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The pet Mouse

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


The closest thing to a snake in the game are the krait. Which considering that they all hate us anyways. It would make sense to have one. Of course they would be a more cc kind of pet. and their f2 ability could be an impobilization for a couple of seconds. or it could have a longer poison durationto help with condition rangers if they don’t want a spider. Since some rangers may like that, but have arachnophobia.

A pet mouse. Eh. we would runout of ambient creatures to slay really.
Would have to be something firey if anything if you look at some areas on the map. Maybe I never swam to it, or that there are more things being added to this game. We may see a new pet when a new place is opened up.

Ranger Newbie and Dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


any suggested runes by the way? I was thinking dwayna or apothcracy or something. more healing and such. forget just what else they do as i didn’t look at them that long.

Ranger Newbie and Dungeons

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


sounds like a setup i am going for. usually always have a drake and fernhound in dungeons. course the spirit of renewal. (working on exotic gear if dwaynas altar ever wants to be able to purchase from) And I would love that much healing power. just need all the runes and gems. since current gear is lacking runes and gems. (and the trinket, necklace, rings. but getting gold to buy em)

New skills and elites

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Can agree on that. entangle does a lot of damage. even single target. And most people usually don’t attack the roots as they would keep using a ranged weapon or something.
Actually better one on one than rampage as one. Which I only find decent when I have my drake out, group of guys. and the chain lightning attack he has brings me to 25 stacks of might. essentially double damage. crits being about four times damage, so very nice.

entangle on a group when your a condition build is even better. Since you would also have traps going off for condition. plus weapon. apply 25 stacks of all the dots!
at that point, your basically a pure burst. after entangle is used, your damage drops a ton.

Bah to "Put your pet away!"

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


For dungeons, outside of combat. I understand no pets. But open world or in combat? I would reply with. "If you didn’t die, munch munch wouldn’t have brought you back to life by putting his groin on your face. " Munch munch is my pet drake and the lick wounds thing is hilarious to those who don’t play a ranger.

But during combat. it is hard because usually in the zones, there are other people nearby who buff a boss. And honestly. If an npc is going to make or break an event. Then thats a learn to play issue there. When our class solo events, I think its the idiot who wants to try and pretend their a pet behind someone with healing power and 30 points in beastmastery. At which point as I ammount more HP. I don’t think they can die unless it is an instant kill.

When do you use a spirit build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


I like them in open world. Great for events. Spirits unbound and natures fury is nice. Lets their effects happen by you. Or they live pretty well with double health.

I just wish they would make a little combo field if anything. Could be perfect as say whirling in the muddy terrain would fling dirt around and blind. Or the lightning storm could arc lightning from your weapon to a enemy. Ice arrows could just hit harder. That sort of thing.

So, how about Griffon pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


A gryphon pet would be awesome indeed. To make it harder to get, put it on a mountain or somethign thats annoying to get up perhaps.

Or a raptor pet. They are already there, and even have an undead form you have to kill. But it would be nice to have one about at least.

Ranger Signet buff

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Signet of the wild gets stronger with healing power:P Gets more and more fun with more ignore of attacks.

Natures healer, or something like that

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


I snagged a few pieces of clerics gear. not yet gemmed or rune’d was pretty effective in a dungeon. And the healing increase seemed to help a lot. (and search and rescue when people were chearing on my pet munch munch when he was getting them back up.)
I have a sigil of water somewhere in inventory or bank. Would be a nice boon to slap some healing on attacks when I want to smashie smash. Since I would prefer to have fun in a dungeon.

Making a reason why clerics is a nice option. Although I may look into magi for some more health.

Last night I found myself in Ascalon catacombs. So I had to use my greatsword before I normally would have. since after being killed by forgetting spiders poison. Well signent of the wild doesn’t work well without condition removal.

As for when I get enough coin again for a set of gear, I may look into boon increasing runes, increase the duration and healing. Plus I use healing spring while alone anyways. The instant heal from casting it is pretty life saving, and the regen is nice too. Then theres a trait where regen I apply lasts 33% longer. Would be worth going into as with boon durations up and healing way up.

with all those points in beastmastery, almost pointless to not have your pet do something. Usually rock out a drake, and fern hound. Since I cannot replace munch munch, and a fern hound. An extra heal is always a good thing. (so is search and rescue with a drake. if you need to know. You probably never laughed about pointing it out to someone and should play more for fun.)

Natures healer, or something like that

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


A couple good points. Spirits unbound is more useful when your out in the world since you have a pet and a couple spirits running around:P Grouping them up is never smart unless you intend for them just to die all at once.

