Showing Posts Upvoted By Hiwi Kiwi.7386:

Geo glider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ameepa.6793


Hehe don’t worry, I doubt you will see these things for long. I too got one and noticed that it is very disturbing even for the users themselves. The long fire tail kinda fills the screen and makes it hard to actually see anything. Had to stop using it quickly after trying it and made a conclusion that it’s more like a situational joke thing than a normal every day glider. For that purpose it’s fine as it is.

ANet weekly play on live in 30mins

in WvW

Posted by: Vavume.8065


First reply with full world name and gif of cat(s), we play on your world

I don’t have a world, you killed it with server links…

Geo glider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarge shot Grif.6450

Sarge shot Grif.6450

We need an option for this in the menus just like the weapon sound options, let us make it so we only see players using the vanilla glider.

Geo glider

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skekzyz.1458


Totally agree with OP.

Easy fix, give us a check box or some type of option to Low Res or just shut off other people’s gliders, the Raven one is horrible too.

The Dark Crystal [TDC] – Henge of Denravi

(edited by Skekzyz.1458)

Why did you pre-purchase Path of Fire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Maybe they like the game and want to keep moving forward in the story?

Charr faces/hairs/horns in dire need

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thornwolf.9721


I mean it would be nice if we got some legitimately good looking faces, and hairs that dont scream “Anime hair” or “this cat got beat waaay to many times.”. I feel like some that look legitimately Cat-like, and have more feral/predatory nature about them? Like why cant we make a saber-tooth tiger? A legit Lion? A legit Tiger? Or any number of feline sub-species, Its kind of sad that we always get the short end of the stick. Id like too see a bit more detail put into them, maybe some faces with scars? Make it look like they have seen some kitten, I mean with all the infighting and being trained since birth and all. Id love to be able to make a cave-lion/white lion looking charr that legitimately looks like its base.

How about some new horns? We have not gotten any of those AT ALL, nor ears or really anything to do with us. We got some new faces and they are hardly worthy of standing beside the other races new additions. Some longer hairs that dont look like they came from Dragon ball z/naruto? I mean like Dread locks or something, some that run down to the chars shoulders. Or even more colorful designs that are not freaking ridiculous. I feel part of the reason Charr are so underplayed is because they just look ugly, and their hairs and horns are all bleh. Like Norn looks great, humans do as do sylvari and even asuran to an extent. But charr facially and Hair/horn wise look the worst, its not their body shape that throws people off its their what the hell faces. Underbites, over bites and teeth that would make it IMPOSSIBLE to eat or speak it just says they were rushed. Not to mention alot of the faces had muppet physics till HoT and some still too this day look kitten y as hell.

Id like to see some solid options, both added to char creation and more added to the total make-over kit. Im sure you would see a WHOLE lot my charr mains if they could look fearsome, and not like they need braces and a facelift.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

Mystic Forge:

  • Let us queue up repeated mystic forge transmutations instead of having to re-add the items over and over.
  • Remember forged items (MF recipes) so we don’t constantly have to jump in and out of the game to look things up on the wiki. The discovery aspect is only fun the first time. Also let us just find recipes for high-level stuff like legendaries that we just look up on the wiki. We shouldn’t have to leave the game to play it.
  • Let us access the bank from the mystic forge panel. Ideally this would function as it does in the crafting panel (and in conjunction with MF recipes), but at least add an access tab so we can move relevant items to inventory without running back and forth to the bank.\
  • Expand the left panel. We need more space for manipulating the panels, rather than a giant, mostly empty art panel that has no function.


  • Let us auto-craft sub-items in a recipe instead of having to dig down and do every item one by one. This also avoids overcrafting since you can’t accidentally craft 3 of something when the final item needs only 2, etc.
  • Remember selected sorting/categories in the crafting panel (so we don’t have to turn off crafting levels every time we log in).
  • Expand the left panel. We need more space for manipulating the panels, rather than a giant, mostly empty art panel that has no function.


