canadians” whiners!

Welcome guys, take a sit and have a talk with your predecessors from desolation.

For those of you more interested in improving and playing this game well, you’d rather contact people from Elona Reach (DE). They beat us badly last week. But they were strange people, they played the game instead of looking for a poor excuse to eplain their loss.

elona has a verry strong night crew thats how they beat themself out of our tier/matchup before because they got spanked all day long yet every night all fully uppgrades keeps etc was pved and we came back after work etc and found it all elonas. I dont know if its mass unemployed/students amassing on that server or just totaly full but regardless it just means they can night zerg even more than you, the problem is that you can night zerg at all and that pve gives as much point as hard earned prime time points in the PVP zone.

Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


havent logged since the invis bugg was introduced and seeing the matchup this week and the nightcapping scores day 1 and 2 has made me not even log once nor will i do it for well aslong as they take to fix both night pveing and their invis issues (which i bet was caused from added load on the server) if neither are fixed i guess i will do like prolly 40% that bought this game and not log agian.

Seafarer's Rest v Arborstone v Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


night capping is not a problem anet told us so!


good week not to play i guess.

EU servers fail

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


I have to agree fullu with Haelindiel here the suposed night crew of BB was non-existant last matchup and their main time server strenght and fighting capabilities was below par for that tier atleast (was sfr, blacktide and bb) there is as hael said a reason they lost 2 ranks and its not because they had a awesome night crew,.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


3 orbs hacked now by that kittener! Seriously….get him banned Arena!

i reported him along time ago, they sure are taking their sweet time to press the ban button for investigation, letting 1 guy ruin it for 3 servers and then prolly coming up with a lame “thank you for your patiance” humbug line.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Why be sorry for his brother ? just hope he kicks his kitten for ruining part of his game and then and maybee just then the kitten understands that actions has consequenses for more than himself.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Syn if you actually read AGAIN what the loser exploiter said: He COMPARES them kicking his brother for having the same blood and apperently ip (always these magic brothers that show up when someone makes a bobooo) he did not say the guy actually said something about etnicity

So in the end you do come up looking like a smart kitten besides being a biggot, racist or anything is not illegale in this game hacking however is.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Desolation have one big issue:


People take towers and then just leave. No surprise that we often immediately lose those towers again.

When you ask people to help defend it’s “We’ll get it back later” or “Not enough reward” or some other stupid response like that. They just zerg after those useless blue icons.

that is a huge problem because aslong as people seek reward (for which there is minimal) in pvp rather than the realms best one will never win anything.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


what ikshadow said: at 9am we held 1 orb. not 3, we where not leading in points nor controlling the maps.

The score that is now comes from good old fashion bashing and the oponents failure to counter it because frankly i have only been let down sofar by the oposition.

SeafarerĀ“s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Tum if you seriously belive the point gap that is now is due to the hacking last night then you are delusional at best, the point gap now is due to sfr’s mainline force doing the job because this morning sfr was not controlling the orbs nor was we ahead (actually at second place) and by morning i mean 9cet.

excuses is excuses its that simple, cowboy up sally.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Everyone’s leaving Desolation It’s a sad time.

Still, that’s what happens when your commanders seem to be 5 years old and can’t lead for jack.

Also, when I left last night at 3am, Seafarers rest were last with no orbs and now they’re 10k ahead with all three orbs :O What happened?!

sfr by tradition has a verry strong main time presence which is ofcourse extended on weekends and frankittenhis morning it was everyone following a decent commander and putting effort together with supply runs, multiple siege engines etc. Cant remeber the name of the commander in eternal but he was from FU.

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


I logged on early morning at about 7am cet and saw kodash owning the field controlling all but 1 point in eternal. To my suprise people where fighting back to even if it was unbalanced in the start and by 9 kodash was pushed back while desolation had regained some and was ticking at a 160 points atleast.

I guess this is just feeling eachother to the real test comes for prime time fighting

good luck to everyone!

Kodash/Seafarers rest/Desolation pvp

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


So we dont have to make multiple threads about good fightsm who exploited etc.

Hacker on Seafarer's Rest in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


On another note is anyone trying to stop the kodash zerg at 7am making the whole map red ?

Hacker on Seafarer's Rest in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


full agree with OP as an sfr player.

SeafarerĀ“s rest hacking Orb

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


as an active rvr player in sfr i am verry sorry to hear this but know that it is NOTHING 99% of our server condones, asks for or anything. If it is actually cheating see it as an individual doing it and not us all and i just like you hope someone caught a screenshot of it and report the guy so he can get perm banned.

Salute to Elona Reach[DE] and Kodash[DE] from Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


plz make it kodash vs gh vs sfr…no night uber squads just prime time face smashing !

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Honestly prime time fighting is all that matters with an emphasis on fighting. Who cares if you can hold and manage night/early morning pve capping with little or no resistance.

It’s only a matter of time before anet does something about odd hour cappings what will you do then to gain back points ? pve capping is not tactics its a resort from people who cannot contend on the field of battle.

[Blacktide] Battle reports

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


It is worth to mention to that sfr has ques to all warfronts from about 17:00 cet to 23:00 cet, this means by all accounts we do have more people.

To bad no one mentioned the mad fighting around bay/garisson 2 days ago, litteraly lord room defence for 1 full hour.

Salute to Elona Reach[DE] and Kodash[DE] from Gunnars Hold

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Being a seafarers rest player facing elone and kodash last week was incredibly frustrating. At first most of us belived they worked together cause litteraly they sieged the same doors at times and what looked like cordinated attacks but as the week wore on it turned into a more 3way battle.

It became obvious after day 2 we could not win simply due to the nightshift fights and sfr does not have a heavy night crew: we prefere to do our violence prime time with honor right in your face, but even then i had ques all days for all zones untill the last day. In my opinion we held the field during most days when it came to prime time but lost almost everything from 2am and forward.

I hope we can get a nice setup with GH, kodash and sfr next week without night capping.

Night Capping and YOU

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


worst response ever anet, i am not sure if you looked at other mmos around there and realise you do not get second chances.

Night capping is that dam bad, it is ruining the game for the much larger majority of your players playing in their correct time zones and while i can understand not locking rvr totaly nod reducing the night time points drasticly (for example point uppdate every 45 mins) is gonna be a huge issue and an issue you are getting save some people playing on servers they should not.

Post a pic of your EU servers current WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


Levelnine: i see you got that matchup this time, 2 german serves with guilds working together cross servers and a proper vampire night squad is how they won last time, all prime time hours they get spanked even with their co-oping yet every night they pull ahead.

Night capping is becoming such a drag for w3 and frankly anets responsed has me logging less and less and soon not at all for this.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: Harkain.5189


There is several ways of changing night capping (or for that matter any off hour capping) without removing it totaly, the best choice is to adjust point gains outside prime time. This means that the point generating objects would give more during the time they are more contested and less points during the downtime where there is less requirements to keep it.

Divide the day into 3 zones, low, medium and high then just be at 30/60/100% of the points we have today with primetime being a full 6 hours, medium being another 6 hours and low 12 hours.

It would not screw anyone over yet it would balance a verry unsavoury feature that will lead to insults etc otherwise.