Showing Posts For Healu.2586:
How the hell are dwarves like norn? Drinking?
In all my games played, clothing is the thing I spend my money on the most. I would be happy to buy that winter suit if I could transmute it to my armor. I do not care anything about showing off some 700 gem novelty item for the few minutes I’m in a town.
I too wish they would drop this idea OR have the items transmutable to armor but if you equip the skin into your town clothes you get the brawl skills.
I’ve seen people say that town clothes don’t look like something you fight in, nor does a vast majority of armor in the game that is used during battle. I recently purchased gems but I really have nothing in the store that I would even spend them on. Leaves me with the feeling that I may not charge gems again.
Always with the AOE defense… Of course AOE still hits stealthed thieves but how are you supposed to figure out where they go unless you’re a group full of nothing but AOE? By the time most AOE cast times are up the thief is long gone since they move much faster stealthed. You also can’t count on any condition damage applied before the thief has been stealthed because they heal conditions with their stealth heal and they have traits to get rid of conditions ever 10 seconds…
‘Just swing your sword in the general direction…’ lol – Sure if you have an extendo-360 degree sword swing.
Since release I have wanted to play a Norn female. Their model is great. I like the cultural differences that make them unique from the humans. Yesterday for the third time I attempted to make a Norn female alt. I managed to finish the starting area and one heart reaching a whooping level two and a half before the voice acting became so unbearable that I had to call it quits again. Its a real disappointment to say the very least. I could really care less about Trahearne. I figured he’s been hanging out in Orr by himself for so long he has no social skills and that’s why he sounds that way. But to be unable to play a Norn female because she sounds just so awful? That’s unfortunate.
Hmm… I like the norn female voice.
If you did the instance everyday you should have enough crafting materials for two minis. As far as I know there is no other way to obtain them.
It’s not illegal if you always get something in return.
Lmao. Quitting the game over one event.
Probably about 8pm EST considering what some peep said in the live stream. ;o