  • Put a button for Deposit All right on the interface, instead of in a sub menu.
  • Have an option to put such a button for sort as well.
  • Have an option to outline or otherwise mark non-sorting and invisible slots when bag view is off.
  • Ensure that, if possible, when two one-handed weapons are replaced by a two-handed weapon, both weapons end up in the same bag as the two-handed weapon came from. Currently, the off-hand weapon can end up at the first available slot, which can cause issues with organization and can make it visible when it shouldn’t be if an invisible bag was being used for spare weapons.
  • Allow for the behavior of bags or slots (invisible, autogather X, etc.) to be set, rather than being based on buying a special bag type.
  • Auto-stack shared inventory slots.
  • Key/map item wallet. For example the 9 map event items from Bitterfrost should at not be taking up inventory space on every character. This discourages going back to the map because you would rather just not have this junk in your inventory.
  • Account bind map items instead of soulbinding them. For example the 9 map event items from Bitterfrost should at least be able to be swapped to other characters.
  • Options for displaying multiple currencies (and key levels, if in wallet) at the bottom of the inventor, ie show Gold, Karma, Gears, and Crowbars when in Verdant Brink, as these are the relevant things to know in VB. Also an option to display on the UI somewhere so they can be tracked without opening inventory.


  • Make ascended ring, trinket, etc. drops stat-selectable as armor and weapons are, and add HoT and PoF stats to the selection pool for all ascended drops. Right now most non-armor/weapon ascended drops are so low value due to useless stat combos that they aren’t even salvaged (not worth the very expensive ascended tools), they are just deleted. This would also remove the multiple tabs from the vendors for separate core and HoT stat selection, although this may run into issues with there being multiple classes of account. At least improved the labeling to make it easier to tell which stats you are looking at.
  • Allow consume all on encrypted fractal boxes (decrypt as many as you have keys).
  • Show fractal levels available on daily pane for daily fractals, instead of making us go into the achieve panel to figure out the numbers.
  • Show fractal identity on recommended fractals.

Action Camera:

  • Fix areas where action camera breaks interaction (for example, during the cannon sections of the final core story instance).
  • Fix cases where even though you are attacking something it is not targeted.
  • Fix cases where the target will shift back to the main boss even though you have targeted on minions (for example during intermediate phases of the Gerent fight) or will shift to minions even though you have targeted the main boss (for example the bandits during Sabetha).
  • Fix cases where camera interacts badly with terrain, rendering players blind due to the camera being behind them (ie when walls are too tight and you have to look in a certain direction).

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

Updated based on feedback and with suggestions from redditors.

Emergency Priority:

  • Color Blind Mode! There are people who can’t play or can’t play all modes because they literally can’t see things like ability marker circles.


  • Build templates – let us save armor/weapon/equipment/trait builds and restore them with a single click. Current setup discourages experimentation.
  • Clothing templates – let us save skin setups and restore them at will (just charge the transmutation charges as a group).
  • Dye templates – Save dye configurations and apply at will to any armor or outfit we want (go by order for dealing with lower numbers of channels).
  • Let us consume multiple food/utility items at once and stack the duration, instead of having to constantly mouse over and check our skill bar (very useful for raids). Note this is different from the metabolic and utility primers as they extend the normal duration to match their own, whereas this is just stacking the normal durations.
  • Give us a library in our home instance to store book items so they aren’t clogging inventory. Otherwise we just delete them and read the wiki if we want to go back.
  • Tonic wardrobe, housing all infinite and finite tonics and accessible by any character whenever they want to use a tonic transform. (Suggested by Grey Winters)
  • Show actual amounts for the character you are on for percentage food on mouseover (ie show what 3% or ferocity into power will actually mean for the character you are logged in as).
  • Equip second ring and accessory with menu (ie “equip offhand”) as can be done with weapons, instead of always replacing the first ring or accessory unless manually dragging in the equipment menu. (Suggested by Gnobold)
  • Icon in LFG for groups that shows they are in full maps (but doesn’t show if you are in the map in question). Would save a lot of trying to change maps and getting an error message.
  • Ability to lock or queue reward tracks for PVP and WVW rather than defaulting back to a random track (usually CoF) when your current one is completed. (Suggested by Bunter)
  • Option to switch guide between story and event/map completion mode, without having to finish the story. (Suggested by Mea)
  • Option to have chat display region next to all messages. Saves a lot of “are you NA or EU?” when trying to gather groups or set up events.
  • Option to display account name or selected nickname next to all messages. Helps identify people, as most people are known by account, not character, of which they have many differently named.

