(edited by Heldohann.6854)
Showing Posts For Heldohann.6854:
@ Truebanana, I whispered several people of Arbor last night and a lot of them were from Canada.
and now it seems that quite a lot came from Vizu back to Arbor because they cba to lose again.
That must be a lie then. Sorry. No significant Canadian guild on AS.
Well, sadly, Arborstone stopped playing a game he can’t fairly win :/
A lot of VS dedicated players did too, but “fortunatly” we have a lot more people than them.
Your definition of fairness is quite sweet considering hundreds of players moved to EU servers despite the latency for easy win. As long as the devs allow it, we can’t really complain we just find a way to play against fellow players.
(edited by Heldohann.6854)
Vizunah is currently playing WvW normally on prime time as far as I know. I’m talking about Arborstone.
Again, you can easily check that there is no alliance between VS ans AS. There was one 2 weeks ago and it lasted less than 3 days.
You say BS, AS stopped playing WvW normally since Tuesday evening CET as AS wants to go to Tier 2 to play with Europeans only. You can check that fact on the French forum. And BTW, the French prime time is usually 9pm-12am (GMT+1).
(edited by Heldohann.6854)
People taking about “it’s a 24/7 game” are either too limited to understand what this post is about or trying to convince themselves they rock in WvW because they moved to EU servers for easy win.
The problem is not “can we play by night” nor “night capping should be forbidden”, the problem is there is a bunch of guilds transferring from EU to NA or NA to EU to avoid challenge or simply to exist. For EU people, night is night for everyone, they can play or not by night according to the fact that most of people are sleeping. Night capping is a matter of organisation between people in the same time zone.
Since we saw a massive transfer from NA to EU servers lately, this topic is new, legitimate and is not relative to “night capping” topics. It’s easy for people who recently moved to EU servers to pretend they “don’t understand the matter” and ask for “shutting down this topic”.
And those who asked for international servers only are mostly those who complain that some players don’t use English to communicate. You gotta understand that not all players can easily speak and understand English as most of English native players are not able to speak and understand Russian, Spanish, French or German.
-French player of Arborstone
Since I can’t find no updates on that matter, since every contact with support center ends up the same way (auto-response that don’t answer the problem), I have no choice but post here.
It’s been over a month and a half that I can’t add anyone to my guild. I can see every guildmates, I can access the guild banker, I can buy upgrades with influence, the guild earns properly influence BUT I can’t invite someone new in the guild. In case you ask : I am the chief and I have all rights (including inviting someone) activated and none of the persons I tried to invite had more than 2 guilds they belong to.
What we tried to invite new members:
- Different guildmates with open rights sent invitations
- I promoted someone as guildmaster to do it
- I went to different capitals trying to send invitations
- I tried to invite someone who was in the same area
- I sent both invitations using right clicking on the invitee’s name and by entering his name in the guild panel
- I asked the personne I tried to invite to go from “invisible” to “online”
The problem is that we are 15 active members, we spent hundreds of hours to earn influence and build upgrades. The guild is almost full of upgrades. We noticed this issue about 6 weeks ago but we waited until we have a patch fixing it. We contacted the French tech support but they didn’t bother answering anything.
At that time we can’t afford to create a new guild and we’re expecting any updates on that matter otherwise we’re thinking about trying a new game expansion released on November 13th and maybe never come back to GW2 as we starting to be sick of bugs.
If there is any solution to my problem, i’ll be glad to hear it. Don’t bother to say “please contact the support team” as it never answers this matter.
Thanks :)
(edited by Heldohann.6854)