I noticed the magis last night. Just likes to make it a tougher choice. But it does look like it may allow me to survive those bigger hits I may see since my health would be able to stay relatively topped off thanks to passive regen being really high. (Plus I have enough toughness to be workable out in the world without signent of toughness buffing me to surivable levels)

So clerics may be the better option. Although I wish that temple gear was not a massive mess of stats. Kind of makes it more of a pain when your pet drake falls asleep on your arm and you have to itch it. But pinned under his weight.

And I think I will just keep ammounting karma and snag a set form the black market. Would allow me to get a feel for it. Maybe hit up a couple dungeons and try it out before I drop karma on anything.

While I enjoy beastmastery, looking around and seeing things such as pets being super squishy in dungeons is not a great thing to see if I would have 30 points in beastmastery. Great for pvp I would say. will keep /dance in mind on some people.

But signet of the wild is something I usually keep on even now. Sure it isn’t much, but it is something. Works great if all grouped up for the +50% damage on a pet with 25 stacks of might. And even then in most places with no healing power, the pets seemed to regen a lot. So add in say… 400 or so more per second healed and it is even better.

End game is hard to know what you want, since other games it is kind of pidgen holed. Class likes haste, you stack as much of it as you can with strength. Class is fueled by crit and mastery, you are pretty solid then. Here. You have to look at what you want then make a side choice, then you have to make a appropiate build to compliment and enchance the armor. (not to mention runes at the end as those suck to find what you want)

Natures healer, or something like that

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Thinking of trying out a high healing power build. But gear wise. I have karma to be able to get some exotic gear. But some of the exotic sets, like at the temple of Dwayna. Would I just snag all the gear pieces, and be good to go? Or is there any set thats better for high healing power and all that supportive stuff?

Hard to say just what would link well. Like buying a set of clerics gear vs a givers set of gear. what would work best? Let alone what kind of skills would I want. healing spring and spirit of renewal is about the two i can think. As with spirit of stone and spirit of frost/fire for damage support. (so if I do a dungeon, I am not going to die and everyone else would live)

On a side question. What kind of setup is great for going into dungeons? As Currently, I am in full knights, with emerald orbs and runes of the soldier. Works pretty well. But karma needs a use.

Where are all the sword rangers?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Usually rock sword and axe. Wanting to go into with a greatsword as being the noob I am. I didn’t know auto attack could be disabled.
But one thing to look at is also…what the hell is the point of a torch! I could never get into that blasted thing. Or an axe mainhand. Shudders
Greatsword kinda has those higher hitting numbers that are nice. But maybe when I look into being able to be Buff-Man! And rock out with a couple spirits, and healing. Could ignore anything that isn’t a one shot then.

1 hit kills

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Man, I am in full knights gear. basically gemmed for it too since I am still figuring out the right build for me. The only thing I could do to survive better is go to the more tanky setup with toughness and vitality. Dolyak I think.

But even then, say we are at an champion boss in Orr. Theres times where I think I just explode. May be from all the players attacking at one area, so you get 40 people on screen, kinda tough graphic wise so it doesn’t load the one second ‘get out’ sign. I don’t know. But one hit kills should be more avoidable.

Sure I get it that most people at events would just tunnel with ranged weapons. Live entire time and be safe. But theres times that the boss isn’t even looking at me and then my near 16k health and about 2k-2.5k toughness means nothing as I lay on the ground.

Being able to avoid that attack of death would be best as you can see other players who didn’t notice die. (Yeah at times you cannot see a red circle when you have five charr in full plate armor and spell effects, pets and minions. But aside from the point)

Dungeon wise. Cannot speak there. Only did one and that was a LONG time ago. Gotta get me a nice niche for dungeoning. Specially to snag like 3 pieces of exotic gear for it. Want to look at a cleric/spirit build. Since dead dps do no dps. And when my spirits and pet can laugh at you, its all good for me.

Just need to get gold for the other parts. of the set…

Why even have a "ranger" class in most MMOs?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Well. How about this. You live. Use search and rescue to make your pet drake stick his groin on your annoying others faces. Get laughs as they get up and run away from your pet every time, then continue to live.

Having highest dps is something in all mmos. Could look at WoW for instance. currently in a raid. Do less than 30k and your being carried. As opposed to if your doing double that. You are pretty much golden. Sure classes have differences, and skill makes a huge difference because that 30k dps player could be in great gear and the 60k dps could be hoping for upgrades still.

So since everyone looks for the highest dps. they generalize. Back in catacalysm, the unholy death knight got a lot of crap for being terrible dps. And where if you did decent, there was awe. Or those who would say. ‘Go frost and you can do more.’ Despite making the easy powerful dps class look like an idiot by beating them damage wise every fight.

So it translates here. If your having trouble on a fight. Sure you may miss mechanics and die from somethign you could have avoided. Sure you went too much for damage and you eat a lot of dirt. But if a class has pretty decent damage at a range that allows them to keep damage up. Or to buy you all enough time to run back to your corpse. Maybe also lay down some spirits and have a pet heal you as well. You may not notice the buffs as much as say a guardian where you just get everything for 5 seconds.