Classes & abilities:

  • Animation Lock – Abilities with animation locks (ie Hundred Blades) should immediately unlock on hitting the dodge key. The need to manually unlock by moving a little before dodge will respond makes these abilities unwieldy and leads to TONS of missed dodges.
  • Classes with alternate forms – Have a way to look at the alternate form abilities without actually transforming. Especially pertinent for Druid and Necro, since their transforms are on a timer and have to be built up by combat, so it is hard to transform just to be able to read the abilities.
  • Stealth abilities – An actual countdown would make stealth much more usable, instead of the simple status icon we have now. Given how stealth works, something near the center of the screen would be more appropriate than a tiny icon in the status bar.
  • Engineer – Return from down/dead state in the same kit you were using when you went down, instead of resetting to default weapon.
  • Revenant Herald – The Channel wheel beneath the feet of a Rev in Glint makes it hard to see the terrain. An alternate tracking method would be of great help (perhaps next to the change legend icon or above the dodge bar).
  • Ranger – Sword 2 and 3 require so much room and are so hard to control that they make sword almost unusable in areas with complex terrain and/or lethal drops. A slight rework to how they function to make them more controllable and less subject to terrain vagaries would bring the weapon back to usability.


  • Let us queue up items to buy and sell on the TP and buy or sell them all at once.
  • Search for skin instead of specific weapons. Getting hundreds of duplicates due to stat variations when you are just looking to unlock and salvage is not useful.
  • Search for locked skins.

Continued in following post due to character limit

(edited by Boogiepop Void.6473)

Please undo the Guardian Staff Nerf

in Guardian

Posted by: Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Jumpin Lumpix.6108

Well with the recent patch wave of wrath’s range has been cut in half from 600 range to 300 range which is melee range. Not only does the effect look wonky now (as the rainbow dosent even come out of the staff anymore) but it has effectively killed the staff as a weapon for guardian.

The nerf has made staff guardian in wvw obsolete, and in general pve has made it almost impossible to tag mobs as a guardian compared to other classes.

Please revert it back, staff was good how it was.

aka. “The Complainer”

Every DC the game is rolling accounts back.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

Everytime the game DC’s now the game seems to auto roll back accounts, I noticed tonight after the DC it took about 10 minutes to get back in game, and when I did the char I was using had all dailies removed as if never done, including loot ( IE blood rubies etc ) removed, and I had to go do dailies again,

This makes me really iffy about doing certain things in game, esp around the forge / hard achievements, if the game can just DC and roll back the account,

Others where have the same issues as it was being discussed in Lake Doric and Bloodstone Fen about peoples accounts being auto rolled back after a DC.

Every DC the game is rolling accounts back.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: DemonSeed.3528


A while back I remember during one update there were rollbacks when we got dc’ed from wvw. After each dc we would get a different ip for the same map and you’d lose stuff you just got before the dc, maybe the same thing is happening here and the servers keep crashing and it loaded a new instance with a rollback as a safety from the previous crash. They are probably looking into it and maybe we’ll get another mini update if it hasn’t already been resolved on their end on what’s causing the server crashes.

Too Much Dismounting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mudblup.5467


Yeah I was surprised by how many things dismounted me (bounty board, talking to npcs, etc). I noticed I could threaten the Zaishen Scout and stay mounted, though the animation is me standing on my saddle with my arms sticking out to either side of my character. I think they are working on it but the animation isn’t quite there yet.

