Showing Posts For Hydra.9573:
So there is going to be a dragon mini? Where did you guys hear about this?
It would be cool if they expanded on the home instance as far as customization building a house, decorating ect. Dare I say it but I used to play RS a lot (my first mmo) and I really liked how we could build a home and add on to it with various bits of furniture and new types of rooms. I would really like to see something like that added to GW2. With the way its set up i’d say before the patch 99% didn’t even know we had a home instance as there was really nothing to do with it.
And yes before someone says it I know RS is RS and GW2 is GW2. Just saying though it would be cool
Well when I looked at the info for 500 points it never said 1% anything, just the 1 gold and 1 Laurel. Are you sure you are looking at the right chest?
ya im pretty sure. as u can see 1% magic find.
You’re looking at the second chest.
The first chest is 100 achievement points and will leave that “queue” of next chests once you obtain it. Look at my picture. Does that mean that my first chest was a 1000? No, I simply looted both the 100 and 500 chests so far.
Ya didn’t know there was a 100 chest thought it was every 500 thanks for the clarification much appreciated
ya seems we get two chests today. one however is called an achievement chest but its not listed in the panel the items I got were…
1 magic find boost
1 karma boost
1 exp boost
1 glory boost
1 crafting boost
copper harvesting sickle
copper axe
copper mining pickaxe
1 revive orb
1 10 slot bag
and 1 sip of liquid karma
still not sure how or why I got it but I’ll just go with it as I’m to afraid to ask lol
kitten sorry for the post then. looks like the confusion was with the achievement chest I got just for logging in. Got random boons, copper harvesting tools, 10 slot bag ect. After about an hour I was rewarded with the 500 point chest. I was confused because that one was not grayed out like the others before I was actually rewarded it. and I did read the patch notes thank u, granted I may have missed the part about being rewarded a random chest not listed in the achievement panel. Sorry
So today I logged in and was given my first achievement chest. From looking at the rewards listed it says I’m supposed to get a +1% Magic Find account bonus. However when I opened the chest I looked at the account bonuses listed on the right side of the achievement panel and noticed that magic find is still stuck at 0%. Am I understanding this wrong or is the MF supposed to read 1% now? Is anyone else having this issue?
I think u get 6 individual skins. I’ve yet to see a full conversion in this game
read this the other day, thread made me think about it.
“Aetherized Rewards
Your journeys through the Aetherblade Retreat will earn you a chance for items like rare salvageable materials or a new infinite tonic recipe in addition to guaranteed rare item rewards. Enduring the trials of the Not So Secret jumping puzzle will win you a set of exotic shoulderpads.”
Might be worth looking into if you like the rest of the armor
some of these weapons do look pretty cool, if so i might have to make a guardian so i can use that hammer.
Have not tried it yet but if its anything like MF i’m sure it will be great.
OMG, You people will find any excuse you can to kitten laugh Please just go away
Wont know for sure until next year.