So people will look at a class as a whole. There are warriors and mesmers who I seem to find dead more often than I have seen a ranger or theif. The power comes from a varied group as opposed to a lot of overlap.

If anyone played DnD. You are not going to have much success if your all strikers with one defender. You need a leader, and a controler. And rangers do those two roles at about the same time with spirits and their pets. Also to interupt things that would kill you.

Pet reliability

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


In all honesty, I would expect a flying pet to be able to assist in a case where your at the bottom and your seiging a location. Someone is all safe like on the top. A pet that flies behind you and to attack should be able to fly on up there and put pressure on their defenses.

The issue with pets mostly is if you tab target in a fight, or as you mentioned. the attack animations. Perhaps buff their damage a bit more near the end, where they share a little more of your stats. (I don’t think they do. But they should a little bit at least. given if your a ranger that trains all the time to hit a targets weak spots, your pet would have picked up on weak areas as well. So a high crit build would also increase pet crits)

Another thing to consider is that some pets seem to move and be there more then actually attack. Birds are the worst at that. Try to have them use their skill, and you have to time it out just right since they fly like bees. They have great synergy if you run a bleeding build yourself as the stacks would stay pretty high.

There are not so many great options in terms of depending on them for burst or yourself. Now a maxed traited pet is able to keep you alive if you afk and an undead stumbles by. But even then. Our elites have rampage as one. And I know that give me a little group of guys. Pull out my drake and his chaining lightning. Well then… 25 stacks of might is certainly where the fun is at. And that I would use an aoe of sorts to spread the love right back.

But theres one thing in skirmishing. Where critical hits grant might to your pet. Unless your chaining crits fast enough to stack anything. You need to attack in time for the half second might stack to allow your pet to attack. Maybe if surrounded and you use whirling defense, or barrage. Then you would be fine to stack em.

Pets are great, except they are not exactly reliable in the moving department. Since players tend to move around a lot more instead of pew pew or smashie smash. Making pets far more ideal in a pve environment in my final opinion. Great buffs and I am sure that if you wanted to be support, you could keep groups alive with some of the healing ones+compassion training. (which would work great with lick wounds or ‘search and rescue’ to bring someone back up.)

Avatar of Melandru and Grenth

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


I can’t quite figure out if the purpose of these avatars. Especially when you have rampage as one there.
Grenth is a pretty cruddy poison and chill for a few attacks before its gone. But then again. It kinda sucks. So if theres even a reason to use this elite skill over the others let me know.

Avatar of Melandru. I can see where it would be pretty useful. Kind of awesome if your against anything that likes to hinder your actions. But aside from that, Rampage as one also gives stability. On top of a large damage boost.

The only way I can see Grenth as useful would be if you had a lot of condition damage boosts and duration increases. Then use it in a crowd and then laugh with your minute poison ticks.
Could be a stacking damage boon as each time you deal damage or apply a condition, your damage increases. And if a target of your diseases is killed while the form is up, it stays up for longer.

And melandru could be improved by making you move considerably quicker Say 50% on top of other effects while active, and removes conditions from nearby allies. Or offers a chance at healing.

In a sense. These two could be our utilities for ourselves or group wide. Assuming they ever are brought to a level to ever consider.

How does Search and Rescue work?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Well it gets people who are totally dead back up. But i think its best in say a dungeon and someone dies. Since reviving cuts down in speed considerably in combat, it pretty much allows you to revive someone while keeping damage on the boss.

The other good thing is that drake pets kinda… Well their stance has their groin on your face. Would like a little licking animation for lick wounds instead of my drake laying on me like when he was light enough not to crush my chest in glee for a treat. Now he just has to hop up and I fall to my back and he gets the treat that flew out of my hand. With a smug smile on his scaled lips.

Lvl 80 dungeon/farm build?

in Ranger

Posted by: Hryssar.5029


Hey, I just went from level 75 gear with adventuring and explorer. So a bunch of magic find% buffs. But when I went to level 80 gear and I went for a knights set. I went into wilderness survival for extra toughness, marksman for extra power, and last 10 are free. I just stuck em in beast mastery since I love my pet munch munch.

I put in major runes of the soldier in my gear and a few gems I forget exactly of.

But one thing to look at was going to where active effects of signents also effect me. So being able to get stability and increased damage(it is like 50% about) some time of immunity to damage. Great if you need to heal a bit. And I also have quickening zepher. Feels more bursty if anything. But I did it the other night before taking off.

I took like 30% less damage about. Gotta test on things bigger. And I did do a bunch more damage as well. It is still in the works. But it isn’t pure damage and it isn’t pure tank. A nice hybrid.