Too Much Dismounting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AncientYs.8613


i totaly agree with this, talking with npc shouldn’t dismount you as you can clearly see that talking with npcs while on mounts is perfectly fine and in no way game breaking.

Too Much Dismounting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Boogiepop Void.6473

Boogiepop Void.6473

Too many things make you dismount. There are a ton of things that cause dismounting that really shouldn’t. Harvesting, looking at the bounty board, talking to NPCs (Even NPCs that immediately start mounted events), using the bank, Etc. This turns the X key into the most pushed thing in the whole desert.

The default behavior right now seems to be IF doing anything THEN dismount. This behavior rapidly turns mounting into the most annoying thing ever as you have to do it CONSTANTLY. Interacting is too frequent and too much a core part of the game to trigger a dismount in all circumstance. There should be things that trigger dismounts AND things that don’t. Things that you do continuously should be in the latter category.

Mounts: More Dye Channels?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Witch of Doom.5739

Witch of Doom.5739

At first I wanted more dye channels too, but now that I think about it, too many and it will look like we’re all running around on rainbow unicorns. I think what I’d really love would be three or four “base” colors of each mount with one dye channel each. Yeah, I’m picky!

Mounts: More Dye Channels?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: swansea.2453


There will obviously be more dye channels, but on gem store mounts.

We should be able to name our raptors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


You can name it anything you want. Just keep it in your mind what you named your mount. It can be personal to you. I already named mine “Unnecessary Screen Clutter”. Do we really need more name tags on the screen aside from character names and their pets if playing ranger? How many more names do we need all over the screen before it becomes annoying? Of course if was included as an option to turn mount names off I don’t see a problem.

The Burninator

(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)

We should be able to name our raptors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Trise.2865


Though not as personal as making one up ourselves, we can dye the raptors and use the oddly appropriate dye name as its name.

Now if you’ll excuse me… (mounts up) onward, Electro Lemon!

We should be able to name our raptors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Witch of Doom.5739

Witch of Doom.5739

Yes, please, also the option to turn mount names off.

Gem Store: "Armor Class Profession Changer"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agile Sound.7516

Agile Sound.7516

So basically i have run into an odd delima whereby I want to change my Warrior (Sylvari) into a Revenant, my Guardian (Norn) into a Warrior, and my Revenant (Human) into a guardian.

I know that I could just purchase another character slot which cost about “800 gems” although starting over with a brand new character; which is time consuming, or by deleting a current character with all of its progression (map areas, locations, birthday’s (I’ve been playing since pre-launch, name etc) for another really isn’t an option for me at-least in my opinion that is.

Secondly i understand that we have the level 80 Boost that we are able to use on a new character although just as a “personal preference” I would much rather just purchase a Total Make Over Kit (350 – 1400 gems), or a Identity Repair Kit (1000 gems) rather than create another character of the “same profession”.

- In my defense for this idea i just want to state that considering we have specializations (that makes other weapons viable to wield especially for upcoming expansions and isn’t as much of a lost for the player character.

- The “Armor Class Profession changer” would be dependent on Light, Medium, and Heavy. In other worlds the conversion wouldn’t work if a Mesmer wanted to become a warrior, or vice versa. However if a Thief wanted to become an Engi, or a Ranger then it’s “fine”.

- Ascended/Legendary weapons and armor are becoming more prominent now (so we wouldn’t really run into as many issues of soulbound items.

- We now have the Wardrobe and transmutations charges (150 – 600 gems) for weapons; I don’t know about anyone else but I like Fashion Wars 2.

- Cultural Armor wouldn’t be affected.

- Living World/ Story shouldn’t be affected much in my opinion since everything is based upon character “Race”

Anyway I know that this would be time consuming but there are quite a-lot of benefits from this especially when it comes to purchasing more gems for other items as well.

Total Make Over Kit (350 – 1400 gems)
Identity Repair Kit (1000 gems)
Transmutation Charges (150 – 600 gems)

Anyway for the “Armor Class Profession Changer” would 1400 – 2000 gems be sufficient per character?

