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Will open world PVP servers be considered?

in PvP

Posted by: Harriman.3675


Well, I miss world pvp badly, lovely ganking and griefing, what can be better? The truth is that WwW just doesn’t cut it. And chances are that one would encounter a zerg rather than a duel style one on one. Plus open world pvp has a totally different flavor from what we have in WwW. It is more like you do whatever you do in game but there is also that tension of encountering a hostile player which elevates it to a different dimension. To think of it it is exactly what makes this great game blunt and boring. There is no excitement. Dragon slaying is just so meh, give me players to grief and its totally different game.
And even if we don’t have hostile races so what? make them. That whole Orrian thing, just turn whoever wishes into Orrians and there you go, and I bet there will be a lot of ppl willing to race change or turn into risen something or the other.
We badly need world pvp as well as mounts and other good things that WoW has.

Colorful PVP maps make a difference

in PvP

Posted by: Harriman.3675


Khylo is the best map, period. Colors in the Mists are nice and not aggravating. Capricorn is non functional pathetic excuse of a pvp map. PvP in general is half baked, work harder ANet

When will Raid on the Capricorn be fixed?

in PvP

Posted by: Harriman.3675


No fixing required, delete it and forget that horror ever existed

To combat leavers without punishing leavers

in PvP

Posted by: Harriman.3675


Well, before you start dishing out punishment why not to have a look at what makes ppl leave in the first place? Speaking for myself I would say that seeing that Capricorne horror of a map makes me seriously want to drop out of the game. I actually hate that whole idea of rotating maps. It would be nice to be able to kittenor specific map and stay there, like Battle for Khylo, for example. Then the battles are not parceled well, they show me credits screen and we keep fighting, what a kitten! Stop the game at that point and give me chance to bail out!

Duels, are we gonna get them ever?

in PvP

Posted by: Harriman.3675


Why do you assume PvP oriented means there will be dueling? How familiar with GW1 are you? Because a lot of people come here thinking theres some generic template for PvP because they’ve never broken away from WoW. Its not gw1, its not WoW. If you’re upset at the pvp because theres no duel button you are in the wrong place.

You want to duel? Go into an empty server.

^^^Fanboy. True, I come from WoW background and I still think duels were fun and good way to spend time and socialize, they foster community feel, give us duels.

Duels, are we gonna get them ever?

in PvP

Posted by: Harriman.3675


I wonder, when are we going to get an option to challenge another player to a duel without cumbersome process of going into an empty battleground?
There are a lot of folks hanging around in the Mists, I bet a lot of them would enjoy some battle in such a casual setting. Apart from that duels were always the best way to learn to fight another class, apart from playing that class of course. Please, Anet, make it happen, the game has being around for some time, what is worse though it was hailed as PvP oriented too, and well… where is it?