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[Suggestion] Armor Skin Designs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


I love those armor sets the OP posted.
I do think GW2 has it’s own style, but it lacks refinement imo. The majority of in-game armors are overly bulky, some armors lack detail (where’s the detail in the zodiac heavy armor in comparison to the zodiac light/medium?). There are a handful of nice armors available in game, but I feel the majority are drab, unimaginative, and even if one might think they’re more “realistic”, there’s nothing realistic about their particle effects, oversized shoulders/boots/gloves/waists. (lol SE armor anyone?)

I would like to see more detail in armor sets, more streamlining with body curvature (especially ankles and hips/waistlines).
Even the reintroduction of old armors from GW1 with updated graphics/design would be nice. I remember there being many nice looking armors from GW1 that I used to grind weeks, even months out, for.

Guild Wars Armor Skins

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


I just came back to the game and the armor in-game still looks atrocious for the most part. Of course, there are always exceptions. (I play human/sylvari mostly so I can’t speak for other races.)

I’ve seen a lot of concept art for the armors in this game and they look decent. Then they bring them in-game and they look boxy, overly bulky, and lack fluidity with the body shape or they’re so overly exaggerated that they make your character look fat (those skirts that make you look like you have gigantic birthing hips and a fat butt from behind.). That, or they look like 1 dimensional paper cutouts. Laughable. (Example: Greatswords/swords/zodiac plate/etc…)

Then there’s the recycling of armor skins with flame effects added to them, as others mentioned. Very lazy of them, imo.

I really miss the armors from GW1. This game is very hit or miss as far as armor aesthetics go. And most of them are misses imo.

If there’s anything I would like to see for future armor skins it would be more streamlining with the body. Getting really tired of seeing boxes on my lower legs and hips.

PLEASE make a confirmation box!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


It’s happened to me 3 times now… While previewing armor from the dungeon token vendors it’s auto-bought pieces of gear I didn’t ask for. Just happened now, as I was previewing the TA gear and was rotating my character in the preview box when it auto bought some leggings I cannot use and did not want in the first place. PLEASE add a confirmation box OR implement a time limit to refund items. This is getting ridiculous.

CM Explore Mob Groups??

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


Is there any real tactic to these giant groups of mobs in CM Explore in path 1 with the asura? From what I’ve experienced there isn’t aside from leashing them and picking them off. Just wondering if someone could enlighten me and possibly relieve my frustration.

Trahearne - initial impressions

in Personal Story

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


The only character I leveled up was a Sylvari so I was lucky enough to see Trahearne enough to not see him as a stranger suddenly stepping into the story and stealing the spotlight. However, when the story shifted it’s focus from me to him I did find it a little jarring. I haven’t finished the story yet, thinking that maybe by the end he would accidentally get killed and I’d retake the spotlight. Obviously not by these posts.
When Trahearne took center stage I lost interest in the story. He’s a very… nice character. But he’s also very bland, as others have stated, and fails to leave an impression on the player, unlike Tybalt (I was very disappointed when they killed him off). Now if it were Tybalt instead of Trahearne I could see myself enjoying the story a lot more…

Losing Targets

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Honeydookie.6179


After selecting a target my character will often switch to other random targets in the area or will deselect the target completely while attacking. This has been happening for a few days now not only for myself but guild mates as well.