Also if anyone have any suggestions why this idea wouldn’t work, could work, if the price is sufficient, or not let me know in the post.

Thank You.

Gem Store: "Armor Class Profession Changer"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Agile Sound.7516

Agile Sound.7516

Oh and I almost forgot to add if you create a bundle for 3 characters it could be 3000 – 4000 gems, or for whatever price you think is sufficient.

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aikatara.3462


Maybe if a solution to the motion-sickness problem is implemented it could be some feature that can be turned on and off in the options, so that those who suffer from motion-sickness or other related effects can use it if they want.

I don’t suffer from motion sickness or anything related and I actually thought that the camera work with the mounts was cool since it feels like I am actually riding on a living animal.

But for those who suffer from motion sickness this is of course awful and a solution that can be turned on at wish would be awesome for those affected.

Major Concern- Mounts and "motion sickness"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaile Gray

Gaile Gray

ArenaNet Communications Manager


I merged this thread to make it stand out a little better and to focus attention on this situation so that if others also are experiencing such issues, they can join in.

I’m sorry that you’re having this issue. I wonder, have you tried lowering your Visual Blur setting? That is a specific recommendation from the team, and they feel it may help with this problem.

We’d love to hear from you if this adjustment is effective. Team members who have worked/are working on the mounts will be tracking this feedback!

Gaile Gray
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events

Unidentified gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sartharina.3542


Why is it bad?
At least it can stack, and that’s handy!

1. It replaces all sources of Rare and Exotic Gear
2. It doesn’t replace all sources of Fine, Common, and Masterwork gear.

So now, we no longer get good loot. We have to pay for a chance of earning a Rare or Exotic from the loot we’ve earned in the world. It doesn’t stop inventory clutter. It costs 1.67 silver to identify – far more than the materials are generally worth. Instead of having to go to a vendor to sell our sigils, we now have to go to one to identify our gear if we want rares/exotics. And, because it all salvages when you hit “Salvage all Masterwork and Below”, we can’t even simply clear our inventory of trash in the open world without losing all our Exotics and rares!

it’s a massive step back in terms of inventory management.

They are basically the same as Bag of Gear except you can skip the opening step.

And lose all potential Exotics, Rares, and ectos. Where the hell are people getting the idea that the color of the unidentified item corresponds to the tier of rarity – There’s one tier of unidentified item: Green. It identifies into White, Blue, Green, Yellow, or Orange.

Unidentified gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Last Warrior Lord.7248

Last Warrior Lord.7248

Unidentified gear is a no go Anet. Don’t revert back to the one thing I and others hated in gw1 (7years). JUST NO!

(edited by Last Warrior Lord.7248)

WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: serenity.4712


This is a huge disappointment to me. I was really hoping we’d get unique PvP armor (legendary) to stand out in the crowd, so when people would see you they would know you’re a PvP-er. Making a 4 year old skin into a legendary is a terrible idea.

Spider Mount?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Squee.7829


Removed because of arachnophobia? Sure. That makes sense. Because I wasn’t afraid of the countless champion spiders littering Orr that were 3 times my size and literally trying to kill me. I’m just afraid of the tame spiders that allow me to ride them.

Leader and sole member of the “Bring Penguins to Tyria” movement.

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mXz.4512


That was a nice attempt on the preemptive argument. I have 100% map completion, multiple times. It’s really not that hard and I’d be annoyed if someone were allowed to simply buy the achievement.

Likewise, it’s similarly redundant as having the game play itself. Paying for pre-geared characters, paying for levels, etc. If that’s the whole point, then really why bother playing at all?

As I mentioned in another topic, most maps aren’t even that hard to go through. Tedious with mobs, sure, but that’s the extent of it.

Yes I’m a vet, yes I’m salty. Problem?

Teleport to a friend

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


That was a nice attempt on the preemptive argument. I have 100% map completion, multiple times. It’s really not that hard and I’d be annoyed if someone were allowed to simply buy the achievement.

Mesmerising Girl