Showing Posts For Hokeypokey.2135:

Snowy maps = least interesting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


I love any snowy areas in any games. That’s probably why Skyrim is one of my favorite games and I always quest first in the Norn areas.

In my opinion jungle maps are the most boring. Probably why even after all this time I still haven’t even 100% completed a single HoT map

Upgraded my but lost FPS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Good morning everyone,

I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but I just wanted to ask it anyway.

Now keep in mind I’m not very tech savvy so please excuse my lack of knowledge on the subject, but I recently did some small upgrades to my PC. mainly upgraded the graphics card and put in kitten in preparation for PoF.

I upgraded my GTX 750 Ti to a 1050. I used to play the game on mostly high settings and get around 45 fps in Divinity’s Reach and hover around 15-20 on big events such as Tequalt. However with my new card I’m only getting around 40-50 in Divinity’s Reach and 23 at Teq.

I was told at the store that bumping from 750 to 1050 wouldn’t be a HUGE upgrade but should allow me to play at the same settings I was before with 20-30 more fps on average, I’m finding this just isn’t true, and I’m not sure what the problem is. When I upgraded my old graphics card to the 750 I saw a huge improvement, and sure I might have expected a little too much from this 1050 but surely there had to be some improvement compared to the 750.

Any ideas on what the problem could be? I also have heroes of the storm on my pc and that game saw nearly a 70fps increase from 50 to around 120 fps.

Empty guild/friend list

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Good afternoon everybody!

I recently returned from a long break after HoT released as it wasn’t exactly my cup of tea and had been playing WoW but if any of you have been following Warcraft you’ll know I’m one of the many that got burned out grinding artifact power and the release of even more artifact power to grind in 7.2 just made my heart sink and I couldn’t continue to do it.

Anyway I logged in for the first time in nearly a year and to no surprise my friend list was dead and so were the guilds I was in. Even the looking for group seems very stagnant especially in the dungeon and looking for more raid section ( I really wanted to check out the raids in this game.)

I’m a firm believer that MMOs are meant to be played with friends and really want to try to find some active guilds that still do group content, but don’t really want to be part of those huge guilds with hundreds of members where it seems like nobody knows anybody.

So if your guild is mainly PvE focused and has room for another newbie player or you need a friend to tag along send me a friend request!

Maguuma Masteries

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


How is everyone leveling their Maguuma masteries these days?

I absolute loathe the mastery system in Maguuma. In central Tyria I have the option to grind CoF for only a few hours and unlock everything, any world boss, crafting, or any other activity I wish to do.

In Maguuma I can grind events for hours and hours and barely get any experience, in fact killing only a handful of enemies gives me more xp than events. What am I supposed to do? I can’t stand having everything gated behind masteries. I’ve done the events dozens of times I’m tired of them I just want to get everything that is locked behind high tier masteries.

I suppose I could grind vet spiders in Verdant Brink is there any other method of gathering fast experience?

Ranger pets need to be toned down

in PvP

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Title just to get the attention of devs wanting more ideas to nerf rangers as usual. In reality pets need to be updated.

Pets should be updated in many ways firstly
- ai is extremely incompetent and is barely able to keep up with moving targets.

-Pets should be able to be given more commands like press f1 to have your pet follow the target. This means attacking a enemy or guarding a ally

-Stowed pets shouldn’t magically appear in the air when you’re in combat if I stowed my pet I want to keep him in my pokeball for a reason

-Pets should remember their names. Does your dog forget his name every time you walk out of the room? Probably not so why does my battle wyvern or trained shark forget theirs? Afterall I stole them from their families when they were juveniles I’m their new mama now.

-Pressing f3 would bring the pet back to you but pressing and holding f3 would give you a aoe circle you can drop and drag anywhere within 1500 units of measurement whatever those may be. This circle would be your pet’s aggro radius and anything that enters it would be attacked

-Another stance I’d like to see added to pets would be the defensive stance. So rangers would have 3 options to put their pets in, passive which causes your pet to ignore you while you’re begging for help, defensive which means your pet would attack anything that hits him or you and aggressive would make him attack anything that comes close by.

Just a few qol changes I’d love to see rangers revive but instead we’ll probably get nerfed again

(edited by Hokeypokey.2135)

Which classes can be a solid main?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Pick ranger if you like logging on to see your skills get weaker every other day

Everyone calm down

in Ranger

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


This is seriously the first time in a mmo where I’ve considered rerolling to a new class. If i didn’t have 100% map completion and full ascended on my ranger I’d be playing something cheesy like a elementalist or revenant

I am 100% sure what the next...

in Ranger

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


And then all new pets will be locked behind a 7 hour event which needs to be completed by 999 people and if you happen to not crash the server but instead complete it there is a 1% chance of a random pet appearing in a secret location in the map that changes every 10 minutes and the pet is guarded by 10 legendary mordrem snipers with permanent invisibility and there is a invisible wall around the pet that you need a mastery to walk through but you have to channel it for 15 minutes so you need to get all 998 other players to help you get the pet and keep the snipers distracted but once you have channeled the invisible wall for 14 minutes a lightning strikes you dead for no reason and your ranger gets deleted from the game

Be prepared for a Ancient Seeds nerf.

in Ranger

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


I’ve never rerolled a class because of nerfs or buffs but this might be a first. I played a paladin in wow from 2008-2015 through good times and bad because I knew something would get done to fix my class but ever since I started playing a ranger here in guild wars I’ve seen nothing but nerfs with no explanation

"Elite" specialization fraud

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


I know right. My worse of all my druid specialization gets nerfed every other day

Rabbits Rabbits EVERYWHERE !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


My ranger keeps getting his skills nerfed almost every day is this some kind of glitch or bug?

