Showing Posts For Hyperhypo.1249:

What is wrong with thieves in a nutshell

in Thief

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


people have stopped playing due to this class alone. game is done


in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


too bad all the Jade Quarry players got out of their prison camps and are playing until 9am PST capping everything in sight

Thief exploiting/abuse.....getting old and tiresome Anet....

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


you can not hold a point in stealth. I’ve tried it using cloak and dager to chain SteAlth on the enemy trying to cap it. I never once left point and it got claimed since new patch.

please carefully test

so many bads in this thread defending false statements before they know anything

in WvW

Thief exploiting/abuse.....getting old and tiresome Anet....

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


Class is fine. You can either counter everything you complained about or other classes have skills that allow them to achieve the same end result. Stop being bad.

He might be playing.

Here is a serious question, if you think perma stealth thieves killing players in 1 quick rotation of a couple skills is fine, or 1 player, again a perma stealth thief, can hold a large area capture point when 10 people are trying to cap is fine, then why has a large player base become thief? it’s because it’s OP.
Anyone caught defending thief in it’s current state should be reported for trolling.

Thief exploiting/abuse.....getting old and tiresome Anet....

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


Ok give us a video of a thief killing a heavy in 2 seconds. and it cant be like a low lvl heavy obviously. You want to make great claims then prove it.

“extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”- Carl Sagan

What if it’s not a heavy, you think it’s ok to be in perma stealth and just to 1 glass canons? I don’t think that’s very good pvps.
What happens if the glass canon does not get 1 shotted and survives the initial burst, he should win right? not in this game, the thief runs/teleports/stealths away. How is that even remotely balanced?

Thief exploiting/abuse.....getting old and tiresome Anet....

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


poor arguments for keeping thieves the way they are. Problem is, a high percentage of the community is playing this class now and will fight you tooth and nail to the bitter end defending it.

(edited by Hyperhypo.1249)

Small update

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


awesome, this is what I’ve been waiting to hear. At least acknowledging the problem is the 1st step

Arena Net, Honor me with a response.

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


I sent a feedback ticket about the current state of WvW and asked them to talk to the player base and they said please use the forums yet when I come here I have seen very similar posts and no response from Anet

I do like your Zombie Apocalypse content.

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


I’m from Stormbluff.
This SS was from 11pm pst Thursday 10-18-2012

One giant JQ zerg to the north, another to the east and another to the west

Most players I encountered were thief which makes for a great night.


Thief and Jade Quarry are OP

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


Getting really sick of facing nothing but perma stealth thieves and JQ zergs. Any communication from Anet on this one or do they fix this after we all bounce to a new game?

WvWvW has been a complete, total, comprehensive failure

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


I agree, WvW has been terrible. <3 this thread

To all of those jumping to Jade Quarry I ask, “wow, do you hate video games or something?”

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


“Hey everyone, lets head over to Jade Quarry’s server so we can dominate even more. "

Most annoying class to deal with in WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


Thieves, remove them from the game

Server transfers are hurting our server community (Jade Quarry - LONG)

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


Why can’t they just add peak hour points and a daily reset when peak hours hit?

great job guild wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


I’d rather not switch because I have friends on my server. I am wondering why servers aren’t capped. Also, I am wondering why people feel the need to join one server so they can dominate rather than compete for first place.

great job guild wars 2

in WvW

Posted by: Hyperhypo.1249


Why is everyone still able to transfer to Jade Quarry? See what happens? People that hate video games and don’t like to compete all go to one server where they can relax and join a mob of people to get things done.