Showing Posts For Hellsoul.6502:
Ok figured it out. Anet refers to to “activated” as swapped. Activate is such a strange usage of wording in this context.
The pet. Pronouns refer to the preceding noun.
“You and your pet gain might when the pet [is] activated.”
I still don’t understand the trait description. Then; when do you GAIN these “3 stacks” of might?
You and your pet gain might when they are activated.
What is “THEY”?
I already have a feeling “THEY” refers to Sigil of Battle, but really…
Increases the stack size by 250. Does this mean you can send items via mail by bulks of 500 per slot?
Or make make the cursor the default on windows? Would love to see this.
I’m not talking about Swiftness. I’m referring to actually the skills your target is casting.
Why does this game not have this:
I’m curious on how much the price of Gossamer will rise post ascended patch. For some reason I have a feeling it won’t rise much. Maybe 10s.
In regards only to PvE map completion and general PvE events.
I’d like to hear thoughts on the bests weapon sets for each class.
I don’t have time right now to give my thoughts but for now I will say that for Mesmer- Runes of Centuar; very helpful.
I have two questions.
Is there word on when the remaining crafts will be raised to 500? I’m curious how long it’ll take. Few months, another year?
With GW2’s release on Asia, will they share the same AH?
I’ve never been able to participate in any of these one-day events post game release since it’s never clear when I should be where.
After having to search around I discovered Mad King spawns from 9am Oct.30-Nov.1. Ok, and at what time intervals does he reappear? Is it 3 hours similar to GW1 or random?
My characters are at least one year old. I never received this scroll. Checked mail; no dice.
I saw someone link it in chat recently. Does it… permanently level your character to 20? What’s the recipe to make it?
I can’t seem to find it on the GW2 wiki.
Is this possible? If title makes sense. Seems I can’t transmute when in sPvP zone.
Hi. I’d prefer to use Dagger/Dagger and Pistole/none on my PvE thief but whenever I swap to Pistol my weapon skills become Pistole/Dagger regardless of my inventory having no weapon slots other than pistol. I’m wondering if there’s a way to fix this.