[US] Looking for raiding guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Hello everyone,

I recently came back to gw2 after a very long hiatus and wanted to find a small raiding guild.

The current guilds I’m in all have hundreds of members and it feels like I don’t know anyone in them I’d like to find a small guild I can get to know while learning the raids.
I’ll be maining a ranger in hot( yea yea no need to laugh) and a guardian so I can switch between characters are required.

I mostly play in the evenings between 10:00-2:00 PST but can log in earlier most days if needed.

So if you have a small guild thats interested in progressing in the raids leave me a message !

Need official thread for QoL suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Let me save my own preset graphic settings

Preset graphic settings

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Please give me a way to preset my graphic settings.

When I’m alone exploring I can play mostly on high /medium settings but during events I usually have to put most settings on medium and some on low.

It’s not really a big deal it takes me only a few seconds to change back and forth it would just be a nice little quality of life improvement.

What class will you play at the release?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Toss up between my ranger or engineer

I love the ranger but wasn’t too big of a fan of druid

On the other hand I loved the scrapper but other than that I’m not too much of a fan of swapping kits 20 times during a fight

Ever remake a class of a different race?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


I’d like to remake my warrior into a charr but unfortunately I’ve had that warrior since the head start and I’d hate to lose those sweet birthday gifts . Really wish they’d make them account wide instead

Best PVE gears

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Ascended gear is very very expensive to craft . In my opinion it isn’t worth crafting until you’re absolutely sure you’re going to be using it on a certain character and not getting bored of him after a few weeks.
Ascended gear is only slightly better than exotic gear which you can buy on the trading post for a few gold each piece.

As for what gear to wear I think the most popular set for thieves is berserker (power, precision, ferocity) but don’t quote me on that.

Anyway here’s some information on ascended if you’re interested

"I'd really like this..." [Gifting Strangers]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Received some gifts from a few strangers that didn’t want to be named!

But one fellow wanted me to let you all know that Tarnished Coast is a pretty nice server! Thank you everyone.

(edited by Hokeypokey.2135)

Does anyone else's parent play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Hello everyone,

Like the title says I’m just wondering if anyone else has parents that play this game or any game similar to it? My step dad works abroad for long periods of time and since I’ve moved away from home I know my mom gets lonely every time I call she says she’s only watching tv or sleeping.

Needless to say I’m worried about her I can call very often but can’t actually get her out of the house and since she’s home so often I figured maybe trying to get her to play a very casual game like this one might keep her busy.

She has never played many video games before in fact the last time she really tried was on my old Nintendo 64 when she tried to play spider man and go herself dizzy because of how much she was spinning the camera. But maybe if I can get on skype with her I might be able to explain the game since the open world pve is very easy.

Anyway before I tell my whole life story I just have a few questions:
-Do you know any parents that play? She’s in her mid 40s I don’t know if I could get her into games after decades of never playing one. Maybe meeting some friends her age would help shake off the negative stigma she has against video games.

-What character might be best for her to play? I was thinking of maybe telling her to play a warrior or guardian since they’re so beefy and easy to play so she likely wouldn’t spend most of her time dead, but they don’t have many flashy and exciting skills. Perhaps rangers or necros? I think mesmers and eles would be way too complicated expecially the ele swapping affinity.

-And my last question is about personal story. Can I just join her in her story with a character that has already completed it? And how much stronger is a down leveled 80 compared to a actual level 10? I don’t want to be just mowing down hordes of enemies before she gets a chance to fight should I just make a new character so I avoid that?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Basic Guardian Questions

in Guardian

Posted by: Hokeypokey.2135


Good evening,

I recently came back to this game after a very long hiatus I was probably gone for almost a year!

Anyway I had some basic questions about guardians. I like to play support builds, always have and always will and no amount of telling me to play the current meta for best damage will change my mind.

So anyway my first question is as a guardian what weapons do you find good for supporting your team?( Primarily pve) I am currently running with a mace shield / Sword Focus. My reasoning being that I have a trait that gives my allies aegis every time I block an attack (forgot the name I’m not currently on the game) with the mace/ shield I have 1 block, 1 reflect for projectiles, protection and with the sword/ focus I have an additional 2 blinds, regeneration, 3 blocks, and a skill that destroys incoming projectiles. Pretty good in my opinion but as my girlfriend likes to remind me I’m frequently wrong about thing.

On the right side of the action bar I’m running the breath heal ( again sorry about not knowing the names of the skills but I’m not online to check) with “hold the line” , “save yourselves”! And tome of courage these are my mostly permanent skills. The one I switch out depending on the fight is wall of reflection and merciful intervention, but if the fight requires it I’ll get some stability or condition removal in here, sometimes I do switch out the skills I mentioned earlier but that is for some very specific fights.

As for my gear I am currently using power+toughness+vitality because I like to take hits for my allies, yes I am aware that dodging is far better but that isn’t always an option, I tried to get a few pieces of healing power+toughness+vitality but I found that healing power is very very weak and that with all the extra healing power I had acquired my healing wasnt even any stronger.

Anyway I’d just like some critiques on my build maybe some suggestions, thanks!